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November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 1


November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…T. AL...d £YAA ..1 IiV t 1 iL' tYilt...i-li' a. ww L%-Xt-I N LA#1AA..J TT- 1~~rr-TwAM ~AT V ___TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1925 OFF TO 0 P RI SO0N I EXAs FOR OFFICERS T CIUE ST RAYxamntioit for appointen~t of fc d t of er an no -o is i ndofficers w ill be held at 9 o'clock Sat-I urday at the R. 0. T. C. headquarters. The examination will cover the train- ing of soldiers of the school of squad, j school of platoon, and the school of{ company.l...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…)Y TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24.Y1925 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRM Ii- Mount Etna Fuming With Rage Againj "Among the important early doc-l using the material furnished by the:}=IIIItIIIIIJIIII!IIIIII~iIIIlIIIIIl;~1 iJr gKK![4'li9 I ,. uments is the letter written by Colum- library. Using the Shelburne papers bson his return to Spain from his as a basis, Prof. Arthmur Lyon Cross E rg C ik n an cy ;.e~ frtvoyage in 1493." There is also also of t...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…4 1Ac1 r1-rocT THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AtTESDAY. XOVPVlRRR. 24- 1.4M TI-IFMTCI-TCAMy mil lC*~Sv J4~lt±SSrJSA 4'±,I ZILO. 3 article was a little weak on his facts, especially as regards the council's dis- ciplinary powers. He evidently does Publshed every morning except Monday not know that the only cases of stu- duringr the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, dent discipline that are referred to the - council ar...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVR t P1 BIT PHi WINS ATICLESCONTEST Four Houses Gain Honorable Men- Lion; Woofie Dogs Show Dis- tinction :n Close Race STRESS WORKMANSHIP Pi Beta Phi sorority was awarded first prize in the articles contest of the Women's league and Interchurch bazaarw for the workmanship demon- strated in the wooile dogs which they have contributed, for punctuality in turning them in, 100 per cent contri...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 6

…?AGID SYN k; THE MICHICIAN DAIT'Y TUTT h -)A V. T ' fl 'L 1,I S. Si- O ~VFMJ,,Lt. 04_ 1 99k-3~ T.. ... .I IF TC I A lA TV-.a.4a al..Y1. V2']3S4 V.II * S a1 j J-:l~ 1xiZ, lvv r' C 1r1LS.LiIt G t, 1 Ga x, s,.., UU= _ J t 1 , row i ----. .. "+, . ... ' I mm I bmililid" . -- , - , , , llmlp ,,. .. AF- r Y OST GIE AT ANNUL FOOTBAiL LBANQET Largest Number Of Grid Letters Int History Of Sport At Michigan; Former Record Was ...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

…'TUESDAY, NOVE]MBERt 24. 1925 I1 TIfF MICMLTGAN DAILY pAGI3 S3V? . ... . ..... ...,. 'FOR, I " 1: , , V i C"LASS I F'IE COLUMN 'GLOSCLOSL$ All P.M C DVERTISING AT 3 P.M. INOTICE Personal cardls shiould 1)be ordleredl now%. Good wXork requires time'. Print, in i and engraving a sp~ecially. La-test. and !finest seletion Otif~)0 0. D. lMIO RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The T1ypewvriter. & Stationery ztOre j IiTh 1 ' V. LOSS' LOST--Clarin...…

November 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 55) • Page Image 8

…'T TT'F.gnAV'_ Wf"1'GI±','l4fRPR. 94 . 111"%' THF MTrHTr.AM n,&TT.V, at a-.F My I 11tsrA h T V7't~iV /"111L L i u A V Nf ' ti' A If 4JPL , millV iVldSCitL G'k, l ]' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1925 Number 55 Nembers of the Administrative Bo...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 Iran ABF MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 29 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGikN, SATUIDAY 0(.,"r0.1 R 24, 1925 rIIN I3T- 11 icA ; S PRICE, FIVE CENTS 7 IIM IA I Ilrl A11MVNSEN TO TELL TRIA LS Of MONTHI iNfAfUTIC_ TONIGHT 1N()TEI'F; X'L(lERXWILL RELATE ]fiI ,tl0 R OF ATTrun1 M El) 11. dSl'FOIlPOLE OPENS FALL SERIES (Clolo),y Ilt'Head To Introdue Nan Who 1 &-J tAni 10115 WorlWaiting i'or Word Ofr Saf...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…PALM TxWc THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OC" 1'OM,'I'l. 24. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1 T!5 - ~request. He has been president of <,--.. ...r..a~e...I * Actin Presdenthis institution since 1899. Named At 0. S. U. ' - 1 Japanese women are claimed to be! COLUMBUS, '0., Oct. 23. - Prof. ;the sleepiest f 3l,':e spch' f ;- George W..Rightmire, of the law col-, human race. loge, has been appointed by the Board of Regents to fill t...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, OCTOT3T-,,T-, .24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUDAYOCTBER 4, 125PAGE TTIREM _ _ _ _ FIE RVE TUETS OUT I early Friday morning. The blaze was'GuheBa k ASt OF' ROOMS 1N EARLY MORNING put under control before it 'burned; uh 0a k W t through to the first floor, with but' d eisF o Fire, originating in the basement of. slight damag r esulting.' Phlp iea rooming house at 1.0 South Ingalls' -__2_ri_ street, drove 'the occupants forth Patro...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 , , 1 that of the good Samaritan, co-o aing with a troubled continent f Published every morning except Monday furtherance of the interestse during the University year by the Board in nations of that continent. Control of Student Publications. Why Europeans 3hould thin Members of Western Conference Editorial Looarno pact a "joke on the t Association. States," why they should think Th...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 24, 1925 THE , MTCHTG N DAILY , m SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 THE ~MICHIGAN DAILY t) . ............ 1111111- 11- 1111111 1 5 ........... IM VAVAM M M&WAIM WIT I i V :% '.S' L . , x . d ,'!. MAKE CHAN1GES IN HOCKEY SCHEDULE Second Round cf Tournament Begins Monday; W11 Be Played off By End of Week EX-CHAMPIONS TO MEET Yesterday afternoon saw the close of the first round in the intramural; hockey tournament. The sec...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…PACE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY,, OCTOO R 24, 1925, PACfl SIX SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 192~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Ago A_ ce EMg'" -_. , l .. i a /L. w... ....__ ceuuum uw k "- , ~a r orurrr .: ,.- ILLINOS TRACK TEAM Wizard LOSES STAAHALFMILERl -- -- 1 ,,, . , . _ 1 Passer CHAMPAIGN, Oct. 23.-University of Illinois lost a veteran track star1 today when Ernest Ponzer, who is re-j ceiving treatments at St. Luke's hos- pital,...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…SATURDAY, OCTOB IER24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y $2 0 Gr tijbasis, the only collateral security by loaning the principal and income!R a ngie r highway I Tp1$ DeCOLLOUTHI ByLoa Soiet asked is sound character, excluding! of its funds, while had this money; dtecEl Q a vO(o d g aer1 y q I the security required by lfe insur- been restricted to the use of the in- i lle t n anufact LeF r't e tC d auce or property endorsement. come at the rate of si...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY i 'SATURD)AY, OCTOBEft 24, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is coxtructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by hte Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (Q1:30 a. in. Saturdays). Volume T1 SATUURDlAY, O14"NlER 24, 192-) Nomber 29 DRIVE FOR TAX REDUCTION BEGINAS IN CONGRES' 1 1~ Automobiles for Inauguration-Day: Members of the faculties who will place ...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 9


October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 10

…AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1-25, ..r... r _,._. .r ... -o , ..... .., Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. that of the good Samaritan, co-operat- / ing with a troubled continent for the;(1 furtherance of the interests of the 1 ASTED ROLL Why Europeans .hould think the ANNOY Looarno pact a...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

…w SATURDAY,' OC TOBER 24,. 1 9 2 5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE -THRE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24,, 1925 PACE THREE -1 -1 11 -- I - --mmkibbAw" #F MM -ems & ) MAKE CHANGES IN HOUCKEYSCHEDULE; Second Round of Tournament Begins Monday; Will Be Played off By End of Week EX-CHAMPIONS TO MEET Yesterday afternoon saw the close of the first round in the intramural hockey tournament. The second round commences Monday and it is expected that all of it...…

October 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 29) • Page Image 12

…PAGE FOUR THE MTCHITGAN DATLY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 ___.._. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI SATURDAY, OtTOBEt 24, 19N> N)?lumber 29 Automobiles for Inauguration Day: Members of the faculties who will place their automobiles at the dis- posal of the Hospitali...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890.< C, r Itr 41w at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 3 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS CHERNG SEC TIN Hoover And New Testify Before President's Air Inquiry Board " (By the Associated Press) (Commercial aviation w is presente Washington, D. C., Sept. 23. - The today as an industry of i'proven mnerits president's air board completed today and the st...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…TWVO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, S1&PT1IM, U P FW NLEVS IConducts survey Geology Instructors Paddlea ENIEx1GFCUT'Six Hundred Miles In Canoe Sxhundred miles i a canoe was and finally crossing Georgian Bay in-i ~Ias t doResarc Wok fr Ei-the expelien ce this suzmner of Dr. L. Jto the St. Claire raver to St. Claire. son Company in dew 'York M. Gould aud Rl alph T E.. dn2a of the, the tripsta rte~il July 15, and a care- ______4geology depar...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…2A, 1 t.._,_ft_,_ HETMIHGAN- DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. ~ - m t.n - oto tin t .Ctoday aind ltwror~oxV. 1halealreadIy shigndAs~ii NV(1 ~CW~d.t. T o ,'n h ld fr; 430 tosaiat. t. 50C to $ 5 _____TSREOT -t2d '~m-1' i a!3t.'We o r'tad7:8 o8:,,0 o'clock in roolu ASex,. N!, NI'liOL , flU flkf.rP - h i a poitet ori ' Spt. 23.---l' w DOi U L[Ri~i F I t maY«;, +11 be Wade with . I jlte Utr(Rihi lei{ ;1'- S-LITY wlEvtaly ret isxy:ue aer-K~leili h, '2i,,f...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…'moft FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial, Association. The Associated Press is exdusively en- titlod to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…SEP IT'_I 'PER 24, 1925 THE MICHJGA:N DAILY SVPTFI WITh 24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ir ILVATAM MMFAvA&WM C==7 --- . - 1 p1 Y,.W, T[ EA ETURES' VARIED PROGRMM D~orothy Krauusc fi)(,airveIDance; IFahe- Off oil "01t of the IRitelien", to b1w OfferedI NEW WOMEN HONOREDj charlotte Iagc'a Stunts between each (lance will be featured at the Y. W. C. A. gel-togcth 1- er tea from ,3 to 5 o'clock this alter.- noon at Newber'ry hail.. Dorothy...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…1T six THE MICHIGAN DAILY. e. .n T ' .. A . .x . ' . a e .... M r : % , e r . .. . .. . . . . . . . . _ ' ^ '°-.. --'Yn : . .. ., . °v , .. ' .. 4 ' , y 4. ..w. , v. .. . _ iillAi"IfliP i) -\N re I I I MR -- ~N) __ Dojihbof a': , r al 1nst Twre Weeks; Team, Go ihougl 1irst Signal Iftill 49 PLATYERS REMAIN First indication- o, just wha. men are being closely watched by the Var-' sity football coaches 'was given yes- tertlay a...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 7

…' EM~I3ER 241, 1 D25 THE MICHIGAN DAILYPGEI .l Ir'EN :, - _P. . ._..__...._....._ __.. __..-_w . , .. . ,_ . .r . ., .. ..r....o..: __ z - K,.,... LAsSSIF IE I u LOS@S ADVERTISING flAt 8 P.M. FOR SALEI FOR SALE FOUNTAIN PENS Rider's IMVasterpen. 230 drops ink ca- pacity are selling fast. Have you got yours? RIDER'S PEN SHOP, 302 State St. ges Peace Pact I "^____________________Why_____ TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE Why not buy a typewriter...…

September 24, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 3) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT ""-- THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN P~ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ofl the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). New . S EnoY- 1IUSN FOR Terrace Gardeni Dauctug Studio rnDal,1 a.m to 0 I I rnr 11RN RIn i n r T OenDily 0 t . t 1;W t ."1,"{1' t" "!f'1 :! " 'S'":? "': ::"?""": i'"::'"i?:1 :1. i'": * {J.1Ii : -. ..:""r.i...…

July 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…0, 4 p #'ummrr -E WEATHER UR AND WARMER TODAY l3J~fri1a 4:D at I ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY ANlD NIGHT WIRE SERVICE No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS _.. ROFESS\R801 ONLPRECENT TRIP ,TURE WILL SHOW CHARACTER OF WORK DONE DURING PAST WINTER EXCAVATED TOWN I Ptolemaic Town Was Dug Up In Order To Throw Light Upon Early History "The University of Michigan's Arch- .ogical Work in Egypt, 1924-1925," the -subject...…

July 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…PC) THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, J1 a >t uutnmer OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the oard in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered ...…

July 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY T he -P . Campus UredO p quest n: What is your opin- of the Ann Arbor auto resic-e pre .asked: Near the restrictedi tcts.. e~n'iyrs:> R. H. Newcomer, lit-t q student: "It seems to me that ing as the University has not ab-z ely prohibited . the, students the of cars, the city regulationsc Id appreciate their demands inI lity to the inhabitants of the city. sin laws regulating parkIng, t i, and stop streets are necessa...…

July 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY Ace Of Rum Foe Forces Returns To Fray English Salesman, Prince Of Wales, Visits South America I-polo. Teams from that 4 London, July 23.--What the future travel programs of the Prince of Wales will be after his forthcoming visit to South America is a popular topic for speculation. When he bids farewell to the American continent south of the equator he will have completed his rounds of all the con- tinents of the...…

June 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…,I I tt ~Iat SOCI./ X D Y AND NIGHT SERICE z .. Q ;:': - - o. -? ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1925 PRICH FIVE . C'. 1 %.0 HAM FOR WEEK IDES LECTURES ERT AND TOUR-1 As King's e. Camp Davis Starts Season With Enrollment Of Over Fifty Camp Davis, the University camp Among recent improvements at the for civil engineers opened last week camp are included a comylete kitchen with an enrollment of over 50 stu- outfit inc...…

June 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…WSPAPER OF THE OF MICHIGAN 1 R SESSION morning xceit Monday, city Summer Session by trol of Student Publica- interest in archaeological lore is con- it is the state universities of the mid-I cerned, to any of the older Eastern dle west and the west that have been universities, who claim almost a mon- the leaders in finding room for the opoly on cultural interests. women. This University is as cultural in every way, with the possible excep- ti...…

June 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…D-TO RENT jTY GOLF CLUB ier'- membership only $15.00- n for girls at 905 Church 38. NT- Rooms- Best in A one block from campus. 4 mly-for men or women gra ,udents. Piano, private bat ousekeeping privileges if d reasonable. Phone 22151 T Laundring wanted. Pho furnished suite and doub $2.50 each. Also one lar room, $2.00 each. Two bloc he Union, 555 S. Divisio of Packard. [S in private home. C. ESIRABLE apartment f four. Cheap rate. Inqui ...…

June 24, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…OFFICIAL BULLETIN lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session 1 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). me V WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1925 Number 185 | egents Action: The attention of all concerned is called to the following actlion taken y the Regents at the annual meeting of the Board, June 12. Resolved, That Professor Edmund E. Day, Dean of the School of Bus- ness...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…DEDICATED TO JUSTICE it i4an i~IaiIP h Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 175 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT'S - - "NORHWETER j5Political Machines Threaten NVLOFCAS Coig on WLEiENN ToStorm Mock ElectionPol Recovers FromnW[[I[N iI After a day filed with caucuses, erate politicians intend running in - ILLI OIS 101 ~I N RE ampaign meetings and lectioneer- aM I large freshman vote to c...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGETWO HE ICHIAN DILYSUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 ... BOYS, RISE[FND FOR STARR SCHOOL[ F'riendtlesit ,sis and l eJaendnt (ic 'omue "at' 4arir 4 OilI t1 call 11 Near 1t '"Dl HOLD ANNUAtL TAG DAY Twenty-five boy; from the Starr Commonwealth tt./lbiou caniivassed Ann Arbor yesterday for funids to continue the work of their school. This *was their ,annual tag-day ini Ann Arbor, and they were assisted 1)y a number of loca...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 TH-I MICHIGAN DAILY / ~ -GOVERN ENIT ASKScPOPrmyotiUonL ELM FO C LLEGEWr__ __ SUFEA TE To Frk n SuthAmeic n onfinedri n ly to, t 110 West \v ill be Eleclti4,11 BO~i1iN t ir ^ :: ;.- ....."":::.: .: i'.:::. br'oadeneI l I'1ie bu au of kC'l1iiY~ - -..,:,.,,:::"::.:":::. :,a ":.v.":.:.:.:::.:.";- ;;:::jQ lon of the I )ep t (l E2# t I1t 1 i.e'o' MUST SPEAK SPA NISHI !....,..: ....r to include the neglected anid tinl2y 1 v...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…PAGEJ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 i I = Published every morning except Monday during the University year ,by the Board in Control of Student Publication.. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwse credited in this paper and the local news pub- Gished therein. Nntered .lt the po...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 9TTT-InA'Y_ VA'V 24_ 1425 OVIh.N"AV lAAV' 1A iae' aTa-IFavian.- aCviAN DAILY T K .......... Orun VA JWA IBM ........... LEAGUE TO START FALL WORK EARLY _.. .- -- i' Colored Skirt. . Frill Innovation .1 UIR7N IAflRK BFFFAS Last Week In School Year Committee Chairmen Named by League President to Carry Out Directions 'i New PLAN PRIVATE OFFICE At a meeting of the Board of Di-1 iectors of the Women's leagu...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

…PAGOVSIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 W4 A RIP- I PO IIIMY'Y..wi + !1 - T w y NVarsity Golf Team Defeats Detroit City College 24-0 L Michigan's Varsity golf team his cohort Glover also played super- crashed through, today with an over- ior golf. (Continued from Page One) whelrning victory defeating the Col The victory of Professor True- The rest of the team point scores Iblood's men not only lives up to are 'as 'fo...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 7

…4 SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA() SVrN ______________ -~ -- rOLUM L ASIICLUMN CLOSE$ CLOSES, AT 3 P.M. ADVERTSINGT 3 P.M L()ST1 LOST-Between Hill auditorium and Ferry field, pocket book and key container. Return to Irene Hayner, 708 Arch St. or Uniersity High; School. LOST-Somewhere on Palmer Field, I Perfect Records, 50c FOR SALE XOTICE (Coutinued) on Lantern Night, a black1 FOonditionoEXQiIAlITEndition, ,notebook an...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 8

…PlAQctim TORT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' SUNDAY, MAY 24,1 I2~ ,,...._.. ,.._.. ,.,,,... ..., .... ......s DAIL.QFFCIALBULLETI'N Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received bN the Assittant to th. o O"dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a.,nm. Saturday k Volume A SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 'Numbler 17.4 t jo Meilemhers cif the VIiiversify of MicIii The U'nit. will assembllle at. Band] 1I1 noon in unifo...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 9

…I Feature Section <Y 01kw ~~aii4 Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 175 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 EIGHT PAGES THE UNIVERSITY AT WORK IN SUMMER Details Of The University Of Michigan's Summer ing Date of Session Draws Near. Summer School Here J.- Session a Plans For The Various Departments Outlined As Open- Steady Increases In Enrollment Has Marked History Of The Summer Daily Plays Important Part Ti? s "t By Th...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN. DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 Planning For LAn Unusual lumni 'L~Reunion Ai.So m6 w tr-, Aecoe oi Yan of the p The 1925 Corn peement: Details And Data''elWt rmnn MyFsia ~it~ coch a studied i By Thomias 11. Henry, ,Junior halfback; and Arthur E. Redner, '04E, tile, N. Y., Histology laboratory, Medi- May Festival audiences in their vigilence, he would never go to thej in the metropolitan papers the morn-wrgf Four days of al...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVE~N .. ,,,; , .: . . . ; F y a= .. F.j ' ; @ '. 3 -. ; d s> : : Y: { :s: k ,. t n Y that all the volumes in the WHillam sought refuge in de library from a -- --' , 'h W hy an W h ref'he rescli W iliam L .L_ Clements Library are important raistorm and sat down lin thiehair T e h s n W erforsctTh ila i .books. It is a; familiar fact that all inadecigwtrnoa.AlWihTeCdoRp ibooks are rare in their...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 12

…WELVI THE MICHIGAN DAILY .SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 An An( The value of t colleges and uni history and pie serves to remind continuity and di recalls the honor lish universityn Gown is utilitaria the differences a and degrees of wx In 1893 therea sity Magazine" a and Gown in An was responsible the Intercollegi 1895 at Albany, N utes passed by t tacitly accepted; tem of scholarly Distinctions in; quite simple: ba doctor's beingt types. The ...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 13

…PAGE THIRTEEN .. TiNflAY MAY 24.195 TTI MiCHICAN DAILY 4,1. 'k L "ir tt Jusic and Drama- -a a l The Theatre In Ferment In Which Prof. Oscar J. Campbell On The Modern English St .. .( ih a sense naturalistic. They reveal Iher betrothed, is on the verge of dis- man as the victim of social meterniin-E covering his long-lost identity. Mang- ism, a creature with only. illusory ham is sardonic and bitter in his England power5 of free...…

May 24, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 175) • Page Image 14

…PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1925 I -- !! qit ' __+ 7 .= University Women -A- With The Approach of Commencement Women Cast About For Their Place In Economic Life ing the occupations that women fillj ad the requirements for the occupa- tions. A woman is director of iidus- trial studies and has charge of a large nlumber of research workers who4 st udy indlustr ial relations throughout the United States. Another...…

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