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April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…EXPEDIENC( WINS AGAIN f:i It 4r ~~zii4 RAIN, WNARMER Lats Doadine in the Stute VOL. LVIII, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS i I .,..r... Crisler To Present Daily Tennis Plan o Athletic Board Compromise Calls for Semester Charge, One-Day Permit System By DICK KRAUS Chances for an early revision of the twenty-five cent per hour tennis assessment plan will be tested tonight when Athletic Directo...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…_ ___ ___ __THE MICHIGAN DAILY FREDAY, AP Candidates' Statements representative organization. En- lightenment and cooperation will be my purposes." James Mcllhenny During the past semester I have been vitally interested in the seeming lack of actual student representation in Student Govern- ment of the campus. With the sin- cere hope of remedying this sit- uation in some small way I there- fore propose not to act as a free agent in matters ...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…~ %THE MICHIGAN DAILY Baseball, Golf Teams On Road Today Tigers Tak b. BEER F Barten, Fonville Seek Eastern Titles in Pennsylvania Relays Michigan's two Olympic track possibilities, Charlie Fonville and Herb Barten will take to the field today in the Penn Relays in hopes of adding some Eastern titles to the scores of Midwestern honors they have already captured this year. Fonville, the world's number one shot-putter figures to have th...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRAY, vPR. L2, 1418 U Expediency Wmins Again 'HE KU KLUX Klan has just won an ~ important battle in its struggle for sur- ival. Last week in Georgia the Columbus edger-Enquirer droppedrthe court charge3 gainst the Klan-charges brought by free of the Ledger's own reporters-and in doing gave tacit approval to the Klan's olicy of ruthless suppression of all news rifavorable to itself. 'hie whole thing started a month ago h...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _PA COME ONE, COME ALL: r Circus Will Come to Town. In GalaMichigrasTradition OWILIJO, "Come one, come all to gala Michigras.", Shouts are ringing through the Engine Arch and University Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. when pre-sale of tickets for Michigras is taking place. Admission tickets will be sold at the door, but those who wish ' to avoid congestion can buy their tickets beforehand. Concession .tickets can be bought onl...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…THE MTCHIGAN DAILY MAY; APILIEL 23.194$ sai raa.,.a A aVALfl) 1-aP&RL q. 91? IoA Convocation Today Honors University's Top Students for' 48 /' SENIORS Students who have attained an average equivalent to at least half "A" and half "B." COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS Norman Alberts, AB., 4) Paul Edward Anderson, 4BK, 4'K4, 4112 Wayne Audger Anderson, Pb3K Austin Winfred Bach, 4K4 Edward George Baker, 41BK, <K4, 411) L...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE E BEGINNING TO SEE LIGHT: There's Much More To Pai' Of Glasses Than Meets Eye Unique House on Chtirch Street Is Surrounded by East Quad In these days of intensive spe- cialization, the faulty-visioned person is faced with a three- horned dilemma when it comes to selecting the man who is going to prescribe the eye-glasses. In an effort to straighten out this problem we consulted a few local professional eye men to g...…

April 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…rich r TiTF IIJCTIIC AN PAIIIN IFTND Vt -ILPRfl, 1 .., 1611? EiCITT THE MICHICAN DAILY FIIIDAY, aPRIL 23, 194k MAcigras ooms hMto Ton ivfor Festive I eekend . PARTS NIGHT LIFE EXPOSED-"Folies Rergere" a la Martha Cook will be one of th- high-lights of the Michigras show booths. Above, Joan Riddell (left), Annette Munn (right) and "Folies" posters help Marcia Ames (center) hold up two bubbles, which will .in turn assist Marcia in her "...…

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