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January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vet; VII. ANN ARBOR, MfICIIIiG\N, \VIKII\SIIAY, \.1 ' NY23, MO-*7 N().~ 25. _ _ -- MICHIGANENSIAN TO BE SENT TO HIGH SCHOOLS Regents Nave Appropriated Sum for This Purpse-New System for. Annual's Management. \t thir licinviiigFriday last, Mte bordiiof regents toedallnpy opri atiot "if $;; t teiiiig ii lstit board of controlfirtoe iiipose'ofidiniilig 'and ditributitntg one hundted cppis 0, ast years I tna i coiamtontg.t...…

January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fancy Vesting and Trollsering! Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. THE MICHI JAN DAILY. t i ' itlitrii @:: its. r,, utC has h. 't Enrd asicod cassmte tth K An t - .ioat n c r .lica.lcationI Arbor Pontofitee. H. rHO sit ana'attetbond, with - - it. i ittba m' sttelubs have Published ...…

January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…THES MICHIGAN DAILY 1I! Samu Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BUCFED& CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET LL H 0M Co~l In Mack's Tea Room 1f ,wN adfrte. atanlII'-r ry, Meats, Vegretable. Soaf. etc- hi Ittwe,!ttiand pais Iftie Noi.d fe rits cel,---tat. cowfetable appointmlents ad Lina ike sleroanaita-, t hist"lea I ipo i i4very Pl)ula enwit h t it i a -t ;nd ittdoitsof zn A 5 rr LUNCHES SERVED A: LA CARTE At Most Reasorna...…

January 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GRABS Al IIOAG'fS 'flit i your chance to get the mot' merv haniise for 2 51 thalt youe er ver lav hd. 1i'vr hundred hox)-es filleds with goodi'leao, desirahle good{![rome all departmenots. i-ry( )ts China, Fancy Ar- ticles, jewelry Stationery, Musical Itist ruticunts. In the lot are t o Zithers, worth tip to $2.50 each. If not satisfied y'ou may have your money hack. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Occidental Hotel We Cater to Bla...…

February 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDa ly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FF VISRU \RY 23, 1907. Vol.. XV II. No. 104. NEW CANDIDATES OPEN TRACK SEASON TONIGHT Prep Stars Are Among Entries For Preliminary Meet-First Round of Relay Races to be Run Michigan's indoor track season of 1907 will e formally usered in tonigh with the preliminary met. As is tlti case each year, tis meet is givei efors the fresh-soph aid varsity meets in or der to give a line ott the nwthev...…

February 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…FHE MICHIGAN DAILY New THlE MICHi JAN DAILY. with intelligence of a high order. It tnat e icthat we tave s en andIi. tene-d Xnang Editor-Artlinr C. Pound to a fntntre trse tii. X h a en o71~ f illaa;;r-C.E. instad. his t},pe aiee to nse the ettutitry from II inssMaagr-. . inted. tim(cngoe oin the otte handi and a:xT6RoS. the iltrtsit 'on the other, tveesitaite to m'-it in thehltital sneer of college "erns.........David F. Stevenson t1titt0at...…

February 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…V THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Great Mid=Winter Sale F Lasting for TEN DAYS ONLY of =SACKSISaild OVERCOATS SISFOR. MEN AND YOUNG MEN We Muist Do This in Order to Make Room For Our Spring Stock STAEBLEK (t WUIERTH WALK-OVER OXFORDS S3.50 FOR. MEN AND WOMEN- $4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Some very pretty de- signs for nmen and vonien in dull kids and calfskins, also a very conmplete line of patent leathers. Conme early while the sizes are com...…

February 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Be your own Beauty Doctor T HERE is but one method of acquiring adretamniga beautiful, clear, delicately tinted complexion. The pores of the skinl must first he rid of all im- purities, and the circulation gently stimlatedi to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. I P lompeian Massage Cream builds tip and rounds out the contour of the faIce nTd form by cleanlsinlgxrisnand feeding the s-kinl throtwgh and throu...…

March 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…4 3 Aft o cn a 3 3 s m m z C Not* z a -p o c ° a z a n 0 n C 00 9 m A 77 7; r _ v r ra t -~ n r 7 7' 54 _ _ - - J 1 r- - T M _m <Ct- n C r \. - - f y ) - 7" n :% _ 'r. ;_ J - 'IE i I ,t ~. ,'° /, := r ..._. j r rv' r r -- ^, r .. ., ^; ; _ ! , "' ._.. . ^ r-- .= , J ... r 1 1. i. ... , f; i.. .^ r J 7^ r. _ J. 1: ._ r . r. "J: - - ff- -? - -r.-- - -0- i i': r. :- r" . n rr" " c/ " r f" 4 - f " f r^ ma .T f Q- " A ,.,. : :'r ^: ....…

March 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…eu con cx:s cs fr - i J. r. .u w e-r . v i r- +-+ «+ fD rt J: ti r* a. n ,. .. N rt :I. U J r ! nn V/ I N .-r :!i 0 0 ff r '1, "" r;~ ,.:. ^y x' /~* , .-^ ;.. w , . Y" ;fi .-. V w .-w '!; -- , :fi V , :r l r: r " . u ; r 7^ _ fD _ _ r. - , " w ' ;. . ,=: r. -- 1 r .= ~* Vy '-t ^'t ._... _ "J. n.r .. W .^' , f , .- . c , , :. . -- .., .. .. r - * a . , hn ' r i t + '"" / . l I . V ^.. .! rte- I f '+ V' f"! r }n{' f ( ( 1/ v VS " ~', d. a ...…

March 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…THrE ,MICTTT~.AN D AILY A~?4 \ Ar ml:' 'NN~e) 6 What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday?) IS ntietoo ceiriy to decide and ge ht latvon lant now.iShnll it be a smart 5011ksiix t ,it ttletovlicoit are fashioniably correct in every detail, petrfect int lit, and that look as if toiloreti to your sptecial order No matter x lwhat nfanyc a xi n give ii ii cieywhat voltwt ill sty le, mateialsxworkmiiaiiship, andfit in theim nos College Bran...…

March 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…THlE 1MICIT(,AN P iTEN AL..ARM C LOC KS IHACK AND CARRHIAGE HIRE J EASTfER CAN DIES H] uyler's Lowney's Allegrette's (O uther's Easter Postal Cards El E, Calkins, D~ruggist 324 S. State ,Street. Cnapman's Jewelry Store 210 SOUH MAIN STREET Ili Fllf. atc11I 1pir llo e l BRtANG"lSTORE.: AT 204 South State Street 0 I All ( ( l c lf o 1 1 . c ShY NO~iCI-S 31 IlI platy blliardsor pool1' Or t 011501011 1)you1) 001 (Ilie e wlli g oil sicd l t...…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN \111( l. I .1011 'I IIG 6AN RL.Y. MAY ti. LOCAL SALOONS ARE EXPLOREDI Sociological Studenits I nvestigate Local Liquor Conditions-En- forcernent of Laws Necessary. That 1 ,11k. I '211Ill 7Alm .222 2222221.1c ]\ c I i f t e '122221 t I ti22cl 1 112 )I 22 1 22 lt )<ti 1 1 1 2212 c2 12212' 1N~c c t I ~' il.; 11 2222rjaI hal lcir2r211 y~ c-a af .-1() II It )211 1 > 2 22>22 2atth ct ], w a liN 7888NIP NWIGHTO 1121 'uirlieray...…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…THE~ MICHY*GAN DAILY THE MICIJAN DAILY. and less plrsoal ex cplciiai1.Tii es cm r - clehr 1ci iun ii c-cia fl ~ aain di nci id-c t Fa~ i rst h ly,111t-he-eleme11l nt ihic aex tu- (Ia iniiticlb aftali c inl hand. Fm iia 1;r1ict clb a hich represeints Nticiiandaiii - i-a. . ......F. IRitchie civt n-' h uport 1of \l ahinniuii Ie Al h-i-(......\'ilh-ain F, Gradipl ph 11 tn ami i ncce-re- c-ni ic- ml ii m r- W ool... 1311ln V;111rc 111,g1d\ I~a a.....…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…T'HE MICHIGAN DAILY Don't]Fail To see our Spring Suits Eagle Shirts, with and without Collars Just received a new shipment of Raincoats Full line of Fancy Hose at 25c and 5Oc Straw Hats are now on display Underwear 25c and 5Oc; Baibriggan and Ribbed; Porosknit in Union and 2-piece A full line of Union Suits STAEB LEK (Q WUVERWT H _ WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50- FOR MEN AND WOMEN $5.00 The strongest character of theii.' lk-()vciSlire Ii,,isscenti...…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALARI1 CLOCKS The Summer Quarter, I90 Cnapman's Jewelry Store 206 SOUTHi MAIN SITRFE.l 204 South State Street THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO _______________________ CALE,3.ND)AR. It's a FOWNES That's all you need to know about a GjLOVE li 11 ;1 1 ( .8 t>. 171. } 3 io , x I. taw: met M1 .Nt NO0TICE We, the undersigned livery-' men, will accept no more credit.. Terms strictly cash from nowi on, and all bi...…

October 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily' Voi.. XVTTI. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNETISDA4Y. OCTOE,R 23, 1907. \'o. 2 . INTERCLASS GAMES WILL BEGIN TODAY' Three Contests Occur This After- noon-Schedule for the Season Completed. 7"hr first contet of thr itntrcas' ootal assoiation take place thi after noon, thejuniortneiic clahing witin the senior tetics and1 te jntior engn- eelsfighting for honors with thrsenors of that dpar tienl th tignme to ite ilayed ont Soth F...…

October 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…f RZ M;CIH IOAN'?DAILY T G H. Wild Coupany The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS For Getlemene'sear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings and Trouserings and of high cflass farics and special styfes. Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. hL Wild Collpally 311 South State Street In Our Circulating Library you'll fdnd sf1 the nteet aswell as a good iesection of the old fa orits ook whih you can read fot the sm...…

October 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…T~HE MICNM-All DAILY Sam Burchfield' s Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifid Q 106 & C.o. EAST HURON ST. Doyouwant 2.70 for $1,011, Call at out' 7,ere anG le'ien the particulars of the Saite! Chemical Company's great ittred sctory offer, the gretest offer ever made in toilet preparitious. Ten articles for the price ®f 4 BB1OWN'"S DRVG STOaRE 120OE. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All te ci helecsed ftellsyecice...…

October 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY --- ALL MEN ARE WELCOME HERE 7YNC1 HENRY i CO. But the young man gets an TA4ILORS t/ High Class extra squeeze of the hand. Kaaa lbntigFia igh. VRNISHERS To0 Cfl merchandise lie's punctilious, knows what o'clock, a eilnHlAlo. H T ~ . L Popular Prcs U he wants, won't take one iota King, Pre. All candidates for soph lit football Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot less. i:"am report at gym at 3:30 ifor ploiDrety N th fLa ...…

November 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Mich ga Daily AINN AR BOR, f\H CX(1 \\ SA\IVI Aik NO V' IE . PR23, 1007.Xx 3 Vol. XVIII. ENGINEERS MEET ' LAWYERS TODAY t ast Football Contest of Season' Will Decide Interclass Cham- Vionship giironi cifntst of teya.thogihin i hiisxraeexlchiai -thetic re-tilg i ~t t stike. The gmis for the i nix xiii thei xiitetw titi xire tierepri-etx ies of te .01)1engineer, lstiyeai chixxxponshlii eami aind telxrixhlxais The ame wilxilitegi promptlya...…

November 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…_ __ _ '. lA LY- __ THllE MICHIGAIN DAILY. clned cornro 1 terio tooiiii.wwillc rmielr teo iwhie-otioiied i oati li of G. IH. Wild Collpally latiogslg dtor YttF SC(rT loa01 I~cdediad0oe Id0 BsinesMaiige-C, E, \ ito it o fi itdad ani Tn \t his hadi grs.spgrentutr, c 11 1 r t1f bs h ee;it 1a stneiti till agc Sok w ..... A FI uitci i h i t y 1Athletics..... William F. Cradoh11)1_ of ~Sportiig.t...Carece E. Elridge I 11u.t'11 .1111 i. i l ctts 7xe...…

November 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC1!IGAk DAi' Y sATHER YOU1 N. UNION'SoTURKEY IS t(ttrl nitthe club-l Cro HIES NLN ods, by legrInthee c lt iiwill;he il]-Conklin's Self-Filling p.I~~rlrovtnirogl c~i a ech11 11EA LYt.i Plans for Thanksgiving at Club- ;raiting Its, evry (Inptit TeCleentee eoetewl poill .acm eis oteStndrdFountain Pen ffgaterO eor. i. house Cause Departing .Stu= , Ii. t111g roiitrcle frosts of ox plecd harden anid dents to Envy Those Staying gun bythl'7 nie...…

November 23, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…f# tc'AlCiA BAIL HO1 0T DRINKS Hot Chocolate witoh XX hped creamo Hot Coffei' 1-lot igori I ]-ot hceef hBouilltoni Ht Chicken tBrothl c Hot Clami Broth u Hot 1eiiioiiide Hot D-Ialted Milk H14oi oatoBloilon l1ot Egg 'hltedl Milk Hot1 hgg emua e15C H1ot Egg Chocolarte Hamlanfi iciXcli0cChicken Sndwichi o trio trokec OseXved with Coffee Xwafers Xiti all other Drinks E. 1E. C ALKINZS, bruggist. 321 Suth Stte.tretiw. AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcsic lhcatrc...…

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