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November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 1


November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f. '' NIVRSTY OF MICHIGAHE hd every morning except Monday the tuiversty year by the Board in of Student Publications. SR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS associated Press is exclusively entitled ase for republication of all news dis- credited to it or not otherwise credited aper and also the local news pub- d at the postoffce at Ann Arbor, i, as beood class matter. iptions by carrier or mai, $3.50. s: AnsneArbor Press Building. m:...…

November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3... i /' -,( ^. s'ue'"". . r -.,,4 ' 'l.. . , r ,.,,, rzz..- _ - - _ " ; - .,::,_ LINE-UP 1 e YOSTMEN WIN TENTH ViCTORY OVER M A. C (Continued from page one) Alumni Present Hundreds of alumnae of the school were present at the game, and with one accord, they pronounced Coach Yost's 1918 team one of the best that they have ever seen. The Aggies, despite their defeat, put up a strong game. Graves, reputed to be on...…

November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .._ ,.:_r.,...... W BOOKS gAWAY WOMAN"-by Louise . Published by Charles Scrib- Sons, New York. pointment, to say the least, is ression left upon the reader toes had been pitched at the ig for a more pleasing reac- er reading "A Runaway Wo- Louise Dodge's latest novel. nation, which begins abruptly that reason startles one into perusal of the novel when the to lable it "trash" first comes, 1 and in one sense unusual, Susa...…

November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 5

…'A DOWNDITIONL SPORTS Gauthier Says Isl btaa FARM EXHIBITS OF THE PRODUCTS DRAW CROWDS 'he Armory, was crowded again terdgy on the last day of the Farm- Red Cross fair. With six grang- md six farmers' clubs, all display- their bumper crops for the sea- there was fair rivalry for the e ribbon prizes 'which were do- ed by the business men of Ann Ar- and awarded last night. There i about $3,000, worth of produce at festival which was sold ...…

November 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 47) • Page Image 6

…i 1 1L.j £V5ll.v£ 11\.W'1J.'t JH1A. I , E SOON ued from Page One) e sent, making it a slow ssemble the data. 00 Yanks Captured er of Americans taken the Germans, little more s strikingly low in view Marsh's announcement "in 'round numbers," of ans have been captured icans. The fact that the mies had been moving tinuously since they en- ttle doubtless accounted 'ence. missing probably will s who have been captur- whose bodies probably e found...…

October 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…I I6PF1MW TODAY ttl ASSOCIATIED PRESS DAY Y ND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE _. , ?"J 9d- 'AN U. GU. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY OCTOBER 24 1 18 n IMTn T1 MTTTl V, N ______+____________ ---,-----,v--,------..- ", -.-',..-',.r±(iUJ±L Tkik1ii1ii PRICE THRE A t ..t ITY GHIDIRUN EDULE WRECKED FROM STATE BOARD USES GAME TO BE CAVN- CELLED R D CALLS OFF RTHWESTERN GAME ase on Board, the Decline, Yet State Prohibits Publie Meetings STIUDEN...…

October 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…(fik j, i1 OFPICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Published every morning except Monday d4irng the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. DEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS T Associated Press is exclusively entitled tlzte use for republication of all news ds- katehe~s.credited to it or not otherwise credited ' this. paper and also the local news pub- ,lis herein. : tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michig...…

October 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

… ]USATIONS FALSE uU5IUA ELECT AYS OF Tad lng in the service of Weimen, captain elect rarsity football squad y, finds time to win if, in the gridiron big full back captain of the 'ines is now in training at Dick, Texas, preparatory to re- a commission as a pilot in the n corps. Between reveille and he former Michigan star finds of time to make himself one big factors in the camp eleven. Figures In Big Game i an account of the game play- h...…

October 24, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…ENT S OF ENLISTED MEN '0 THEIR RESPECTIVE IEADQUARTERS sences have been altogether nit this year, according to he instructors on the cam- don't know whether they cutting, or whether they kept out by the S. A. T. C., are sick; I have not seef they are not coming to tated Prof. Henry C. An- the department of mechani- ering, yesterday. Prof. H. of the department of civil , stated that more men g to classes every day and ttendance seema to be in-...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…LRE I pif(w ± Afr 3A t Ar DAY AND NIGHT 11 SERTICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918. PRICE T T 5 QUOTA*i BSCRIBEO1 SOLICITING xI'0\S EX- YNS O()I IVE LOYAL CAMPAIGN HI of Many Interesting lences on Volunteer Days r oversubscribed her Red of $13,000 last night aft- of "voluntary" contribu- g to the great amount of tail work connected with m of the contributions, the unt subscribed could not The treasurer of the cam- ed, h...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…xclusively entitled iof all news dis- ,t otherwise credit- othe local news he University of ymorning except ty year. at Ann Arbor as 2414. o words. e general library where d at 7:30 o'clock each ications will receive no uscript will be returned postage for that pur- .Managing Editor .Business Manager r. .Sports Editor .. ..Telegraph E ditor ....Women's Editor .....Literary Editor . Publication Manager .Circulation Manager Valter R. Atlas :a...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILVEINES Off IN 3-SAME TRIP cli Lindgren Takes Squad of to Meet Chicago, Iowa, and Illinois 14 UZICA DUE TO PERFORM AGAINST MAROONS SATURDAY atpain Glenn Hopes to Be Able to Pitch Again on Monday Michigan's baseball squad, 14 rong, embarks this afternoon on the ist lap of the journey toward the hampionship banner of the Western onference. Tomorrow afternoon, just before ie Wolverine track team meets the :aroon runners, C...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…ThE IvJCHIGAN DAILY _-_ ..... e f -- ---------- AVE the PIECE- Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground I# our own shop, same day. Try our Service. Eyes Examined. A L L E FULLER State Street Jewelers MIUTARY NEWS Lieut. Losey J. Williams, P. S., re- tired, will leave Ann Arbor this morn- ing for Northwesternhuniversity where he will take the chair as pro- fessor of military science and tac- tics. Cadets in the R. O. T. C. next fall can obtain t...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 5

…MICHIGAN DAILY 11 SERMAN SHELLS FAIL TO REAKU( SOCCER 6AME If you want Campaign Hat of distinctive quality Buy a Stetson adhams & Co. State Street Store -1 i ,:1 ; ,; ,i , , ,Ii II; iP I , ;, _, , # ; SUITS CLEANED TO SITT When we return your clothes dry cleaned we want you to examine them critically. If they are satisfactory kindly do us a good turn with your friends. If by any chance they should not be entircly satisfactory send ...…

May 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY )U'RE NOT READY B FOR SUMMER amps Ru have ordered that light weight jit. A summer suit made by Mal- :ombination of style, comfort, and Style is possible for the reason that cut and made to your individual Comfort is there because the mat- he sheerest fabric,and economy,be- mier suit costs little in the begin- if hand tailored by Malcolm will always look well-We are showing of serge and flannel trousers. M k.LCOLM MALCOL...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… at PRES DAY AND NIG SERVJ( ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1918. . "111 m l im 1i m 1a m 111 11m n m 11111111m 1m 11 11m111111a m1 li11ml111 1 a m n,, , e NU PLOTTER SHOOTS FELLOW DURING TRIAL l' of the have were RAM CHANDRA, REVOLUTIONIST, IS KILLED BY RAM SINGH WHO DIES IN TURN San Francisco, April.-A sensational climax to the trial of 32 persons charged with conspiring to foment re- volution in India was furnished to- day...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…I 11 EU' I omen - U I L I early birds, apple before 1: YOUR THINKING TERM It is time for all p'ersons to consider' themselves of importance in the world of affairs. No matter how infinitesi- mal the service which you are able to render, it will contribute to the sum total which is necessary for the salva- tion of civilization. Every atom of service to the common good which is withheld when it could be given de- creases to that extent...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…UL -- a 4%9At Disadvantage --New York, April 23.-A most unus- IZES f BROAD ual and interesting situation will arise ND HURD- in connection with the proposed Wil- LES lard-Fulton bout, if it is staged in the state of Minnesota, as at present ap- pt most of the track -pears likely. According to the tenta- ag out yesterday, tive terms of agreement the title hold- tng up for practice. er and his towering challenger are to aid last night that meet...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…ST. LOUIS w/ - I iw 177- 179-1t81 WOOOWARD AVE ared Event for Ann Arbor Wo- of the "May Festival" Which Begins Shortly q1 lning, Dinner and Afternoon Gowns Reduced " _.. REVEALING a truly superb display of Nancy in all the glowing tones of Spring and beauty-luxuriously delightful in every design, richness of materials and modish indil -a most comprehensive collection of the fashions developed this season. -. - ALL special...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…t, .A. diLUIHLIHI IlUl II IHLA By CAMPUSPROrSSORS BOTH NAVAL AN ARCHITECTURE AND MAtINE ENGINEERING ARE NEW FIELDS MILITARY NEWS -Order your, at once rl & Co (By Ptof 11. C. Sadler) Until the outbreak of the war, the shipbuilding industry of the United States, although important, was neve- theless one of the smaller one when compared with our engineering field. For years, the necessity of an ade- quate mercantile marine, as well as a ...…

April 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

… C TODAY 3 o'clock-Dean J. R. Effinger lec- S tures to Cercle Francais in Tappan hall. WHE I BAKER - s oversubscribed all quotas. s already sent more han has been reques- e now being taken to Kt contingent to be Arbor has gone " over the top" uota for the Red Cross. Arbor has complied to every nent request for the support war, and has never yet failed e up to its quota, but there is .e great thing that Ann Arbor >," officials say. ravagan...…

March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 1


March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

… HOLY WEEK' Gymnasium -Team-work and Immortality. dress by Rev. R. S. Loring., -The Irreligion in Religion. Ad- ass by Prof. Leroy Waterman, be- e the Student Society. The pub- is invited. UNIVERSITY LENTEN LECTURES Conducted this week by REV. CYRIL HARRIS SHIRT SHOES Consisting of PANTS SUPPORTER TIONAL CHURCH 10:30 A. M. LLOYD C. DOUGLAS I BIBLE CHAIRHOUSE 444 So. State Street 12:40 to Io'clock We invite all Michigan men and women ...…

March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…e over the annals of etic career fills one we read over the un- ngs our husky grid- and out back in the '02, then turn to the es George Sisler and wont' to reap at the r opponents, we sit chair, and say, "Well,1 had some wonderful I as any of them." we understand why ad them instead of her schools? Naw- e freshmen then - tood-just happened. dn't understand. e-ve been hanging aple of years, attend- ally - when there's 'ver at the gym or field, ...…

March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…11 MER 11I Vul ters was hing that STUDENTS WANTED FOR SERVICE' all day IN AGRICULTURE AND -,lAr ,nrSHIPBUILDING * ace for itself on the campus. * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in *+ "Keep Her Smiling," at the Gar- * * * * e completely hidden by n's and children's gar- y sort. The space under was also filled, and a tained in one corner last the workers had been rick. Students of the University who wis...…

March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 5

…t ILI Caps _' 4-fings C r _. _'O . MAIN STREET WASHINGTON rRF .DE ........... I Ii lC GULKMENTUHIBINATES TWO NEW DECORATIONS BADGES GRADE LOWER THAN CON4,RESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR ,ashington, March 23-Pressure of public sentiment is believed to have had much to do with the decision of the war department, to supplement the congressional medal of honor with two new decorations for those dis- tinguishing themselves in the war The new de...…

March 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 124) • Page Image 6

…I bLL5 Ut MAO JuunnUI ln S FUTURE EVIL WHAT'S GOING ONj TODAY GERMANS SHELL PARIS 1 2 MILES OI5TANT Individualit fabrics and Trimmings en )d based on present market costs. ns and Trimmings Association. id trade by buying early. We now f blues and blacks, as well as many twere bought before the heavy ad- SCome in and look them over. z of cash. VIXLCOLM ET; MALCOLM BLOCK U cy" or are you next is "2" served ,per Modeled on simplic...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…Ian a 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1918. PROMISED OUR GRISIS onises Ann Arbor Mill- y to Distribute Sup. This Week ALLIA1NCE WORKED AGAINST 1WISON Toledo Lawyer Pictures Propaganda Operations of Gernan-Amneri- can Alliance 1. ig Con as his ?NEARLY 200 BARRELS WILL BILL WILL REVOKE of the BE AVAILABLE; MORE COMING CHARTER OF PARTY il be given at regular eek or 10 days, and, .nected, will refer to I subject. The object is...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…~iii , by Lloyd as. TARDS" y Prof. E. State and Huron Streets 10:30-The Open Door in Religion., Address by Rev. R. S. Loring. 6:30-Psychological Tests as Applied; in the Army. Address by Prof. J. SECOND SEMESTER And STUDENTS For All De: MIS- F. Shepard before the Student ciety. The public is invited. So- ilITl TO SING ON STUDENTS TO HIS AFTERNOON TO [ON .L AIRS - wn to ARIN NNT for 'Croup ons for Con- of Asafoetida, Away. e Sore ...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…'preme I SOPHOMORES WIN CLASS TRACK MEET Amherst Seniors have unanimously Williams college is now in the midst Rumor about ( voted to abandon the annual senior of an enforced vacation due to the exceptionally la hop this year, showing their willing- failure of the water supply, and to dents are to be d ness to have no unnecessary social make up this lost time, the usual as a result of functions. sLpring vacation will be omitted. I during the...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

… BEGINSi CAMPAIGN popularity by the way in wlich he "The Mimic World." The "Cleoi handles a difficult situation. picture will be shown at a later "Cleopatra," the Theda Bara pic- Harvard University will not p ture announced for March 4, 5, and 6, its senior annual, the Red Boo will not be shown on those dates but two years in accordance with cc will be replaced by the musical show, vation movements. HOUSES SUGGESTED S. C. HAMILTON, NITARIAN ...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 5

…1: lu 1 9ANN 1 COLLEGE S REPRESENTED ,BY MEN IN BIG POSITIONS STREET INGTON eless case hanging in 1, don't tworry, let us >ress it for you-it is wear yet, and think of Bring it in or let us call EA ~~"~~I Michigan's faculty are responding to the call for military service with the traditional Michigan enthusiasm. Professors and instructors from ev- ery department have volunteered their services, and many are now holding responsible mil...…

February 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

…1L lVdl Vl &S ~ RING COMES NATURAgL T AMERICANSTUDENTS gs FOREIGN BY n. You should v and give us a before the BIG. TEACHERS STARTLED APTITUDE THEY SHOW GOLM MALCOLM BLOCK I ] PINS IN COLORS One, Two or Three Stars. ing Silver and Solid Gold. Dallas, Tex., Feb. 23.-The Ameri- can youth has a natural aptitude for flying. It was revealed and is being developed in seven aviation training stations in Texas and, during the win- ter, fly...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…r Sir i xau &d1~lll A - 1ii[ DAY A D NIG SEE VIC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IHURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1918. PRI( t I UUL IN ES OF Citizens CutAnd Haul Firewood Prominent citizens of Ann Arbor are to carry out a regular woodcutting enterprise in going out each week to a tract of woods which was laid low recently by a cyclone, and bringing the wood to the city in an effort to relieve in part the local fuel situa- tion. It is estimated that there ...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…1 \ L/L-11L L downtown buy Daily Orange. ess firms.-Syracuse , Michigan alumni of a play in which they might well be proud. And the women, for the most part, is. have responded splendidly. The num- w ber and calibre of the first group of try-outs were of such a nature that of Mr. A. L. Weeks, author of the book, ept expressed his heartiest approval. as There are, however, some women who feel that it would be casting offd an assumed dignity ...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…PE LAY RACES- L WON LOST PCT. o ......2.......0......1.000 w tern1.......0......1.000 westerni1......0......1.000 ........1.......0......1.000 nsin ...3.......1...... .750 s ......2.......1...... .667 sota ..1.......1...... 6.500 e ......0.......1...... .000 ;an .. ..0.......3...... .000 ........0.......4...... .000 * * * * * * * * * * * *' s * * * * * * * ns il Team point was 2's basket- rnoon in game re- for the hiough at the score -...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…* * IL TOUCHES T * * * * * TODAY "Oh, Boy,",at the Garrick, week * of Jan. 28. * _______ Anna Held in "Follow Me," at' the Whitney, Tuesday, Jan. 29. TODAY lam Duncan and in "The Tender- " " t * Wuerth-Pauline Stark in "Un- 1 til They Get ,Me." Also Comedy, * "A Birthday Number." * Arcade-Mae Marsh in "The Cin- * 1erella Man." Also Christie Com- * edy. "Green Eyes and Bullets." ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION PLAY WILL BE PRESENTED FRI- DAY ...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

…clothes play. The recruit soon must look a soldier-trim, smart, .e. If you would attain success--yopu Bloch . or a ern Suit rtisements for the a comer. man who wants to :hmitt, Apfel Co. - UI For the Ladies electric curling iron is the leader, even if e is not going to be any "J-Hop" this year. ne in and let us show you. For the Men The shaving water heater is very handy; it can be operated from any lamp socket. We are prepared to...…

January 24, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…i i a. . -- MEN ENTERING RESERVE CORPS MUST BE OF AGE SHOE tion 4 LAST STUDENTS AND OF ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE ELIGIBLE Ia Large Shipment Just Arrived All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil Tanage Price $7.00 Walk-Over BOOT SHOP 115 S. MAIN ST. 1st Floor Annex | Students of the Colleges of Engin-, eering and Architecture, and of the Chemistry department who are 21 years of age, are eligible to apply for' enlistment in the Engineer R...…

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