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November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…WSSF CONCERT .See Page 4~ Y Latest Deadline in the State Da114 COLD. SNOW VOL. LX, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS * * * * * * * * * s Ward Verdict Promised by Chinese Reds 'People's Court' To Decide Guilt WASHINGTON-(P-The Chi- nese Communists reported yester- day that their "people's court" at Mukden has finished an investi- gation and will give a verdict on American Consul General Angus Ward a...…

November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…PiXE TWO THE NIICHIIAN DIDII NtSDAY, NOVENMER 22, 1949 rA~R TW41~ - W~DNtSDAY, NOVEMBET~ 23, 1949 FRANCE, ENGLAND WARY: Fears Retard German Democratization By BOB VAIJGTN ces, cultural patterns and political Among the external forces re- climate are very different from tarding democratization in Ger- those of the United States," he many are the fears of France and said. England, according to Prof. Har- aid old M. Dorr of the political sc...…

November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ortmann Paces Big Ten ars Hockey, Wrestling, Swimming Teams Prepare for Opening of Rough Slates Leads Total Offense Again; Lentz Tops in Punt elurns (.f For the second consecutive year Miehi,-1-,n , 's ('ha r1ip Ortm-,a rn wan r. Swimming The wraps will come off and the spotlight will go on the 1950 edi- tion of the Michigan swimming team...…

November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DATTX qnAv Vl1 . ,4 ! a 04 16A6 1 aHI Maia TT Viii TV l'r1%c1k \ L211W'mL 1.4AA - w__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VT Luis A. uti , V O'EdYlUfriiX1 ; , *1*I f,..;T WSSF Concert MUCHPLEASURE will be attached to pur- chasing tickets for Arts Chorale Concert \which is to be held Tuesday. This is true not only because the Chorale group will be in its usual fine form but also because proceeds go to the World Student S...…

November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

…W EbNI LA. NOVE 'MBEI 23, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE Bunyan Formal To Be Held Oct. 3 Informally Attired Couples To Dance In Familiar Arboretum Atmosphere Zero temperatures need not dampen the spirits of campus na- ture lovers who will be able to find a welcome substitute in the fa- miliar "arb" atmosphere at the Paul Bunyan "Formal" on Satur- day, Dec. 3. The most "informal" formal on the campus social calendar is giv- en each year b...…

November 23, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEM-ER 23, 1949 ', I U SKY TO SALT MINE: Ups, Downs of Testing, RaysTold byScientists ELECTION SCENES Cosmic Ray research has its ups and downs according to University physicists. From a height of 50,000 feet up above the earth to a depth of 1100 feet down into the earth, research- ers are measuring the amount and intensity of Cosmic Rays. * * LAST APRIL, ten high altitude, Speech Dept. Will Present Religi...…

June 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

… cooL WATER See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State 4IIA1 LW CLOUDY, W ARATE k... 7.T"X-_Nn 2C. U.S. Justices Declare Hiss' Record Clean Frankfurter and Reed Take Stand NEW YORK-(IP)-Two U.S. Su- preme Court justices and an ap- peals judge doffed their black robes yesterday and became common law court witnesses for Alger Hiss, accused of perjury. All testified as character wit- nesses that Hiss enjoyed an ex- cellent reputation when he ...…

June 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…PAG TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 Cool Water' ['D RATHER BE RIGHT: National New Look., "All Us Democracies Got To Stick Together" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN T HESE WARM SUMMER DAYS at a large land-locked university are most conducive to day dreams of beaches, break- ers, and even of old swimming holes. As things are in Ann Arbor now, however, day dreaming is about all that a student can do about such things. About the on...…

June 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949TT THE MICHIGAN DAILY - VAt" W 14MVV .a +. aa. i/ Y il Vaii'll All Li'a11.11 'BA HU' 'T'AL X .. AALdE i .. Yale Wins Collegiate Dinghy Trophy Bengals Belt Bosox 13-4; Yankees Split with Browns I 1 BOSTON-P) -Detroit's Tigers enjoyed Boston pitching yesterday as they clubbed a quartet of Red Sox pitchers for 18 hits and a 13- 4 victory. The loss, before 9,292 home fans, snapped a Sox winning streak which ha...…

June 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…AGID FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 * I LEADER IN MUSIC: String Quartet Named For Late Prof. Stanley The University now has a string quartet of its own. Dean Earl V. Moore of the music school announced last week that the newly-established quartet-in- residence will be known as the Stanley Quartet, in honor of the late Albert A. Stanley, professor of music here from 1888 to 1921. Prof. Stanley was hailed by Dean Moore a...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…ONLY CHOICE See Page 4 La test Deadline in the State *at i PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LIX, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS - (P Truman Asks, Approval of Medical Plan Would Lay Taxes On AllPayrolls WASHINGTON-4A)l -President Truman asked Congress yesterday to help end "unnecessary human suffering" by approving a com- pulsory medical insurance plan which, officials said, might cost $6,000,000,000 a year. ...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…PAGE 'rwoa TiHE MICHIGAN :1 LY - __ . ..._ .W., a. ... ..wa va uiara fwa awi .i Nl/ 1V (iI FACULTY MEMBERS ONLY: ' Speech Department To Present Talks To Deal Sherwood's 'Lincoln in Illinois' With Education Students Steer Clear of Parking Lots State High School Musicians To Compete at Hill Today Students are steering clear of those "Reserved for Faculty Members Only" signs these days. according to John Gwin of the Of- fice of Student A...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…23, 1949 THE ICHIAN DILYPAGE THI Hoosier Hurler Blanks My Nine, -U * *-* OLD MASTERS: 'M' Sailors To Be Host At Invitational Regatta Linksmen in Columbus Today To Meet Ohio State in First Conference Match Tosheff Hurls Three-Hitter As Taft Strikes Out Twelve Ritter's Triple Drives in Only Run in Sixth; Lone Wolverine Threat Cut Down at Plate By DICK HURST With their pre-season warmups behind them, Michigan's golfers take on their fi...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ................. Oniy Choce .THROUGH two decades of violence, the Chinese people have looked towards peace and a stable government as a vague dream and have continued a weary struggle for existence. Now some of them mrn to expect the Chinese Communists to satisfy their universal longing for stability. Since the V-J Day which brought no peace to the Chinese, America has poured billions of dollars into the war-...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE BARGAIN BINGE: Panhellenic Rummage Sale Donates Proceeds to Camp Yankee spirit in many a canny shopper will lead to the Rummage Sale sponsored by the Panhellenic Association from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Armory Club at 243 East Ann. Sweaters, including cashmeres, will be priced from $.50. Skirts may be obtained for $1. Similarly' phenomenal prices are listed for everything from hats to lamps. Men's, children's...…

April 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, API, 23, 1919 COOLEY LECTURE: Injunction Appeals Need Speed Up-Prof.Chafee By PAUL BRENTLINGER Such action drew fire from the Our legal system is sorely in Cooley lecturer on the grounds need of a swifter process of appeal that in nearly all cases courts defi- .n injunction cases involving mis- nitely do have jurisdiction over ise of power, according to Prof. the issues involved and the parties Zechariah Chafe...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… A FORWARD STEP See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State ~Iuiti MOSTLY CLOUDY . VOL. LIX, No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Red Journal Cites Bulgar Spy Charge Confessions Used By Sofia Press SOFIA, Bulgara - (IP) - The Communist Party newspaper quoted various Bulgarian Prot- estant churches yesterday as de- nouncing 15 Protestant church- men accused of spying for the United States and Britain. The ch...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY _ . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ofethe University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 98 Notices The University of No...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…VIDNESDAY, FEBRUARY t3 )4 THE MICIIIGAN DAILY . . .............. . . . ........... . ........ . .. - - - --------- . ............... . . . .. . iJB PAR ON ANY COURSE: Weinberg's Records Point to Best Year Purdi t asket ball Til Hints at New 'MV' Look, By KEN BIALKIN Michigan's oldest pool record /ent the way of all records two -eks ago, and last Saturday one f the newest marks took the same t.h. Dick Weiiber, co-captain of lie Wolveine ...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . A Forward Step T HE NEW and long-awaited curriculum requirements in they literary college should provoke plenty of thought and dis- cussion. The plan is the result of several years' Work, and it proposed to do much the same thing here as has been done at a number of other colleges: "Ensure a common intellectual experi- ence" by making distribution requirements more specific, and allow more freedom in choosing a field of...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 5

… FEBiUARY , 19 494 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Coeds May fkpply For Schoicirships. Laurel Harper Seeley Award of 500 Dollars To Be Presented This Semester Applications are now being re- ceived for the Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarships at the Office of the Dean of Women. All applications must be hand- ed in by March 15 and the awards will be announced late in the se- mester. This year marks the second time that the scholarships have been given, the fi...…

February 23, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…TIE WCITTGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, f Monday Primary Affects Spring Election Campaign The Ann Arbor Spring election campaign began taking shape to- day as a result of the Monday primary. Two upsets changed the Republican picture; Mark M. Mayne, was defeated for second ward supervisor and Robert, Ward was de- feated for alderman of the third ward. MAYNE IS THE state head of the Michigan Young Republicans and the incumbent. He was defeated by Carl H...…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… GREEK DILEMMA See Page 4 I it zgun LITTLE CHANGE Latest Deadline in the State VOL LIX, No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Attacks ReligiousGroups Un-American Activities Committee Charges Conmmunis t Infitration WASHINGTON-(IP)-The House Un-American Activities Corn- mittee said Communists are seeking to "corrupt" religion in the United States by infiltrating churches and church organizations....…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…PA4E TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 ?AGEm TWO TUES.aDAYa. NOVEMBER . 23, s aa 194 a - _ ._ ._ _ _ _ -_ _~ __..U CURTAIN GOING UP Speech Department Sets Second One-Act Play Bill The Speech Department's second bill of one-act plays will be pre- sented at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Staged and directed by students in advanced courses in theatre, the plays are open to the public at no cost...…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 THE MICHIGAN MAY _ ___ 'M' Proves Fame in OSU Win Wildcats and Golden Bears Tangle in Rose Bowl Clash Wolverines Fight Of f Ins pired Buckeyes to Keep Slate Clean PASADENA, Calif., Nov. 22--P -It's California's Golden Bears versus Northwestern's Wildcats in' the Rose Bowl New Year's Day, and a golden opportunity for Cal.'s coach Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf to teach his old school new tricks. The faculty fathers of...…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMIBER Q3, 1344 -__.. iterIto te (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor Harriett Friedman.) SOME IMPORTANT FACTS about the Amherst fraternity case, which have not been noted at least in this newspaper, heighten what is already a strong feeling of distaste for the national organization of the fraternity involved. The bare facts in the case are that the Phi Kappa Psi chapter at Amherst recently initiated ...…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…rtTESDAY, NOVEMBER 23S, 1948 Tni~ M CTTIE2 n l TV . U. C.~"- 55 5 .. ..~~U lA . s t. ~A flU U'r!A Soph Cabaret To Present 'Don t Myth It IA Dec. 10Y Mythology Theme Will Be Featured * In -Decorations Weekend of Fun to include Floorshow, Dance, Special Booths, Refreshments; Campus Ticket Sales Will Begin Monday Interviewing Committee Jobs Prove Worthwhile, Humorous "v "Don't Myth It!," this year's presentation of Soph Cabar...…

November 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…PACE 9TX THIE MICTITAN DAILY ° Ur,.gDAT. NOMM 220 1948 PAG~I ~tX TtT1~ST)AV. 1~OVV~1&~ft 2~, 194w IN ONE OUT OF TEN: Goiter in Mother Stunts Mental Growth of Child Ten out of one hundred mental- ly afflicted people need not have been-if their mothers had eaten food with more iodine in it. Dr. Q. P. Kimball of Cleveland, speaking before the School of Pub- lic Health asembly here yester- day, said that mothers suffering from simple goiter ...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…BERNADOTTE PROPOSALS See Page 4 ,. , 1G S A6F m ' Latest Deadline in the State iny1 r Tv -A. an VOL. LIX, No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1948 ............ G /9 IVI Meek a e%10ta In 'battle of tie * * * * C Neutrals Ask eds To Lift Travel Block City Would Get Soviet Currency PARIS-WP)-Russia was asked in a resolution by the six neutrals of the Security Council today to lift immediately the Berlin block-...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…_ _ _ __TT__THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1948 ------------ UCKY DOGS!' 'Draftees Now Humans, Not Rw ecruits'-- evers IT vK* ORK, Pa.--()-Gen. Jacob L. ers told the mothers of Amer- onight that every youth draft- to the Army "will be treated human being, never a raw General, chief of Army field painted this picture of will happen to the nation's in the peacetime Army in ared address to a Pennsyl- gressives GiveParty ichigan ...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, OCTOBER' 23, 1948- TH E MICHIGAN DAILY Big lW T i 3-V's Tangle With Spartan Squad Today 'M' Takes Return Trip To Lansing For the second time this year, Macklin Field will be over run with maize and blue jerseys. This time it will be the Michi- gan jayvee team that will at- tempt to crack the MSC chalk lines as they tangle with the Spar- tans at 2 p.m. today in the first half of their home and home se- ries. George Johnson, fresh...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 23, 1948 SATURDAY, OCTOBER ~3. 1948 Bernadotte Proposals W HEN THE PROPOSALS of the late Pal- estine mediator Count Folke Bernadotte for settlement of the war were released, they received the frank endorsement of both the American and British representatives to the Security Council. The Bernadotte proposals, calling for the severance of the Negev from the State of Israel, in exchange for W...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

… SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE m I I N PAGE FIVE FIRST SINCE 1920: Chrs aechDirects Orchestr NationalHee Plectric Eye r : . ti t $ rp - i Following their much-applaud- ed debut in New York City last week, the Orchestre National of France will appear at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium as part of the Choral Union Series. Top-ranking French conductor Charles Muench will direct the symphony in its local appe...…

October 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SI THIE MICIGAN DATU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 191 T __ -- - ----- ----- ,y j LIBERAL EDUCATION? Beer and Liquor Ban Falls To Curb Student Drinking Students are buying as much beer and liquor as ever despite the University ban on drinking in residences, according to local druggists and beer merchants. In fact, coeds are buying more beer this year than ever before, one proprietor declared. "They're getting educated to drink," he said. *...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… IIOLY LAND PEACE ? See Pags 4 It6 :43 a t 149 FAIR, STILL COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS TropicHurricane Takes Nine Lives Storm Moves Towards Sea After Wreaking $25,000,000 in Damages MIAMI, Fla-(P)-A toll of three lives and at least $25,000,000 in crop and property losses was charged tonight against the tropical hurricane still raking the coast with high...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY 'I THU'RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941 ZAGE TWO 1 _ r HANDY ADLEY: Room Bureau Rescues Stranded Weekenders By PHYLLIS KULICK If you are one of the flock scrounging around town for weekend guest accommodations, take note. An Ivy League grad is your man. For a nominal charge Vincent P. Adley, '50L, will find a room for your football or prom guests in A private home. Adley's Student Room Bureau is going into its se...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, SFJTEMBER 23, 1948 TH E M ICH IGAN DAILY PAGE THREE PAGE TH1U~I~ Feler's Three Hitt r Stops Bosox 5-2 Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE BIGGIE ISN'T SOBBING: Kempthorn Hurt in Drill; MayMiss SpartanBattle Cleveland Catches Six In Snarled Pennant Race Boston....... St. Louis .... Brooklyn Pittsburgh .. New York .. . Philadelphia. Cincinnati .. Chicago ..... W L 86 59 79 66 .79 67 78 67 75 71 64 8...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUP1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU SDAY, SE~PTEMBER 23. 1948 II - I 1 I I -_ __ . _ __, ....._., . d,,...... ... _ .,, . .,_., I Holy Land Peace?" THE MEN who killed Count Folke Berna- dotte Friday may have provided the only possible means of bringing peace to the Holy Land. If the Swedish Count had not fallen before the guns of the Irgun, the UN might never have risen from the stupor which envelopes it and, what is more im- portant, the ...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

… THURtSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1949, THE MICHIGAN-, DAILY PAGE F1IL WAA Petitions Due Tuesday For Dancing Club Manager C+ c>c ac_>c c c c t> ; t c c c < c ac->t * .nc t c c>c (X==>( c= X----X l s 0 tnV ancl n Vagem t n Q c c oe c cro <>c o < c <>c oc- , c_ < c o o oc =sc c_1ac- c c- c CC Mrs. Aull To Lead New Organization The WAA will open petitioning this week for the managership of its newest affiliated organization, -a folk and square dan...…

September 23, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' THUISDAY, SEPTMBER 23, 1948 Ali SCR 'YEOMAN' SERVICE: Gilbert-Sullivan Society Calls for New Members All persons interested in helping with the Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety's production of "Yeoman of the Guard" are urged to* attend the Society's meeting at 7:15 to- night in the Hussey Room of the League. "Yeoman of the Guard" will re- quire a large cast of singers and actors, as well as a sizeable stage cr...…

July 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 191) • Page Image 1

…QUESTION OF FACT See Page 2 L 4P- -j Ift winY A46b r :43 a t t4p PARTLY CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. L-VIII, No. 191 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Third Party Will Meet in Phily Today Unworried About Communist Vote By The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, July 22-(A)- Henry Wallace's Third Party Con- vention gets going tomorrow with vice presidential hopeful Glen Taylor already accepting any votes ...…

July 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 191) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 23, Question of Fact UNIVERSITY STUDENTS are going to be lost political sheep if the vagueness of the state laws on elections and particularly the attitude of local election officials is not cleared up immediately. For the student who has given up his residence in his home state, the local voting requirements present a maze of "ifs" and "buts" which seem to boil down to no vote in the fall elections. The exper...…

July 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 191) • Page Image 3

…SJULY 3s, 194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TB Ambassador's Wife Warns U.S. Team of Responsibility LONDON, July 22--P--America's Olympic athletes listened so- berly today while Mrs. Lewis Douglas, wife of the American ambassa- dor, told them they bear a "grave responsibility" in the games beginning next week. She addressed them as they stood banked before the men's living quarters at Uxbridge for a flag-raising ceremony. "The manner in which you ...…

July 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 191) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THREE Rs' & REMBRANDT: Country Schools To Receive Reproductions of Paintings Campus Highlights Read... and Use Daily Classified Ads The "Three 'R's'" of elementary education will be four this fall. Besides reading, writing and Arithmetic, Rembrandt will be an integral part of Michigan rural and village school programs. More ITO Cited as Aid byWilcox (Continued from Page 1) to conform to rules that are de- signed to safeg...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…THlE RAND)OLP~H moo 43IUZ :43 UA6Fti CLOUDY, SHOWERS PROPOSAL See Page 41 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 169 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE ( Adams To Open Summer Lecture Series on Europe The University series of public lectures on the economic reconstruc- tion of Europe will get under way tomorrow when Provost James P. Adams delivers the opening talk on "The Measure of Our Concern" at 8:...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…THF MT IW'1'P.-AN TlA TT v I 'l991t'!', &t-1 A w - Ya w1 1.'L. l U. .l l W A it . l VL'1 11 .5..F U. A.U.J Z3 WEDNESDI % l W71 IN O SUFFLEBOARD? Students Earn Credit in Classrooms on Shipboard The City Beat City police began picking up unlicensed bicycles this week and collected 50 in their first four hours. The well-known theory that travel is an important part of edu cation will be tested this summer by fortunate students enrolled ...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1948 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Louis-Walcott Battle For Heavyweight Title Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston ...... 34 24 .586 .... Cleveland .... 35 19 .648 .... Pittsburgh ... 32 24 .571 1 New York .... 33 24 .579 31/ St. Louis .... 32 25 .561 1 Philadelphia .. 34 26 .565 4 New York .... 29 26 .527 32 *Boston ..... 27 26 .509 71/ Philadelphia .. 27 32 .458 7 Detroit ...... 28 29 .491 8%/ Brooklyn ...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Randolph Proposal A. PHILIP RANDOLPH, the Negro leader who is urging members of his race to resist a draft law which tacitly sponsors racial segregation, has placed before the American public an extremely delicate issue. His proposal, if executed, would lead to mass passive resistance to a United States statute by all Negroes who are eligible for draft under that statute, an act which would immediately pose the questio...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 5

…rESDAY, ?1h~ 23, 1949 r THE MICHIGAN DAILY MARK DEVALUATION: Questionable Effect on Economy-Bretton By ARTHUR MOSKOFF However plausible it may seem that the black market will not be wiped out while there is no pro- duction of consumer goods, it is too early to make predictions as to the future effect of the recent revaluation of currency in the Western zones of Germany, ac- cording to Henry L. Bretton of the political science department. Br...…

June 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

… -__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED "" rAI im ml? nv .tnt'ltsw -nI Milt: -- . , Ann Arbor Offers Students Opportunities for Recreation By FREDI WINTERS Summer time traditionally means play time, and even if you're in school this summer, Ann Arbor offers recreational oppor- tunities to take care of those hours between assignments. Designed expressly for Univer- sity student recreation are the Men's Union and the Women's League. The Union provides ...…

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