February 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 101) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily .\NN A.rRIBOR, [I'\IfI(.\T, SATV RD NV Fl OR' \R\ 24 1906. xvi. No: . sof. PRELIMI Virst Indoor Mee Gym Tonighl Hundred Entri, 'f eani s Begin So Nealy onte 11111 crt t II Compete - ill tillchocrsa a Thi t formallyttS~ tatsesn anti fro Zic.a togh rahe [NARY MEET OPENS atnewone, sprticlartlyated nthto THE GREET PLAYERS. INDOOR 71TRAGC1<1SEASO N esintat ion andj*gontral atmosipiere AWI LL PER FORM TO DAY oftt heti l ay5i...…