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November 23, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. v.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,'IiiFS )Y \ ' Fi lAEN 23. 1))i' BEAR STORIES DE- NOR RN' OFOR A 11.rLL- PROFESSOR CAPHART i c I r, :i LIGHT COACH. YOST FRSFOTl, ENTHUSIASTIC OVER TRIP Ii No. 51. \tR BIG 'BEFITS H. U. Thinks De Tray Will Be Able to Be Around by Thanksgiving- Scrimmage Yesterday. "lah ost smtledtlailst lgiht whten rt'ttrettyt' 111asttmade to De Trty's it)- whaI It heithtIought (If tite haifitack's tt lie 'Dray ...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily . ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905 RELAY TRYOUTS. o'NU o'l lf I h hU TNViT~i iael and Keeler Equal Varsity, 'n nttn Ii '~In not n ncln WN 'i'i i lecordOcty" Graham Makes Prient ataii einning min y vo mid ;tarn t' strer n'nir'ln rde i'tn N A past Time -Teams Not Def= fo' a il ii'st in, >'t'''''''1 '' c lie r vinel yinn li 1T mini, altas fnitely Selected. cinnn r li ii'alm 'l iinran n 1111]stlrt~ IIth 'n~e''nifln ...…

March 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…C,' * - - .-. * - *M- £n GN c, w ., f _ ,.. '} ^° __ .J t .- .) r " ' ~ 1 ..... n , (. I. a J ' .-.. vs (, .f J .- . _ - ^/ f ,,. ....-. . _ .. ..- 'J. . ... !. N/, '.J y f .--. , rr .J + .. /. _ w- Qua r. L F.LQ4 t v C F - J, J .1 J _ ,J J ^ r J f . (, J ._ .-+ ^ J J i-. J r f J n"-r ++ f f r =: "'' 'r k tr. ^ X t _ rY j rt, r H -je - 7a 7= o r . v .-. 1-. x,: . ./' r J .J ! ^_ J .!. . _ . J " '_' ..r rte. ...-. , y ^' ^ fi/,-"y , . J J: 'l. ...…

May 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…T he Mr ichigan D VOL. XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1905. No. r G HIGH SCHOOLS. SATURDAY. CALLED TO PRINCETON. HEALTH CONFERENCE. CHICAGO AFTERMATH. Thirty six PreparatoryScooils Vtill C.ompete in IMichi-an Inter- schlastic int IlI Nex Fiyait ~I rl i, tttl IIdc h lXX tc - I t l " )t l'a ,, It ittI ~ -tlt ~~ t +'l ttF- lrccIt th e tru ~ '' hlc"11:115 ncc :Il' t tit' l -lQI M even As itlititwi1 a Xit thl new-XX tIn. N~t ~\i h~i: t. OkP ...…

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