July 24, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 14) • Page Image 1
…PRICE 50CTHONYFICA IFOR THE REMAINDERI _ _ jESUME SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA~TRISAY, JULY 2?4. 1915 No. 14 ALL-STAS DEFEAT YPSI ACCOECATION -1lehiganders' Tilmely Clouting Puts Gtame onl fee i Early Inings PLAY HroT'ln CONTEST FRIDIAY By Hap Church Michiganos All-Staro, composed of players from the Vacation league I defeated the Ypsilanti Normal team on their home groonds yeterday af- ternoon by the store of 14 to 1...…