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January 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN A MUO R, Al('/liI."ATURDANY, JA.\ UNIY21. tisidN.v r x> ' max,. c . si INrER-DEPARI MENT DEBATE Eiiginepring convention Tonight to Cfuose Team to Go svviii iOfi his tlhcui~ttsi ini t* i Against WisGcosin in March- lii 5 (1151 i Prd rrtrnl'"" lii i Jt rviulil fiviiii ilatti rt >kii, wherelii' Niv iv Sketeke-' of the Competitors I5e laiil ' li sii.te a1111i clii li vii IrlI tllM c~rtsi lt iciiii C 11;I lii li a" lIIr'...…

January 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…Af Dr. we, Dwig11,111 AN 'iss it li t) N- ! lIt : i i i .h Sthis itit e t.. --I ittti liigt i H iltis Ali nsNAnoSoilv T Iit 11ei flnl~~l, I't Davi ilt ilP it ih ...... 320 terotescul(-tet. (I- tret git tf htc T I" t ) 1!(1 2!' K i i - , i" tlitlilt-It 10 Ch qu--t 1C ' ' ". , a r-t at lk ta in i In, w j. f 11 Ai 1111 t ii I I E ( . . t t ; '1 I i (I . I t It iii lloo it and i1i-- lit't'I "rI1l-'ig t"in4- hs r- i I'lt-le o . liiih nS. Mii '...…

January 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…t } NI H i JAI\ 1A It I.Nt N ,. S, ,; ;. y .,. f / ; ,, 1 ' ti.; ~ .. .. ' .. ; r .. .... L \ .. .... , 44 If you want to knowT hi sw F~sI what smrtly dresses ron vill( x a this soa- I r ( tk : .Ir soil ak to sce AI!COLO1i0 0 4 s a. Irs-pTry1v YU YOUR A TTE NTION :5 V I)(''°, tt! ' 'IS ,.~: K W 8 it l .. i i ' ', : ..d __.r LJ..e \ ' 1 } .. ._.. ' 0 i " .. _, n 4 0.o' a fir., :. .. . . ...% & / jiVti -LAI I .. "F J. i 1 S. .1 1 I". .~ ONL Ag 8...…

January 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…SeiurWndw efrMByn ~URI~f1 SHOE 0., IIIS.gMfiN S~t We sell Blicken sderfer Typewriters .!His PH RMA :Y. ItfK fITSCILDII, . ARISTICFe 1 ff111 O HAPt I'lff1 lt. cAMING Estimates cheerfully giv- AT IIENTrSCUJK'S. ,(en for framing all kinds ('or. Main anod Huon nits. I AMUSEMENT'S 0 INI': 1 Ti, oT 1oN hono 501)38. 3 rings. Notice, Organizations I 1of Pictures and all work promptly executed in the hest manner at DeERIES A . ~' ~ flkI W. :.BIN D . .,...…

February 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…Till U.OF N. DAILY. Tv OL. X111. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1903 No. 105 JOHN WESLEY MILL The Lack of Support ANNUAL ADDRESS Delivered an Excellent Address on lispeddiby the Univesity of lemnsyl- S. L. A's Frty-Fifth Anniversary- Washington to a Large and vall siiili'tis. Ims1bee1"riclnged1 from Prof. Willett on "The Sacred InterestedAudience a daily to a ltive-day airir" with n..rsetOhe oe Interested Audience (11011 siturday iss...…

February 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…t Spring A nnounceinent. The bretatnd9 1(most coniplete litneof W O Eolfat G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 E. Wasbington fit. Great pains bave been taken in tbe selection of all suit- ings, trouserings & over- coatings for this season. Go HUWILD co. 108 E. Wash. St. College Text Books for all Departments New and Second Hard The best $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. TILE UNIVERSITY OF :MICHIGAN DAIL...…

February 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed ?: e men wilt wear this sea - - son ask to see a L ,:xv C'4Ste 'in=i T his is worth YOUR ATTENTInON B CTiO OGY, BIOLO0GY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOG7Y Wem5 e'eii 'i ~ I -vti alF j Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIANa D~oe's not ionfIist ins ainga dollar or so upIonS the original pnrclhase, but in sccur- That's the place where you ing lasting satisfaction at a fair...…

February 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…fiIE ll 1' I'. II ' 1 '1 01 MI( 1111.1's DAILY. ~I ri~N LEFOR ALL D)RESS OCCASIONS Our Styles are EclsvI See Our Windows Before Buying PURIANgflO[ 600.,1IH&oMUN giEl" -RIONTSCHLOR. We sell ARTISTIC FRL PHOTOGRAPHER. ain and Huron Sts. Phone 389, 3 AMING AT RENTSCII ER'S. rinigs. i AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR it );rrtc I';l lt i ' lers l ' were i 'I' 1n(I . lU'S. 21 S ini n .;\-(hlt (Icr~" c(rr1: rr 11c 1 ((irc t(, tl(>I Ic ,h v II. l1 2 1 lP of. W lli...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III. ANN AII3OR1, MICH., TUESDAY, MAI C1t 24, 1903 No. 129 SOPHOMORES WON Good Practice Yesterday j THEODORE STORM" It Still Goes On Theipratice yselcoly 0as cntiliii'I 01on e11 th latst i-tims totle, air- A Brilliantly Played Basket Ball to* itiditit tiotk 00101h irt 115 15 ii'A Met Itereting Lecture on the soial iva i1lyai loodis 1)u riest, prn ia tn" of , l erni oi11o1. oi':tir ofi theifresholit l as1s5). Itoe 0011 Game Yesterday Betwe...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…TIlE UNIVERSNITY OF 'MICHLIGAN DAILY. THE U. OP MZ. DAILY ?10Entetidtaslttiot 10 i -c'lfE 1. 11111. 01 it n n '0)2. Publiiise IUSir 'on daESS cpe!)cni A IA tttoti'o Vl A 111 A t e1'l e of* tBUSINESSoti U. tFRt at13 1. Visi& oo 15 R O-WOE 3. II TS'oo.I,£titi'0r 'Or ings, trK.ti3eriogo &,o er- Ass O ~ igtnmpe 't ioe .of' c otitttg for his ttttJ1+,'tt t, 2.0 ' r t t Cr/.t too y. No Y Mark the Dttot ther' to tire i. ar ,or E. W shiigtol 15. Gry 5t...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…f> THE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN DAILY. If you wan ooknow V I hat s~artlyo d iesseg r Tus.! ai e1-this' 12 . & ONeaFRTIK AI EbERsk. ee_.caCH _NLFACTU __________ __________MinSt3nd34 . taeS. PALACEAND PRISIA pett! LjN-ti-t.leKsStt'k, ivitli sev ie u fitijoihi a ol a 1 f INetUFm AC it helleSt Phone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 65.OfcS0.anrdS.l '-l al~in ta 34 .tilalt-S lt plee Lisro Clam ,i, KNIsci~ o~lr&Wtot CHEROCLAES getls a ci pla el e rs t e ro gets lteo...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…Tyr: UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAtN DAILY. Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $350 " ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SH1APES $ 400o3 rU.RI~fIN fBO[ 60., 1III8& MAIN STR[[T % AM r Fresh. Strawberries At our soda, fountain every day now. All the other hot and cold drinks too. tAL KINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State St. Bailey & Edmunds FI FOR DECORATING. 21 Last Liberty St. PORTLAN,,D CAFE OPEN DAY ANDi NIGHT. W. C. BI1NDFR, Prop. 120 E. Huron St. Zachniann & Petrie ...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…THI! Us. OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. AN N ARBOR, MICH., ltIDAY, APRIL 24, 1903 No. 147 FIRST HOME 'GAME Varsity Beat A. A. H. S. in an In- ter°esting Game-Training Table to be Started oldn 1111lit mI 15thle Hrst g-tinlis'of zslle tti 'ltill Ferry ildl and thei --': itt 1111 5 Ie ironss w lliforta1 goo tiie ll'TI-inieitty leitg 1111etoitswites. in1 ,' i l 31.Theituib itngythe fr t as m tjis li itop tilego I tlteifi poliag n, f 10 teas was aii lp t...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring THE U. OE M. DAILY Etrda ceonfot-s atter at Ann Arblor A w~ n ft.. _____£ . n St. L. A. ELEI'bIIN. VT e aetion of S. IL. A..e'la'101'0 for Satluaot..jiApr' i t 10:15'tot tiotot I >: I the ier eat thLait'a'.tnt io ii-resaide't. ,....-Ciiiaa rn} II pr'ooi't-Zin to thesuet nol 'IlieItiroal tiiilmostEARLE 1. HOUSTON. '113. 1 ii'1rot oatrt ot't tollllteIfilto of lBUSINESS IlANAGFR, :Id 'a'Ioilus i antii a ir...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…ow THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. RACKET BRANf R r'b xo N -i prt~ng- TH E RIGHT' THINGS AND, ENOUGH OF THEM Is what keeps this store in close Shirtsouch with the voting menof the~ Suits, Overcoats, Hiats, Caps, and all the Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing Madrs, hevotIs generous-and iiteirestiing 'iid Mars, Cheiot I m up of just those thiiigs Linen and Percale. tii " tie 1(Iii0 i thaii ut10 itoneto h ewil lii " it iioiderate co...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MiICHIGAN DAILY. REYER e4 Concave Shoulder Effect, Form C ing = i ii Back, the High Close Fittig ___________ Collar, meed ium Peck lop Trousers 1.19-11E ah fo At Prices Ta Are Right. These are our strong points, THE NEW STORE. G. J. BUISS, Mgr, University Tea Rooms IIENTSCILER, (ARTISTIC FRAMING 10. M. MARTIN,., AT PHIOTOGIRAPHIER. AT IIEiNSCULLII S FUNERAL L OVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 359, 3 ringsa. DIRECTOR COR...…

May 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…,Now_[ z 0 a cd r _ :. r. = y = r -1D z: .. ._. .-. t w L . ..- «- r= .-. n-r +- -"- "--+ r + ,- H I .. r--. /. ems, CL) Cl r. i. - c .^ "- ., ;.. ^. 1 '"' : i. 1 J ". . A 1. r= " ... . . 1 J u J ... "' C w J 1..+ G 'r""ti r "+ " r"-" C H ./ f R"' J e _ r*+ r :/; at' N " j... ..r eo V :j _ _ 4.1 H J J =- ^- - -t 77-7* - : J. "t C .n r f p r. a r ^f. 7 1 s, ¢ 't._ .t. t-". u 1. .-. a t -" i _ -- r ri y 1 _. 1 r- "-/ " i i. ,,i, f - r l ,~ - y-"...…

May 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 2

…TEE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring THE U FM AL A~~Pus nnoncntntce.: MANAGING EDITOR, The largest and most EARLE I. HOU~STON, '03. Complete linle of BUSINESS IIANAGER, ROSCJOE B. HlUSTON, '04-i. EDITORS, Athletic YOOLENS Assignmet Editor I'(1c5N. E .ecy, '4 UENERAL NEWS in Ann Arbor rwill he found w ,i,1(( o e,. F cP, . .. Boles1, '? at (G. 11. Wild & co.'sa 108 fx nkeltisl '3. Feb10cr. ('i'S lkie E. W\ashingtoln ,t. Great otteserolfd:-, ...…

May 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…- - ~ThJI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,*FURNESSA: 5 rn THE RIGHT THINGS no ENOUGH OF THEM S h irtsIs what keeps this store in close touch with the young men of the/ 511'iIsunves city our exhiit of P Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishinggs t, Is geerouc.and interesting and MadasCheiot jits (id up of just those tings 1 Linen and Percale. that give tone to he ustet M1en who like to e wteli desst...…

May 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 111 S /VIIN SREET New liefatntjstin ,altttili itte lvli uvtti ThNiw"Hg Bl" i t la ltst._ f ro soko WOESi I I I l cSio.iciia x (1 t iv itt tic tt v ttvc o _apr M A W W " T ,"^ii o= 1M = 7=NeiSu enr fMihga R NSC LERIT IC atFRA tIrNG iii0.xM.rlIAT EI . Nvtive S ch es~o law Maiian Huonts. Phoe_39,_ ringsl. vitl itiiltct ltat Inqiuiirei ut I _at____DIRECT________R_ llicc~~~~~ffc t209i Si'4thti Avce.ix'Pncnicite9AL....…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. "rIC1IGAN MEEITS DRAKE. This Afternoon on Ferry Field Last Game Before the Minnesota Con- test-Other Saturday Games in the West Today-Mich- igan Stored 9tfPoints OWednesday. Michigain-Dratto al Ann Arbor. Chicago--lllinoio at Chicago. ttlionesota-Betlootat Mintnesota. Liobardt--Washington tiverity at tGalesburg. Wisconsin--Knox al. Madison. litritticOberlin al. Lafayette. H arvardi- -lrown atCatttbritdge. Yale-Woo...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine, - --f off+ sfe Fall And then the flag of victory will float Yu nieNesi entered a secondctrsw irte at the Artia above our hear; * Yu nieNesi For we'll beat them thro' and thro,' 'risli'earbytedirty Merdyrexciedi dorig tie uric or two, iol nl Snou cc f yrc try e itirbgoc l)aly alircrd Jurst a t w, and wecil how them that II 111 ci tic I erctly e Mtrlh'oe.were still the ame iuu MAAGING EDITOR. Old...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ".The Laaara Falls Route." : a e ~ ~ E ~~' ANN ARBOR to A3 n na LAIG RI~I-HlE CHICAGO C A e radClohsaeyon rns os ' eeoCLE 336G-PES.GSTAT E S BUFFALO ttltctdo ay orIforyuxep na prceand he'l NEW YORK o:te xtem sy-alteecuinssofbrcnt- AND BOSTON ° ater i Trousers Pressed, - I Oc loS teecneeitat ltf0 + CO LLEGE BRAND GARMENTS ' Si rssd 5 withdeta nectionstyat haofr SutPese,-- rS [aIiant Ct StW PiAIAgnlandaA tianeA hin,---------l...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN-DAILY. FOR ME 8n OE Fo E n Before buyin, se our new all Styles and you will look no f urther NUNfI BElTTER Air ANY PRICE 1 1 r S. Main St. ' PENNYGOOK. : The Conectioner. 310 South State It. Fine Confeclions. Lunches, ttoy lacy Candies-ilot eventhe do-a-l deltic.ious oetione-s ad have -tic s }> cc Idtot at o rt o- Isla'in ft-Ii -its- ta ooot y portor-icnteooot y Ice Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, 310iSotuth Statito ive t. MONEY L...…

November 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1903 No. 51 LAST PRACTICE TODAY. i-s E PA frLN.- MONSTER MASS MEETING, Last Chance to Practice Yells and Ferry Fed Will Witness the Wind-Songs Before the Thanksgiving up of the Local Season-Off For UNIVERSITY HALL; 5 P. M., TONIGHT. , Game-Show Your Confidence Chicago in the Morning. In the Team. by Being Present. With only one more game to be Today at 5 P. m. in University Hal...…

November 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anllounoement.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of .. WOOLEN in. Ann Arbor will be found at G.- H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all soitins, trouserings & overcoatings for this season. THE MICHIGAN DAILY alty and devotion to the University. Nor is this pride a selfish one. Entereud as second-class matter at the Ass Through all of Michigan's triumphs Arbor Pos...…

November 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE XlC:mlOA DAILY. It MCI N CENLT'P "The NisariaPts Rnute.' THE SHOAT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For inforsoation and through ticketscaie on or write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. GERGE BINCH"F, rLORI5T. CHOICC CUT FLOWERS & PLANTS Chapin St., between Huron St. and Miller Ave. Phone SOt: I S Going+ Home+ For Thanksgiviag, b...…

November 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…T H .9I C H IGAK D A,LYT. 1 1 { } 3 1 3 e t . f f F f t t f{ THlAT.' RE~TICULAR" SOPMfIE~ flI ABIOUT- . :_ F . CICARL1TEMS Qrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in.America. 'MOGUL SMORE.'MAKLS EGYPTIAN SMOKLI5S Cok TipsrPlin. Savsethe Coupons. ®' Thew'. C5 KOFInCo, VA a i 411 E. 57th St,, Chicago. Gap s and Gowns m fade to c i r , i ader and rented. ii Pnnns o alcolge n MIAKES PVVULAK. .. You may get the same quality in o...…

January 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOCR. MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 1904. No. 84 GOOD TIME fMADE. SNOW SCENES. NOTED DIVINE. Tryout Yesterday was Satisfactory- Winter Foets Out in Earnest-Cam- Lyman Abbott will Appear on S. L. A. New Men Showed Up Well-No pus Presents Attractive Appear. Cource Monday Evening - Some- Time Given Out. ance--Cantiea Fiends in Evi- thing of His Life as Minister, dence. Jcurnalist and Lecturer. Keene Fitzpatrick w...…

January 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY1 Uedf~uci onII fl * Entered as second class matter at the Ass EW U bLI IIArbor Past Office_____ Published daily (Monday excepted during the] college year, at117 E Washington street, Sal*s (basementfloor, side entrance) Phone 892-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: 1 ROSCOE B. HUSTON As we hve too arge-a- -- - ----- EDITORS: stock of fancy I Atels,-- RoET K. WALTos oews, - - - . - J. ...…

January 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -H54S5SStLt: ' f Mti+: HS 1 ® ' ' '' C OT ING The a, xens + . ~HART. SCHAFFN ER . 4. INVENTOR Y SALE MARX GOODS '4 .t All $18 aid -Ste Suits and Os arca Is at... 15 00 The Clothier. A All$15 Ssuitandlisvercaat ........ 12 50", " B$ ath Robese at Costtl7 ii SlutMainStt f : y i''.i*' ( Q9®V'a "Y +'iI®+IiV V +r " + i ri ' . i W' V1 ' '9 Y 4. O REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Dress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress ...…

January 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 44444444444444+444 3"444"4444444444r44444 +;+.'"«'+y +M3a i wrv ~ vv°wirr ~ ~$g' -"- CutPeabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight E. Watkins, Cluett ~ ~ ~ Collas forTYPEW RITING ) '- Crown Band 15 Collas for rops itcard to 32 S Main s. O~n DaflIl C~ 4egad haveusscall foryour work. SjYou wo'tmss thse E ht Otiloohos' ' fyo hav on otour DolrAlarm ClocksI O.H uz eee,0C N Sa10 . Main St. 1N, WILOOOOa - --AT ~4:4.ChC.' American& [uropean ...…

February 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…The IVI i Dily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MILCH., WlVEI)NESDAV, FE.BRUARY 2., 1904. No. 1010 FITZPATRICK DISSATISFIED; Not Pleased with Saturday Nights Showing-Fresh-Soph Meet NextI Saturday-Ramley Ineligible. NEW USE FOR RADIUM. 1 ie hs I ti t licbeen a o Idol- FOUNDER'S DAY. Celebrated Meoay by Membeos ot Medical Department~- Account of Life and Work of Dr. Froth- inegh-im. 3 t t k Trainer Fitzaicik adist i'Im i 11 tvess'icv erdta elg r o ...…

February 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…- THIS MICHIGAN DAILY. ;THlE MICHIGAN DAILY antiof seeing Michigan good fellow- ship. Re u t o Enteed as sesd class stuftter at the Ant It is of interest to ote that Michi' j Z - g's prominence among educational R ed cton is hhed dily ( die~~tcduring the in'tttion-of th country has be collge yar i 11 I asigtn street. recognied, y reassigning to her ex- ban ltsetent ttloorsite ettrnettiPhntslt5" I i pc ntems eial o @ auMANAGING EDITOR:t cation...…

February 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THJI M MIIGAN DAILY. JU i * nerw lot of the ininnos1.1. S. & M. Black Suitts, Drth Dd'stAJT[S in ) tieeiiob i tntitua. 5ht.Ceit adWrselmi D r t y D d ' n i -itt aerotuble ta snt o tn oto 3$3.00 [OR [ADIIS $3.00 + a-St n SIglr~c tyl~ tu nl$15, $18, $20 UT?1® Thle only shoe in the world designed by a + We lhave alt oizes in stock now tnt cnt iiita The Clothiler aniii'etten..women--- fo women. 217 South 'ain Street. #.3fAK& O,- Sl qn °5 > a 6{S-....…

February 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…THE ICHG1 AN DAILY. DISLJINSA lSILO ' FUN FOR T RWD N. Some Sp~ecial IBargains~ Left in FNFRACOD V'. 1: F N....LANNEL SHn'IRTS + FOOT BALL A N D SWEATE RS , POKER.../ Cobnsalthe interest and / CLLR 0UTI NG EYER & CO#,*:' citment of the two Li, {C .z C TK ~great AmericanUFF *d109-111 [astI Washioqlon games. IAfE T"-FBEST. SrisndSheehans 'Wahrts 0 ala ~o' ot., Sl -Linatr p rass.DigtE. 'T atkin rse a a p aid ~nyzti ">(I to fsSold by Wagner & Co.,...…

March 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…heMichiganDaily VOL. XIV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. No. 125 f1IC1IGAN ENTRIES. SENIOR MEETING. TRIP POSTPONED. WISCONSIN DEBATERS. List of Athletes Who Will Represent Letter From the Faculty Read-Cap Conflict in Dates Will Prevent Glee A Strong Team Will Meet Michigan Michigan in the Cornell Meet- and Gown Qestion Discussed- Club From Taking Ohio Trip This Friday Night-Biographies of Men All in Fine Condition- Other Business. ...…

March 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY = . HI. Wild Comipally Leading Merchant Tailors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Colpaly 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. Ihe Great Game PIT xci...…

March 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, Correct Clothes for Men I. ooDlkiCCoitV. S aheehas .OkL5T.r 'w n Arnold e. V. C Vaughan DON T K ICK Ji .We E. F. mills COC U LW~ LN. Jon atr HIC.. CUT r 5. end & LlAre. UT r money in your .111 oRuh Prof. f. S. Caart IChpinSbe twe uo t n ilrA e DON'TaKkuP. ;iki er Chsian Matinm Phoee119. pursebyuin If yourroardingBuy them * house does not have 8 iqCotS right by buying * just what yotn...…

March 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Ne ,pii In ta O ds ,l Sew Ann Abor Sore, I I S rtin [New-Boko,3ros MOGUL TCYTIAN CIARLTTtS Qprok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 0MGLSMOKE MAKES LG'5'1TIAN SMOKERS" Sve te Couons. COLOL FBASEBALL and all other college sport is folly covered in text and illustra- tion by THE ILLUSTRkATEM)SP'ORTING News, which is the ONLY publication giving spei(lill otioil to college s80csjes:t~s Send Us One DoIlaranw...…

May 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1904. No. 168 ECHOES OF CICAGO MEET1 THE VICTORS C"AMPIONMNIP GAME COMEDY CLUB Trainer Fitzpatrick Satisfied With Re Will Be the Final Number of the Glee Seniors Win From Sophomores in Fi- Presentation of "Miss Hobbs" a Great suit-Hahn Has Bad Foot-Spec- Club Concert-All Three Clubs nal Basket Ball Game by 2 to 1- Success-Parts Well Taken-Miss tacular Contests In the Will Unite in...…

May 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY G H.g ld o pn Etrda second ls matter at the Ann Entered as rbor Post Office. Published daily (Mondayexcepted)l ring the p 4 college year, ati7 E. Washington street, L beading iMerhaniTailors (basement loor, side entrance) Phone 892-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B. HUSTON SPRING WOOLENS EIOS ±Atadeties, - --O BERT K. WALTON For Suits, Top Coats and Newsye- -- - J. S. BALEY...…

May 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILlt IWHEN IN DOUBT As to what to eat, drop ito Pennycook's aud ask wbat is being served that particular day. You will be surprised at tbe exteusive bill of fare. It usually covers one or two sherbets, tbree differeut kiuds of ice cream, strawberry flops aud suudaes sod strawberry sbortcake, tutti frutti (our own), anid soy number of fancy cakes aud kisses. It's worths trying. TUESDAY: Raspberry and Orangebherbet WEDNESDAY: Pin...…

May 24, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICECIGALTTLS Ciroln in Turkey. a\ Perfected in Loy. Enjoyed in America.. Spring Line. of Puritan Shoes and 'ivGU Oxfords -now in. See our new ________ Tans in window, button or lace, in t "V -=! The W, C. Keril Co6 the., New Spud Last." 411 E 57th SI~ Chicago Cape lolGoGon, made to o- For the benefit of our customers we, wish to say that tie r Pennants for al ini i.e. cni y4 rircntie I.carred Puritan Shoe Co has been made...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C,) w 0 N 0 00 ,f .-. , .-. T / r Jr fv r f. i T .. r " ... ..Y "f. V J" 'I, 1. 'f. r. f^", i. ."' r , f' J=. . 1 J ; ._... "--" ._.. r " '' _ r .. ." r. r J: . w " w T r -' °' _ ,.-,' .i r- r _ f ' ' _' + '/; ._-. ! te r-. ; : ^ r _ . r 77 r _ i- (yI r H -0 , pI i 1 ( r.+. n . " J -' -- r r : _.. r r; r r 'I 'r. , I . r J . . . ,. . r : . J y %. r ' /' ' ' :j r. " : ...... .--. r, ... { -- . ._.. r r: t= r. r i ,_ r^ _ . .- .... . : .: 1 i. r...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE MIO;HIOAN DAILY TH]E fiCH IGAN )AI LY. W E WOU(LD HAV E: ef! 1 itttttt P:i~'' ViYOU TO KNOW:Iiii iic That weaie C ll ) lxi Ii; xve Managin Editr, J. STiANLEY 1sALEV. * * Ilittic. Mantager, CLAUDEI A. TH-OMPSON. SOUR NEW STORE + 1111 " i1'!111U ....... i. . . . Ia M.rl mii the Conitni :. fall trade .c' ii. Jy n1ow icadi .. ACIA '1, V _'c S i) i (l i I ilil That we nmakP lO iiipb ir-*iiScci menits for geniimen , . STd ew.1a ® That we ...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'ie Ax -s ott o1 i; x ; ox G(erixanti iao~ufac- $20.00 OVERCOATS viows '$1650 $18.00 OVERCOA.TS now$13.50 diiiitaied ibyius for iitihe"irttithisx iceel. Airy size $1$.00 OVERCOATS n~ows $12.00 t $15.00 OVERCOATS ,~now .$11.25 * or stvitc youtlIlVa 't1'aI 1<t I$12.00 OVER.COATSno $9.00 $2.9 0? $2.00, $1.50, dowvn to 35c. _ LU TZfihe lothier AC & CO 217 So. Makini St. F '. o ***Money Loaned..+ A t F (Ix Sts itril l Iitililt f...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY )TO APHER Stud.. . . ... v . .... t . .. a . G ood. .r.i . o L ight ... , .. j i . k . { fit r "a i 1± Walk-Over S5hoes Winter We Weights 1 can on lit ' New Yon Spring ,A Lasts :t to rrived W idth 11l S. MAIN STREET r THDE ViEL;t ACH READING LAMP A51.1 T L S Al IALL 1PRICES. Th i Arbor (as Conipa liv. 1he onlos s 1 s I moswlhoaL'n hr 9osssossth cash acc Lonaic oor Rolio I'Co.sils .sor Wak<'' ior N 1Sa TO 1KALAMAZOO TRAINS E...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1905 No. 1 oo FRESH-.SOPH ENTRIES. lag N umber of Contestants for the Meet Tomorrow Night- Class Relay Teams are Selected. , ca~iticlatrs s has o ati 111 i 1 l l ll c ellt,11v d u l and all 'l ia>Nila lr a wth t hea lac '.' cl eaididte II the caiIIIthe 111 ia ill 1111 z;I hnl ~ ~ c ftemnwr nbe11hs 11111nappy. each111,C1111slaig1 s sp' 11uchainte1rest 1111 III ll lit'asI ont theaaIttl . ...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…Ti NITCHIIGANT DAILYI. f+ "f~f tnf ®® L 11C H IlGA N DA L Y.1 * ~ U 3 3 * I~s~ag'o m PotAloe. S ~ l1 IL * *I~BusinessI 1 Mnger, CLAUDE0 A.THMSN f =1t, t lc; --- l----------;,t1. I. ~ ~ Y. Kerr :11lk 1}II. p 1 bl tiltl.iHJAll !-*1i NV "t iM Ah, raer Hary . ndAw * ( \VOIF NS .ARC *rHI1.1 Ie tI. H A, O.i HO l Ar IH ..rt lc lt *! * 1 1y I el 11k.1e:it A d te Styles -are p, I. HIll PN. PuseyI t + .l.1. 1". PH A. 1.1, 10u un1USUa-Ly1V lla11dSOnIIe. ...…

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