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February 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily \N 11<111110All 1 HI( .\\ "I 1)\71, FEBRUARY 23, 1908. '0 o \'OL.,XVIII. N 0. 103, MEDICS HONOR FIRST FACULTY Professors and Students Pay Tribute to Pioneers of Amieri- can Medicine-Novy Speaks. 1 I l 1 Follllders' da 1 I pa t 1(t 1 1()v lf\-i u well) lle. h ll to1.1fr 1111111 ,Igne el eei SC1D.1 I) p( 11< - 7ih l 11111 dc I )d tlr ahcr l1,1 ()1 113 Wk1 \XoX t' ilk l)r. 1ltl' I)1'. lOIXXIXI 1 Xlnn. 1)r. Sils o ugl...…

February 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDa ly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FF VISRU \RY 23, 1907. Vol.. XV II. No. 104. NEW CANDIDATES OPEN TRACK SEASON TONIGHT Prep Stars Are Among Entries For Preliminary Meet-First Round of Relay Races to be Run Michigan's indoor track season of 1907 will e formally usered in tonigh with the preliminary met. As is tlti case each year, tis meet is givei efors the fresh-soph aid varsity meets in or der to give a line ott the nwthev...…

February 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN :ARBORICH., FRtDY, FEORUARY 23, 1900 No. 108. SpigAN ELOQUENT ADDRESS asiis fetad this crcumsstance wsn( scale it Vigiia its its fassor, Iis clear, touht to ibetoiente loss othe tisuious decisions tno usr hig: st tb- Aniricats colonies, te brightest jeweliuanl, shlicithousiitti lrec 'elis , le lit } Delivered byj Ex-Senator Patton at s inte Bitilsh cown ndit 1proedcito chilly ,tatetle clist, sits ot Te swnil A }t o n e n t W higo',...…

February 23, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…She 'or all VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.; SATURDAY, FERRUARY 23, 1901. No 108' ....Our Special Line of.... FRESH-SOP H BATTLE - 'RAH FOR LOWDEN Foreign and Domestic1 Toniht the Annual Athletic Duel Will Wash;nto's Birthday Celeration FABRICSBe Fought Out By the Under Resulted in a Huge Surprise-'- F B I SClass en-Second Year Men The Speaker of the Day Gave Froms All Departmets $3000 to Furnish Test- FOR SPRING Will Enter imonals to Orator...…

February 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily . ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905 RELAY TRYOUTS. o'NU o'l lf I h hU TNViT~i iael and Keeler Equal Varsity, 'n nttn Ii '~In not n ncln WN 'i'i i lecordOcty" Graham Makes Prient ataii einning min y vo mid ;tarn t' strer n'nir'ln rde i'tn N A past Time -Teams Not Def= fo' a il ii'st in, >'t'''''''1 '' c lie r vinel yinn li 1T mini, altas fnitely Selected. cinnn r li ii'alm 'l iinran n 1111]stlrt~ IIth 'n~e''nifln ...…

February 23, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…AN110 1 (Br ~l l11 J1 j A'1, I'21TAL -102Ro. No. A GREAT SPEECH D~elivered Yesterdav After'noon in University- Hall by Williamn J. Bryan on the Subje4.. "A Conquering Nation." An Unparalleled Ovation and One of the Largest Audiences Eger Assembled in the Splendid Auditorium. MICHIGAN VICTORIOUS The - Illiru "Team, Meets an O 0 wemroDe e a[ A B81 AUDIENCE a .(ito ige N-KOReil a Lou i VYelcori e-Tic Hit ofthte Se, : L xpectul. ,)f 1 1t("1I:;;'t3...…

February 23, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, Fl,"BRUARY 2>, 1901. No. 49 WASUINGTON'S BIRTHDOAY.i POITICS WAX WARMr. I NiID-WINER BANQ[T. '06 LAW BANQUET. Exercises Held is University Hall Yes Several Candidates are is the Field for -toasmasters Club Held Its Mid-Win- Banquet Held by '06 Law Class Last terday Afternoon-Professor Stan '5 Miciganensian Offices-Elec- tr Banquet last Friday Evening Night a Great Success-Speaking ley Ope...…

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