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November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom' P Sit iau Iai1g ROSY Cloudy with rain, a high in the upper 40s. Colder, with snow flurries expected tonight. val. XCI, No. 70 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 23, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages - .ry For a look at Ohio State's disappointing season and a story examining Michigan's defensive tur- naround, see Page 9. their championship. The Michigan Wolverines, whos...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Sunday, November 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Hotel iLU' l fire rises; toll From AP and UPI LAS VEGAS, Nev. - A grim new search for bodies uncovered the 83rd victim of the devastating MGM Grand Hotel fire yesterday as outsiders got their first look at the casino's ghostly ruins and guests returned to their rooms to pick up their belongings. The fire, which authorities said erup- ted in the main kitchen from an un- determined sour...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… The Mich It's election time again igan Daily-Sunday, November 23, 1980-Page 3 _______ 2 rmmm% Two campu - v By DAVID MEYER For the second year in a row, two rival campus political parties are squaring off to win control of the LSA- Student Government. The LSA-SG election, which will be held tomorrow and Tuesday, will pit the Students for Academic and In- stitutional Development against the Student Alliance for Better Represen- tation ...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Sunday, November 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily You don't even have to be Catholic If etiquette experts think politics and religion bad topics for polite conversation individually, they should try compounding the sin by discussing religion in a political setting - like the editorial page of a secular daily newspaper, for instance. Virtually any time this newspaper (or any other, I would imagine), has seen fit to critic...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…ARTS TheMichigan Daily Sunday, November 23, 1980 RONALD SHANNON JA CKSON Page 5 Funk is the clue to Decoding Society Be an angel ... Read IT C I ! 764-0558 rthe ann arbor film cooperative MONDAY in Aud. A. Angell Hall DETECTIVE/HOODLUM NIGHT OUT OF THE PAST 7:00 THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE '9:00 By MARK COLEMAN Ronald Shannon Jackson., a jazz drummer who earned his reputation playing with avant pianist extrodinaire Cecil Taylor, brought ...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Sunday, November 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of CAMPUS or STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, come to our business office at 420 Maynard St. with...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…'M' OPENS WITH TUNE UP AT CRISLER The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 23, 1980-Page 7 Cage rs o jo i By SCOTT M. LEWIS The Michigan basketball team's op- ponents tomorrow night finished first in their conference last season with a 13-2 record last year, and came within two games of claiming a national cham- pionship. This year, they again have a legitimate shot at the national crown. Relax, Wolverine fans-it's only an exhibition game, and t...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…4 SPORTS 1 Page 8 Sunday, November 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily FRICKER SUPERB IN WIN Icers top Badgers, 3-1 BY GREG DeGULIS Similar to their Rose Bowl-bound football counterparts in Columbus, the Michigan icers produced a stellar defensive performance defeating the Badgers of Wisconsin 3-1 in front of 3509 at Yost Arena last night. Michigan goalie Paul Fricker made a total of 46 saves against the Badgers while gar- nering star of the gam...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 23, 1980-Page 9 'M' 'bowlers' deflate Ohio State (Continued from Page 1) phomore wide receiver who has elec trified his team and its fans many times roughout the season - who scored the winning touchdown on a 13-yard pass froin John Wangler with five minutes Ieftlin the third quarter. Blut the joyous victory belonged to the defense, which contained yet another top-quarterback -. the Buckeyes' Art Schlic...…

November 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Sunday, November 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 I I THE WOLVERINE EXPRESS PRESENTS THE OFFICIAL University of Michigan STUDENT and FACULTY/STAFF . Special Bowl Tour Office UM STUDENT UNION Main Lobby PHONE: 763-6896 -SCHEDULE FOR SALE OF TOURS / Mon. Nov. 24 ................. . ..................12 noon-6 PM Tues. Wed. Nov. 25 .............. .... Noiv. 26 ...... ....... . . ..0 ........ .. .............. 5 ... .. .9 AM-...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom V' Ali ian :4IaiI i MURKY Skies will be mostly cloudy with a high temperature in the upper 50s. I " 1 Vol. XCI, No. 23 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 23, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Hazed player, star center quit hockey team By LORENZO BENET "Jamie's gotten very far behind in The freshman hockey player who his studies with all the publicity," ex- was ...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…1 .i I 4 Page 2-Thursday, October 23, 1980--The Michigan Daily . 4 -~ s Sunday Brunch at The Market Place Cheese blintzes. French toast made with challah. Bagels, lox and cream cheese. The Sunday Times. All this and more - only on Sundays at The Market Place, 10-3, 422 Detroit St. And enjoy our other fine deli items Monday through Friday, 11-8, Saturday 8-8. Or call 996-1966 for carry out. Party trays given special attention. Tisch may se...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 23, 1980-Page 3. 'U' INSTITUT E STRIVES FOR HIGHER QUALITY CARE Mental health explored I By STEPHANE MASSEY At 10 a.m., a patient or a 'normal' enters the Sleep lab at University Hospital. A lab technician hooks elec- trodes on his head, around his eyes, and on his chin. Then the subject, with a collection of wires protruding from his head, climbs in a hospital bed and falls asleep. He is uninterrupte...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 N Thursday, October 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily --- w Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. XCI, No. 43 Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board The first real punishment Tisch nightmare is for real By Wilfred Kaplan UNIVERSITY Athletic Director Don Canham may want to forget the October 12 hazing incident, but events just don't...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…Carter From The Associated Press Ronald Reagan called Jimmy Carter incompetent and termed his political tactics reprehensible yesterday, while arter hooted at the Republican's secret plan" for gaining release of the hostages in Iran and accused the GOP of spreading "horse manure" before the election. Independent candidate John Ander- son, meanwhile, said the two major party candidates ought to be em- barrassed that he was not invited to debate...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…U Page 6-Thursday, October 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Soviets say harvest bleak Health system reaps big profits MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union yesterday reported a dismal 1980 grain harvest and promised top-level efforts to solve food problems complicated by ,the partial U.S. embargo on grain sales since Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. Figures announced at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet, the 1,500-member national Parliament, showed a ha...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Thursday, October 23, 1980 Page 7 CONFESSIONS OF A CLOSET FAN Heav By MARK COLEMAN Heavy Metal Rock-it's stupid, sen- seless music but it's just what I need. Crusing down I-94 in neat bumper to bumper 70 mph formation, jockeying with workaday daddies in their LTD's and Caprice Classics is impossible unless you're stoned. It's that numbing rush of oblivion that only FM radio (not drugs) can provide. - And hoo boy! d...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…0 If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN 2001: POCAILYPSE NOW TWO FREE TICKETS A Space Odyssey 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call our busi- ness office at 764-0560 (9 .m.-5 p.m.), 420 Maynard, within 48 hours. Two free tickets for a State 1-2...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 23, 1980-Page 9 Arab states restrict Palestinians A HAVE DINNER WITH Charley THIS WEEK A bowl of chili, a slice of - MANAMA, Bahrain (AP)-Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states ve tightened restrictions on an timated 400,000 resident Palestinians since the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, diplomatic sources said. A ban on political gatherings by Palestinians has been imposed and strict visa requirem...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 10

… 4 : . ; : : .s SPORTS pga 10 Thursday, October 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily i omflae Gridiron to dentistry, no ts from this guy I~V i oc 4 'A By TOM SHAHEEN "Here's a trivia question for you: naniO some important Michigan quar- terlhcks from the last decade or so." "Well, let's see . . there was Rick Leach, of course . . . and Dennis Franklin . . . oh, and Don Moorhead ... and John Wangler is pretty good." "What about Tom Slade?...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 23, 1980-Page 11 THE SPORTING VIEWS t SHappiness is a championship for fussing, feuding Phils DEADLINE: r By SCOTT M. LEWIS The Oakland A's proved it during the early 1970's-you don't have to be in love with your teammates and manager to produce a champion- ship. Tuesday night at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia, the Phillies added a chapter to this peculiar animosity-breeds-success story. Philadelph...…

October 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 23) • Page Image 12

… I Page 12-Thursday, October 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Rumsey, Elliot establish rule in IM foot ball By DAN NEWMAN In much the same way that Ohio State and Michigan turned Big Ten football of the 70's into the Big Two, Rumsey House and Elliot House have dominated residence hall intramurals in recent years. Since 1973, these two houses have combined to win seven resident division championships, five in Division A. During this time, these tw...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years off Editorial Freedom I P Lt t iga iE3 ai g NOT AS HOT Look for plenty of sun, but the high should be only in the upper 60s with the low near 40. &oI. XCI, No. 17 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 23, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages REACTION OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS SURPRISES HER Rape victim describes traumatic experience By LORENZO BENET It was early one afternoon in April two year...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 -Tuesday, September 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily U.S. offers respect,, no apologies to Iran From AP and UPI UNITED NATIONS-Calling for prompt release of the American hostages, Secretary of State Edmund Muskie offered respect but no apology yesterday to Iran, saying its own security and Persian Gulf stability depend on a settlement. "We are prepared to do our part in resolving fairly the issues between us," Muskie said in a speech to the...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 23. 1980 Page 3 Mormons join in Crisler to hear church leaders -Doily Photo by DAVID HARRIS CATHY FOJTIK, LAST year's president of the local chapter of the National Organization of Women, leads pro-ERA chants at a rally held Sunday at Crisler Arena. Approximately 70 men and women marched in protest of the anti-ERA stand of the Mormon Church, which held a conference in the auditorium over the weekend. ERA...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Tuesday, September 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan What is that damn word? Vol. XCI, No. 17 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board And the hi winner is Well, the great debate is over, and now it's time to decide who won. That is no particularly easy task. We heard from only two of three major presiden...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 23, 1980- Page 5 the ann arbor film cooperative 210 PRESENTS po* P* COMING HOME Starring JANE FONDA and JON VOIGHT 7:00 & 9:15-Aud. A Admission. $2 PUBLIC AUCTION of ORIENTAL RUGS All to be sold for unpaid accounts to our overseas creditors through First National Bank of Boston; Ref. No. 323-74544 AUCTION AT: Holiday Inn/West Bank 2900 Jackson Rd., 1-94 Exit 172 Ann Arbor Thursday, September 25, 1980...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, September 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily ' i. rMAN | I T r flu I.v 't. LJt. 4 2 421 F A T 1' I I A ' S. D .x.111 bot St UAS'BFP if Av. (tit Mediate Occ 9611200 lion s Ifr- O5LYN;GARDNS 2 rrn ap s Ave. No 7, N yn"$0 CALL 764-0557 r')REST HILLS 4RMS $21 ,...;LE S3.U"RAELSO' ",v'h' f CPA se n "'I I to ast . d ist n d i Vaist. M~s4t tre 8:30-e4~ lr5dbq ti 6 049 lix Av/7 65 'daily. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIE...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 23, 1980- Page 7 FEELS SH AME AND GUIL T IN AFTERMA TH Ra e (Continued from Page I perienced in the aftermath of rape. For Beth and most other rape victims the actual assault is not the worst part of the experience. The insensitive responses from friends and family and the overwhelming feelings of shame and guilt that occur afterwards cause the most pain and anguish. "I told one guy about it shortly afte...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…4 ig, SPRT S an Daily Tuesday, September 23, 1980 rolina sRogers concerns Blue Page 8 Sponders changes stop Game cocks By ALAN FANGER similar to being tossed into the len after you've been battered by of bison. un, says Bo Schembechler. WOLVERINES returned from Bend and a heartbreaking 29-27 Notre Dame with more than a hysical and emotional wounds. 3chembechler, who usually holds vell as the Rock of Gibraltar after shook his head and bowe...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 23, 1980--Page 9 Fitness course inaugurated By BRUCE NEARY and MARY VALENTI Perrier water and exercise. Two of America's more noticeable trends are com- bined in the Parcourse Fitness Circuit inauguration yesterday on North Campus. The Perrier company, which had provided the course construction materials, supplied the refreshments for the opening run yesterday, but left the exercising up to the campus ath...…

September 23, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

…Paoe 10-Tuesday, September 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Women harriers run to fourth place finish NEVER ENDING BATTLE KEY TO SUCCESS By SUSAN SOLTERO and VAL SAMARAS The weekend proved to be an accom- plishment for the Michigan women's cross country team as the Wolverines finished fourth out of thirteen in their first invitational meet of the season held in Lexington, Kentucky. Melanie Weaver led the team by placing fifth in a field of 113 r...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 44-S Ann Arbor, Niichigan- -Wednesday, July 23, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages plus Supplement St. Helens erupts after six-week- dormancy VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount St. Helens broke a six-week silence with four towering ash eruptions yesterday after a series of increasingly frequent earthquakes, the U.S. Geological Sur- vey said. A pyroclastic flow of superheated gas, ash and rock also rolled down the north...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 23,180-The Michigan Daily Actor Peter Sellers 'gravely ill' after massive heart attack 4 4 From UPI and AP LONDON-Actor Peter Sellers, 54, plagued by heart trouble for the past 16 years; last night suffered a massive heart attack and then cardiac arrest that stopped his heartbeat and breathing. His doctors said he was ' "gravely ill." Rushed to Middlesex Hospital after the heart attack in his hotel suite, Sellers almos...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 23, 1980-Page 3 Local Sceneit SCORES ON FREE SPEECH MALICE COUNTS DE T scored. a fedei Marwi U.S. wins partial dismissal By HOWARD WITT SpecialitoTheDaily MARWIL CHARGES THE committee members speech-dismissed yesterday by Pratt- deliberately sidestepped applicable department and from departmental meetings in Febr 'ROIT-University attorneys yesterday College policies requiring that he be granted a tenure Mar...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…Pb b -4-W heoy, July '23 1980'-The Michigah dily Billy Carter and the Law BILLY CARTER last week filed as a foreign agent for the Libyan government. He did it begrudgingly, he said, after learning that the Justice Department was finally ready to bring legal action against him. The reasons? Billy hosted a delegation from Libya in the U.S., then made two highly publicized trips as the guest of the radical North African nation. For eighteen mont...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Doily-Wednesday July 23, 1980-,-Page 5 Showers cool areas plagued by relentless killer heat wave PRESIDENT CARTER HOLDS a head of grain sorghum and discusses the - drought-related problems of Justin, Texas farmers-on the farm of Olen Range. A roving band of storms yesterday broke the back of the heat wave blamed for more than 1200 deaths in 24 states. Gov 't reveals Billy Carter involved in hostage release try WASHINGTON (AP) - B...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

…labric sculpture Artists Bob Vandervennet (left) of Union Lake and Jeff Zischke (right) of Walled Lake erect their sculpture yesterday in front of the Michigan Union. The artwork, made of 18 pieces of colored fabric and hundreds of feet of rope, was com- missioned by the Ann Arbor Artists and Craftsmen Guild for this week's art fair. College costs to increase this fall, From AP and UPI The cost of higher education is going up again this fall,...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-WednesdQy, July 23, 1989-Page 7 Registration protesters bomb 2 post offices By United Press International Puerto Rican terrorists, condemning the "Yankee" draft registration, blasted two post offices with bombs yesterday, hours before 19- and 20-year- old youths began signing up across the nation for the second day. The bombs exploded at 2 a.m. EDT at a post office in downtown San Juan and in the suburb of Rio Piedras. No ...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily long summer of horrors 4 By DENNIS HARVEY To be good, a horror film need only be scary, though those that meet only this qualification tend to creak with age prematurely, left looking tame by the constant escalation of gore and horror. To be great, a horror film must be both scary and funny-aware of its im- probabilities and manipulations; gleefully, blackly humorous, as are Psycho, Carrie a...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 10

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily featuring ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN MC~ HaLi POCO Under The Gun 20 - 4200029-070 DISCOUNT LOCATIONS 300 South State Street, Ann Arbor 1235 South University, Ann Arbor AURA LOCATION 540 East Liberty, Ann Arbor A I Eu …

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Doily W-6dnes'dciy, Aii{ 23; lhe£r=PFtig e 3 R p ' -- - ------- or The St et THE CROWDS, THE heat, the side-walk sales, street vendors, and of course, South University Ann Arbor Street Art-Fair (pictured above) is one of three the artists. Every July Ann Arbor is overrun with artists and tourists alike fairs that make up the total Ann Arbor Art Fair. when the annual art phenomena-the Ann Arbor Art Fair--takes place. The Fair me...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 12

…Page 4-Wednesday July 23, 1980-The Michigan Daily Officials try to reduce parking space problems 0 ; , _.. z x "° ,; / ak+ r '§ : j :^.;, ... By SUZANNE GOTTLIEB Art Fair crowdsmean Art Fair park- ing problems, but both University and city officials are attempting to alleviate some of the headaches the onslaught of art shopppers can produce. According to Jim Stein of the city's parking department, city parking structures on Forest and Mayna...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 15, 1980-Page 5 Ann Arbor Art Fair began 21 years ago as Dily Photo by JIM KRUZ Bedridden Art exhibited at the Ann Arbor Art Fair comes in all shapes and sizes and can be made from every material imaginable. Here, the subjects of this almost life-size soft sculpture seem undisturbed by the bedlam surrounding them. Artists, merchants, shoppers take over streets of Ann Ar'bor business By BONNIE JURAN Today's ...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 14

…Page 6-Wednesday, July 23,1980-The Michigan Daily Bus schedule tentative as talks continue By ELAINE RIDEOUT As negotiations between striking transit workers and the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) con- tinue to break down, it is becoming less and less likely the buses will be run- ning by fair time. "It's unlikely the shuttle will be run- ning," Ron Ricciardi, marketing coor- dinator at AATA said at press time Monday. "But," he add...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 23,1980-Page 7 ,r '.?' }fir y 1 . , , Y3 _ .: Hr..v $ ...v f >dae x " .. x:. lit II .v£ : r t C t 40* 'U' guild caters to student, r local t ' ;" ,: " ~~4 Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ AN ARTIST RELAXES as prospective patrons mill over his work during last year's Art Fair. South, East University artists juried by acceptance committee artists By SUSAN McCREIGHT Ethnic foods on Main Street, hand- made musical ...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 16

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 23, 1980- ., Michigan Daily Police help alleviate Art Fair problems (Continued from Page 4) busy during the night providing coverage of high-risk crime areas in town, so artists and vendors at the fair will be resonsible for the security of their exhibits. ANN. ARBOR POLICE patrols will probably be busiest when performing in the service capacity, the police spokesman said. Some examples of the police services are: " Cal...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan wily-Wednesday, July 23, 1980-Page 9 Art Fair, '79 Supplement to the Daily Art Fair Guide are two pages of photos, courtesy of Ann Arbor city historian, Wystan Sterens. Stevens, an Ann, Arbor native, has kept photographic records of 'city events for the past 10 years. /I …

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 18

…n -. _ i J . in A. ,tavt ah'711 ioAn -Tk aA;.-;-r.nnn eil 1I Page 1 v-- w4 reanesca i, juiy L3, yats-- ne m cr ga r vca y AM f- Suruirv"Art-ENNE, ANN Fwstival N ~QDF~ HURONC 3 HURO NURONNEWAYSTEET~ * To U S, 23 & I-96 & I-94LURNjT WASHINGTON ST, w AHNT-m T LU WASHLNGTO ST. U &n t A E. LIBERTY cr E. LIBERTY z zO c- P H A z MADIJFERO JFESON aC AMDSO IAIO W / Hw S". %44 zm4 CD rEEE _ I u AO L farLASINTOTORH.. . CORST J Ap ar9:45 9:49 9:57 1...…

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