March 24, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 1
…VoiL. I[--No. 125. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,'I'1IRSDAY, MARCH 24>, 192. PIC, THRiEE CENTS. president McLaughin's Message, his products, and all artificial leis- Choral Union Amendments. ( OF (YOUR - - ruuitesn. lation has beeis ineffectual in mater- prreosed flr'TY TT BADGE { / Esen if. the adrmitiine of raws'ially increasing the wool raising ielsinl- OC pi~ Ote UR Ianendimens swhichi sill lbe votell Orl 10 wool, free of dots stwould injure the ...…