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November 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The MichIga Vol. XXI. BIG EIGHT FORBIDS S MINN-MICH, CONTESTat Gophers May be Compelled to T Choose Between ConferenceIz ANN ARBORI RMICHIGAN, WEDINESDAY, NOVE;MBlIE 3,0)10. 3 EASTERN GAMES ARE LIKELYI The attitude of the western confer- t enlceItowa trd NI ichigois hos again lie- Come a factorin the W\olveerine athletic t situat in. This fail the jealou~isy iand an tagonismi i iich thieimiiority of the conf ereinciesools e losscnisgimani...…

November 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 311 O. TAYSTREET Opn'glislay o S:tyles FULL1RFSSSUITS ASEILTY 'J P B I F G P EiT W q1 .1 1f 5,K r afand ARMSBAND '' A i' ft. d: HE .MiICIGAN DILY. CONTEST RESULTS IN TIE " luuugiug 1.dxtux [.tc A WHITE. Laws and Lits Unable to Decide ccily)tht ,c _)ta l Pus utce I'xuuyer--Ntuttuc H. HILL. Football Supremacy sijr fitl _:li~ h.UtTOIZS. ~~~Shortenedl (quarterstogethierl ihhi'etr~i tcr?)) .-Il :cI \Neuws. 'ditot'... ... . . I ...…

November 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifiel :: & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch ROpI& 1ad a g Spealalty rHE F(ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURSON STREETS Captal $50,100 lurplus and Prft$00,000 general 11ack~ing Business. 3 percent paid on Tinie and Savings Dieposits....…

November 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…TH MICHIGAN_ _ IDEAL < f~rt Our best setter in ,SH-OES A new lot just in $5.00 I0EAL LAST WAGNER & CO. State Street Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at Martin -Hailer Reule, Conllhl Jiean Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clo...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…T.,he Michigan all ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1910.. Vol. XXI. o. 5. fl Iflm i ALL-FRESH VANQUISH AL-MA FAIR MAID DISCOVERS A 1 SECOND BUCKEYE ITEAMYINEW IND O QCI ON.lIEANOCD Douglass' Pupils Win Fast Game) "I ell, is this Mr. ltstotts?" R UNI( O E 3 TO ~~Twenty-two to Two It was a weak femitie voice n ooj-lODS V IT tilth l-FehreoOPERAa Sll°wa nweig t JyyjjjSattrday, tiesmt the such toted "Would you tell me ow the Michi- HOLD...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…14 LMICHIGIAN DAlV, G. IIe WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 31SO. STATE STEET ^. 'AJUP ON THIEPROF'S r~l-.iia5 t at rics,$25.00 aid ttp. Tl:- Stud--tts' Typewriter Supply Co. !Ii-r4 Pr 3t i dt3dl. OP,SituM3.331: onts Gym Supplies of all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric-2 fPackages of Envelopes 1 60e a Index's AT ' 320 S. State Street IT H MICHIGAN DAILY, :Iliioy'e hdI I...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…Sam. Annf TIf 106 E. 1R °S tI,. I . if-11is N 0A tL P> Smp ce fly 'I hittl' , tilittisi hi77s7., ( Continuead frea-oars0. VMPi f .?' ill 's lt ii goal, .a passthat was igh,Sand a dill- served i, r5att'A'strtoo.late ito adlanicath --- balfrom t behiid the goal lise; stitch C0' WYANTED inshuat is. tsehistory cithaw, iwo FOR Iaista .A sliger T~l s to All in 'illalthe "ill-Ftresli showedlthat that cansinstg popular sng ali' rla ' . iilEnd ~i ~ lt...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THU MIC1mnhlA AIL r -.- rrs + V af V. v " s W\ is " iY n t j 'Y.A fy..! 6 LFeY'/:Ylx+ MI: eA'^6 wow wow i Just what you are looking tor- For Semi-Dress Wear Button or Lace. All sizes and widths and we will take pains to lit you 'w em : Wagner & Co. State Street Sign ot the big white shoe . Desks, Morris Study Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN IHALLERI We invite you to...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DALY YEAR STARTS IN WELL FOR UNION Twice as Many Men Make Use of It's Facilities as Did Last Year UNIQUE BANQUET IS PLANNE There sescc ct be noiilckiiiof pr- ciion i ciliii h i t of te Lniii ii icci- hers in rgard toiitie opportunicitisfo enoyen ofeedthiri hirciclb- houcs. iAs a sci cia ctr, its tpo lriy i ccitiii alliexpe tto lis. -'hlic lb-hotise is heingic isd mor thntices uc tisye rs list," saidihMaiager Iome r ifetccli. "Nt...…

October 23, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i On October 24th a. new concern will open in Ann Arbor with OR Individual Suits ponged, Pressed, called for and delivered to your room, We also wish to annoznce that we Clean and Press Ladies' Gowns, Dresses, Suits, Etc. Gloves Clemmned. University Suit Pressing Co. 70 N. University Avenue Both Phones 266 ANN ARBOR y 4 1 s. i::, :}' .';F -' u'. i',..' k;' 'Sv r ?' :. :.., T '. : y; i k' r: . i ''t _: Yfir ?i, k ' : . k...…

July 23, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVEFI Vor- . 1 ANN ARBIOR., MICHIGAN, SATl.RI)A', JUANi .1, 11)10. VARSITY WAE 612 E. Liberty Only one block ronm the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS 0 0 0 P~fNU MAW - 141 JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT Another Chance For Those Who Wnt THE WOLVERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Vriied by Universty Reords, and the books of the Telphoe Copaies To Get It You Must Subscribe for The...…

July 23, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

… FULL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing for Amateurs E, E. CALKINS, Drggist 324 S. State St. Gei your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' Dept, Fine Wath and Jeweler Repairin HALERI'S JEfWELERY STOREf 216 SontahMins St. T'ELE ANARBOR PRESS Printers to thelitSSudet Body Fiol,al-Tie- Wleriae. The i-lii an Daily.lThe Alasmnus, The Law leiew. The Gagyle. Tie Mhl- ha ehnc ~igh Sciewi Oega. Ameriiaa Tyle - ieystne. V...…

July 23, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…1' , I W 1,VW1'1fN' s - . go P" llayers are particular altmut cues. We have good cues., light or heavy, plain, corded, or ebony to shit. Tind iwhat veou like and wuS reserve it for you in private drawer without eharge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Co to the STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE Summer School Supplies Na le ooks,lountan Pens. Station- ery, Tie Line ofCandiers 0"arsi te. L. C. SCHLEEDE 1 1 1 South University BACK NUMBERS SUP- PLIED TO NE...…

July 23, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THIE WOLVERINE White Swan Laundry We do the WHITE SWAN Junction of Finest Laundry Catherine and Work - Detroit Streets and Fourth Avenue in the city. Phone Bell PeeeL18 us an order and [}Bl hn 6 be convinced Hoe. Phoe 152-White WHITE SWAN L6AUNDRY We are showing an especially fine assortment of IWOOLENS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings Keep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. F. A.MYLES (Second Floor) 607 F. William St. DETROI...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… C/M r-74 r-T ZZZ) Cp V = -- OZ > -W 47 C0 Co W W a 0 Co a d a f2 100 f- i a 4 i i r i i l i i wi WNW i r. 1 c ., _ .J 4r ..J - f r . . _ ti d J . . ,1 ^+ ., f ,., ... r r "r f f .- .-. .-. ! ; : _ 0 O- 0 " - I I , - - I I I I- I I - 7 L H Q c~~ WFl nl ;f U -L 0 v 1 - w== a = 0 U L CD Fl4 0 i- 4.1 4y) v ca W H 0 W W 0 0 4) 0 a a) ..., 0 H 7 '!:r I >1 7-1 -17 * i _ 'j, - INI 4L o n 1 wi ) i.' U~ . .ww 4) 4 0S - -f-...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…Npriit# and Summ er 1910 Our Spring Specials DE'SIOiNS -C>iinil iand Enouive COLORIIINGiS-the Ne'west FABIRICS-Deie inale -IN- Suitings, Vesitings Trowserings Now Ready for Yournc loination Ga H. Wild Comfpally TAIl LQinS 311 50 S. STATE STREET a! Jlan giii 1ditoi I ci' VV NI iE, Businest llnnger-CARL Itd0 ADAM, Nel iEditer. .,, ...lHar1(1 Titu N-sstn n' .ii .. .. .. . . . I i t . olzn i MNlusic aid Diama.I N'l . N ore 1'.\lihiin es and 1il...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…EStra. quality Bags and Medicine Cases AT QUARRY~S Hotel Whitney The best piace in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPE~N, Mgr. Flit FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANKS MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50i,000 Surplus and Profits$iOO,O0t Genierai Bashing Bosiness. 3 percenti paid ox Time and Sasings Deposits. Safety Die- positsBoxes tn rent at $3.00 and upwards R. KEMPF,' Pres. 11. (' . PRET's 'sos Vice'-Prs. 1t. A...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…- _ s,1 ,-i t4 s Si heSasaehr oo -h st rs ofstioa m osfahhnait a ti i. ir ;}Gx tlst tlmatxh,1reeoelmog ohes ndpoottohi a alede righ llxwntxtNOW. Notlas jetr' shaes.' Lok ola SUITS $17.00 UP)f , xi ,. righ raongerNW.''No lstchoolr of Ladesc"ngok today-. I t Iirtixi yi ti IIIi1s5 NOtilxxLSt i IL.]) - MA 2zith t~x i I Cii xli xx's Cxx xi Si \xi ii I~ixi t THE CIRCUS I IOi.Clx S. .Coro. t ,at Ith St, WEDNE~SDAY, May2S CHARLES FROHMAN Pl] 'P4 ...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…ti b all y VOL. XX. VOL. XX. N ARBOR, MtIHIGAN, SA TL RI I PR II, :', . [or HOME SEASON OPENS TODAY WITH CASE Game Gives First Opportunity to See Varsity Nine in Action SMITH WILL PROBABLY PITCH ('11:' T'\ in' IxilinTOni BID I"'clod l i h ('lxxxr 'lxx 1< \iixn) Iii x T1l 07:17"1 Wci r \\'xi inx'r CAIG OBEGIN FOR ARABIAN WORK Money to be Raised by House to House Canvass for S. C. A, Project ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS AID IlS'~ an animal chi...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…TILE; MICHIGAN DAILY Sprinii and 1910 Our Sprinlg Spcials DESIGNS-Original and Essisie COLORINGS TPhfe Newest FABRICS -Dependale RSULTCS-Pleasing and Harmonius -iN - Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Rea dy fosYor Xsaniisnatini G. ff. Wild Company 311 S. STATE STREET -LINTON -- v '' 3Tho'" S3LI PEASY" BUTTON MOLE MAKES THE 8UTTcri EASILY AnllSIT PERFECTLY MADoE OF LINEN BARCO ShRUNK s's 'J-Ae AND QUARTER IZsES sKE'R G2 MAKERS. SlinAe Arbor ...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F OR Sam Burchfielcl ::C C. . :: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iT'Vani--C)llege1men to act>as gents at (11117111", S1 00' bool o ey fr 1i rit11 ('11. ( C11It3 11,30 t,, c a lld res or allo11Gco F,1 rmiO I. 61o)hI (II crsi1.1o0) I1ttt,! -1'lt 1111 t3 x > 0ril i, a111rc 1o cjlesclt Er 11 1 l 111 tl 1 il; t~ls ) 1 11111111111 is t trai ht s l~lr {i11, .Illd a l p ia t nlus_ 1 <1i t ~ 1 t -clt 1 ld nc I <lcwc to lr Molk- t ,I Itll it...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying 0NE is to go to a tailor, pick oot a piece of goods, aud wait ~for three or four "try-ons'' and in tlhe end runi the risk of alln nin tell igent fit. The other is to come to us- and get a STER"I N- l3OCti Stuart Snit or Overcoat-try it ou once biefore a mirror-see the garment complete in all its carefni workmtanship--determnine how the pattern looks ou you immcdiately after yon ...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michi a n Batl ?ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDllNESlDAYi MARCH 23, 1910. No, 121. VOL. XX. J. ENGINEERS WIN FINALFROM ITS In Fast Game Bridge Builders r Land Second Successive Bas- ketball Championship. The ive repreenting tie juniors of tie elgileerilg deiartmletl woltie baskethall clamlpiostlip of tie Uitiver- stil foe the second tille lby otclcatig tie 191, it,41 1to 22, ill a hari fotgt Ttetday ight. Concerted temila ty wnt for tie egieer...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichig n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI Ilk P91):UtMA\RCH 24, .1910. No. 122. VOL. XX. JAPANESE BARON TALKS Customs and Institutions of the Mikado's Land Set Forth. Baron Danok Kikuchi's talk last night, given uder tle ausicles of Sigma Xi, proed to be higly interesting to a good sized crowd. Baroo Kikuchi is in America on a msore (or less diplomatic missionl adc the purpose of his visit is to further cemsent the bods of fried- ship 1now e...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THEt MICHIG AN DAILy .,....._ i Spring and Summner 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exciasive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN- Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamination G. I. Wild Company TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLiNTON - The "S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKESTHE BARKER BRAND 'CLI NTON" BUTTON EsASIYDs SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTE...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. S pring xOand SMummi~er Managinsior ____________________________Busintess Manager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Our Spring Specials DESINS-Orginal and Exciusie COLORINGS-The Newest F ABRICS-Depend able RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonos -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready fo Your Eamination G. g. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE B-ARKE R B RAND BUTTON...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THEl MICHIGAN I)AILV t Just the thing for hot weather orA jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamond Office at residence 3130. Liberty Si Ann Arbor. Hours: 8toi11:30a. m..1to 4:30and 7to JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE FIARMIERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURfON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,00 'G...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield St CO. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repeki-iejjag Specalty TilE FARMEIRS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS SCaiital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$OS,OOO Geaerat Banking Business. 3 percent paid un Time and Savings D~eposis. Safety tDe- ponit Box...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…Johrn you sell clothes too cheap. Kant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. "hat's so. Lots of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. J. K. Malcolm Liberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. UNIVERSITY NOTICE H T E H A Hal hr i 7~ Thursday,March~ o'clock. To orgatnize and eet othfiers.1The Season's Greatest Society Event 2 4III Impor tautntmeetin...…

March 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…TE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . GET IN THE EASTER PARADE Even if you don't wear the new Spring suit on Easter day, it's a source of satisfaction to know that yon have it and could wear it if you choose. Choose Stein-B loch The S rEIN-BLOCH Spring patterns are ex- clusive and unrivaled in heauty. The STEIN-BLOCH tailors have heen in the STEIN-BLOCH employ for many years. They have raised tailoring from a trade to a fine art. The STEIN-BLOCH style is th...…

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