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September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X No. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 189 99. Eta T PAGES. i -WI THE DAILY SCHOLARSHIPS EARN YOUR OWN WAY. Why We Offer Money to Students for Subscriptions. T H E T A 1 L 0 R Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf: Suits, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carey the Largest Stock In the City. 109 EAST WASHINGTON ST. H E T A I 0 R Tlhe U. of M. DAILY reached over 2,500 students every day last year. T'e effect offac...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrot. Tux Inland Press, Henning Bock, oth Phones, i47. MANAGING EDITOR. I. Ew5SlanAn, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER, . H. HAs.'5 L.. EDITORS. '. B. Weonow, '00 L. A. H. McDoueALL,'01 E -. D. HusuIrrT. '01 B. J. B. Won, '00, L. J.Noarfomal.'00, W. D. HICKEY, 'oM, A. G. Bnowun. '02. The subscription price of the DAILY is 2.50 for tonege year, witha regular del...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…. . Students' Lecture Association. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1899 - 1900. EIGHT NUMBERS ALREADY SETTLED. Lyman J. Gage, Sousa's Band, F. Hopkinson Smith, and Brigadier General Charles King, some ofi those already decided upon. Ecery student in the University should buy a Season Ticket at $2.00. It ought to be required to secure a diploma--an education in itself. Course will be opened the second week in October by Secretary of Treasurg, Lyman J...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…in deep literary thought and achieve fame in both," SKETCH OF HOPKINSON SMITH. F. Hopkinson Smith isa typical Southerner in appearanne-tall; finely formed,withgray moustache, he makes a favorable impression instantly. His manner of reading is characterized by a restless energy and an abundance of gesture, which are very captivat- ing. The clearest and keenest intel- ligence and good taste characterize Mr. Smith's style. -His eyes fasci. nate y...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…search of a concert-meister, sent for Mr. Bendix, and, after hearing him play, immediately engaged him to fill the exalted position of concert-meister of the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, as it was then called. aposition which he held from 1886 to 1896, the last five years of which he also officiated as assistant conductor. The most striking feature of the concert, last night, was the violin playing of Mr. Max Bendix. He showed a masterly dignity...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. nity the DAILY offers him of keep- To Be Played in Chicago. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. mg himself posted. Be wise and The report that the Wisconsin- What It Is and Wat It Needs for a send in your name early to the DAILY Michigan game would be transferred Successful Year. office, Inland Press Bldg., opposite from Chicango to Milwaukee bease The following schedule has been .8 > OPP farranhgegobyoDirector Bbaird.e Twelve To the 3,500 ...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,7 i~r u.-w~~ tw.vrHen NrIVEwRSITYOF MCHA.Nn AI LY. 7. hn +_ ALWAYS L.HEAD IN STYLES-NEVER IN PRICE. jl,'THE" A ST I 60s[[Ds 117 SQ. MAIN ST. __________________________________________ I MIIGAN CENJd-I "The Niagara Falls Route." .CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Eafect June 25, 1899. GOING EAST. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55 A. K. Atantic Express ...........48 Grand Rapids Express ..........150 iMatt and ...…

September 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…COLLEGE 9 KSOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. law and Medical) BOOKS. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? Godih&116 S. MAIN STREET, DZ. fR. TINK~Ai & SON MIATTERIS AND) IINISIIti5 Headquarters for HlATS, CAPA, MENS FUNSINS end Campleteilineof Gyxstse GOODS4ned SWtATESe. I AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS AGENTS FOR THE -BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. 334SeethState Streot L. C. GOODRICH, A. R, WALKER, H EW AND SECOND-HAND. Agents for Keuffel & Ennar's Drawing Mnterinls, the beet mode...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…I II''3I(IIGA 1AIIi, TT T , uI_, 1Btining Iea ea .-r, --'rchau Tail ,.rte,. Lkti.3O0I S J ave just receiv- Woolns"for fall andwiner. The~ UI N~Xand Hn Iand. I he B3est SFountain PEiN In thei t U Nw & S(on fd HadBook tI 7 ti . 320tS.Sta e tret XI XN 1 112 121 ItO I N lt~tNt 1 IX\X~t IX, .1 11112 17 - +UoresI XX'XI.ItP, t ..It .'Xl .2v 3. 1 , i i. 13 --- ' II 32 ~ ~ t I1IIE. * o c 6 every article wve sell NOLI is fumiy .gua ranteed.: (jet our pr...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…----------------------------- W c, CuUBB IN6; ,. l N The Da ily N w IlNLANDlER! K FOi HE' C LLEIEFYER !l . Intercolleigiate Football Schedule. ILLINOIS. IZG~t :t\ S(t?i ..IalI n'd H. S. 'it Chamaigin MICHII t.N ii'i .pf-1 Eeden at tChampaign D :ept "i..., .: tA-i Arbr O r 1 XX N2 hi gon 'at Champaig~n )c r 4..... ,! . ~ t i ii cw r.IS' ....'' 'nhi-t Chamlpa in .. .Xi' i ( IN V " .. . N z i l U I E, .. ... ... .IfNN'1 t: . .... ~rr \ at . _ ..N...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…'TllE MICIGAN DAILY NEWS SCOLORED STUDENTS' CLUB Goodspeeds's Guessing Contest. IwblLOe rasrytoitow prosperiM _____cospiac y WoO 01',On fou by tsac Houe Hs BetsRened r te P w-ill ucduar anlor Mdi': ]to -f-,tS uionarola out of tile Hous Ha Bee Reted or he Pr- o nt'0 (.utitaii Pc nI uc~lek y U. Au r1 r to appear 'before ti' pose of Prosiding a Hcats + lm I+ 11o0 b ill toPtj)(. was1 0 0imlt0 1 . 0 tl r j 'iiCoored Stdnts. '0 t l c t oto ' I...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…__ ____ _____ TJILMICIIIGANT DAILY- NEWS A TU N APAREL his is worthy YOUR ATTENTION FOR Na F FAS-10 BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, ,_ _ ! S O O I'o PA H LG;i a Il+ { r 1:. I, r0 . I 1 1,I Fl DX II Y STEN LOC H COMPANY EBEBACH&SON, IMPORTERS AND LINDENSCHIMITT & APFE:L. Branch Store on State St. 1- PCE AND PARISIAN GOj MeansI I~s ti fil, .Eto the C M. , OWLRAg~t. - - Eve rythingll-) ,ollege Mlan IST YELA 'ii:(01UP THE SIG7IA SIGMA SOUTIHERN 0.11. LCIZ,...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…"THE MICHIGAN DAILY --NEWS rU R11TA L v 0!14 ' l XIXA Kk F, !.,L o ^,«..: ",, ".. w Fti. ya,- .. y .+, n y( e% -,7r 5a, ® " ' ,. :J' a" i+"r yRf .'4 PIL.. r';,rk, s 'F 1. 1 . ^ ' -..,t +c. . e b. . y '! X ,ter ., - , yes" o _ /". ,Y, ,, , , ,! l'. A : h.i' 4 . . " .; ,r y''.s .? tr 4 < .: cam. .,. . ., :i c Y,_ :G - :. :; ,.,y , r O bb' f ,r rr ' f r 'Lv," .+' :.. f si,' fJ o : ' ' 9Y ,. " t. i ,,., ., . tr .. .,+f tY . '+/ / f'v.u'° ,,;' .r _...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… WEATHER LL IR AND COLDER; ROBABLY FROST Efr1i!3a /a Sectio One XXV. No. 1 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIVE r F shmen Grace ELABORATE CLUB POHTALS OPEN TO LAW SCHOOL MEN University Lays One"MoreCross On Students' Bak RAN 300 WILL BE ACCOMO. E IN DINING HALL OPEN TO LAWYERS ENGAGE ROOMS Supervision and Control Vested In Board of Governors and Student Committee With liv...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…TWO --i THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEM1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the BuMlein is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy reccived 'by the Assistant to'the President until 3:30 p. m. (]1:10 a. mi. Saturday) louni'e 5 TVIISDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 Number 1 To The Deanis: There will be a conference of thle Deans on Wednesday, September 24, in the President's office at ten o'clock. I. L. Burton The Preside...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 77 i HAYNES APPOINTED TO HEAD: HOSPITAtL Board of Regents Choose Michigan Graduate to Fill Parneli's Position CABOT PRAISES CHOICE Dr. Harley A. Haynes, '02M, medical superintendent of the Michigan Home and Training school at Lapeer, was appointed director of the University hospital by the Board of Regents dur- ing the summer recess. Dr. Haynes takes over the position left vacant by Dr. Christopher G. Parnell, whose resi...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ed every morning except Monday is I'niversity year by the Board in f StudentPub rs of Western Conference Editorial 11. lssociated Press is exclusively en- the use for republication of all news scredited to it or not otherwise! in this paper and the local news pub- I at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- ;eneral. ption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, should be t...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…eE 2,194THE MICHIGAN DAILY SVA I I es asked to meet at Which is located on in back of the new the field house fourteenth street nurse's home. \! DR, MARGARET BELL. Is Made Full Professor In Physical Education and Hygiene At University DR, BELL ITERESTED IN TEACRER'S TRAINING COURSE Now Professor WOMEN'S ENROLLMENT REACHES 170 MARK Enrollment of women in the IJni- versity up to date has reached the 1,780 mark. This figure excludes a...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…: THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUIESDAY, Q 07 r ' \ 22 . w" r_-.-- titer F r ' f J I D SC IMMAGE OF SEASON SCHEDULED TODAY ._._._ i IDATES FIGHT FOR POSITIONSS AS ERYTANNPEIDES Dodgers Stop Dazzy's Streak aw"nn 7. '. <:. TIGER RUINYANK Monday Games Fall to Clhange Margin Between Ainerican Leagne Leaders BROOKLYN BEATS CUBS AND GOES INTO TIE WITh GIANTS MANY PREP STARS Uather Issues Call for Yearling Football Candidates T...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 THLE MICHIGAN DAILY aI LASS ECOLUMN U CLOSES ADVERTISING AT ,3P.Y FOR SALE P'IAINO, in good condition. Cheap for c° si. A. F. Harrison, Springwater Sudivision, Packard Rd. U PRIGH T PIANO, mahoganmy case; -in good condition. Reasonable. Call 1532-4. (12-2 P. M.) MVICKS,OPF,-Three lenses - Zeiw, *Leitz and. oil immersion. Ide, 5thI floor, Lawyers Club. GERMAN POLICE puppies of quality. Silver gray, healthy, sturdy,...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page Two) ill new Members of the Faculty: t is exceedingly important that new members of the faculty file address b with the Post Office, in order that prompt delivery of mail may be red. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. 11 Stdents: Address cards should be filed with the Post Office at once. The Uni- ty has no means for delivering student mail. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. II M~embes of th...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…ection Se KV. No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 PRI( Lift Suspension f CouHteyrHordap ICA IWAN bFrom 5 Students Nr-- Man ApolFCZTs Suspensions of five students were For Halting Lady C ERi litfed by the administrative board ofNE IP the College of Literature, Science, Winnipeg, Canada, Sept. 22.-Court- and the Arts, at its meeting Wednes- ly highwaymen, such as roamed in "ye daynight. In all cases the !periodays" of h Ifamou...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,. SEPTE-MBER, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,. SEPTEMBER IRTON'S OPNIN SP I N BRIEF (Continued from Page Nine) n, for broad mindedness and above for intellectual honesty. The mor- cowardice of the human race isa icient sometimes to occasion de, Ir. Its forms are constantly be-< you. Learn to detect them quick- Lud to hit them hard. Lincoln and1 sevelt did. nd just here in the largest sense, igh it sounds paradoxical, ...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…23, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE - IU R Ti :v - w 1 1 t O N A D D R S S E SU RESHMANBANQUET residemtl dY se.sNew MenTo "Keep Ideals; Appreeiate Value Of Study" VILKINS, HAYDEN SPEAK! A warning to "be human, work ard, stay with your ideals, and ap- 4eciate the value of study" was iven to members of the new fresh- ian class by President Mariou L. urton at the Fellowship banquet iven in Lane hall Friday night by ke Student Christian associati...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, LAW 0OK LAW BOOKS WE HAVE THE L~mwE 1 STOCK OF .rP" " I",s ".. '"'~ /"1"a 0"lI'.e". « ''rE"./".fe'"',.I',A ,.I"./"",.Ix"I'"."A" :I: ". '", "« ",I "'.e ". ",/",/".re":I"". " s""'. /".r '", %''../ ,/'°, ' .e ',I".Yr , //: ' .If: °~t ".;°.s " ~ °.0". °"./. "./".. .dr".re",I ".0"de./'./A. '"' /".r '/, ' : P".r" :"d'". +" s ",s",s./'.A"./" . ".'" .e ./".iI./".a '"./"'',...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…22,. 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 23. 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUMMER SESSION 5HOWS 293 GAINI Five Schools Increase Enrollment; Lits and Engineers Have Decrease Will He Abolish War In World- Guy Maier, Theodore Harrison To Teach In School Of Music' Guy Maier, Lee Pattison have won hi whose concerts with will also be a short formal lecture in two piano recitals, with analytical and interpretive mrecognition all over remar s. .His class in pian...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .iAL MEETINGS IRD BY1 ALUMNI1 i A I as Claneey, '101,, f Re'electedl irector in Ileventh District,; it Gathering in Marqeite ALL CLUBS ACTIVE district meetings were held unini as well as several gala ation gatherings by the alumni in different cities during the r months. The associated an alumni clubs of the eleventh ghth districts elected officers at neetings. nas Clancey, 'lL, was re-elect- ector of t...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…22, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 23, 124 T E MIC IGAN DAIL i :I ILLS FISH Nl. Y. HARBOR Eastern Women Seen Certain To Sit In Congressl COOLIDGE BASES SPEECH ON KNOWLED9E Of FACTS. Shows fVan~s x luction of Sea Behind [LL NOW IN CONGRESS New York, Sept. 22.-Fish long ago re forced to abandon their homes New York harbor, and now, so hy has the water become, even the ip-worm, tough and hardy product seg refuse, will not live in it, ac- rdjin...…

September 23, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LCMOMITTE tate Body Comprises Medical Socie- ty, Nnrse's Association, and Tuberculosis Association TO MEET OCTOBER 6. A health committee, composed of representatives from all of the lead- lng state health organizations, will hold its first meeting in this city on October 6, at the Michigan Union. The meetings will extend over a period of. several days. This new state health committee is uilt around a former committee having...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Asp, tr . . .................. . . . ...... . ... . ...... - ----- - .... . ..... ... ....... . . .. VoL XXXVIII, No. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927. JEFFRIES 'ANNOUNCES UNION APPOINTMENTS FOR PRESENT YEA TEN APPOINTEES ARE PICKED TO FILL MANY CLASS C lIAIRRMANSHIPS PLAN FRESHMEN GROUPS Reception Committee to Have Charge of Arrangements for Alunil at Football (A6mnes EUROPEAN CONFIDENCE DESPITE ...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY PORTS SHOW' IND DISEASE FARM HEAD WILL SEED NOMINATION That: mental disease, feeble-minded- M~ess, and epilepsy are on the increase wsrecently shown by a report sent out by the D~epartnment of Comm erce from Washington. Reports from 30 state., showved the first fact, and thirty- Esix state, sent in reports from their state institutions on the second and third matters. Complete returns from thirty states, coveriiig 10...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…. v Y.., v _. _ . 1 Many Changes Made In Language Faculty PILOT IS KILLED Of Literary College Since Last Semester IN EXTRA FLIGHT OHIO STATE PROFESSOR ,RELATES ' , U. S. EFFORTS TO ANNEX CANADA' sr~..," .Yr. N u.......nua s~r i ~ s ",t~ ~tYY_...__.Y.._______,_____________..............__ WANT A TREAT TRY OUR SPECIAL LUNCHES AND DINNERS Radio Music WOLVERINE CAFE 329 S. State ...................... ................. . ..................,......…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t -D Published every mlorning except Mondlay during the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Co-nference Editorial he Associated Press is exclusively en- tliled to thc rise for repubhlication of a1 l nes dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- listelhrin Entered at the postofflice att:Ann. Arbor, Michigan, as secoid class matter...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…the Open Road Tou T Woman Explorer Of African Wild I ife European Students"L UBecomes Advisor For Museum Exhibit organizations similar to the UnionT Woen explorers are rare. M rs. ,iCil relre5(m1Iion ol v'gctation aii L I the Women's League, and the Stu- Mary L. Jobe Ackley is one of them. other accessori fir the gorilla group. dents' Christian Association. The Olk- Believing that human beings find their When)t haart Huis, where the group stay...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHICAN DAILY FRID I T UAL season 27 8 H yAudU iur Ann Aror ROSA RA - A DRAMATIC SOPRANO OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH AND THE Detroit Symphony Orchestra CIACOMO I M IN The World's Greatest Artists and Organizaions BARITONE OCTOBER 28 DECEMBER 12 FIVE OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES SOLO ARTISTS GROUP ORGANIZATIONS The Extra Concert Series for 1927-1928 bids fair any group of concerts previously given in this series. artists are all...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…rRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927. THE MICHIGAN DAILY .tt$:p 00 ww frl ....... ....r .. on & .r I 'En .' .__ -- .. V r rir r ar. 4 u ' wrii _.____- \. L. ' n c u lL_ nnIlliiii uui df"_.. . w - \ &.. Yr k IL. V i -- .... SOMI BRIGHT SPOTS SHOW IN SCRIMMAGE Jumbled Lineups (and Raii Combine to )lake Practice Mostly Drab And Ragged TAYLOR, NYLAND BATTLE By Herbert F. Vedder. Occasionally bright spots insisted on breaking thro...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…THE MTC41GAN DAI iJ'Y FRIDAY. SEP C MB R 9 t THEM.C.GN.D .. . ....TU1 92>1091 ...A 11"IN ID r, PL Gp, IJC,! I- 68 LEADS FIELD IN VARSITY NS S rIATIHrKQOSIER GRIDMEN Backfield Weakness PURDUE HONORS WALLOP DUMMIES At -tOIS 'COTTON' WILCOX, ( tapparent At Ilnois S (Special to The Daily) u [v Q M N i(Siecial to The Daily) TOURNAMENT SOLOMON PICKED TO ASSIST KEEN (oach Clifford Keen, Vatr-ity wrestl- ing mentor will be assist((Il t hi YA...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 9

…IDAY, SEPTEM3ER 23, 1927. THE MICHIGA*1*4 DAILY 7 PAGE NINE - - -----THE- M-ICH.IG.....DA..LY V~ I'AGE NINFI FOREIGNERS THREATEN SCOUTS TO VIEW BRADLEY CONTEST 1k. W MIN'sURtANA, ILISept. 2. -A\hciu IN M EN'STOURNE dly's aggressive 100tb)ll T Lithe Nintee champions and victors Glenna Collett Eliminated by Former Little .iNneteen champions and victors Alex Stiring; 1I"etwih in the last 24 tiams they have played, ChamioWins1plays the Unive...…

September 23, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 4) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY' FRIDAY, SEPT iMBEfl 23, 1927 ___ - Mthmaticas 211, Selected Topics in Analysis: Meeting to arrange hours, Friday, Sent. 3, at 3 P. M., in Room 319 West Engieering Bldg. D.AILY.F.FICIAL BULLETI Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 8 PRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927. Numjer ...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 1


September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…D THE MCIA DA ILY' TUESDAY, ?~?TI , . .. .. ..a ,.... ._. _ _ __ .... _, s .. _ -_ -. - _-- --- .. - - .- endezvous at Fresh Air Camp A tten ded by Eighty Flreshmen IJnY- MEMB ERS EIGFIT Y FRESHMEN PARTICIPATE CAP1IE BSO j5UNIVERSITY FRESH AIR CAMP GIVES !Colors IN ANNUIAL RENDEZVOUS AT CAP_ BSO DETROIT BOYS HAPPY VACATIONSj Christ ACTI Concluding the largest and most TAKE A TIVE ART~ FTER B A~/ FlsPfasTn of its existanc,1 the rest...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…TUESTA SEPFAQWR23, 193o UN I RSITY To G1I SiIXhE__WEEKLY Music School, Medical Faculty to Contribute Numbers t.o Year's Program. ABBOT' PIRE~CTS WORK Educators Anticipate Benefits of Radio Lectures to Vocational Work. Recognizing the value of radio in the field of education, the Regents have approved the broadcasting of five half-hour program-s each week, .. .. , .. a ,. -.- ,. .. U. S. SETS ASIIE TIMBERT5ACTS WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 -- TheJ ...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…w ou~THt M+ICHTGAN- DAILY Tur4 YgB~U Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press.iscexclusively entitled 'to the use for republication' of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…H-,, M, s i 1 14 G A N D AJ 1 Y .} mrT4F. MTCRIs FaA1TlV * ..' * t 1 I AL VA VA IV Am 4A v v^'- '-ts^-tsz rs s ON WOMEN'S NEW RESIDENCE HALLS' ___ I MOSHER-JORDAN HALLS OPEN IN TIME FOR ARRIVAL OF ENTERING FRESHMEN AND TRANSFERRING STUDENTS Mosher-Jordan Halls A Capacity of , Students This Year. ccept .:: :.:,r..: ::'.!": is..*::4:. .." ...: .: }....r :.....::.!: :.n,.r :;!".., r b .::;} ":t"'.A:Y. :v" _:-L Moshr..odan all G ...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

… TH E M I CIGAN CA N ,4': TUESDAY, Z 4TW *', 1930 7"4 .0011wep11km 215100% + + +. a e * 7"" - ''' '''" DA FRSHMNDITIONS TO UNION PROVIDE NEW RD ij L L LSTUDENT OFFICES, LARGER T APROOM 9NOII TFourth Floor Is Refurnished; viously they have been on the third 9T NIN; $aloomProvdedWit floor. They have been moved to itaulroom NIONvOded With make them more accessible to the 4O New Draperies. students. 1 On the fourth floor, comprising New fa...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY i 0 AiLIL Mddm*ANMIhl rx MAINTAINED BY The Univry CHARLES A. SINK, PRESIDENT Musi~cas Society EARL V. MOORE, MUSICAL DIRECTOR , =..e. . --- - .._ _ - - _ __ r r R C G 3 i d G . bII i YW i (gyp i y - G I.:9 C 56 G YY m G Q LV i iil i W W Ufa Y 1 W r fy r9 Y w4 "Y W W ii m m G C First Concert MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 8:15 O'CLOCK Fritz Kreisker AUSTRIAN "KING OF VIOLINISTS" Second Concert FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 8:15 ...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…TH-E MICHIGAN DAILJY. _________________X111111i a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASH Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of C;V AN the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Sum- mer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Cites Charge VOL XLL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1930 No. 1 Jury, Ex No President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock on! IIII....................…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…Second Section (1i r k4&an Dairtilttk Member Associated Press i VOL. XLI, NO. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1930 PRICE FE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS GRIDIRO N PROSPECTS LOOK GOOD FOR COMiNG K P [.1O~, S [ EW SCORE BOARD' KIPE D.RIVES MVIEN~m R_ BFE_ PLACED ON FIELD u9, IN WHK O U FOR OPENING TILT Spectators at the Michigan foot-i ball games will be greeted by a :aewf set of score boards which were in niistalled in th...…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TT'lT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2-0. 1930 PAGE TN THE ICHIGA DAILYTUESDA--SEPTMBER-2--193 NEW UNIVERSITY GOLF COURSE WILL OPEN FRIDA I RtENTS TO PLAY' IN MORNING ROUND -rrr ..1^ . s-r rr"""Y""MY S idelii ne Cr By Joe Russell a tower of strength in the Buck- Beautiftil Layout is Latest Although. Coach Harry Kipke, eye plan of attack. All-in-all how- starting his second year, as the ever, the success which Ohio...…

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