May 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 173) • Page Image 1
…mw Am6wdftww) 'b'"w> -A,, 6W r A-.A VOL. IX, No. 173, VO.IN.18ANN ARBIOR, MICi., TUESDAY IMAY 2, l(899. TIhEE CENTS ATHLETIC MATTERS. into shanpe in time for the lig meet, Banquet to Co. A. ________especially the litter, who lias recent- A Ibanqluet wvas givenu to Co. A aind S H W IL[) C Ohaly been ill. tie Ann Arbor sildic rI ot the His- 6ur H. ILDwitCOood scelebratedteirce at Dual Tennis Meet. jano Aercanwar ini the urmory Will announc...…