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March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…L '4 S It6 &Ii'P IASSUCI~A U I A!PRESS "' blltYICI -- a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. MARCH 23h122 PRTIml r PD TI11~ '~ ' A A~&%IJM J.~ -. .. .... iw -- i FM ,or Satiric Replies To "G. D. L." And Professional Baseball Problem Are Headliners In March Chimes i NIMENCEMENT INOW GREATER LSED SIZE OF GRADUATING ASSES IS CHIEF CAUSE OF DIFFICULTY TORIUM CAPACITY FINITELY LIMITED Alumni, and Relatives of Sen- Will Swell Seat Demand...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…w during the Univermity Publications. 'D PRESS ntitied to the use f or to it or not otherwise published therein. , Michigan, as second d mStt he sentiments expressed .BR4WSTIhR P. CAMPBtLL .........Joseph A. Bernstein .......... .$I. P. Lovejoy, Jr. .....J. B. Young G. P. Overton M. B. Stahl Lt Paul Watzel . . ........L. Armstrong Kern L. R. Meiss ....... .Thornton W . Sargent, Jr. ....................George L. Sloan .....Sidney B. Coates...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…LN DAILY ILY r of Sets ress ciated Press) ar. 22.-Radio en- increased ben-fold w months, it ap- vey conducted by ress and covering t, Kentucky and ly all points from e been received of radio sets, par- ses of telephony, ire were hundreds ir out a statement Hoover at the re- ice at Washington >wing to rapid de- :telephony within e months there are' radiophone receiv- ion in the United with less than 50,- PAREH OUTLINES NEEDS OF ELECTRICAL ...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…-a ~WV~ ~ . . > .. ... .:,. : .: ti....,,., a m . .... .w. .... . .. .: ?n Track 1M eke Intercla ents for the finals in the ndoor track meet which un off Friday evening at in Waterman gymnasium >mpleted, and considering o placed in the prelimin- esday night, and the time the events, it is expected rs of track will be given tomorrow evening. The e the last indoor meet of season and a large crowd a are expected. en Favored To ss Meet On ...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

…'1 r i Baseball candidates will prac- tice indoors from 1 to 3 until weather conditions permit re- turning to Ferry field. RAY FISHER, Coach. IL A. C.1 TO Out of the conferences and meetings that have been held in Chicago during the last week have come a number of interesting items pertaining to the S--future of athletics in the Mid-West. Central Cnferencae Little information hascome out re- garding the decisions reached at the Big Ten mee...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 6

…Li Irsitte rho has at- :ational in- eering and record in ne from the erhaps the ined by anj ollege work at consin. There years of liter- ed with an all ole four years. 3ntered Massa- chnology where four years he e head of his standing from of the hardest the country. leering he be- I in law. He for a year but interest was here he has kept up his high schola ship.record by making his customs all "A's." He was made a student e tor of the Law...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 7

…7 Saturday -i Junior Girls' port at 4:45 ese Gardens. irIs' play will ,t Graham's meeting of today. the ball practice will not account of the Junior shmen will meet as us- )ck today. r "The Yellow Jacket" s during the remaind- ock, Jso and Due Jung t 4 o'clock, Chee Moo Friday, at 3 o'clock, See No, Tai; Char Cling and maid; at 4 rd are re- :45 o'clock gymnasium t the Senior to tradition way to the e supper. Plans for a hike have been ...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 8

…ow CIAL BULLETIN :30 p. m. (11:30 a. M. Saturdays.) AY, MARCH 23, 1922 Number 126 e members of the faculties were requested to furnish cer- data to be filed in the President's office. This file has l and it is desired to bring it up to date and continue it by data from thosq who were appointed this year or who for ve not filled out a card for the file. The material is being e President's office today, and a prompt reply will be grate- F. ...…

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