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March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…In Weekend Magazine: Spring Fashion '89 Ube idftgat , Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom Vol. IC, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 24, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily Blue stamps Heels, 92-87 BY STEVE BLONDER SPECIAL TO THE DAILY LEXINGTON, Ky. - The third time around proved to be the charm, as Michigan upset second-seeded North Carolina, 92-87, last night in Lexington to earn a berth in Saturday's regional final ag...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…6 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 1989 Elections Continued from Page 1 About 57 percent of the voters supported the ballot initiative. Newly elected LSA Rep. Jeffery Veach, who ran with the Conserva- tive Coalition, said he supported having the assembly elect the MAC chair. "It's a good checks and balances system in terms of getting qualified people in these positions," Veach said. Those who proposed-the referen- dum felt tha...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 1989 - Page 3 Speaker reveals unknown artists ay Ann Maurer and lMatthew Shankin The words "women" and 'sauppression" have been synony- mous throughout history in the field of art. 'Only in the last decade have *omen artists gained acceptance and world-wide recognition. But for Scandinavian women artists, the repognition is slow coming. Last night, Danish writer Grethe iolmen spoke on the unrecognized ac...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…OPINION The Michigan Daily- Friday, March 24, 1989 Page 4 0 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Never again: Remember the Holocaust Vol. IC, No.119 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All ot1 ar cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. FBI chief tarnishes Law School commencement: Say...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

…Friday Continued from Page 1 away a woman's right to think and act and control her life," said Rhonda Laur, chair of the AACDAR. Laur called for people to join in a "clinic defense" against Operation Rescue's "National Day of Rescue," which is taking place today in recognition of Good Friday. During a "rescue," OR members target a women's health clinic which offers abortions and sit in front of its doors, praying and chanting hymns. In its "de...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…60 Page 6-The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 1989 C 'SIFIED ADS 764- 0557 FOUND: Watch on campus on 3/19. Call 429-2833. even. HELP ME! I lost small, blue Liz Claiborne wallet with VISA, student ID, NBD Bank card, and lincense. Call 761-4691. LOST FRIDAY, THE 17TH at Zeta Psi. Blue-green aket with Sardinia cup patch. Cash rewad, no questions asked. Call Mike at 7648749. LOST-3 yellow gold rings & 1 white gold ring, lost Sun. 3/19 nea...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

…A ARTS Friday, March 24, 1989 Page The Michigan Daily I . Mars Needs Women: Invasion of classic rock, science fiction Voice royalty Ella Fitzgerald will bring majesty to the Song .., BY KRISTIN PALM M ARS Needs Women. A band name which makes a statement. Lit- erally. "The name's pretty weird," con- ceded Christie Bogdan, vocalist for the classic rock/rockabilly quintet which derives its name from an old science fiction movie. However,...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 8

…60 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 1989 Vraisemblance . .. .. ... ,..max .t .,... \ ;, ;:\. :. gone bad There are alternatives to the cliched 'pseudo-realism' of modern films BY ALYSSA KATZ AN old and contagious disease is running rampant in movies today; it afflicts many of both the most popular and most shunned films we see. Call this disease pseudo-realism. It is, simply, the tendency of a movie to fall into a rut of c...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 9

…Baseball vs. Eastern Michigan Saturday, 1 p.m. Ray Fisher Stadium SPORTS Men's Rugby vs. Detroit and Windsor teams Saturday, noon Mitchell Field The Michigan Daily Friday, March 24, 1989 Page 9 SEVEN OF NATION'S TOP 20 GYMNASTICS TEAMS MEET AT BIG TENS Numbers don't faze Michigan BY JEFF SHERAN 4,5,6,8,10,15,18. No, this is no arithmetic sequence. It's the assemblage of national rankings present at the Big Ten Men's Gymnastics Champions...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 10

…Page 10- The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 1989 Final 8 Continued from Page 1 Reid scored 26 points, but converted on only 2-7 from the free throw line. Jeff Lebo added 19, including 5 three-pointers in the losing effort. The game started out as a battle of the bombers, as Lebo hit three 3- pointers, and Glen Rice two, within the first minute and a half of play. Rice led Michigan with 18 points in the first half on 7-10 shooting, while...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 11

… the Mirbio'gan 'vttilu ....._ ..... ._.. .._,.. ..._.. .. ... . .. ... . ...... ... .... ... . . F ..._. _._.. . ..... .. . _ .. . .._ r:. o.. ....._.. ... . ..... . .. - .. ,. S S A0 - - - - A a-l ..s.,. ...A..... ... . . _ ..._.. .. ... a., .... . .__,. t . . .. .. , ,... . ... ... ::'. ..ter....., :" .."' " r- .;-l m V OLUME 7, NO.23 MARCH 24,1989 MAG AZI NE, A …

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 12

…1 PAGE 2 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 Acknowledgments: The Weekend staff would like to sincerely thank all the local stores for their contributions, time, and help. We're sorry we couldn't use all the material they offered. We'd also like to give a special thanks to our models: Stephanie Abraham, Lisa Chin, Louise Derry, Brad German, Michael Jackson, Neil McKechnie, Jon Manheim, Kristen Niemi, and Lisd Perczak. Thanks again for all your time a...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 13

…WEEKEND! MARCH 24,1989 Takin it e asy in styfe Photos by AfeXamlira BIrez At left: Kristin wears black cotton suspender pants ($58.00) , and cotton striped t-shirt ($38.00), available at Vintage to Vogue. Jon wears a cotton cardigan ($48.00) over a black t-shirt ($26.00) and black cotton shorts ($52.00) available at Bivouac. At right: Kristin wears cotton animal print pants ($38.00) and matching shirt ($34.00). Stephanie wears a purple sundres...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 14

…4 PAGE 4 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 1 Vw flM 4 4 PHOTOS ey A [-r NDRA BIMK, AND,, MK KM Above, left: John wears a striped cotton sweater ($55.00) and cotton khaki shorts ($27.50), available at Marty's. Middle: Stephanie wears paper bag-waist shorts ($39.00) and striped T- shirt ($55.00), available at Bagpiper. Above, right: Kristin wears a nautical cotton sweater ($108.00) and cotton shorts ($48.00), available at Mary Dibble. Below, left...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 15

…WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 PAGE 5 3 A '4 '~ :~* ~ ~ MU NE &~;i* ~ ..y.'.. OK ~...<. 'z.. ~A ~ A.A. V.A.. * V. A.A":. ti + ig .. f":":4.4:.' ' 1.r 5' 5 St4 ::t5i Rack up new styles and shoot ahead into Spring At top: Jon wears a Southwick Glenplaid spring weight wool suit ($465.00), with a silk paisley tie ($37.50) and Van Boven shirt ($50.00), available at Van Boven. Kristen wears a cotton blue and white print dress ($140.00), available at L...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 16

…4 n AG WEEKEND! MARCH 24,1989 Mamn treet Area . E I mnArbo- _-p , OUpOl- i I . : Spring is Here Fresh Arrivals Replenish your Wardrobe " Clothes " Accessories * Books * and more! 1149 BROADWAY (across from Ahroger's) Mton.-Fri. 10-4 Sal. 10-1 r 15% OFF ALL MERCHANDISE With This Coupon (Except Sale Items) ARMY SURPLUS We stock a full line of clothing, boots, camping & backpacking equipment and military clothing Open 7 days a week...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 17

…WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 PAGE 7 J Fm m M m7 4 001 p 84 Photos by Jessica Greene Top: Lisa wears a cotton athletic department t-shirt ($13.98) and two- toned Michigan shorts ($15.98). Louise wears a cotton Michigan t- shirt ($17.50). Brad wears a cotton rugby ($42.98) and Michigan shorts ($16.50). Neil wears a nylon football jersey ($34.98) and Michigan sweatpants ($34.50). Above, left: Louise (center) wears a reverse weave hooded swea...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 18

…4 PAGE 8 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 Stranded at the Gas Station On the road but out of gas, our heroes 4 fond themselves lost but lookin' hip. Photos by Robin Loznak At left: Jon wears a cotton skull t-shirt ($13.00) and cotton cropped khakis ($20.00), available at Cat's Meow. Kristin wears a cotton print dress ($61.00), available at Collected Works. Lisa wears a white cotton military jacket ($170.00) and polka dot silk chiffon s...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 19

…WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 IAE Suited up Perfect for conquering that first job interview REGISTER NOW 309 S. State Ann Arbor 663-9415 I Authorized under Federal Law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. * Top left: Neil (left) wears a Circy with stripe Dacron/Wool suit ($265.00), cotton straight collar shirt ($45.00) and pinstripe silk tie ($31.50). Brad (right) wears a blue tropical weight wool suit ($325.00), cotton/polyester p...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 20

…4 PAGE 10 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24, 1989 e of E IQFRaele 4 ue0ess 4 otos by jessiea Greepe At left: Jon wears a silk and wool jacket ($675.00), with silk and wool pants ($275.00), silk tie ($60.00) and white shirt with mother of pearl buttons, ($125.00) Michael wears linen pants ($250.00), a linen jacket ($525.00) and a linen top ($375.00) Both outfits are available at Renaissance. ,.Shopping is fun. Shopping is worthwhile. Shopping is tiri...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 21

…WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 PAGE 11 'Why I wear what I wear... Fashion hits the Streets Andrew Millner Art School Senior 'This is definitely spur of the moment dress.' Ameer Rutherford LSA Sophomore 'I go for the layered effect.' Karen Welke LSA Sophomore Richard Najarian LSA Senior Photos by Alexandra Brez CRUISE ON OVER TO ..--- KEY LARGO For the best in * swimwear * sportswear * and all beach accessories Hours M-W 9:30-6 Thurs.-...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 22

…PAGE 12 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 Fashist ideology Al utEmemL'oe w - Puttin' on the twits If you want to explain what, biologically, makes humans different from "animals," it's easy. We've got opposable thumbs, proportionally larger brains, and so on. But that's not enough for most people. We want to know the intangibles. What makes us transcend mere biology. What makes us able to order prime rib with a clear conscience. Some people call it ...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 23

…1 -TH -3=L w What's happening in 'Ann Arbor this weekend WEEKEND/ daughter's boyfriend was actually her husband in a former life. Makes for a hell of a family, doesn't it? At Showcase Cinemas (all week - 12:35, 2:55, 5:05, 7:25) and at Briarwood (all week - 10:00, 12:00, 2:10, 4:20, 7:00, 9:15; F&S 12:00 a.m.) DANGEROUS LIAISONS Lavish costume flick with lav- ish performances by Glenn Close, Michelle Pfeiffer, and John Malkovich. All ab...…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 24

…4 PACE 14 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 .4 1 '; .L r... +S r , 9 ) V; 1' ,.q . .,- ' \ &ls boa N\VV\ is . 5\.' :". I" CC rn mode jd 1C ' WO ^Q SL&ap 'V A-' . ,,; ,Z400 j33%j 1 SU~e~S Uiae u4O9 -A ,ue / \ t . e 31311 '4 VVI I 4 t j.i~~ fi I ,, 'i. wi w 0 I k w lw 4 n l lNl lll4tli11111i41111Ha tt E , ;it ilt14111I4lUiHlilltt4 n;; ;euri;;;e:;tsa;flk....t ..:y!IhE{iiSF{iE{21;:;;;-::..s., _... :. -.!fiiiiiEliih}a!...…

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