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January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…~i'~IKOf AT. WaiIp. HE WILL OPEN THE SAFE. Oa Wht--Wil Perform This Won- detF eat Upon the Stage Saturday Night. Thie tet n e r n1 to be given to- ior night in the University Halal, Promilss to be one of unusual inter- esIn addtion to the good time ofredthin iole' all "oes to the aynkt ateli large number twill no d i atnd tltl'e dotor has een investigating rrietlods of 1. A. J ohstone for stie tm past aid has comie to the tuin th at there is n...…

October 23, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…'111^. VOL. I. No. 23. UNI THE CASTALIAN. '91's Board to be Organized. It has cole to the knowledge of the DAII.Y that the neeting of Independents to be held at Alpha 1u 'Jall next Saturday is for the purpose of organizing the Casta- lan Board of '91. The college annuals are an important feature of life at the (J. of M. The different publications, the Oracle' the Palladium and the Castalian hl1 the gap in college literature left by the DAILY a...…

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