March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1
…VOL. III. ANN AII3OR1, MICH., TUESDAY, MAI C1t 24, 1903 No. 129 SOPHOMORES WON Good Practice Yesterday j THEODORE STORM" It Still Goes On Theipratice yselcoly 0as cntiliii'I 01on e11 th latst i-tims totle, air- A Brilliantly Played Basket Ball to* itiditit tiotk 00101h irt 115 15 ii'A Met Itereting Lecture on the soial iva i1lyai loodis 1)u riest, prn ia tn" of , l erni oi11o1. oi':tir ofi theifresholit l as1s5). Itoe 0011 Game Yesterday Betwe...…