November 23, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 43) • Page Image 1
…THE DAILY NEWS OF IE WORLD AND Trlu' CAMP~US The Michigan Daily Phones :-EdItorial 2414 t Business 960 ITELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THlE NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVL. No. 43. PROFFESORHOBBS p AONTHININ G t'TL9 st sros for Recent Ag cIion b o tle 'rd to 31ltary ,r ung MAKS ST.i'r i G STATEMENT "1 VArishto is in the strongest erm; 1can cone' ad, my firnj convic- ion that ww uthis war in Europe is 11;it , we n ll le clled upon to meet an a ack by German...…