January 24, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 86) • Page Image 1
…T he Mic higan Dailyw :1N'\ \RBO, \llClI(t~N'I\ . I 411', I \NL \R 4i tya S , Voi.. XVIII. OH LA!I HOW THEY DO CARRY ON IN PARIS :aren't They the Giddy Things at Christmas! - Throw Bonbons and Kiss Pretty Waitresses. TlW itt I trench iitiditYtaincln(1- Ii ' dscribeditby Prof.5Jamses I. PlirdtI 1hr is lo 'hitmaIs vacation' its Pa t<iand t th S ritosse andth ie the phsilanthbropsist and the rabble,' ssf fickle as in the (lays, of Caesar, jee...…