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October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…m Weather P'robably fair and eooler to w~. VOL. L. N. 25 Z-S23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 24, 1939 U r Editorial National Egotism:' The Path To Wear .,} PICE MIE' CENTS I RibbentropTo Give Important Address Will Speak Here U.S. Freighter Reported Captured By Germans; Said To Be Carrying On Foreign Policy Contraband; Taken To Soviet Port GermaD Minister To Talk To Group Of Veterans; May Offer Peace Again British Plane See...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…Tt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED A DVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 -12c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash, payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

… 50 Men To Attend State Press Convention Ftgak Murphy To Participate InProeeedings Attendance At 21st Annual Journalistic Conference Assured By Vandenberg Journalists from all parts of Michi- gan will start gathering here tomor- row for the 21st annual convention of the University Press Club, which opens Thursday, and will continue through Saturday. More than 250 Michigan editors will participate in a three-day pro- gram, which will be highli...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA MICHIGAN DAILY Fair Labor Standards Act Ushers In A New Period Of Social Legislation "1""""" "TH "s5 VM w R U qNA ,-.. Edited and managed by students of the University of [idhigan under the authority of the Board in Control of 'udent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the niversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se ...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, OCT.24,THE MICHIGAN DAILY Annual Assembly Banquet Will Be Held Nov. 6th In Leag r Scroll Taps Four; Neophytes Initiated Today In League Four senior women were tapped by members of Scroll shortly after 11 p.m. last night. They are Katherine Maclvor, Enora Ferris, Harriet Levy,, and Marian Ferguson. Scroll, senior honorary society for sorority women,rwas organized last year by members of the 1938-39 League Council. 16 women were tap...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…TIE MCHIGAN DAILY ootball Squad At Full trengthFor first - -- Man Leading Football Teams Drop From Undefeated Class Ji imeThis Year tober 25. The subject to be discussed is "Iodine Studies-Blood, Thyroid, JIOther Tissues." All interested are in- BULLETIN vited to attend. v__Scabbard and Blade: F-4 members (continued from Page ) are reminded to present themselves ____ntnu____rom ___g ___) _at the Field House on Wednesday ling after which...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 7

…T V '.N El vashevski Continues To Shine Waiting For The Eli IN THIS CORAER By MASE GOULD When Fritz Crisler came to Ann~ Arbor ini the spring of 1938 inia'nmove~ to re-vitalize Michigan's footballI for-~ tunes, little did lie realize teat one of2 his mos~t imnportanit problems in mouldig a winning'team was already solved. Fores~t Evashevski, a young m~an who bocs i hsleep, was only a newcomer tthesquia at the time, but one looks at' the~...…

October 24, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 25) • Page Image 8

…TIHIE1MICHIGAIN DAILY TUESDAYVOC. 24, 1 93 9UcJ F-pow. >I r / J A NOSY BYRD DOG-Other fields looked greener iso this sled dog on the U.S. !nt;e'ri Department motorship "North Star" which will acecoan.- pany the "Bear of OaLkland" Carrying the Byrd expedition to Antarctica. Both ships are at Boston. 4 MOMENT ]MUSICALE-A composer's rant interest i h edto of hi:: own work is writt+E=n in the, face of Jaromir Weinberger. (let as he hears h...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Unsettled today, possibly some snow or rain; tomorrow, partly cloudy and warmer. C, - r Sir ian jIatj VOL. XLVIIL No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 24, 1937 War Fear Revived As Italy And Soviet Hit New Deadlock Rome's Refusal To Make More Concessions Held To Doom Peace Plans Next Move Depends On SessionTuesday LONDON, Oct. 23--(IP--A Fascist warning that Italy had made her last concession, coupled with unyield- in...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN ) AILY STI NPDAY, -OCT.. Christ Church To Hear Student' SpeakOn India ePrograms Include Musical Discussions, Forums And Group Meetings (Continued from Page 11 Lutheran Student Club this evening consisting of a question box with the, Reverend Brauer serving as disucs- sion leader. The Lutheran Student Club of the Zion Parish will meet at the Parish Hlall at 5:30 .m. Miss Alma Boarts of the Gleenwood Lutheran Church of Toledo, wil...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…T.E MICHIGAN DAILY--x.:.-+;......HC GA Bias Held'Bar ToBrotherhood Of Human Race Two Ways Of Achieving Lasting Peace Outlined By ProfessorAngell One Language Urged A world brotherhood of humanity is unlikely until people over the world come to realize that other peoples have a similar human nature, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology de- partment said yesterday in elabora- tion of a previous statement. Dictators, by preaching race hat- re...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3E MICHIGAN DAILY -. "1' Give The Band A Hand . . C ERTAINLY all of us have enjoyed the Varsity Band during these past few weeks. We have an opportunity to prove that and to show our appreciation to the boys in the "Fighting Hundred" by attending Varsity Night Tuesday in Hill Auditorium-the only occasion throughout the year when the band asks any admission charge. The band performed on more than 50 occa- sions last year a...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…i,, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Third Engineers' Ball To Be Held Nov. 12 In Union Bal liroom Sale Of Tickets Is Set To Begm At 8 Tomorrow C. H. Nelson Is Chairman Of Annual Event; Other Committeemen Named Tickets will go on sale at 8 a.m. tomorrow for the third annual En- gineers' ball, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Nov. 12, in the main ballroom of the Union, Carl- ton H. Nelson, '38E, has been appoint- ed general chairman of th...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NDAY, OC7 CALIFORNIA. 20WASH. STATE .. 3 STANFORD ... 13 DARTMOUTH.. U.S.C. .... ... . 6 U.C.L.A. ........0 WASHINGTON . 7 HARVARD .... 20 AUBURN. ......21 INDIANA...2....27 NEBRASKA. 2 GEORGIA TECH .0O CINCINNATI . .. 01 MISSOURI . ... 7 KANSAS . . .....6 .. . OKLAHOMA .. 3 Wolverines Nose Out Hawkeyes, 7 To 6 (.) Trosko's Kick Gives Varsity Winning Point Michigan.Outplays Iowa To Gain First Big Ten Victory...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 7

…M.S.C. ........21 NOTE DAME .. 9 PITT ..........21 OHJIO STATE ... 7 BROWN ...... . 7 YALE ......... 9 PRINCETON .... 6 DE MARQUETTE .. 7 NAVY ..........7I 7WISCONSIN ..0. 01 N'WESTERN ..0. COLUMBIA ..... 6 CORNELL ...... 0 RUTGERS .... 0 BO TROIT .....14 STON COL... 0 hamps Lose Bitter Detroit Tech Is 7-0 Victor Over Junior Varsity. Nardi Scores As Buckeyes Gain Revenge I1 Only 15 Teams Pitt Victorious Big T en StandingsE Continue Wit...…

October 24, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SA9 r', OCT WORLD OF BOOKS I Louis Adamic Waxes Eloquent poi tical faith, whatever may be the In Ta e O f A E olitical faith of their papers, they I love you." Such fulsome praise must be in- THE HOUSE IN ANTIGUA, by Louis vestigated. What did this man Nor- Adamic. Harper & Brothers, New 1ris actually do? What is his record? York, $3.00. Representative George W. Norris By FRANCES CARNEY {a,,rived in Washingt~on in...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Mostly cloudy, probably show- ers in north, and possibly in south portion today; warmer in southwest portion. i 10 r A6V A6F iIai1t Editorials Note To Motorists . Russia's Change I)i Diplomacy ... VOL. XLVII No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 24, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Expeet ItalyTo Bolt Portugal Cuts Schacht To Retain Real Power XP ect It'y -. National TI- Despite Goering'sAppointme ..TT.ationa__._ies__ - Wolverine...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…'~AGE TWO TH1 f M 1CH 1 GA N bA 1LT NtT FrMAV, OCT. IM, 1954 ". wAl1.rDA, C. 24, 11)3.rl --Ill His Slayer Found NEWS Of The DAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGl LOST: Friday at Beta house, black evening coat, white lining, one to exchange. Call Adele McDonald. 2-3203. -119 __ i JI or 4 room furnished (By the Associated Press) Commissions Asks If Strike T o Be Held WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(j)-The Maritime Commission late today re- quested the...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…FACIE TTI"E SATURDAY, OCT. 24, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VarsityBattles Lions Today To Keep Intersectional Slat( e Clean Passing Attack1 To Be Feature Of Both Teams Wolverines Point For First Victory of Season; Loiko And Smithers To Startt (Continued from Page 1)f quarterback and Johnny Smithers will start at one half back position. It will be either Bob Cooper or Stark Ritchie at the other and at fullback Kipke said he would start either t...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…l PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 24, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 111 r t 1936 Member 1937 ssockited Cole6icie Press Distributors of Collegiate Di6est Published every morning -except Monday during the university yearrand Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…SA' IMIDAY, OCT. 21, 15J6 T'E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE ~ATUIWAY, OCT. 24, 1~3G PAGE FIVE Mortarboard W ill Give First Tuesday Is Set As First Date Of Ticket Sale Charlie Zwi c s Orcestra Is Scheduled To Play In Ballroom Grace Snyder Head Broadcast Of Gan To Be Special Feature For The Afterioon Daee Mortarboard, national honorary society for senior women, will spon- sor a tea dance to be held from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Nov. 7 in the League b...…

October 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX County Board Rejects Relief Administration Jobless To Be Handled By Township And City; Wagg Suggests Change Unanimously the county board of supervisors rejected a proposal for county participation in relief financ- ing, following recommendation of its welfare committee. The supervisors chose to continue on the present basis which has been in effect since last December, with each township and city paying 45 per cent of the cost of the ...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Gcnerally fair today and to- morrow; ris'n" temperature to- day and in north tomorrow. L 4 A6F .AAt 4t an 1Iait Editorials Je Defendrai A La Mort Confirmation For Idealists VOL. XLVI. No. 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Council Prepares To Prevent Dirty Election Activity Will Not Permit Polling Until Student Directories Are Published Require 'C' Average Of Class Candidates Only Stude...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIG N DATY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 U. S..Continues Naval Building WithSecrecy Purpose Of Silent Action Ih Nr Bargaining With Other Air Powers Involved In German 01 ympic Games Dispute WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - (;') - For purposes of bargaining with other air powers, the United States has flung a cloak of secrecy around the progress of its extensive naval avia- tion building program. Navy officials said today the move was made at the...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…,Y, OCTOBER 24 x.935 THE MICH I.GAN DAILY PAGE THREE Y, OCTOBER 24, 1935 PAGE THREE a .. Child Institute Location May Instigate Trial Washitenaw Ave. Property Holders May Object To Proposed Building Prospects of legal action by Wash- tenaw Avenue residents were seen with the announcement yesterday of Fred L. Woodworth that the Michi- gan Children's Institute would be established on the Hoover property by Nov. 1. The residents assert that...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Confirmation For Idealists. . f Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Associated f ollaiat 5rcs -1934 }ia 1935E- ~0Hso scoSIN MEMBER OF TH...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rM . - Thirty-Two Players Entrain For New York Today Hoosiers Hope To Hit Stride In Ohio Game Buckeyes Have Nine Men On Injured List; Purple Prepares For Gophers CHICAGO--AP)-It's about time for Indiana's Hoosiers to start turn- ing their ground gaining ability into touchdowns, Coach Alvin "Bo" Mc- Millin thinks, and he hopes they will decide to do it Saturday in a big way against the "Scarlet Scourge" from O...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…six THE MI C HIA N D A ILYw THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 New Member Attractive Evening Dress For Formal Wear Appointed To Fill__Vacancy Judiciary Council Picks Miller To Take Place Of Miss Rightmire Ella Miller, '36, has been appoint- ed the senior member of the Judiciary Council, Winifred Bell, head of the organization, announced late last night. Miss Miller will replace Bet- tina Rightmire, '36, who did not re- turn to school this fall....…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 THE MICHIGAN- DAILY PAGE SEVEN Dr. Moore Acquaints Freshmen Women With Musical Oppor "tunities Freshman May Eect Courses In Music Here Ann Arbor's May Festival Famous As Third Oldes In Country Prof. E. V. Moore, Director of the School of Music, yesterday addressed a large group of Freshmen in Lydis Mendelssohn Theatre. His purpose was to acquaint his listeners with the various opportunities which preseni themse...…

October 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

… EIGHT TAE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 EIGHT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1935 r.... Lundell Speaks On Maya And Its Civilization Making Biological Survey In Connection With The Carnegie Institute Speaking on the Maya country and its ancient civilization, C. L. Lundell assistant curator of the University Herbarium, delivered the second ad- dress in the Geographical Travel Series sponsored by the Extension Division of the University,...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The _Weather Cloudy today and slightly warmer; fresh winds. 'Ll r e it ga jIaij Editorials So What, Oh Flyers? Holiday Hysterics . ........u VL. XLV. No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 i m Z Ponselle To Open Concerts British Winner Of London-Melbourne Air Derby Many Famous Musicians And Organizations To Be Heard Here This Fall Soprano Will Sing Operatic Numbers Accompanist Stuart Ross To...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…vo THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN V, Jniversity To Speech Laboratory Is Axble CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY H old Institute To Cure Many Voice Def e c t s i proper coupon only. For the Pon Here Nov.1,2,3 By SHERWIN GAINES proved to be quite a difficult task. selle concert use coupon number 1. Out of 3.056 men and women who Through persistent effort of those in To avoid confusion and misunder- 3the laboratory she has learned to as- standi...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…AX, OCTOBER 24, 1934 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY - --------- Ward Key Man In Wolverines' New Offensive' Squad Perfects Defense Against Illinois Passing Attack; Hildebrand Out That Willis Ward will be used ex- tensively as a running back was in- dicated in yesterday's Varsity foot- ball practice as Coach Harry Kipke sent his squad through an offensive and defensive drill with Ward at a halfback post. Ward was the key man in the at- tack which Kipke ...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t. 5:' t THE MICHIGAN DAILY Holiday Hysterics . . COLLEGIATE OBSERVER i __ t i A - IW 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer- Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association end the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Associated C Uetate rotss -.If34 jqjng j' 1935 = "MADISON WISCON~SI 'YIEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The A...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…,X94 THE MICHIGAN DAILY AlIFialIAppointments For J.G.P '. Central Committee Are Announe G>----- Lea gue Council Selects Women On Merit Basis Appointments To Include Five Governing Chairmen Of Leading Committees Final appointments for membership in the central committee of the Junior Girls' Play were announced yesterday by the League Council. Marjorie Morrison will act as program ohair- man, one of the five nucleus positions on the commi...…

October 24, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…SIX THE ~MICHIG~tAN fDAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1934 Z. 11 i/ 1F1 1 l..I 11 1 V <: X A.. " .a+' -a 1 . +- s- +r Professor Calls Micliaan Great Paper Maker! Jays Sate Is One Of The Manufacturing Leaders In Radio Talk "Manufacturing Paper in Mich-. igan" was the subject of the second speech on the "Michigan, My Mich- igan" ;.erics of radio programs given yesterday by Prof. Donald W. M- Cready over station WJR. At present Michigan is one of...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…retaner slightly warmer; ly, probably rain i, colder in west. LY Sfr ian ~Iaiti Edit( Riso-Ame: Haze Clear] orals eric=n lug , 'IV No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1933 P PRICE FIV I I' iony To Graf Zeppelin To Leave Miami For Chicago Soon Open Choral Union Season Orchestra To Play st Concert Of Year 1 Auditorium Mflk Dumped As Mid-West StrikeOpens Plans For Picketing Of Sioux City Market Are Announced By Farm...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICY AT1TT T T LT I i in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President 11:30 a. m. Saturday. 1. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1933 No. 261 Notices e Members of the University There will be a special meet- the University Council on y, October 26, at 4:15 p. m. 1009 Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins. Ford Exposition of Progress: The students and faculty memb...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Heston To Play Next Saturday DespiteInjury Sore Rib Not Enough To Keep Him Out; Petoskey Also Nurses Bruises Contrary to previous statements, Jack Heston, Wolverine halfback, will start against Chicago Saturday. Hes- ton suffered a bruise in'the ribs dur- ing the Ohio game but was out in uniform yesterday and Coach Harry Kipke himself is authority for the statement that the back who per- farmed so brilliantly against the B...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE -LMICHIGAN-DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY Establshed 1890 The concert, to be held in Hill Auditorium this evening, will begin at 8:15. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ' ORGAN RECITAL Discant on the Chorale "Nun freut euch lieben .............................Ducis Prelude ........................Clerambault Toccata per l'Elevazione..........Frescobaldi Fantasia and Fugue in C-minor........ Bach Sonata Eroica....................Jongen Prelude on an Ancient Flem...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIAN DAILY CAMPUS SOCIETY ,, , .. _ }r ^ Head Of J. G. P. Announces New A #.. Apointments Scripts To Be Submitted At League No Later Than Wednesday . Additional committee appointments for J. G. P. were recently announced by Barbara Sutherland, central chairman. To assist Virginia Cluff. property chairman, will be Mary Spencer, Harriet Spiess, Mary Edna Travis, Bernice Wetherald, Jane Bas- set, and Doris Gimmy. The publicity commi...…

October 24, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY al Grape Growers And Wineries Await The Day .stitute r. 2, 3,4 Psychiatrist To t Of Speakers e-Day Meeting d E. Williams, inter- n psychiatrist of New s the list of speakers Annual Michigan Pa- Institute in Ann Ar- held Nov. 2, 3, and 4 ces of the Extension Le Michigan Parent- r speakers of national repu- have been obtained for the id-a-half-day session, includ- s. B. F. Langworthy, of Win- Ill., first vice-president of...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…a 0 -. I"""'"° r ESTABLISHED 1890 'r Air *i r -&-U~ 40 :411 1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XLII. No. 24 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 Weather: Showers Saturday; Sunday Fair PRICE FIVE CENTS I LLI ols 4., . f f" i d . f'? ED FOR ICHIC G E Y PREMIER HONORS La SOLDIER'S TOMB IN OFFICIAL VISIT Laval P a y s Tribute to Americanr Shrine.> MINISTERSILENT WASHINGTON, Oct. 23*V-) £ -Premier Pierre Laval...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…4 I. PAGE TrWO~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURI5AY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 . . .. REP-UBLICANS LOSE HUESUPREMACY Y SINLE tBALLOT Democrats Regain Lead for First Time in Thirteen Years. TO FILL 7 VACANCIES Lineup Now Stands Democrats 214, Republicans 213, Farm Labor, i. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(IP)- The Democrats for the first time in 13 years today outnumbered the Republicans in the house. The death Thursday of Repre- sentative Fletcher Hale of New ...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…U SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 "'THE MICHIGAN DAILY JvzxclL Tim _ _- PAGE THR~E Junior Varsity Encounters Olivet Eleven Today CHANGE IN INEUP EXPECTED TO ADD NECESSARY PUNCH Courtright Shifts Two Former Tackles, One Guard to Backfield Berths. LAST HOME APPEARANCE Truskowski Will Use Wolverine System of Attack Against Michigan Jayvees. While Michigan's gridiron war- riors are tackling theIllini today, Coach Ray Courtright's Junior...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…*iAE~OF ~tR 1 THE MICHIGA N DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 ~- * j M4q +an Um1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publicatiohs. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwae Credited in this paper and the local new& published herein. En...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…ATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 193 THE MIC14TGAN DAI E-. PAGE FIVP ! 1IF TI -T A LD ./Y Vtl1l1IZiaT 1JYf _.AOF rV. W. A. A. Membership Campaign Culminates in Outdoor Trail ALL WOMEN HAE EOUA CHANCE TO lOIN ASOIATO Women Are Considered Inactive Until They Have Earned Five Points. NEW PROJECT PLANNED Dorothy Ellsworth Heads Drive for New Members of Organization. Culmination of the intensive three day Women's Athletic Association membership campa...…

October 24, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…PAGE 81X THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 i ------ - ---.------- ------~ ----~-~-~.-------- ---- - -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLII. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 No. 24 NOTICES Members of the Faculties, Administrative Officers, and Office E...…

October 24, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 23) • Page Image 1


October 24, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…F'.on TWO T14MICHIGAN bATLY PAGF~ TWO T1-T1~. MTCI-!TGAN bATLY __ -- CHICAGO GRIDIRON MENTOR, HURT IN SCRIMMAGE, RESORTS TO ELECTRIC CAR kR DIRECTING PRACTICE D. Sawyer to Lecture at Firs E .Colloqum on Tuesday, T _ 7 t }.". A - tt':S. ..,, ;.1 .: . ... '. . : ....... , .z:i . ... ... 'x.... .Qtober 2 . i;_E:a ~ a~I I- Or. Robbins Announces Choice of Noted Faculty Man to Give Initial Series. WILL DISCUSS ANCIENTS Late T. S. Jerome Wills...…

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