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May 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 169) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,, A vA W 0 I L1 [Attractive Wedding Held at Dormitory BASEBALL TEAMS CONTINUE GAMES SP ONIE Be r Assigne a Nigh woM Ma be dressed and will car e juniors w hey will pa Leaders a Before the fireplace in the living room of Betsy Barbour House, Doro- thy Shore, '28, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Francis M. Shore of Washing- ton, D. C., became the bride of Cur- tis Lindfors, '29E, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Lindfors of ...…

May 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…T H MICHIGAN DAILY 1s Chase Two Pitchers to Beat a Mich. TF-jNNIS. 7-'E.AM -WINS FROM ILLINOIS,5 1 RUSSELL TAKES HONORS IN 440 LAST DOUBLES SET DETERMINES MEET! FISHER'S TEAM BOWS TO STATE DOTfLOSE TWO GAMES IMAIZE AND BLUE GOLFERS 1 TO DEADLOCK WITH ILL Lel festv Mises n Short Putt' Pav Michivan a e ' .I stly the ted, , ;en but for to 5 Runs. again as Madonna in succes- out. But .ithbertson it and Su- 0 against ...…

May 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 169) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHICAN DAILY FIELD III II NS BIG TEN TITLE 10 Points for Wolverines as' 100, 220 Yard Dashes; lps Set New Record. STON, ord). 220 yard low hurdles-Won by of nKeller (Ohio): Sentman (Ill.) sec- lerun o Egeston (Mich.) third: Cave (Ill) fourth: Hafield (Ind.)fifth: PtAY FORTITLES, Conference Golf Championships Will Be Played Over New University Course. Two of Michigan's spring sports will be brought to a close with Western Conference ...…

May 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 169) • Page Image 8

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY FFICIAL BULLETIN letin is constructive notice to all members y received at the office of the Assistant to 0, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Rhodes Scholarships: Attention is called to the noticcs posted. Can- didates arc requested to consult Professor Cross, 1011 Angell hall, Tues- day ap(d Thursday at 10 a. in., Friday 9 a. ih., or Monday at 2 p. m. Shop 4 Students wishing to visit the plant of the Car Compa...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 I is i4an 4. aitg 4EM BER SOCTATED) PRESS --wq L - --M-- I PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XL. NO. 169, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS r EXECUTIVE COUNCILIESINITIATES MBRIDE CHARGES Of I~ll SEECT D Atend Banquet at Uion and Of UNION SELECTEDAt ad to Rome' Show. ! MELLONflAWAS LAX BY NEPRESIDENT Albert Donohue Appoints Nich- ols to Head Dance Committee - for Coming Year. SKID...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…PAG1CE ATW1! ""H]E MICHIGAN DAILY . C!,ATM,.T)A"7- MAT 94 lAtn :_7 ~rHT~MTCHT~A~ L kr ljju MEE,1928 CHAMPION,, DE PALMA AND DE PROLO ARE ADIO WILL LINK TWO G TU OL HEE;NTRIES 1W*1930 INDIANAPOLIS MEMORIAL DAB' RACE f 4-O0 T0 HELD SAME DAYI IN ' TUILIL B N UE M YRW-_ __T C CcDEICATEO R'Y,4 CtITr lTh will PLA ED ANN ALY-.;,O kPAT ERI tionsrin Belin and San Francisco~ofr BY SIGMARHO TAU~~~~~, i{ueIseI aeMmra will hold a joint session by rad...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…At '14, 1030 THE ' ICAN DAILYv . . _ _,. .. a. rr . - .m,® I s to I t ic r II S ' tti 10 IflDAR TMOUTH MEN START ',SHORTS FOR COMFORT' D RIVE; Fajans °oLctt 1 AN TICIPA TE LIBERA TION FROM PROLONGED HEA T VS on Ion Deformation Hark To His Maste BET UI 9 10 7°Dr. Kaimir Fajans, internatio O To iIVERS] Saly renowned chemist, will lecture Architectural Society. P 1 a n s1I o'ckhigan students at 4:15 lisp,'cion Trip forw1oclk Monday In room ...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…,vur MTruTr.AN n-ATL Y SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 ... . . .. .'. ...... .. - ...... PENNSYLVANIA REJECTS BOSSISM. With former governor Gifford Pinchot assured of the Republican nomination for governor in the Pennsylvania primary, a state in which the Republican nomination means election, one would be led to believe that Mr. William Vare has again come out of the fight with empty hands, and that Pennsylvan- ia has escaped another state boss On...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACfL' -A--Ra YaMAY"24,a1930" aF Mv.-TCaNs Da.rsaILYaAE I . . T { t 'wA I MA V/ -- --v---ter - zs--- _5:'__T zs-1: I .-- -- ZETA T\AU A W ARHY Elizabeth Hatch, '31, S Highest Individual in Tourney. 10 HOUSES REPRE Zeta Tau Alpha won fir the Archery tournament: nesday afternoon on Pal There were two girls f house entered in the to and their scores average house score. Zeta Ta score was 194. A...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…rA GE SIX THE VTCTTT AN DAILY Wf7rbAY, MAY 24, 1030 .. A..t SIX TI-T -_. .......M T... ..-..._N. D . . ....... + ' WOLVF2 S p m g [N t ,B T Kiegler or Compton May Start Against Sommerfield, Wisconsin Ace. TEAM BATTING BETTER PRftA;BLE LINE-UPS. S PLAY AMPION T MADISON ,. s MICMGAN Butler, rf. Superko, 3b. Tompkins, cf. Hudson, 1b. Straub, if. Myron, ss. Truskowsk, c. 'Daniels, 2b. Comupton or Keigler, p. WIsCONSkfN Griswold. c. W...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 7

…THE MITCHIGCAN DAILY PAGE . w. ~Tim~r I ICOACH BIJOTT AWARDJS NUMERALS ST I LO'UIS - IB ITO TWENT Y FROSH DIAMOND STARS1 DE E T CLEVELAND (Contie From Page 6) E I Fisher's nine next spring. Of the nuerl wetes.ThePhsclE;ifedr Manuel and Berger stand Phlhesplayers- to win awards are Braen-I out as promising' contenders for Dodgers, Pirates and Pilis1dle, Klein, Xracht, 'Tessmer, Alten-, berths on Michigan ball clubs in Wina Only Other Conte...…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 8

…Notice to Seniors: Only three days remain fo diploma fee. There can and will be no extension beyo The Treasurer's 'Office closes every Saturday afterno Shirley W. Sm Students, Colleges of Enginterinig and Architectu these Colleges who are taking courses other than Che in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts ar at the Secretary's Office, 263 West Engine'ring Buildi Louis A. Hopki Freshmen Advisers for Septenber, 1930: There Monday, ...…

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