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March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Ann Arbor City Council blew its opportunity to help the homeless when it refused to renovate the Ann Arbor Inn. Now private interests are taking a turn at it. When they descend to the depths of the Law Quad reading room, where you are not allowed, you think, Let's KillAll the Lawyers. Filmmaker Ron Semkowski agrees. SPORTS 10 Oklahoma State coach Eddie Sutton and his son, Sean, will be singing "My Old Kentucky Home" this weekend when the...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…*I Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 24, 1992 BULLARD Continued from page 1 two new representatives from Ann Arbor," he said. "At the primary we will see a flowering of talent and en- thusiasm that will be positive." Although many Democrats have expressed an interest in filling one of the Ann Arbor seats, most are reluc- tant declare definite intentions until the Michigan Supreme Court makes a final ruling on districts. However, Brie...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 24, 1992 - Page 3 Fuel leak postpones Atlantis launch CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Yesterday's scheduled launch of the space shuttle Atlantis was canceled because of fuel leaks, but NASA decided it was a fleeting problem that posed no danger. The launch was rescheduled for 8 a.m. today. Launch director Bob Sieck said he was confident the trouble was not a recurrence of the hydrogen leaks that grounded the s...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 24, 1992 Gbe Mrrbigwu laiIQ an 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 I(itor in CIilef MA'ITIJEW D. RIENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent ...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Senkowski films as lawyers quake 'UT'glmdtsthe markwith new movie Tuesday, March 24, 1992 Page 5 by Rosanne Freed A few summers ago, oddly-shaped packages started arriving at movie production offices on the West Coast. All over Hollywood, puzzled secretaries opened bulky envelopes containing a life-sized plaster foot and a letter signed by Ron Senkowski's mother. "My son's about to come out there," the note read. "I...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

… 0 Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 24, 1992 ELEC. GUITAR: Fender stratocaster and Fender amp. & access-New. Call 741-5106. ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS Indoor sports shoes and team uniforms. 2 blocks off State St. Call 663-6771. TOWER PLAZA CONDO: Sale by owner. 1 bdrm. fully furnished. In excel. cond. and great view. Call 662-3314. AUTOMOTIVE 86 CAVALIER CONVERTIBLE- Red, V6, every option, spotless $5700/best 665-4798. FOR RENT ** 2 BDRM...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 24, 1992- Page 7 'U' profs x criticizea .. .r anti-Asian mo0vement ~ by Hope Calati x Daily Staff Reporter ':, !U I. ', Three University professors last night dissected the recent Japan- bashing movement, calling it a form of racism toward Asians and Asian Americans, and economically un- founded. University students discussed Japan bashing yesterday at a forum sponsored by the University of Michigan Ne...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 -The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 24, 1992 L7 is - free of SubPop, hell by Skot Beal What does it mean "to rock?" The verb is extremely ambiguous. Some folks think that Bon Jovi rocks, some say Elvis Presley rocked. Some insist that neither of these are true, but that L7 definitely rocks. It seems to me that this last opinion is the closest to the truth. Whatever it means "to rock," L7 is extremely adept at it. L7 is Suzi Gardner, Je...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 24, 1992- Page 9 RECORDS Continued from page 8 for this one. While his movies have digressed from mediocre, angst-rid- den fantasies for the clove cigarette * teen army, to sickly sweet Disney- on-meanie-pill stuff like Home Alone, he is also the father of the ,"cool movie soundtrack." With Pretty In Pink, Hughes created a monster. Assemble a bunch of currently "cutting edge" artists, have them record some ...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 10

…Men's Basketball vs. Oklahoma State Friday, 10:45 (EST) Lexington, Ky. SPORTS Men's Swimming and Diving at NCAA Championships Thursday through Saturday Indianapolis . .. ,, ° r mM" ! ' 1 E w. , } I L xY E The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 24, 1992 Tj iF t Wrestling exkcitment better than.expected by Tim Rardin Daily Sports Writer OKLAHOMA CITY - "Wrestling, the world's oldest and greatest sport, The PA announcer at the NCAA Championsh...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, March 24, 1992 - Page 11 'M' baseball splits weekend twinbi~lls by Ryan Herrington Daily Base ball Writer The weather is not the only thing that has been in- consistent in Ann Arbor the last few days. The Michgan baseball team, in search of some stability af- ter a 1-10 start, split a four-game weekend series against Wright State and Dayton and continued to show signs of erratic play. Saturday's first game opener ...…

March 24, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 99) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 24, 1992 Silverdome to host World Cup PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - The Pontiac Silverdome will be the first indoor stadium to host a World Cup game when the international soccer tournament comes to America in 1994. The Silverdome was among nine U.S. stadiums chosen to host the World Cup, thrilling organizers as- sembled for the announcement yes- terday at the domed stadium about 30 miles north of Detroit....…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…Michigan State has been skirting the Open Meetings Act in its search for a new president. If MSU is successful, the University will surely follow suit in its next search. MUSKET has decided to take a new approach in its performance of "Anything Goes" tomorrow through Saturday at the Power Center. The biggest surprise of this year's NCAA tournament has been George Washington. The Wolverines take on the 12th seed in the West Regional Friday in...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…Page 2--The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 ORDINANCE Continued from page 1 and still meet current standards." The commission will hold a pub- lic hearing and vote on the proposal at its next regular meeting April 13. The language must still be scruti- nized by the City Attorney's office and then approved by the City Council before it takes effect. The current proposal allows all current structures to "conform" with use regulations...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 24,1993- Page 3 Charities to * benefit from Greek Week by Meg Blondin OK, it's time to play word association. The Greek system: parties, rush and Greek Week. Greek Week: games, contests and philanthropy. Philanthropy? Unknown to many people outside the Greek system, philanthropy - time or money donated to select chari- ties - is the guiding purpose behind Greek Week's 11- day collection of limbo contests, t...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 24,1993 cbe £ iicbiYgwn :3aivg 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Iff R f JosH Dunow Editor in Chief ER1N LIzA EINHIORN OpinionEditor EVE RoZ>Y S'AcK ORTHIS WHOA Y i MEOL)7,FPALO &USr . WHAT- *KACTL'/ ARF ' oc GU}'5p77 ,1 O'/' A A"T LET-AE IN~to2b&c A~'OuT 1o)o H;E'FAN1YHu.4&c KIDIN& AkouNbo tMYS.F - ilm A TV PAfRTICL.4LAR2-Y G-i1iSY THA...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

… I .1ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, March 24, 1993 Page 5 MUSKET proves 'An htling Goes'. by Melissa Rose Bernardo After the cynical history "Evita" and the heart- wrenching betrayal "Chess," MUSKET has finally °decided to brighten the lights and jazz up the tempo. This weekend they present "Anything Goes," the Marvelously upbeat Cole Porter gem. V Director Theresa McDermit explained that 'MUSKET is making a concerted effort to stick wit...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 FORRET LOST SMALL WHITE 7-yr. old Maltese do9. Nam i Quincy. Please call (313) 668- 097or 349-9305. :x: r " " " :..v:: ... :.......... ....." " "hw: :v::.v:ls : . 1983 TOYOTA CELICA ST-Great condition. Must sell $25001 Best offer 747- 6589. 1965 HORIZON for sale. 80 K mi., runs good, call Kevin 668-1932. COMIC BOOKS- Batman, X-Men, Punisher & more! Call Russ, 747-8473 after 10 p.m. FE...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… CLASSIFIED ADS I 6+ BEDROOM HOUSE Near Frieze & Medical'Campus 405 N Thayer * Furnished .Laundry * Sept to Sept * Parking * THREE baths * $1800/mo Room for more than 6 people 761-7491 OAKLAND MANAGEMENT 6 BEDROOM HOUSES Near Athletic & Central Campus 200 Packard $1600/mo 815 McKinley $1700/mo * Parking Laundry * Furnished * 2 Baths Security Deposit As Low As $0 761-7491 OAKLAND MANAGEMENT SUBLET MAY - AUGJa 1 Irg. bdrm. in 2 bdrm. furn...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 8

…Men's Swimming Men's Basketball at NCAA Championships vs. George Washington Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday Friday, 8:05 p.m. (CBS) Indianapolis Seattle The Michigan yWednesdy, , George Washington's NCAA run'sweet' for Jarvis and Colonials by Ken Davidoff squad to the NCAAs twice. After three Daily Basketball Writer years in the nation's capital, Jarvis ha ' icers happy with tournament seedings " e Ls The Washington, D.C. areahas long been...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 9

… Udigizu Summer Sublet 93 2 Bdrm Apt Great for 2 or 3 SHiU & State, close to Union, B-/law school ~ Dshwhr, micro, garbage disposal ~ New furnishings ~ A/C, pkng, security sys. May-Aug. Efficiency 1 bedroom 2 bedroom apartments Fall Options 996-2836 Large 1 bedroom apartment May-Aug. parking, laundry, furnished, quiet, bright. 4 minutes to campus $350/mo. Call 994-8029 ++., +" ...+++++"~""+++",". " """ " ONE bedroom furnished apartment...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 10

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 SUMMER SUBLET 4 bdrms. in 5 bdrm. apt. Close to Campus & Downtown 321 E. Liberty #1 $i5o/Rm. 741-4771 SUMMER SUBLET Spacious 3 bdrm., 2 bath apt. Corner of N. State & Lawrence, 1 1/2 blocks from Kerrytown. Price negotiable. 741-4771 MRY-AUGUST SUBLETS 2 SINGLES AND 1 DOUBLE SPRICE IN R MARY STREET HOUSE " Price negotiable " Washer, dryer, dwshr. * Off street parki...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-, TheMiciga Daly-Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 - Page 3 SPRING/SUMMER *Single, furnished * Parking *Good location *$150 or Best Offer CALL LUCAS 668-6984 I Large 4 Bedroom House w/ 2 Baths Fully furnished, free parking, Washer/ Dryer, Great kitchen, porch. Just 3 minutes from campus. Asking $700 + util. or B/IO 818 Packard Cal668-7752 1 BEDROOM IN 2 BDRM. APARTMENT Available from May- August. 'Ex...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 12

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 SINGLE BEDRMS. In 6 bdrmn. house May-August Attractive+ clean $65/person By Law/business, across I-M bldg. at Hoover f& State Prkng + indry. 481-0666 STATE STREET LOFT OPPOSITE DIAG! 2 living spaces thru Aug.31 + one winter term at least for studious yet sociable grads or undergrads. Share kitchn.. bath, living rm., 23' ceiling! No pets, no nicotine, no parking. $1...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 - Page 5 r 09 SUBLET OR LONG-TERM LEASE SPACIOUS 1-BEDROOM AVAILABLE APRIL 1 OR LATER. CORNER A' ART- MENT MAGNIFIC-T I VIEW OF HURON i, VER AIR CONDITIONED 5 MIN. WALK TO N. CAMPUS 10 MIN. WALK TO MEDICAL CAMPUS. PARKING. CALL 995-1665 CLOSER THAN THE DORMS!!!! Sm. bedroom in 4 bedroom/living room/ kitchen/2 bath. * Apt. on Washtenaw Ct. * May thru August. * Coin-oper...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 14

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily- Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 GREAT LOCATION- near central campus & downtown. 1 bedroom apartment. 815 E. Ann St. parking included. Furnished. Microwave, TV & VCR with deposit. Cin laundry. Available May to August $275 or best offer. Call 747-8640. EFFICIENCY -Roughly 500.sq. ft. -Furnished/ unfurnished -Large windows -Heat & water included -Free off-street parki -Close to campus downtown Gro...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 - Page 7 AAAAAAAAAAA 2 people needed to share bedroom in a great 2 bdrm., bi-level apt. Air conditioned, close to campus, with three balconies. 526 Linden Apt. 7 Price negot. Call Scott @ 480-2256 Large, room in spacious house at Ingalls &' Ann. A/C, High ceiling, HUGE window. It's simply beautiful, almost heaven. Call Lynette or Tom at 994-9197. WANTED: 3 Non- smoking f...…

March 24, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 102) • Page Image 16

…01 Page 8--The Michigan Daily- Summer Sublet Supplement- Wednesday, March 24, 1993 REALTY MANAGEMENT s HE an i i ! PAGE " an sa M3 0 LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!!! OPPENHEIMER PROPER TIES It doesn't get any better tha 2 bedroom apartments at $750 per m (May to May lease) Unive.ity Towers onth S. Forest & S. University 761-2680 Ask Heather, Judy, or Todd about spring A & summer sublets CALL 995-5575 WE HELP OUR TENANTS SUBLE...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…FK H ION tLbi yar, Tta 1bak it. 0 4 I IC lill ti One hundred three years of editorial freedom 'U' urges student input on alcohol policy as deadline nears By HOPE CALATI DAILY STAFF REPORTER The much-anticipated student policy on al- cohol and other drug use may be coming soon to a student organization near you. Polk Wagner, former Interfraternity Coun- cil president turned administrator, has been telling student groups about the policy an...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 Clinton's press conference to focus on scandals, successes THE WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON -- With White House officials under continuing fire yesterday over Whitewater, permanent security passes and back taxes for a nanny, President Clinton scheduled a news conference for tonight to deal with these issues and to trumpet what an aide called administration "accom- plishments" so far this year. Cl...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…A The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 - 3 Original ICC co-op house marks 50 years at 'U' By MICHELLE JOYCE * AlLY STAFF REPORTER Someone's celebrating a birthday. Fifty years ago this month, the University's Inter-Cooperative Coun- cil (ICC) purchased its first house at 816 S. Forest. It was named Stevens' House, after University Prof. A.K. Stevens, who made the purchase pos- sible by co-signing a $500 loan from the Ann Arbor Coo...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 (I1j Lidtigatn ituijg 11 am going to sue her for a lot of money.' -MSA representative Jacob Stern, speaking about the head of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union at Tuesday's MSA meeting 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JEssWE H ALL ADAY Editor in Chief SAM GooDsTEIN FuNT WAINESS Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned edi...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 - 5 Balmy weather thaws 'U' out of hibernation By KATIE HUTCHINS DAILY STAFF REPORTER Spring's first week has been a success around Ann Arbor. Despite predicted rainfall, yester- day turned out to be a glorious day to spend in the sun, and students and faculty could be seen celebrating all over campus. The patches of grass near the RackhamBuilding and Hill, Auditorium were peppered with classes b...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 I 486.33 COLOR notebooks 126MB/fax $2085, 486SL-50notebooks 4RAM 126HD/fax $1395, 386Compaqconturan-book 4RAMtball $1095, 386 ZENITHLITE N-BOOKS 4RAM 3lbs. $995, 486 DX-33 Intel MTowers 250HD 4M $1055, 386-33 INTEL Towers 120HDIMBvideo $565, Factory warranty/Dealership 662-1847. 88 HONDA CIVIC DX 4 door sedan; 70k; New brake, tires; Air-cond., Auto, AM/FM, cassette, $2900/neg. Call 668-0336...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily -- Thursday, March 24, 1994 -- 7 I SCLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 Oscars '94: Weird in a wild new way Goldberg replaces Crystal as emcee MAY-AUG SUBLET. 1 or 2 people to share ge. bdrm. in 4 bdrm. hse. State & Hill area. Ret neg. Yvette 930-1775. MAY-AUG. 1 huge Rm. in hse. E. Jeff. and Div. L57y. + prkg. $250 + Util. Price neg. 994AY-AUG. 1 bdrm. in 2 bdm . Cleans Own phone line., idry., prkg. 747- 53 MAY-AUG. Fabulous stu...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 8

…Men's Basketball vs. Maryland Tomorrow, 10:32 p.m. (CBS) Dallas S TS Softball vs. Cal State-Sacramento Today, 7:00 p.m. Sacramento, Calif. Northeastern defies odds Goaltending tandem brings Huskies NCAA berth By JAESON ROSENFELD DAILY HOCKEY WRITER If the NCAA college hockey cham- pionship were awarded to the team whose goalies had the corniest nick- names, Northeastern might very well win the crown. Starting goaltender Todd Reynolds, or...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 9 Divine intervention for Fi The call came early last fall, as it does every year. "Yyyello?" "Steve, how ya doin' ?" "Just Jim Dandy, thanks. And yourself?" "Oh, fine, fine. Keeping an even strain, you know." The conversation went along like this for about five minutes or so, much as it had nearly every year before. Dean got the call last September. Mike was fortunate enough to have gotten it th...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 24, 1994 Lacrosse looks ahead to weekend tourney Wolverines seek top seed for defense of conference championship By ELISA SNEED DAILY SPORTS WRITER This weekend, the Michigan men's lacrosse team travels to Bloomington for the Big Ten East- ern Division Tournament. But it's not really a tournament at all. "When you think of a tournament, you think of people winning, and coming out with trophies," Mich...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 12

… 2 - The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 The Fruits of Our Labor Qfj .,,f, V lITINum I 1994's Spring Fashion Models: Megan Clark, Sukhendu Samajdar, Heather Fine, Kevin Reed, Je-Won Hwang, Stephanie Michelle Lawson, Jamie Cotton, Mark Louis, Melanie Riley-Green and Derrick Jalal Smith. Ladies & entlemen, say 'hi' A quick look at thepeople who struck those poses he Garden of Eden. Whatever one's personal beliefs, ...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 13

… The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion -- Thursday, March 24, 1994- 3 IazySzmdasandfreakfast inBed Al EUHEPE A"PAF__BYTRAIL Wspcaize in student and faculty travel to Europe! EKILPASS $255 5-Day Flexipass EUHROPASS $108 - 3 Countries u 5-Day Flexipass . f Youth fares for ages 26 and underSlightlr more for full fare Other passes also available. 4 '- DISCEUNT AIRFARES 'v> Savings on roundtrip to one city or arrival and departure through differen...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 14

…4 -- The Michigan Daily -- Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 I E A T H E R 01 REBECCA MARGOLIS/Daily SARAH WHITING/Daily SARAH WHITING/Daily SARAH WHITING/Daily SARAH WHITING/Daily #6b Nickels Arcade 665-7894' BARBR Aveda " Creatif *K.M.S. * Nexus Paul Mitchel Redkin* SebastianI Mon,-Fri. 9a ,m. to 8p.m. Saturday 9a.m. to 5p.m. 0'U, BmmuE euutKdE T *Bagels *Muffins *Frozen Yogurt (G ise-G lace) Gf//I *Pasta Salads *Soups '...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 - 5 JUDITH PERKINS/Daily & SUEDE SARAH WHITING/Daily 4-l REBECCA MARGOLIS/Daily I a Clothing (pp. 4 & 5) provided by Wilson Suede & Leather Italian Restaurant get Your student discount ccic ,Oe 15% off! C' Students receive 15% off all services we offer a full service salon Including OPR Acrylic Nails Serving Beer, Wine & Liquor Featuring Authentic Italian Food Cooked by ...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 18

…8 -The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 T U E S G 0 W N S U.... U...1 BROWNINGQ patagona plus fine American and European Antique Furniture 803 N. Main " Ann Arbor 761-9200 Mon.,Tue., Weds.,-S.9 - Thur., Fri. 99 Sun. 12-5 LOW PRICES 1002 POrNIC TR. 994-1367 MA~NNING IINEW BEDIl I S ARYSURPLU OUTDOOR OUTFITTER *MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR TIMBERLAND * ROCKY * TEVA * MERRELL * HI-TEC * DR. MARTENS. VANS* MILITA...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 - 9 CHRIS WOLF/Daily SILKS & VELVET Clothing (pp 8 & 9) provided by Cat's Meow, Gantos, Marty's Menswear and President Tuxedos SARANIT iiIING/Daily urers - Eric's Action Sports 769-9510 213 E. LIBERTY PLAZA TORTOISE AND HRE R(NNING AHD FITNESS 110% off shoes 25% off clothing 15% off accessories with this ad. MON. THUIRS. FRI. 10-7, TUE. WED. SA T. 10-6, SUN. 12-4 POSITIO...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 20

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 REBECCA MARGOLIS/Daily Deiiif& REBECCA MARGOLIS/Daily A N N E SARAH WHITING/Daily Clothing provided by Cat's Meow, Light Wraps and Sam's Our Mechanics Are Well-Read! Sunised? THURSDAYS WOMEN IN $ o FREE I'NMOLSONCE $ soPITCH. DRINKS BUD 0onc Isic FRIDAY SATURDAY ALL NIGHT OLIVER TRINIDAD SYNDROME STEEL DRUM BAND Color Printing Color Printing Color Printing Color Prin...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Daily - Spring Fashion - Thursday, March 24, 1994 -1 P 0 L Y E $ T E R SARAH WHITING/Daily SARAH WHIrnNGIDaily and C L E A T 8 REBECCA MARGOLI S/Daily Clothing prvddby Bivouac & State StreetISSports A RCH HEORMTlU Largest Libray of Information in U.S. 19.278 TORCS - ALL SMBECTS Order Cdtalog Today with Vsa MC or COD 800~3510O222 Or. rush $2.00 to. Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave x206-A_ Los Angeles. CA 90025 ." r . r ...…

March 24, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 102) • Page Image 22

…t2-The Mchan Daily - Spng Fashion - Thursday, March 24,1994 SARAH WHITING/Daily M P C 1 Basic System: 386SX33 CPU 4MB DRAM SVGA with 512K Video 2 Serial / 1 Parallel 1.44 MB Floppy 101 Keyboard Beethoven's Multimedia Pack: $999 $479.00 $520.00 Philips CD-ROM Drive Beethoven Stereo Sound Card Stereo Speakers 150 MB Logical Storage (80MB HDD) Mouse Color VGA Monitor DOS 6 & Windows 3.1 Microsoft Bookshelf CD Utitilities M P C 2 Basic Syst...…

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