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April 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…/773 jc . o ItI* j7j all f vol'. 1<'i. IJINIVEISSITY OFi MICHIGAN, FRZIDAY, APtiIL 2-1, IStil. IiioTtcGr. Plzlc :, C I .N T.S. New Law Lecturers. 11o1-1schools (if that lplacet(iidenii- irks, epresentin' ,the otanufac- tereed the 1ain tip irtiiient of the Ititire ot all kint s oft ion tail steel Ott Kreinr ii orr nI iI I Ine -ecc the haesiii-honse 1ElectricIEngine sCrli)ratiijiiitio the juiiiior clissitwas o \.*11 73,aiIrc i l lniel titi L I l...…

April 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…T-THEI("1OF MV AlI V 1~.of1TL'Xi. PublihedDaihly (Su2nd1aysexceptedluring121 he Coll ee)ear, by THEI U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcrition prjie$'2.50 per year1, invariabl5y in 1111 221. Singl2e2121221'222cets. 0n sale t S'neehoan's and P1st .1 (.le newsstand 01 tt12 o212'cloc, non. Subsc2rptions may be lef1 t'ltit tl fieo tieDIY, 01),(1-11. 101S' bloc, Iheinsa tollt 111, or N th '2i'y2o2 12e ( 'clo ' -. m. if they 122tire 2to .app ...…

April 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 81HIRT8. Youi are nio doubt interested in the above line, and as we have mlade them a special stud v, wxishi you would call and see whiat we have. We knwv we can please you anid save V()on 11iiNv0on thiemi. THE T WO &0-bMSE 1-4.I3 iiATz. =T==-= WrTT7=2ITT= Of Old U. of M. should have a UniverSity of Michigan Guitar's Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every imieli of th~e roadl. Violin uini Guitar ...…

April 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE U MW . DAILY 11101119 A TO 'ET -SOAPS TI E AB E.M~t Itic i- e l fS it ' thI ' ooli I t' tillw Ws FN.G1','1, 1:R, ] M. anagIiu S e, t Pixtve i NS A frtomlttt 'ttt itt' T] i I>5e4AMO'S:1) S(tbii(iS]0 ,5 , 9 . W .,) , 1 .1h ..5 1, 4 .:(),i11 -g]] ,al-. OGIDIOPfIL F20~TEb Boar and Room s to :14 Voe1W4, ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, ProprietOrs- I 'sib' II i '. 'Is 11111 i iecili 11 ciileIli y i liti'X I n~i ttit fl-I' ' The Il~~~~shb'i SpIll I O rod,'liia...…

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