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April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 p r ito 41P MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS EXPERT TO BEGIN' STUDY OF CAMPUS DRAMASITUATION Geo. Quinby, Savannah Theatre Director, to Investigate Dramatic Societies. IS BOWDOIN GRADUATE Move Is Step in Development to Culminate in Campus Theatre. As the first step in the develop- ment of a University dramatic or- ganization which...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…THE Ml(',Htr.AN At I. v ,_ ,vs, N t 1 4Ca t- 1 ./ L jIIi ti~l F tSDY, AJ P~T L 2Wi93 NATIQIAL MUSEUM VI7ELL SRAPflIC kRT MATS F Guteniberg Bible Reproduction' Illustrates Utter Press Printing. MANY TYAPES ISPLAYED Eamples cof Linle Engravings byk American, English, Dutcl- -SOF PR!SQNERSDEAD, IN OHIO ,FIRE InI j ij. jf'WIL-CST J. P. MORGAN $2,000,000 FQRENSIO C TES ....... . . . . . . ,Defeats L (Cicero and Hesting by 'Speech on Tradit...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…j THE MICHIGAN DAILY' ..PO SIBE.A POI T- -NT-O- KILIN '* M NAV AVA,, RSTO RCE MOO1N SHlADIOW IN ATTEMPT TO PHO TOGR P.S UN ECLIPF'SE FROM SPECIAL PLkI E :.ONYSLY E&VNING SKY MAP NITffNUA irI7 ECLIPSE 12 Nation-alities Represented : .1:*. : - on Tour Taken During;;:, M*.....A.It wA 0 Spring Vacatio. P ~ ~ 1 AOA~ LE INDY &M - Am WI B I1TPo YEARSTOO LATE, SAY PROF1ESS( VISITED FIVE CITIES Carlton; Wels Lauds Prpose as Educational Projec...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…T'HE MICHLGAN DAILY" THM SDAV;- AJOkIt A-'- * ~ , ** . ;, 1 2,u. r Published every morning except Monday during tae T'iersity year by thi Board in Conti of of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited todit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the po...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…24z 193& THE TMICkI AN '.D'AILY ,.. 94 aapv a T L a rM v; aa' v( r'aN D+saILY a. ... _..K - -. - e s s vA *0111 I"WN NATIONAL ATHLETIC COUNCIL (a" OVER THEHUDD DELEGATES ARE* GUESTS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AT SIXTH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION NOVEL FEATURES APPEAR IN SPORTS I WEAR FOR ESPRING BY BELLE. 'Now that vacation has been frantically passed to the accom- paniment of much hasty shopping, and May is descending upon usl with...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…C1CH.IGA~N D A IIY THURSDPAY, PP,4; 19,; TRAGKMEN GET FINL FOR DRAKE REi LAYS NATIO"N'S AC'E$ IN DRAKE' RELA YS AND, NOTED PRO ~i~in __TAKEN BY DAH t-...,z, With the. death, ls daTH G IY4"[EN L IJC tIT 0OHILL r ~Alex Smith, golf lstsondaof$h s ;most picturesque figures ever to be Coach, Harry Kipke Sends Squad ,associated with the pastime. Alex- ' Th ugah Short. Session . ?anderv Smith, brother to the Mvac-' Donal Smith who won the Los o...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 7

…24, 1930 -THg M1~I4I~-AN 1~A4LY lay by Play Account of Michigan-Ohio Tie CO) TIGERS' LOSING STREAK GROWS AS BATTERS FAIL TO DELIVER -h-- After dropping three out of four AMEICAN ILEAGUE Wolverines Out-hit Opponents; to the Indians in Detroit, and los-DeoR1H E but Buckeyes are Aided ing the opener in St. Louls Tuesday, Detroits......001 000 000-1--1 1 ~St. Louis....000 021 20x-5-7-2 by Six Errors. principally because they could not, ...…

April 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 143) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHICAN DAILY , -I MADI tions of ed by t States . been id 12,000,00 Thea forestp 12,000,000-YEAR OLD LOG FOUND (?y Associated Press) ) ISON, Wis., April 23.-Por- University of Wisconsin. The log j11111 ULOSL was found embedded in basalticDU unnelers for the United lava of the Miocene period.Ct II .1M L reclamation service, have - The cell structure of wood im-- entified by experts here as bedded in rock usually is destroyed Prosecutor ...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…a ESTABLISHED 1890 I AIL tip MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - , . -sommmw EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI.. No. 143. PRICE FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1931 ,,..,_.v. . .._..,,,._.._ _ . _.._ a ENISON TO SPEAK PROGATOIH Brucker, Tuttle, Murfin, Bates Also to Address Banquet in Lawyer's Club. WILL PRESENT BILLETS Final Argument in Junior Case Club Series to be Held...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…Schoolmasters' Group Will Hold SixtySixth Annual Meeting in Ann Arbor. RUTHVEN WILL PRESIDE *-Iagboldtt, Sampson, Read, Mac- Lean Will be Among Guest I Speakers. \Questions such as "What should be stricken from the secondaryI school program of today?" "What modification should be made in what remains?" "What should be added?" will be discussed at the 1931 meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters club which will hold, its sixty-sixth meeting on Th...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…Y", APPFTTJ 24, 1031 THE MICHICAN DAIDY -------- ------ PRNT INSTITUTE TO BE HELD HERE HONDURAS REVOLT REPORTED BY LAY fxtension Division, Education School to Sponsor Event" April 29, 30. The Michigan Congress of Par- ents and Teachers, the Extension division, and the School of Educa- tion are sponsoring a Parent Edu- cation institute which is to be held here April 29 and 30. Some of the subjects to be dis- cussed are sane organization...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY APRIL 24, 1931 . , Published every morning except Monday dur- ire; the jiiversity year by the Board in Controll of Student Pulbi iations. Member of Western Conference Editorial Asso-" ciation. The Associated Press is exclusively en itled to' the use for republication of il news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this' Japer and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Ar...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…DAY, APIL 24, 1931 THE M ICHIGAN DAI L Y I 5T\..~ 1 "I I. AII[ PROGRAM Business and Social. Functions Arranged for -Delegates to Convention.. Today, the second day in the. fifth biennial session of the In- tercollegiate Association of Wo- men Students, will be filled wih both business and social engage- ments for the delegates. The two speakers of the day are to be Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher, and Miss Ethel McCormick.. Mrs. Fisher will...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…T___IEMIHIGAN DAILY PIDAY , APRIL 24, 1931 T j "I .tntered 0 in k Relays Y Intramiral News FRESHMAN NINE HOLDS WORKOUT Yearlings Get First Opportunity to Bat Against Hurlers. o'clock; Phi Chi vs. Tau Kappa With the pitchr's moun dried Epsilon, Ferry Field courts 1, 2, 3 out sufficiently to permit a good at 2 o'clock; Sigma Pi vs. Phi Kappa foothold for the hurlers, the fresh- Sigma, Ferry Field courts 1, 2, 3 at man baseball candidates...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 7

…MTIDAY, APRIT, 24, 1031 ..rt.,.. THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y TWO RAY MEETS TOH11MI'TO BE -B6BODUAST' Drake and Penn Events Will Go on Air Over National and Columbia Networks. (Special to The Daily) DES MOINES, Iowa, Apr. 23. - The 22nd annual Drake Relays herei 8aturday afternoon will be broad- cast for one hour, between 3:30 and 4:30 o'clock, Central standard time, over the network of the National, Broadcasting Company, it has an- nounced. Most ...…

April 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 143) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHICAN DATLY V.1- DAY, l1J'I;_I1, 21, 19:',1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1931 low ___ __ .:. v- SOPHOMORE FORESTERS WILL GAIN OIIOIAIVIflED ACTUAL EXPERIENCE THIS SUMMER I iULUVVEINIICtUVIIL Students at University Munising Professor Craig will head the work Camp to Engage in Fire of the camp this year, it was an- __. ,nounced, while Prof. Shirley W. Al- I ANN ARBOR NES-IRiIEFS ° I Prevention Work. Actual fire fig...…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Ar -A-.A6& 4f[ -Wt r t n 4a tMi I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 'ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1932 WEATHER: Generally fair. PRICE FIVE Clarence Darrow (center), chief in Honolulu, is shown with two of b H. Massie and Mrs. Grace Fortescue sions. Darrow has attempted to pr when he shot Joseph Kahahawai, all )ANTS CONFER ISHOP, DET . DEANTO LECTURE AT LOCL CHURCH African Bishop, Dean O'Ferrall to Preach at Methodist Church Servic...…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE MTC[ITGAN DATLY Swamp Satisfies 1V ichx6an Kipke I VANQUISHED CONGRATULATESVICTOR ERDetroit Loses to Indians; O [. MI IJ LI is oston 'Tops Senior Loop~ LoYankees Go on Batting Rampage AMERICAN LEAGUE /-- to Defeat Philadelphia Cleveland ended the long Detroit tPWokout in Stadium Featured winning streak yesterday by scor- Athletics, 16-4. ing four runs in the last two in- Etire Gr Squad. N IA-- nings to defeat the Tigers, 8 to 7. s Ent...…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHiGAN DAILY SUN i ig ilg A every morning except Monday during the University Board in Contro! of Student Publications. of the Western Conference Editorial Association. sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise his paper and the local news published herein. at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant 3ener...…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIAN DATLY JS 7.. - j l 4"7. kvAm Aopm-lft lAz2hk N. in] N 11.1 =.000" 5 ® E m, a " L BECI SPIN ~T History of Sororities FAMOUS SCULPTORP ASKS CflOPFRATIflN FRENCH CLUB TO PRESENT COMEDY IN THREE ACTS AS ANNUAL AFFAIR - __-I - Play to Feature Strong Women Characters. avs Director e GAMMA PHI BETA [By Margaret O'Brien I I I L L I IJViiIV I U IjVCelebrating fifty years of contin- of the building is known as the uous exis...…

April 24, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…THE MICH1QAN DAILY AL BULLETIN h a, ion in the Bulletin is construct ye notice to all members Jniversity. Copy received at thc office of the Assistant to ident until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. XLII. SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1932 No. 145 NOTICES Official Publications Mailing Regulations: Attention of all concerned called to the increase in postage rates to all foreign countries, includ- Canada and Mexico, effective at once. The new rate is ...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…glfr iau Iat Editorials Tonight's The Night At The Whitney; Opening The Grab Bag. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1934 PRICE FIVE I I I I Michigan's Football Men To Take Limelight As Practised Troupers -Associated Press Photo John Dillinger, public enemy No. 1, who yesterday again successfully evaded both Federal and state police to make another sensational escape from. justice. Two men were killed and four wounded in the fra...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Opera's 'Villain' And Two Of The 'Queens' CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY (Continued from Page 1) elude Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Louis A. Strauss, Prof. John L. Brumm, Prof. Paul A. Leidy, Prof. Robert A. Campbell, Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, Prof. Bruce Donaldson, and Donal H. Haines. John Bunting, '36M, is president of the club this year. Among alumni who have accepted invitations are J. Fred Lawton, Waldo Fellows, Charles Kendr...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…4, 1934 THE MICIHIGAN DAILY PLAY & BY-PLAY By AL NEWMAN--I Man-Hunting . . JUST RECENTLY there has been a tendency to take' hunting and shooting out of sport and make some- thing of a business of them. It is all due to a person named John Dillin- ger, a character from a nice, placid little mid-western town. John is num- bered among the less conservative citizens of the place but the home town folks seem to regard him as merely somewhat high...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN. DAILY T I HE MICHIGAN DAILY I_ a.'. - Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. -sorilated 0olkrat )reSz 1933 w 0co.raG.9 34 MEMBER OF THIE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY raure Shermas Will Furnish Music Fo Archite *1~ Costume Party Will Be Given, At Grage s" Tour Enables WellKnown Orchestra Letder T ie Here May 11 Maurie Sherman and his orchestra have been signed to play for the Architects' Costume Party to be held May 11 at.Granger's Ballroom, ac- cording to an announcement made yesterday by Don Lyon, '34A, gen- eral chairman. "We have been par- ticularly fortunate in signing Sher- man an...…

April 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Flash: Here's A Racing Driver Who lhwsn't Smoke Cigarettes T hreatened By Gang The name of Ab Jenkins is familiarE to you if you read automobile adver- tisements. Searching the back pages of practically any magazinu for the end of that continued story, you must have come upon the picture of this "intrepid racing driver; who defied death that science might advance in its tortuous course toward automo- tive perfection." Of ...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Rain Wednesday, Thursday; somewhat warmer in southeast portion; cooler Thursday. pr . 4r it tti Editorials A Distinguished Scholar Is Lost... Recognition Of Real Honors.., VOL. XLV. No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS ____ t Professor Succumbs To Ill1ness T.J.C. Diekhoff Of German Department Passes Away Of Pneumonia Services Tomorrow At Muehlig Chapel Distinguished Philologist Has Been ...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 19 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN lontlon In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Un ty. received at the office of the Assistant to the President until S3:30; 11:30am. Saturday. ally invited to be present. Reserva- man, costume chairman, music chair- tions or cancellations of reservations man, dance chairman, ushers, chair- may be made through the Secretary's man, program chairman, ma...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…~ Y, APIL 24, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U_- Tennis Squad Opens Season* Today At Ypsi Coach Johnstone Confident Of Defeating Michigan Normal Netters Seven Make Trip Capt. Siegel Begins Third Year On 'Varsity ; Milt EskowitzIneligible Michigan's tennis team, dual meet champions of the Conference, will swing into action this afternoon in the first contest of the year when they invade the Michigan Normal courts at Ypsilanti. The opening matches...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…T ... .r I C H.I G 1r . A 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1935 THE x'H x D IL -' . ~ .- - ----- --I } 1 N lUUV THE MICHIGAN DAILY "w ' . ++.. t ~ 1 !I Publibmed every morning except Monday during the University year and Slmmer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Asodated (9011agiate rasa -s1934 QWl f&lDIj0 1935 E MA4SOMVWiSCONSIN ...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 5

…ENES BAY, APIUL24, 935.THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. PAGE FIV. i Here Is r The Event Thousands Of Smart Buyers Wait For! An Opportunity to Choose JACOBSON COATS-- At Drastic Price Reductions 10% 1o 50% ip MAIN STORE 25 SPRING SUITS Both Tailored and Dressy Types 11 Values to 12.95 $9.50 14 $19.95 Values $14.81 MAIN STORE 26 SPRING SUITSa Tailored and Dressy Types 5 $25.00 Values $18.75 13 $29.75 Values $22.31 8 $35.00 Values $23.33 MAIN ST...…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…__________________________________________________________________________________________________ I I I Annual Easter Charity Dance Held At Union Dinner Event Of St. Parties Precede Given By League Andrew's The annual Easter charity ball un- der the sponsorship of the League of St. Andrew's was held last night in the Union ballroom following dinner parties held on the terrace of the Union and in private homes. Music for dancing was furni...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Weather SOinll i a).t wa lit' I' I1t ; .999&:J iz4r IJUI 9ian ~aitij Editorials A Constructive' Spring Parley . Mic iiganil letnrns To The Penn Relays .. VOL. XLVI No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS H.J. A bott eigious, Scientific Attitude He J. Mr -E Eo '3 Has Stroke: A Parley Urged By RIuthven i Wishes Participants 'Full Success, Achievement Of G ravely Spiritual Insight' and for service. "A...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…wo 1-1 E, WIMicNX DATINl FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 Graegermen Rescue Two In Mine Disaster LATE WIRE NEWS Bishop Attends Library Meet At Washinton Conference Is Inportant Iii Determining Library Resources For Research As chairman of the Committee on Resources of American Libraries, Dr. William W. Bishop, University librar- ian, attended the meeting of the committee held at the Library of Con- gress in Washington last week and which he term...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…FI;tIDAYt'' "RIL 24, 1936 THE MICHIGA.N DAILY VAGI-: TlIRFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, J93($PAGE ThREE Ohio Nine Here In TWO Tilts atbe9;aders Due Toiiiorrow The hOT STOV_ ------By Bill REED THE MANAGEMENT of the Drake Relays, which event Michigan's track team forsook this year to enter the Penn Relays, was greatly disappointed at the Michigan withdrawal and directed several queries in that vein to- wards Ann Arbor, essaying to establish a re...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 . ....... . .. 1 f a i THE FORUM Publisned every morning except Monday during tho University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of' r...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…CRJIDAY, APRIL 24, 1,936 THE "IMICHIGAN DAILY 1' AG E I'll"" THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGE FI~ r 'Clotard et Cie' Is Annual Play Of French Club Vandenberg, Nelson. And Potter Have Leads I The Production The French Club will present Cho- tard et Cie, its annual production Tucsday, April 28, at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The following cast has been an- nounced for the play: Francis Cho- tard, Carl Nelson, '37E; Julien Col- linet, Vaudie Van...…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…s5x TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 'N, 1936 G.O.P.. Meeting To Be Held In Detroit Today Leaders Are Faced With Republican Division On Briicker-Couzens Split Brucker is Strongeri Support For Vandenberg As Presidential Choice Also Raises Problem By WILLIAM TAYLOR Delegates to the State Republican Convention in Detroit today will be confronted in the course of their ses- sion with one large question mark - former governor Wilber M. Brucker...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…T he W eatle Showers eginingtoday or toniht; warmner ine.south por- t~ion. Y.i e f~fr igan Iait Editorials Labor Union Independele ,. . VOL. XLVII No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1937 .igh PRICE FIVE CENTS Wheeler Hits Court Change As Dictatorial In Talk Here Montana Senator Believes Roosevelt On His Way To Dictatorship States He Will Not Be 'Rubber-Stamp' President Roosevelt is on his way to dictatorship "unless he men...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE ITCHIGA IT DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY South Haven Beauty Is Named Michigan's Blossom Queen k ' i GM Research Educators T o Ieet Life Insurance In Annial iParley Show To Come Te ana T Group To Hear The eighth annual conference an f 'ere 3, 4 teacher education, sponsored by the Men M 6a M ySchool of Education, will be held g 'Previews Of Progress'Is 9:30 a.m. Thursday in the Union in Stale Underwriter's Plans Is ...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…L 24, 1937 HE MICHIIGAN I)AILY rAGE T L 24, 1937 PAGE T Hawkeyes Hand Michigan Nine First Conference Loss, 3-2 Drake And Penn Relays Open ; Galaxy Of Stars Vie For Places Unheralded Feiler Stars fiers in the shot put with a flip of 51 feet, 5% inches. At Drake Meet; Indiana Bobby Grieve, Illinois' little sprint Leads At Penn Sace, galloped his heat of the 100- yard dash in the best time of the DES MOINES, Ia., April 23.-(R)- day, 10 ...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…SFOUR THE ZI=C_ II, . AII. SATriTRI3A '. Al'giIl, 24, 1937 THEMCHIGAsDAIL SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters Ask For Action By Labor; Cementing Of Wail Against War A r. ."- . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authoilty of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning exceptMonday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press Th...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

…L 4, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Six Honor Societies Join To Give Second Key Dance May 21 A Union " _._. ollatZ To Head Committeemet For Annual Ball Triangles, Sigmna Delta Chi, Druids, Sphinx, Vulcans,_Michigauma The second annual Key Dance, which is sponsored by six campus honorary societies, will be given Fri- day, May 21 in the Union Ballroom, it wasannounced last night by Gus Collatz, '37E, general chairman. Michigamua, Vulcans, Druids,...…

April 24, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

…i?'Aar S T lE MiChIGAN DAILY SA' 'LiRDAX, AFI xt, 24, 19 ;7 PAGE SIX SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1937 Issue Bulletin Of '37 Summer School Sessiona Special Institutes To Take Part In Work; Outside ProgramOffered Police Use Tear Gas Barrage To Rout Maine Strikers Bulletins of the complete an- nouncement of the 44th University Summer Session are available today in all th University administration offices, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Louis ...…

April 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Occasional showers today and tomqGrrow somewhat cloudy ai-A cool, Jr Sirp ~Iat&l Editorials The Panay Incident. . Examination Files ... VOL. XLVIII. No. 145 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1998 PRICE FIVE C LaFollette Is Hardly Threat As Roosevelt Stiffens Hand Pressure Of F.D.R. Forces Senate Consideration Of ,rTax DespiteOpposition Third Term Strategy Seen In New Tactics WASHINGTON, April 23.-(AR)- The definite prog...…

April 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…, ", tcht Is't Fihin Fy .S all F r Tamount A~o $150 q er frtoen in swimigdpatet oody L ene C ief Pnht s' isigFr ml ryID IY Arilyer. t s f2rd9yh yeas. i is oferdby heBloom- gils camp in New Mexico. position pri 9 field Hills Branch of the Women's1 carries no salary, but possibility of3:0o0a p.. Tel tdns! BULLETIN JFarm anrdGardenl Association. Any; comnmissins on any campers i-,o120 o April 25 through Frida3 9:00 to 12:00 a.m.; 1:00 t Saturday...…

April 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY r Guest i Bisp, Pastor A t Services Today Visiting Clergymen Talk To Episcopal, Lutheran Congregations Here Visiting clergymen will speak from thepulpits of two Ann Arbor churches this morning, later addressing the student guilds of these churches. The Right Reverend Hayward S. Ablewhite, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Marquette will be the guest minister at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and will preach the sermon a...…

April 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRI L 24, 1938 IE MICHIGAN DAILY' t ' _I N :I Edited and manage by students of the University of Michigan under the athority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to it or not othe...…

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