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October 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…;be o 4KLZ VOL. NI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1900. No. 27. NEW WAY TO PASS BALL{ Practice Contnues Good- Fumbling State Federation of Women's Cubs. Announcement I is Conspicuousby its Absence.'~ Center Rush Uses His Fingers Ony- Dr. Mosher, -iss Editht Wheeler and Our special line This System Gets Men Under Way it stitte of the run,Awt tall and Olliso Foreitre tli~ges ileft ysterday of freig and More Quickly, and Fools sipe...…

October 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. College y aa THE UNIVERSITY Of M~ICHiIGAN Angus Blg 'Main St. 33 . ae Street Boath 'Phonesi 13. New taite 'Phalli'182. MANAGING EDITOR, (3. H. II'\ . '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, EDITORS: A. H.31ii~oItI~.i~'t0 I . 3.A. Koalor'x11 L.. H.1H. WooiIIoI."l04 AV. P.(,,.kNF-,'I1 L fihe subscroiptiio pice tfthe DIL is.'7 00 for' the co'lege rear, 1w ih arelar tdelivery before coon lleaclh day. Ntie, omuia befoe .11.m., or ...…

October 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY, OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 FYou'll*1igree that our $3 Hats are the greatest possible values in ~Quality, Style land Price. G OODSPEED'S + 1 I : CF~ -NYA1111T.S ~O++O4+O++O++O~i+OO+OO+Oci~i~oo+3o+OO+OO+ PIANOS TO BENT MICHIGAN .CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route" CENTRAL STAND)ARD T'IME, 'raking effect September io, egoo Deotroit Night Exproso.......... 0 5 .X Atlantic Epr'es.............7"r43 Grand Rapi7dsExpress..........11 10" Mail...…

October 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…-1 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You Carl get a HOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S 3,38 South State St. BARGAINS sio, Orient $34 $40 Sterling 29 Excursion Rates INTO GlOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 of the teost invittng ntytea for Patt and Wtttter Suitittgs that were en-er hrought together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE ...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…- V771 F t i h ti ' v "r 7 1 " yC E' 'i Jt r ti '1 S j t v K .e 's e l V ¢ it #rY ,- A S , R : 1 S FIRST YEAR. AINN ARBOR, MICIi., THURSD~AY, OCTOBER 24 1901. No. 2 7 PLAYING FAST BALL. 1902 Wins. 7.110. Iiiiir lit, ninitni ol th lilionin. Chadwick, an Al-Fresh Linesman is y strda'yI f~e nrin a dird NTiitllin alt of I0011)111 atthl ' f iri ;otts iven aBerth on the iSubs- 114F11 11vWsNvl-( inthoe bijpliil by lthe Scores for His Teanm. ;IlniIlni...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICITIIAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf1IL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. '[he largest assortment in, the state. io i ahington St. Tuttu Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY S CAMPUS DRUG STORE. P. E. JOLLY'S lunches Are Better Than...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ++++++ +++++++++:+ P1+:+++++ +++++++ +4+++++ +.++g+++++1 ~u u n, a In 0oure nvinow,,and thenitaike a lInk illiothe atore 11d io inwnilSt a he lorge- In d elt + + iI II .:JII\-Ilocted -tnt k ofNew~A Fall Suits and Overcoats Inel n ihrol nd Cl hie:1,n + + I iIKE A 'LO K Thosit complete lineot Men's Furnishings and Hats in thi -ity. The+ stle Fn tsIn~II A111)\rkr for the teeh-hlrait YliSI AN Tl IU DE'lWEAlI. 21 \ N ' t A T...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…TtIE AMICHIGAN\DAI.LY-NEWS Euth inal 'loath Past; 20C . =- Packer's Tar Soap - - 20c + +Stuart's Dlyspepsia Tablets - s5c Toayflaltine - - 85c5 Peruna 80 S c . ICALKIS7"PHAM ACY 324 SO. STATE ST.a MILLER'S ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS LI NEN PAPER MICHIG.AN Let us show you the q~uality' we sell at 15 , 20 and z je a l1)t Bieing a tioecettitnit o the 1mo(st imoportantt statutes arra'u-(A and ANNOTATED) for thse use of Students. Our Playing Cards ar...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…-z r D4 II' a I-: - ._, _ t. r-t . -- .~ ,t s. ... -. . , "I1 _ f .. :! :-a f. 'f, _ _ " , «.. - S f _ . . _ .. . _ '/. ,, .l -" N "r n .: % -- - _ ,% ..... 'f, .e '1, n 'f. _.- I cy . "1 r _ .1. - I s . U lU . CII …

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…N f1( IG kMN SF .. - , k a t: r lj ' . 4 , y 'S , 7. - '- ll -ariw A-4 have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort-. ment in TheCity q ~ 1:. 0YT ig u "Our (onsience Pac~ks Us" hh y "Why" SHEEHANll ) F ])I()R ii i ' 1 1 ' 1 t 1' ' :3. s~ 15~. ;E14 .'i'1 E)i'! '= 14 E '+.511± ':",1 ;"il ".. . ! " fill" 'till- ;tny 'T, :\ _ c'12',' . ttY ;tt71" 1 ?-:i:'_'" !II !i?+ 1' Ill :ti l 7i " i Ill, wi I: t' ttl...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…;ra:"Y G a^i 7" v....«3.. 'YI ... is F .f r =R-7 n Tom:: i d ri ' L h I G rS y. l t-t ^b., f --,. , .. ;, , ' .r f.: ';. °-:: : , . '? :i= Y ....i L'' '. \. w}; pL {. A yG l.,rt it{l r , ~ [ 'r ri ; , . f r y j r r - ,,.. C r ---{ f ''" t T, r - } 1 J '. '.J i i . r, ... ., } f ' - ... : - -, ' " s . = 4 'Y _ 4_ to ::r;, =' V -J ;+ . i j1llf 4 -fir. . ^ ,: . ' T 1 . .. ,, ~ .- If ° Cq X r r. c 'a'rt rv r-. -- cm _ 1 r,' L31 r J 1 - Uq rp "Y r ...…

October 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS XWe call it a IDetcriiinatiom; Sale becaus wear determined not a ~to move anythnilng that cut prices> N ll sell. DIahot think about this sale too lonm;, Ne canl kCL it going; but a short time Alred t. 1,ienjamlin & Co's hig a -custom a de suits anit!oXvercoats. At a RA L- Seme uStr ta ocks, ellI - t, II11 lIN 1111 I 41 j l+W ~ - 8 IN. N _ __ ta vi la i1 _t1: ,_ i r, "1I: a , I ift .. '+ I 4_ ; . rt 11 .I ca I II I; :e (...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. "rIC1IGAN MEEITS DRAKE. This Afternoon on Ferry Field Last Game Before the Minnesota Con- test-Other Saturday Games in the West Today-Mich- igan Stored 9tfPoints OWednesday. Michigain-Dratto al Ann Arbor. Chicago--lllinoio at Chicago. ttlionesota-Betlootat Mintnesota. Liobardt--Washington tiverity at tGalesburg. Wisconsin--Knox al. Madison. litritticOberlin al. Lafayette. H arvardi- -lrown atCatttbritdge. Yale-Woo...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine, - --f off+ sfe Fall And then the flag of victory will float Yu nieNesi entered a secondctrsw irte at the Artia above our hear; * Yu nieNesi For we'll beat them thro' and thro,' 'risli'earbytedirty Merdyrexciedi dorig tie uric or two, iol nl Snou cc f yrc try e itirbgoc l)aly alircrd Jurst a t w, and wecil how them that II 111 ci tic I erctly e Mtrlh'oe.were still the ame iuu MAAGING EDITOR. Old...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ".The Laaara Falls Route." : a e ~ ~ E ~~' ANN ARBOR to A3 n na LAIG RI~I-HlE CHICAGO C A e radClohsaeyon rns os ' eeoCLE 336G-PES.GSTAT E S BUFFALO ttltctdo ay orIforyuxep na prceand he'l NEW YORK o:te xtem sy-alteecuinssofbrcnt- AND BOSTON ° ater i Trousers Pressed, - I Oc loS teecneeitat ltf0 + CO LLEGE BRAND GARMENTS ' Si rssd 5 withdeta nectionstyat haofr SutPese,-- rS [aIiant Ct StW PiAIAgnlandaA tianeA hin,---------l...…

October 24, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN-DAILY. FOR ME 8n OE Fo E n Before buyin, se our new all Styles and you will look no f urther NUNfI BElTTER Air ANY PRICE 1 1 r S. Main St. ' PENNYGOOK. : The Conectioner. 310 South State It. Fine Confeclions. Lunches, ttoy lacy Candies-ilot eventhe do-a-l deltic.ious oetione-s ad have -tic s }> cc Idtot at o rt o- Isla'in ft-Ii -its- ta ooot y portor-icnteooot y Ice Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, 310iSotuth Statito ive t. MONEY L...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… C Q b4 U 4 ~IW W o c 7 l J = -4 V A ovaf J a^r, - ,=! . '~" ^' :: G ' tom. :... yJ., '' ,' ' rt- ._' -. ,.' ~ CG s"' - __.. tic r 'r. _ 75 H Q S U f _G J . . a1 V U r I . yyy V n ITT . / n r+y V l N 4 . , a r x . , J f rr< - _ ' i ' f J ^ 1 it +- ._ r r. : j .. r ? r 'l .. i" _ j y, w r. 'l; . i, J J T V . .-.. .s .! 'f, i n J r v i ^ ' ... J r *^y v-i . y .r 'r. _r ,-, .' .,r-. W,. N _ ,f. , f fir' ~ .- 'f. f >> q G " tel./ (" ~ ...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…Tflit MICHIGAN DAILY Go.No Wild Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS 0 The largest stock is iS the City of exclusive styles int Woolens for (lestleroen wear. Of hiigh-class fabrics and is special stylIs for stu- dlents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. $ BALL SUITS We are showing a fine line of Football Clothing of Spading make at the following prices: P ANTS Canvas $1.00 to $2.50 Moleskin $3.00 to $5.00 JACKETS Canvas, Sleeveless 75c to $1.25 SHIN-GUARD...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…AIl~ff-IC DIBRADY No. 112a f9WTO SPRIT Bmy ARTHUR r.F. VPFEYx Prilce 10 Cemts The betroi cocI.on Sprinting thahu ra ever; been published. A. G. SPALDING M13P BOS. maie feio i v addIrissc STATE SAVINGS BANK WX .. oolb n X. . -fcc-cla jas. 1. Wad 1+: F tMill \.J.Kyr s t (Iat-ct cXl-cci UE~ORUEL ISCHOF FLRIST Choince Cuat Finners arod Pinakrl Chapin St., hetwenr cec oad (iller- Ave Phoner 800 ('0 to the tailor let him make you a suit--let him - ...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…'lI-l" NI CIJIG. buA 1 tV Reule, Conlin, Fi 1egel, Companyv Hocking Valley Ry. C'UNTI 10I1b7s ITs ~lfi i\T10 TRAIN AiEYITlK yoiiwill fn Four Trains IDaily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleping Cars on Night Trains Union Delotsi T ole do ansd S. F. CLARK, 32 Campus Martis Detroit, Mich. (PENDYOURVACATO ON THEGIREAT LAKES M Eri Wil Y SUMER ESOTSl~ DETROl Too CLEV LAND Ise LEELAD e - .3 A.51 Lo+'roe CLEVOLAN. dily 10.15 O P.1 Pr...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil Vol'.. xVI1. ILLINOIS EXPECTS TO DEFEAT MICh IGAN Review of the Work of Cham- paign Eleven This Season-- Prospectnt for Saturday. ()nd'ltthat tenew plaintg aide will givt thillttta blter chancetagainst Micign tanis iit iii byte s a "d p-t i viti it it ofa Ili n a t, s f ot a lli titt s rea li, tr te aut tiolyAtn 1)e iwring \ii rtilthe g titru les ii, i~tlll, A icigal g ie tittiewstyliie h iii iii iati p ctcair i ghly atd i...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…fall Iailoring iat rt aotttinn n r n iinaton, tto iit ii' jet in notina it it t'i t iin r4 r itit' obiiiih i t , a inf. i I yo arnt talt' a atron of our, w w u it tt t t pe re of iakintpyourtfll it,. Iia a tet otfi.0111 a lti to it t(ii Plaeatt. There's Nothing Beyonrd Us in Garment Making. oertc.tnoifrititt hi' t oiforign and DOtota - ionttiti ". 113t ii nioii'ad exi a ' it pattetnsto tn fial iiito itrt ii' foaritto Yut' i'rrfoctyo&1f in plac...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i - Samf Bulrchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAN BDRCHFIELD & CO. 108 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Roon THE BEST CVISINE IN THE STATE St- red at all lours, from S a. int. to S p. tit. Sat ii rdaat to g 1).im. Pi lees Moderate Mack ('E Co. TILt FARMERIIS AND 11iCI1ANICS BANK MAIN ANtI li OIN c5lyllaTS Capital, $50,000, Snrplns and Profits, $65,000 3)c i kitac I lalaIn'l ala 'I .' l <I ay {Ijwr c t...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and w a,,hingun BRINGi 11115-Al)" ANI) 15 C:ENTS AN!) OETi ONE 01' OUR 25c STINSi W1'1"N ON IT E. G. tiOA0 R; AHI KAH1 RAH1 Yor aLMichigan Pi'5,t11tt IireAy nw o r l tr D. Y. A.A.J. RAILWAY LW'1A411,11115 ILLI II il t 'l i-- I l. a i s V '- "t' 'a~y I ' 31151 L 11111 111; 1.1w to 1 :15).I lli4I & I'1111 I 41 ANSEAMSNHLIES. Li)ingt a 1 3 1111r1 1 31 awll~ J.I' r,;. n ti~ i ,)r "I' 'I' X Il R.n'La.AeI'LL. Sa ...…

October 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily_ VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI-IL RSD Y, OCTOBER 24, 1907. No. 27. VARSITY SHOWS BETTER FORM Fumbling Largely Eliminated- Heston Says Practice Was Bet- ter Than Any Last Year. tWsith the fumbling largely elininated, he varsity hati nuch less trotle in trouncing the scrutbs yestettay tian fit Tuesdays usatisfactry scrittmatge,' cottnting ive tines in lbout twetyt mit- rites. IHeston wa-tteltet the practice and' was...…

October 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…fHE MICHIGAN DATtY" G. 11 Wild Comfpally The Lrt tStock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Oentenen's Wear Everything required fot Suit, Overcoats, Fancy Vetings and Trouserings, and of high ciass fabrics and special styles Ful Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street InI Our Circulating Library you'll fnd all the newest as well aso a grood seletion of the ol favorite books which you an're(1 ot' the sma...…

October 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE MIc1ivGAM DAILY .......... . flflhi-(COUNITI-AQQIUMES iicii' OiY RiL-tlus eR5linC Sits---. We hve just received afilne nioUfUL ILUIUJI Chi cgo' hopes for a winnintg' track3 DRINKSINK SQ IB' S ICS(V we Jte= D i~tbd se doist~oace LIIKE A CAMEL SQIlrgl ~SIE U ILPOWEgerunner;Jatccli ththe wiiould hei oTo load a Conklin Founain Pen just dip it in any Squiib'iscname cn any atilent s '-- - absule t o icire in t spring. Light- ink, press the Cr...…

October 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…~THZ MICH5XOA!%'!Axe, If Special Offer Ten. full size packages of For Only $1.00 This is the Assortment. Seeltol Teth Powder 29c Saito1 Fae sCream . 25c SanitoldTooth Paste . 25c Saitol Toilet Powrder .He Sanitatl-ULiesAstiseptic 2He Sea~itol Bath Powder 25c Saniol Tooth Brush , 35c Sanintol Shaving Crmet . 25c Ssaitol Vo tIetitSeets. 24- Sasitol Face Powder . 35c Regular retail price . $2.70 it youawill call atcaur store todasweiwil te1lyou...…

October 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The M4ichigan Daily ANN ARLOic \lliiIC (N, SATLRDAY,0OCTOBER 24, 1908.No23 NO. :23 Vol-. XIX. ROOTERS LEAVE TO CHEER WOLVERINES Rejuvenated Varsity Backed by L.arge Crowd at 0. S. U.-In- tercass Schedule 10rtotiel ole ed up1111 in1 11te good (I 1111das, ix h1un1re11(r11o101s8left tis mornteling t cheer on il eihom~e hopes in thir annlll gameilt wisltlO0 S U. 11eret- he hatts bent11aill eeengesttuilrilg ou111 te1m1t1t w itt v11 e hil lmatii...…

October 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…'1 f I I ;jItL ItIGAN CIAIL , .,; ., G. H. Wild Comfpaly 'Thu Largest Stok in th e its of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfe's Wear Fv5ery thing reuired miorSit, Overcoats, 1 ny Vesting and Trouserings, and of high clas fabrics and speilstyles Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street "w STUDENTS' HEADQU ART ERS fo Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits anti all kinds of Athletic and Sportintg Godis Te...…

October 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…VI;MICHIGAN DAIIAV Lditor The Daily: someirof his other iron from the ire,- __The Daily deserves creiit for saying suchiaso less nmportant personal andl co- I Troudhout school days, collcCD Q uarry 7 s that the Student Council sol inhd out le c activitie.s but the whleniveier sity days, business or professional cae -_ how nmuchs power it tis. Rt could wll is iachitit eime1re15thoutlful sn- the Conklin Pen will serve you faithfully a.d rake go ...…

October 24, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WALL PAPEIR Window :shades, Plate and Stein Shelves, Burlaps, Qils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc.= - Ourispecialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) NV.a1-tinting, Kalsomining. Fresco- ing, etc.,Icetc. eimploy; only skilled workmen and gnarantee onr Nvork, We cam. do your work at oimce C. H. MAJOR rCO. 203 E. Washir gtorn St. BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGER'S SCHOOL D ANCING...…

October 24, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan -Daily ANN NRBOR, MICHIGANNx( \i\ I I 05t'1 ix 4, 1909. Vol-. X. Nox. i8. BAFFLED BUT NOT BEATEN In a Trying (lfame, the Varsity Defeats tie rquette by a Close Score. ( r(x St t x'irr~ c ix xxix i ) 2\iIwak xxxiii 0C1 N ;3-xxxhi an W011 NIc~ xxxiit t 0 o ;,ech sd scarin a tolichd wn in the. is h lf (ilicricx-e wii the (ilkxii by kickxingx gti Slichixi an ,-a xxiiiila e at n 4 - lxixiv and il dfn i ii( a nd llxxiixx lxxxn~' w s...…

October 24, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIIIG iiiDAILY I j THE MICHIGAN DAILY.I G. He Wild Comfpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit-- ir gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE+, S 311 S0. STATE STREET At Ow N(- S , 0. He. Wild Compally BARKER COLLARS Warranted all linen. flade in 1-4 sizes Mianuging ditor C'5=RC ,CCC EE.RiV F, Busainess anag~er ('AniIT. H. U1'JN....…

October 24, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

… This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl .. .O. o Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelet ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 "ouily Guatnoneed Wateh Rspa.tntrangaSpeeaat THE FARMEIIRS AND MECHANICS SANK MAIN AND HURtON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surpius andtProfits$100,001 Gienernal Banking tBusiness. 3 pecetnt pat, onTinre aid Savnugs tDeposits. Safety DstBxelorn...…

October 24, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Stein- loch mrtClothes We want you to wear Stein Bloch Clothes. They will fit you better, wear you better and give you more style than any other clothes you have ever tried on. We sell them and are proud of it, because we are convinced that our reputa- tion as capable clothiers and good judges of which our trade want will be greatly increased by our association with these clothes. Try them on before your own eyes. Linden...…

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