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November 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… The: Michigan Daily "QIS XVI. ANN ARBOR;' MICHIGAN, I7RII).\, N\ VIiIO{1 24, 1905S. No.5 2. N 41 FORMATIONYS 'ill ii terra p)ti ass Of thl ers't'stsisfor 1vVTqFil FOR CHICAGO the .\Isroon s andi the result is initerest- Varsity Puts in Hard Afternoon's Practice-Kicking Work Was Predominant. ,ji he tumb1 ee of uses left for tite tar- , ii.} o lri ce is sea il siiisinisg ;li o e tls foachls st is inuaksing ihsmn' ol selis ecepttiolly tard...…

November 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…tHE micdkidANkDAILV Co. Leading M~ERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. !G. H. Wild Co. A 31 s. ,ytatns t. A Book of U. of M. Views Oers'50) paeso ' sperb phot/enrsea vingss f fte ('reei/es ad bsilfings. /lcrierial desined l/and ph 5(51(5/(over, makes an cx1e(l5 0 socer eIe'.Mail oveot/se, or toa Y/cr frien/s and s/novth/em whsts...…

November 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…[or Art and Skill in Jdilorinfl Call on~ SAM BR HFIELD &C The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HUVRON STREET Ttit MICHIGAN DAILY M1ON[Y LOAN[P Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of tOn Wat ce.iao ntos.h ehry and all Ilt-htClas Chattel steins, Smoking Sets, U. of M. SouVernirs Ina Pyro- and tool atet (Inii ' ra~phlc Work, Pictures, Posters, Photo W. J. LOUIRIM Nets, Japanese Umbrellas, Clacks, Chaflng 104 4th AveOt...…

November 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHICAN DSAILY 1 BmuNGaYTURn UNFRAMED PICTURES TO. DIIRI[S ART STORE and have thema framed with Choice Mtouldings Only 'the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. Oh POOR CHICAGO W~le SHave Them Beaten tohevalita of stock and yrcson orHl t he 1lflfes, stoitil r''101flei, irimilri 0 Co)0. tfiattear S ti tot littl1)1er (oe aa rnt habe3atam b1y the lorge City Stores.. Reinforced Pore Rubber Bath Caps Si0c. Rubber Sponges 10e to $1.50 ...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… C Q b4 U 4 ~IW W o c 7 l J = -4 V A ovaf J a^r, - ,=! . '~" ^' :: G ' tom. :... yJ., '' ,' ' rt- ._' -. ,.' ~ CG s"' - __.. tic r 'r. _ 75 H Q S U f _G J . . a1 V U r I . yyy V n ITT . / n r+y V l N 4 . , a r x . , J f rr< - _ ' i ' f J ^ 1 it +- ._ r r. : j .. r ? r 'l .. i" _ j y, w r. 'l; . i, J J T V . .-.. .s .! 'f, i n J r v i ^ ' ... J r *^y v-i . y .r 'r. _r ,-, .' .,r-. W,. N _ ,f. , f fir' ~ .- 'f. f >> q G " tel./ (" ~ ...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…Tflit MICHIGAN DAILY Go.No Wild Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS 0 The largest stock is iS the City of exclusive styles int Woolens for (lestleroen wear. Of hiigh-class fabrics and is special stylIs for stu- dlents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. $ BALL SUITS We are showing a fine line of Football Clothing of Spading make at the following prices: P ANTS Canvas $1.00 to $2.50 Moleskin $3.00 to $5.00 JACKETS Canvas, Sleeveless 75c to $1.25 SHIN-GUARD...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…AIl~ff-IC DIBRADY No. 112a f9WTO SPRIT Bmy ARTHUR r.F. VPFEYx Prilce 10 Cemts The betroi cocI.on Sprinting thahu ra ever; been published. A. G. SPALDING M13P BOS. maie feio i v addIrissc STATE SAVINGS BANK WX .. oolb n X. . -fcc-cla jas. 1. Wad 1+: F tMill \.J.Kyr s t (Iat-ct cXl-cci UE~ORUEL ISCHOF FLRIST Choince Cuat Finners arod Pinakrl Chapin St., hetwenr cec oad (iller- Ave Phoner 800 ('0 to the tailor let him make you a suit--let him - ...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…'lI-l" NI CIJIG. buA 1 tV Reule, Conlin, Fi 1egel, Companyv Hocking Valley Ry. C'UNTI 10I1b7s ITs ~lfi i\T10 TRAIN AiEYITlK yoiiwill fn Four Trains IDaily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleping Cars on Night Trains Union Delotsi T ole do ansd S. F. CLARK, 32 Campus Martis Detroit, Mich. (PENDYOURVACATO ON THEGIREAT LAKES M Eri Wil Y SUMER ESOTSl~ DETROl Too CLEV LAND Ise LEELAD e - .3 A.51 Lo+'roe CLEVOLAN. dily 10.15 O P.1 Pr...…

May 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

….."" t' qti ' N I r Q W *Unwed I, W T7 7, F-a I . MONA 4 H f i I i G I' I _-J 7 - c- _- °y 7_ o °a o °-- C7- H E _--- r. - 0 ~. -f .- I _ E Cc 0G -.' _ --' __ 1 i _ I L " r h v ti., _ v rn 7 tpy r.y r r f J r C'S J rT LL w r a a a w a r I r 1. r f r i …

May 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. "o~ ®f+ r rw+ THI fMlC H IlGAN DAILY. * Alttrl lulrttxlo-I tta fSr n * *t> i1..i- ~t 1un t t ii- tttu -.0-untl * +! ana~ging lEditor, J. STIANLEtY BALEtY. Tailorngss MngeCLAUDE A. HMSN T I rI r: ll hit-, 1:\ Iltes ................ ..oseph Y. Herr f , ~:;: ....... ...... .....Ida 11. llrwnrieg t THE NEW\V SlUlIN(i A ttttttltAt. SiTAFF: 1. Wattt.itynet WVOOLEiNS AREl A SotI TEbS IG, -tugt- A. Osborn -u ArthurT- . Hug yid I r...…

May 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. . Burclifiel'S Fine i 1 ring2 Trade C1d ,neeP . In ' irl o f ae'i ble WWI- 1 iiI on 'c lniel i n vU ofshit- Burn pif r i's I- joe lailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron HOAGi'S MESIUYST W BRUSHES, COMI.S, SOAPS, Sli,-IVS IRINGiS, KNIVE1,, SCIS;SORIS, ANI) COll-AR BLI ION'S N '~ a t1 1 .LVo ; i l 'u 1 f lOAG'S C..ornier Min iiandXWashngton ' °"" - ,1-0- a -. - -M-, .i- - .- 1- - - a ffrA - s-... - -a - .a'.s $ INDIVIDIJALIIY IN CLOTf...…

May 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…T'?IE MICHIGAN DAILY. * Stuadenvts Lik~e .oat Shirts. I sut). We ) r }tr 1ic'k s lI'.alot lof , I tttocoa t shirts Otis week 811 51.0 Cuttng, eyer & Co. 109-- 1 :. Wsashington St. $350 RGL $5 Their have arrived and ,ust xxhat von xx ant TANS PIGSKINS PATENT ItAIIIIIIS WAUD CALF Oxfords' tlUE All >tyle and Some toS tleas you hiave not seecn before Paul611 E. 1 i a.r'x 1, - aPickwick a BOWLING ALLEY 3. ROTTErNSTEIN. PC-op. 707 N. Vo1iv. Av.. I- ...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…. . . . ..................... ........... O 0 r0 Co .;: x r: t=-. v t r 0 J ,. r * ,t- 07 't r. _ J r r r r f 1 .! f 'u i+ ram '_ rN--+ .-'' ~ . + + --.. r .- - 4 _. _ ._ . ,..+ f , f r I _ /r _ !. V , ,., 'r, ,r . ~ "t f, J; _ "S Jv IV . = ' ^z , _ ti y _. _ ; T i J "1 ^-t r .f , r.. J , i, ,' ' ~% _ ; :. r, r - ry ! I. ^_ l _ - - r . H . -w H r r-I ... ' - - 7; :, j: *-,:, " ;2 - ::1- -1 7'. ' _ _ ' _-. v r J= M f 1 Ln r- tv r n , i r. "t ,-...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…Till: 'MICHIIGAN DAILY. Ii STailoringll:;iat ltf,, T a l r n "v an g ng E d t rJ.pT N 5: B A '. lat "' Ll pi WOOLENS ARE ----- -__ - N)k-7 1)P A.New rs pp "liy It, iti("iii'~m READY ~ e . p h ii Kerr )l ('hi'n. ... . .tn Idia \i. ariai'l i 1,1'tIA' . Si't ' 1i ' i.i '.p unusually Hand! SomeG . M rv r Bry11 nrw 6.1.WLD Waiiia 25teay3i n "a0 hl7 , Geore ..(isAt lil th uri '.ION u'.Inn i cr la iit'. P3lls i . rd as.. nl.iesse 'ShI. ColltegSyeae B...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…TiI NMICHIGAN ODll Y. 10.. + '0o'c+'i'O~~e6'++i"E*'ef0N-N ' ' C"f'j ( xl I ST S R N G A N U N E E T s[ine' Iaihointo Trade , 106 L uron ";in oaL- 1 i o P,;i"'u i- , £.* :° -- *x--:"+'+i"..* '"T"".+4++++s+++e-- .* N ew SY pring Sl)L TREFurnishings " ' (iWWin_ f("atat~ i r, "f) i CISORN THE NEW FIRM N z IAWFIiegel Coriir n nd Wshin ta 2(K) and 202 MAIN Coriir ain nd ~ae~ingon, AL L THE LATEST SPRING HATS Wc have: thi n for the swagger ;rung ris ...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…I'OIE MI CHI-1GAN *iiid'iiid~iidi 9ii~diiddedd d'+ CUTTING, REYER & CO. SOLE A0 ENT1S . IMPERIAL HAT S 109 & 111 E3. Washington St. , . = .. . i 3 CLND ST. ~Pickwick s BOWLING ALLEY S. ROTTENSTEIN. Prop. 707 N. V"Iv. Av. Collegemen find grateful degree of comfort and servicc in the Brightor. Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two million men. %.. i'1 ~ c;.14'E11 t" 'Ni>:2 11t . , Visit RENiTS CHLI Z NIEW illOlND) 1111f S~TUIlO. 319 Last l...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1905 No. 1 oo FRESH-.SOPH ENTRIES. lag N umber of Contestants for the Meet Tomorrow Night- Class Relay Teams are Selected. , ca~iticlatrs s has o ati 111 i 1 l l ll c ellt,11v d u l and all 'l ia>Nila lr a wth t hea lac '.' cl eaididte II the caiIIIthe 111 ia ill 1111 z;I hnl ~ ~ c ftemnwr nbe11hs 11111nappy. each111,C1111slaig1 s sp' 11uchainte1rest 1111 III ll lit'asI ont theaaIttl . ...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…Ti NITCHIIGANT DAILYI. f+ "f~f tnf ®® L 11C H IlGA N DA L Y.1 * ~ U 3 3 * I~s~ag'o m PotAloe. S ~ l1 IL * *I~BusinessI 1 Mnger, CLAUDE0 A.THMSN f =1t, t lc; --- l----------;,t1. I. ~ ~ Y. Kerr :11lk 1}II. p 1 bl tiltl.iHJAll !-*1i NV "t iM Ah, raer Hary . ndAw * ( \VOIF NS .ARC *rHI1.1 Ie tI. H A, O.i HO l Ar IH ..rt lc lt *! * 1 1y I el 11k.1e:it A d te Styles -are p, I. HIll PN. PuseyI t + .l.1. 1". PH A. 1.1, 10u un1USUa-Ly1V lla11dSOnIIe. ...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…TNHP MICHICAN DAILY. Trade X I the Ito We aliL aes a en. tar, } litR TI-r ieid's Fine TailoringB February Clearing Sale! Guarantees... t ehtaylet With AstonishinglyLo Prices t Skillful and artistic servicetob ha anwe . eacrov a large and cmlt ln fseasonable 10 ncuin PSLAT UDRWA ace tihe agrenev for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, Inldn YS1NI NEWA ) yout large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ect ftting.+ MANHATTAN SHIRTS Burchfield's [in...…

February 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…T17 iiTCi IIGAN DAILY. SOne Night Out to SFLORIDA 4 ____VIA + '~From Detroi and 1Toledo : (U.NION DBPO1 INBOT11 is Toledo and Cinci fit 11Patt No disagreeable Tiansfes a. 5.Writei Bit; or Aenslor u 10,014 5-- L. W. LANDMAN, tioGeneal Ag. 'OLL)O, . . Colegemen find a t gratctn.l degree of comfort and service in the. Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near ly tW.o million mn. Rowe's Laundry 1hoas Rowe,IProprietor. 36 N.ifthO Ae Nwo ne,,1 7 ...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C,) w 0 N 0 00 ,f .-. , .-. T / r Jr fv r f. i T .. r " ... ..Y "f. V J" 'I, 1. 'f. r. f^", i. ."' r , f' J=. . 1 J ; ._... "--" ._.. r " '' _ r .. ." r. r J: . w " w T r -' °' _ ,.-,' .i r- r _ f ' ' _' + '/; ._-. ! te r-. ; : ^ r _ . r 77 r _ i- (yI r H -0 , pI i 1 ( r.+. n . " J -' -- r r : _.. r r; r r 'I 'r. , I . r J . . . ,. . r : . J y %. r ' /' ' ' :j r. " : ...... .--. r, ... { -- . ._.. r r: t= r. r i ,_ r^ _ . .- .... . : .: 1 i. r...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE MIO;HIOAN DAILY TH]E fiCH IGAN )AI LY. W E WOU(LD HAV E: ef! 1 itttttt P:i~'' ViYOU TO KNOW:Iiii iic That weaie C ll ) lxi Ii; xve Managin Editr, J. STiANLEY 1sALEV. * * Ilittic. Mantager, CLAUDEI A. TH-OMPSON. SOUR NEW STORE + 1111 " i1'!111U ....... i. . . . Ia M.rl mii the Conitni :. fall trade .c' ii. Jy n1ow icadi .. ACIA '1, V _'c S i) i (l i I ilil That we nmakP lO iiipb ir-*iiScci menits for geniimen , . STd ew.1a ® That we ...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'ie Ax -s ott o1 i; x ; ox G(erixanti iao~ufac- $20.00 OVERCOATS viows '$1650 $18.00 OVERCOA.TS now$13.50 diiiitaied ibyius for iitihe"irttithisx iceel. Airy size $1$.00 OVERCOATS n~ows $12.00 t $15.00 OVERCOATS ,~now .$11.25 * or stvitc youtlIlVa 't1'aI 1<t I$12.00 OVER.COATSno $9.00 $2.9 0? $2.00, $1.50, dowvn to 35c. _ LU TZfihe lothier AC & CO 217 So. Makini St. F '. o ***Money Loaned..+ A t F (Ix Sts itril l Iitililt f...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY )TO APHER Stud.. . . ... v . .... t . .. a . G ood. .r.i . o L ight ... , .. j i . k . { fit r "a i 1± Walk-Over S5hoes Winter We Weights 1 can on lit ' New Yon Spring ,A Lasts :t to rrived W idth 11l S. MAIN STREET r THDE ViEL;t ACH READING LAMP A51.1 T L S Al IALL 1PRICES. Th i Arbor (as Conipa liv. 1he onlos s 1 s I moswlhoaL'n hr 9osssossth cash acc Lonaic oor Rolio I'Co.sils .sor Wak<'' ior N 1Sa TO 1KALAMAZOO TRAINS E...…

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