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January 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…DAILc w - _ FRTYEAR. ANN ARBitOR, MIH., FHill STANFORDIS POINT OF VIEW, Summer Commercial Courses. 1 'ho faiititlt f till t ti' h0Daily Palo Alto Sayse ''Gieat is i'tlt'' t' tl ii ttuttittit t'tni t11 tttp i t ' Michi0011 andi Greater is Yost Itt'itittt'tI who Made iMichia." Iittittt t 1 i lly I t'' liti'- 14 ttlt I i , t t . i tttt i <t It' I I ; lidt~ l l It \cit t1,:r' i i ll : l l it t i l I ittl i a l i i i , ll ':tucl I ll' ll I ' 'ilii ...…

January 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…ldMCHIGIA NN [I1lY N VW S LEADING MERCHANT ' The U3 of I Al. AL , 1t y a.tlt IS the he-t we have ever Shown, Ptiti'Ilcd il 01k klllkli. 1 I ) duill k containing ofi to;i1 ALL THE Black and 131ue 1 , and a very fine linieof Fancy suitings k, il11 t}-1' t'I t} itl 1 1; t a d Tro usering.. 1 . in the latest patterns and color ings. The largest assortment in 44, nl l e'1Si d tatwit the state. :khll ii ilk ktll' iti v t Ie:r' 1: S o8 E3. W ashingto...…

January 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICIGI(AN DAIL-Y--N'S that lvr 4-coud lo that wotik, STEIN-BLOC wottld be to introduce yos t Wecannot cottmansd the lang, good these cirhes are. Tie neat is the c oat collar of thei their eputti, 0n that nct ttI fabrics or tdlot'tng, is et P roducton. Yost don't know oe ti STEIN-B LOC ar, it' isis me:orn titem lquantity t o sto : l sakews tI tend to induce yott to buy + RH O U U.CL O T H E S StI(tCUI( ,II: it :1 Il/ t ,ll, t ' 0 to a toui...…

January 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 86) • Page Image 4


March 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…i 'a-rYts0 FENCING TOURNAMENT Oird A~uaI 'f:111 7 u n I F yo,,,~~t W ay412. 1l 1;r;;u;r1t114 I'. ;t ttrt u 121111 r itr it~n i ti "t ii t 120cri It~ nt r liai rq. 114111 t, utili"" t( t 1211 t tt c ~ t i i 1 4tl 4 ~ t" I t t 1 1 1 1 V .rt . . t t t 1i1 1 4 4 1 i t, t t : l 4 lb 1 n ; i . V i l : t t ~ n t a " \ I I o t t t r -, 11-4 111 i. rv itI 1111111 i1'°.t" l t ai V 1 1 1 4 a 1 - ; t ~ u : i c n t n t u 7hGra4r1 its 1111 :tlilr.>,fit . t ...…

March 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…y.., r t t ,.. Cl: JSk IT' 1A Q LL; Jam', ref ;' ofo, "" E.. .. vo* .e tlL AICAIGA lh AIT E'N AN)DAILV--ENN'Sw t ,' tti . 1 't at7i. 'Ill ri'I" Ott (' } 1:=.i't W ;. :l SLfi :iil ' :1t1. } t , t u ti - t mp n+ y S 02 F } 4 AIP %L i c rf ( , r r A " 4 .n M1 3, V KLIiISP1WC A- r -1N ,I XJNd( <l ani ii i, ll Coach ,+ ..s3tiN*NN.J*NINN '.il i3,:. - v :Is t'' t+"'ir~ il~r'i' tt 1 ' " t !I '4 _ It N ir E r i'., l+trIG 7INtt ; 'i P r ivale Ciwporatio...…

March 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…TEh IMC I iA N DA 11,Y --.\ K VVS TeMo Gon inGinU TIhiD( S'QTEIN-BLOOH CLOTHES tj Y, L!; a., i 6 Zyy' 1( x ; r T i N - " G kr t 3 ._ i _ ' .t. i - ' :.. - - i f; ,.N 5 There is None Better Than Our Water Motor CENRIUGE 222;at~r iii .t+" hr i 1:G L' t ii ri a -. v ~ . :: r : ,.,f t r ++i.: ! 4 - 9 l i STI-BOH LTHES '1i 0 l y rt ?)'tl t''i.e i : il 4k 1201 W. Washinzgton St. 11 -till find a nice ine of w JL A ug~~ Ov75as O2le06' 12 'I*~ hany n31...…

March 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…TiI K f 'MI ii A\ ..'SENW, tI E E Sta\ criy tCrresan u r WAE rrT ..AKN'P1K.AV34SO TT T riGRmiG IiidF'U rdrlo1' d d B 1O~idiUg 70 fir() " S 'I'' ."~ z THE HOCKING VAL ,EY RY.! TOL -DO TO COLUMU LINEN PAPER 1.5, 24), 2- and ;tk a lb. ____AT SOHALLER'S BOOKSTOR, FULiDE w.o.T aikw....# ii~ S. Main .2,1. XAmn r o~ C.ALFNi 'AR AND READING NOTICES l f I I t E I l t !} it~i ' i l ' I . i t 1. :i1"11- Xr, ?:l t t't ti lt C- ,I (It 1 ttlr it; I' 11 l~ i...…

April 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…DAIL-l ---.___ FIRS8T XEAx. PROFS. MECHEM AND WILGUS AN N ARBOI-, MIICII., T lURFS DA Y, APRIL 24, 1902. S. L.. A. Voters NO. 1 &* senator Bailey too Busy SNAPPY PRACTICE Receive Liberal Ofttes and Ma GoT hoeoO rs oI; ,lfrIo Rspetlely to Chcagio anid ,1',"It ii'i'niti11ii ktit i i ii'nitlwko Colmbu.I ii iiio iiat tlist .,ii; Iw h- - :t d.. Ino ipt i n ,.Co a}tiiivi'ro " t l ii3' rt'e tiidoth" osi ii ittI it., a i ii ti atit h i ii' i(\%(i, I i...…

April 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…>- il bfi :3- 9 c J QW . \T ,f ,rf L ' .Ltfl o-J _ ',yam y vv r.t Re+ J wq ,rll~tit.Amin,. lfhi-a io Vrin t ritY xit.,ti D I EWS iffy 't'j'tin'iit( I i i tnx'i'i ix a it till'ilntin that I l 1 1AIX -o s r~lit' -nlasoem Y ettti til Aim-TV N15IiO ii 'eax' - t 'I', t in'.1+0111 1 i.liik i sl,,:L i li xi nili, iI An Aim x' titlil('lin'x'lintin dit inf l f iii. li i or :11,. 11 ThI UIGfAl.DAILYNWSPU.CO 'nth in itfear.o'x il The 'in. ,I V 'iii'NW , ...…

April 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…TII R MICIti AN PA ILY-NEWS The Most Gonhinu TiIngi thtat wre (c0u1d1d10that wottld tend1 to i(1duceyou to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would le to introducee you to a mian wcho has wsorn them. I'carnnot commad the language with whicit to tell COO how- * good these clothes are. The makers attach their l h e- nleath the coat collat of their roats. and they' are so troll of their repuatation that tot tite slightest deect eOthert()f stvle, farisor tai...…

April 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…T I E IM I C I A N D A I I X - 'NE W S forBacteriology, istolo gy and Pathology I CAL lS' M1134 so. SATVS iu1 6+ r ++++3 +'.* z,- < *,,z,.: P+ < +4a.. ++ a ~' d "++E++, +++.I++;+++F+3d+H2 + tt++++ £111:: :1.:'1:,..1. . . ;.'.' ++4 77 _ 1.. N I-' II )\ I EN P1. THE .H:&t1 Writs, J. U...The C tto S. Main St. p O VA LEYRYII _: rr i Iriselinji gent, 15, 2(), 25 Mid 30 ii. SOHALLER'S BQSORE, 116 S.MAIN c;--EET -----:----------:------ . t 4 " '- ,_...…

May 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…p _ Filts'i, YEAR. ANIN ARDBOR, MICHI.. XTVKPx Y. ?iM V ci 199 No. 170 THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET CHICAGO TODAY TOURNAMJYENT TODAY 0Q3 LAWS WIN' Given Last NigSt in Hlonor of JudeC ~nadDligi il ih c iiSWPspndfrotVeterdy xiiMo the Boots Monda y to Decide Cool ~~~~ the Gamoe in the box Aftornoon-Citicauo in Good Form teCapoii li iid 5ttit t ii i I d i i ll) it.I iiii'' ii ii LI l it 11I d ,n ' ippit - 1k 1 )C a 11(illil ',II it I I v t Iii t45,::i;1...…

May 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…GJ Lfl ~ia to 947 r Co z Li-I in ..N tu TtIIE ICHICA Th i 1.ILO ., it T~a~The U, ofM. XAILY The 'VA SITY ,E-5 -HHY Car.'2~i MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. CO. ( nc.) Pres-. i). 11.H asy, Sc . n A. MANAGIlNG EDITOR, BUSINESS IANACJFR, OTTO I.11. ANS. EDITOR-s. Ath liti, Ciii-. IDVORA-K i-- jin4% 'I Ks' M is L. K. Sn i x CLARKE. --n in N. 'vi . 1ii. LP E. ii hut- I Tji I., < ' H NLAILY--.NEWS ;I551 ov 11111; s it ok t ti*hlim. W t, i i r I ii I 1sII ~...…

May 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…TII.-MICIIIGAN DAILY--NEWS The Most GonvInGina Ihing that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy I STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES Would :be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot contnand the language with which to te-l on how good theae clothes are. The nmakers attach theicr :).e- neath the coat collar of their coata, and they are ao proud of± their reputation, that not the lighteat defec't eithe-r of tyle,+ fahrics or tailorin...…

May 24, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…THE MILCHIGAN DAMLI-NEWSI *4~~ i Fu::1: ii +4++++++++++++++ 1114++ 1+4i++++++4-1+++++1411-+ 31333 +-1 i 311 ++ 01 GINGER AL BETTER THAN THE JMPORTED 5c CALKINS5' PHABMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. I PIGkwLGk BIUNN IaFIOPSaNOd OO 707 -OT NCll'4IVEt RIX XX LAVENU THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II Thi 1!(zn 1cIS fetytl i tt oF JC , Q1IA ISNT and isROADBEl. wit ParlrCTsIOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHiIGAN LINEN PAPE...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…LU WU 0 t -J/1 v Q f} _ ^, .=; , , - ..- _ =' _, . _ -- . f - .. ;. - _ ..' t. y J. - !. f 1. /. ..... ;r1 - w ._ H o ; ; r. . C __ , '' 'It . _. ", -- ,r' t n.. t-i ' "1 J.' Y. , t 9 .- ' ..r , ;. rs, Y ,-- 1- ' ; }'. -.a. -+ t ".Y .. . I P {x s { j mow,:; ' E ' ..... __ .. p I E . C t ) s 1 't c 4 1' : i } 5 y " ';'<J c : , _ 1 ; x i ~x: t Li _: _... d 4 /-.f 3 ,, a - ~n i w ,_ ::_. , :--; ° , a . -; , ; , "r ,t I i ; , := ,~ {; _ < of I ' 4...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICII IGANLDAILA -N EV S; p ] i - -lerchan, t Tailors....10 have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort- ment in she city s¢ 1G~ 1. \Vsfiinon Y Ne wand Second Hand. [he Best $I Fountain PEN In the City. New & Secon d nd Books I' i} ;tr: I S I i - 1r ou r B tiseWi tI i i SHEEHAN & CO. University lBookellers, 320 S. State Street.". E' i .~ XtRl!7 %i_ 1 t ti11 _oleeYear lmo''. For University Text Books ...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…_ 'tIEE MIC-alGANDAILY--NEWS % ~ S. L, A.LECTURES A Fine Course of Lectues is 1 ee Thi Y ai Macyo~ ?.n_ if e: TlI, Your woa. 4v' Lr7-rsty weU Co- r Aidstcr C ca s I .. d fr m $ .08te iha14-aa ~fr, DOW1 / NIER1IY RA CH 116 Sout.h .F om ° Ma' issin Street C or.w State cr iberkty" ts . !'e t" 71 IE P P 15,2c,2c~ 0 pud WE PATRO , L InIZEr GOODYEAR yy)4FOr.' DRU : GS. eHs …

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE M~ICHIGAN I)AMLY-NEWS,_________ Coeducation Not In Danger By Mr. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, President Ntonl Amriecn D O N 'I Woman Suffrge Assocaio . Ii IIII "[[fr:Cr rc-C U B BI N 0G '~~ ~~ TO ' 111) >,1)'-4 ) -% \v N I)-I OFFER c7 £Li\ (4A- tit. VV NII is0 (; $1 .0'11 1.0 *N . . , I $0 0:I': 1.1ILt : NH IHIA AI'N N N I 0 I ~ I1<No.I N. I N l ,,LIILNI10 NII VHIIRATE I I NIilrNI )flnl12 l i r j ita 10a0111f.111tk o i rmII f110 '-1 l at-1t ttt NI...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -NEWS 4UTU N A PAR L ~ THE RIGHT THINGSANO FOR O ENOUGH 02 THEM IOIII lAL JABI ) ,II! ,Suits,Overcotsh atsCaps andall the 1r ii xest Men's Furnisliinf 1I1 l )I~n~ }l t I .,; el nl c~ 111 i Ito w toI t a ( P - 1 i I1 i I i i ' c . SII B LN0BLOCHCOM PAN Y WDASYN&RUE LINDENSCtIMITT & APFE.IW D ! I kBSnherefer 1. I...........+...4 +#######A..+++#++#+ ! i 61 444444444i4" BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. i ± ' 1It_ l'a~~l ', } r...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…"THE MICHIGAN4 DAILY-NEWS .. r . .. .... s. w . w. v a n r A. / Y / i.I .t1C7Y. E. ss" " " r rURITA { 11 . 4n , 4,9 J'l f 6 'i °'.y'r_ n s .^ r., ,c n.. . , r,, n f; . , , ; , . !', 'y ~ c , F°f. .'' ~ .^' t ,r ,.' . . .. f e ~ .' ,. . ,yC / ' ... . ' '"_ (fin ', i ' ^dS " . 44 ' ,; ', ? ,/ t n (, . ~"t ..s - ; , . , F4: X , Q, L . 4 f ' 4y M' s'!' - i °< , " 1 . . . , y' F., pp . y.: % f d .h' i, ,rf 1 . _, ' . , W "4 r' ' ./f " !.' ", ,1 1 -...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…-z r D4 II' a I-: - ._, _ t. r-t . -- .~ ,t s. ... -. . , "I1 _ f .. :! :-a f. 'f, _ _ " , «.. - S f _ . . _ .. . _ '/. ,, .l -" N "r n .: % -- - _ ,% ..... 'f, .e '1, n 'f. _.- I cy . "1 r _ .1. - I s . U lU . CII …

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…N f1( IG kMN SF .. - , k a t: r lj ' . 4 , y 'S , 7. - '- ll -ariw A-4 have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort-. ment in TheCity q ~ 1:. 0YT ig u "Our (onsience Pac~ks Us" hh y "Why" SHEEHANll ) F ])I()R ii i ' 1 1 ' 1 t 1' ' :3. s~ 15~. ;E14 .'i'1 E)i'! '= 14 E '+.511± ':",1 ;"il ".. . ! " fill" 'till- ;tny 'T, :\ _ c'12',' . ttY ;tt71" 1 ?-:i:'_'" !II !i?+ 1' Ill :ti l 7i " i Ill, wi I: t' ttl...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…;ra:"Y G a^i 7" v....«3.. 'YI ... is F .f r =R-7 n Tom:: i d ri ' L h I G rS y. l t-t ^b., f --,. , .. ;, , ' .r f.: ';. °-:: : , . '? :i= Y ....i L'' '. \. w}; pL {. A yG l.,rt it{l r , ~ [ 'r ri ; , . f r y j r r - ,,.. C r ---{ f ''" t T, r - } 1 J '. '.J i i . r, ... ., } f ' - ... : - -, ' " s . = 4 'Y _ 4_ to ::r;, =' V -J ;+ . i j1llf 4 -fir. . ^ ,: . ' T 1 . .. ,, ~ .- If ° Cq X r r. c 'a'rt rv r-. -- cm _ 1 r,' L31 r J 1 - Uq rp "Y r ...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS XWe call it a IDetcriiinatiom; Sale becaus wear determined not a ~to move anythnilng that cut prices> N ll sell. DIahot think about this sale too lonm;, Ne canl kCL it going; but a short time Alred t. 1,ienjamlin & Co's hig a -custom a de suits anit!oXvercoats. At a RA L- Seme uStr ta ocks, ellI - t, II11 lIN 1111 I 41 j l+W ~ - 8 IN. N _ __ ta vi la i1 _t1: ,_ i r, "1I: a , I ift .. '+ I 4_ ; . rt 11 .I ca I II I; :e (...…

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