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February 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Ar. n ! 4 l .lh Jl :. t, i . r. , , :: VY lI. 1!. r UNJtVL1UiSITY O01!'/I IO10' AS ,~. T' SI)AY) 'ii1T 5~ 12 lntercolieciate Athletic Contes Mi chivan. Club Banquet. osj iih 'tlt11l1 Iitll (f O1( YOUR~i Record for1'e!) A '1mbii Ii ho ill 11 iheip in r [ h s h .ol911 ng tc i b m -I 1 1 as 1e i; ad h t a yin Inc l~rohalIn future poliy more, 1noted iei 1111 :,y ha l'l I' 1111 the niv rsit- tn ards intcIll- InI h i v devr>ea an i c i i ...…

February 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. a11 r. T l It' als r't'a Price(a heas tbat('11 atal ta ato r. o fa lae C o reat' dc of a a tl Vetl. IThe ItA I, a ai ~zt~s all I a 5s- ;tv al 1itc'r-tall'staat ttinws ,It(I i Il1 mta ()t' a ll asch la t11 f o s a ',, 'a *t i l ta la 11(1 sata j1 IecSout HQ' NI SLCJPSEMIESILI t~attt, ' tnet. aata~tt, Attf4St 1 t 4t:tat r _,_, Gr e , I t1a la chtt' (tad E 'tri ll , lIITa NT t sal IItc THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION...…

February 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OrI. DAILY. It wit! a ioua*'y~j xMi YHTWO Af'S PEACE WIT/H CHILI, t;,ue I I MIARCH I,[ h At the tuei -thNae-IC I anI Pant-, at()NF-I. 1) ()I I ' ; ik:., at, , lovA tes, lM t1> C t i e ti' 1I p i t Ir ii I Iii> 'ATEEK -70 .Z' OT'he 3. T. Jacobs Company JifAL. I . TIY(11 G(EIL. Al _ , _ , , . 9 LII 1TD FORii )DLE IEFii iulitAil) AND SOFT COATL, LIRATES TO STU DI-NIS z- -ir od hier l. Ino li 3- liSioitut FourthAve Nt. i Iiii'itl it...…

February 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…..0~ o E :0 .K r _Ki 7< 7 aet { r .. _ K#- K tr Fri 0 uCA M v ( 4 IA LjZ . Jzi ;4 ,. e-' ,...._. ^f-- . _ ti . a .^. ___ -----' .,.m. , f , Y -... i __ ...nw.. . a......A +-.. +vv.o . wC«.' _.. _^ w , 0f Y o c . 0- G,0 I , s'K V. . . 0 U, - 2i .-_ 7< K) " __*0 r Q -. 0. 0r …

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…Vol-.III.-No. l02. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAIN, THURSDAY FEB3RUARY 2f3, 1893 Pmmee, THREE CGENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. people of the two colonies in New THEY SCORED A HIT. anti the South differecd ThatEng t Fitly Celebrated- rte.Stir- widely in somet respetis.The niv peranesianLstelsinghei K rgSpeenhtroni Hon, SA. We h1Rrltoniw caeappslni Douglas.Tei ______ on, the coloinists demanted 'a liman___ t~ieriyBalws akd e-foi a leaier who possc...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. fhe eni enteredi for the serondLI E FN NG M EY ..C Iof ( atV mti drill in their respective events I E FN I G M N Y _____at appointed times. The gymnasium By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 250, hoc and 75c on every Published Daily (Sundays excepted) airing froni five to six orclock is givens iup pair of Shoes as swe must reduce our stork to the Coliege year.,iby to cresw randidates and the iieis- make rooii for Sprin...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING, SALE. U -'kYv7LIk A S' ALL OVERCOATS AT J4 OFF.________ ALL SUITS AT I- OFF. _____As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE PA-NTS AT OFF. ______Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WA DHA Msr KENNED Y & RE ULE...,,77 SM Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbone Mich. Capial toilck, $60,c0it, (Organizedtunder the Genteal BankingtLaws of this state. Receives Deposits, buys and sells...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…NEWM ICAMERAS! is tcal'tpolds Wi ot it (10mes L ,we are ir'eadyto suppler hireuwith CALKINS' PHARMACY. THE U. OF M . DAIL 0O QP IlKM 6 A -tti 11TOTI PPLY A PEMAL.NDFiOP . THlE LA'TES T MahgayCluo~ id sb oindtl-es ONLY X1400. W i av e Peeied thelloimbeg, Crlsbai ((and1Al/ ONLY $4.00.Latest Fads iin Pedos'os. j) LITL 0 i S ItiS PR 'iOiPORT'ION. :34 South State Sii'eei. I"UP ST'iA IRS. an 1 MOORE &ETMORE BOOK STORESNO6 SOUTH MAIN S...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…c . of AQ It's V()- IVi.-No. 102. .0 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1894. A MUSICAL NUMBER. The viola soloist, Mr. George The New York Philharmonic Ciub Sauer, has been a member of the Give a Concert in the S. L. A. Damrosch, Seidl and Boston Sym-E Course Tonight. phony orchestras. He is as artist' the New York Philharmonic club 'in whom the management takes give a concert tonight in the S. L. great pride. A. course. This ...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY. Published l Ici(nly adore teerted) drig iuc~coll'eu,ee THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSICIAION .Suhteripltnpre aLsO 1per yar, inarably narsnce di9ne eie 3cantsl. Sbherip- teonseMayrhebeftr1a t chottfice ot the Tt)emy, at Stoffet's, with ano of te eitore or Auehornorl tolietor. l'oamncatteeiono sttitilreach the ocieriy 7to'clttchrP.itt thy are to appar the next ity. Address all inatter intended for pulic- cn to te...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. 1,1,1 H. lEMENTT, 51 SO. MAI'Z Si Director(tendi ii Mo cm EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ;:tl S HURliON s'1tiiEEI'. Good Woknal~raniteedi lGoods roalledfor ad deliveredl. A. F. c.OVERT, Prop. J AAI S NV. ll(JI I1iiW, PFloriht. (Grerof tre. Utriitbimoiitd hI Ftai.ofhitlvail- ety. Fl.i or l eos i ooilmatte iiono rt ni lotic. No. 1 Olservotory strv(ot. .cemetery luate. zz rieoars intile I~iie !s.s.' CITY LAUND...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF MN. DATTY. 0\ -11 1 S A SNAP FOR THE C(}1i1)S . l A51 1o and1 x,,. 1100 h e o l R:A.AS" rl£s le;E lii i d>t lii)) ,I ts SWe 1 Ctitle ;"out tell Laie,, vshiob f zLL~J3 "K- BQWDISF3 & Weera dSiO. - QQEEI &W~WJVcX J J NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE XT BOOS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTl"ER ? EIW kA ) 2X X lANA)s. NoTEI'-3Qta 0Is A ;I'cA IX,. Ann iAr ikbor fxra Bs, M~A .w 5 ;5a1 e(.1. l } 00. THIE ANN ARB~OR A '...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…4c ti of til, it f t I jee ko Vor,. V. NTo. 1009. UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN, SATIIAY . ERUARY 2:;. 18~95. I'I1It--I''lultER CENTS. rAN 1, L( )LENT A 1)1)1{E;SS. F in , ansid siFhus. s;',Iat:Faidltll 'IFill,1E NOR c(ONTES. A BRILLIANT SPEECH DELIVERED 1111talion l111 11n11hfe lhoiloIgh ilL li'THE EFFORTS OF ORATORICAL BY HON. JOHN J. LENTZ, ! Ctilllf of their' I)('0140.l1u11onaly ill ASPIRANTS AMONG THE '95 LITS.1 The Celebration of Washl...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Vi. DAILY. i _ .. i tIt . 'tI htere i Fivi' - -SHIOES ini e i atict ittt nil te, fog tutu I ntirStok go-sat I't--,it.[Oly (Sunday ciii- ptdi iduring the *teait -(1- luiol-antithlitial.- thCotigi, par, tp y:-Red uced Prc THEU. E VUMINDEPENDENT ASSOITON, Laiadt ~ir>I. The ociU"ttogtt tll ce ices" t-ttitlitlttia fortt ito- tck atti ill jco' . iOit-twtn atigN.Sat titn-ttl nthuloa.tatttytn te tttttt ' t - i~e100uiI MA...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, n H GA CE T A AtteGadOeaHouse. The ex)inaio in aec willbo TOT SEW AT AtteGan1pr held next t ock In the law lecture S;houd a paty of 71) or lss froma Time Table oReised Nov.018,04 ' son itI eliecry: a idayv by lDavid! room as follows: Se. 3S A and BIt-lot- ay fraternity wish excellent oard A~ST.aWES. 1 Scull, soas produced at thve (lun-; ay at 8; S--. 5 (A and S) Tuesday at for $2.50 per we-b. TChy can do ns r. M. A .M Mall ...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

… ''IF ; V (F' M . Ii \2OY ' ?.a1 lbuk i[ Solid B c MOORE & W ET.1fm..Rr ,G Y+ UI S ________ All Bristle er of William st., hare a F ihGog onlt tc formnerly With Georgo Wahr, 1J9 ehve f~ hm L. WYashineton st. Headquarters forH a r B u hte eve-rythingr a Student needs in the Bru h IlSWT ITET gooks r' _ tine of Text-Books, Stationery and T LEAST MNY .icella neous Stock in general. FOTWNYIVCES New and Second Hand.-, Our synotoolam suits MARTIN SC...…

February 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…c he . a ~DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 100. ANN ARBOR, MILCIIGAN, TUES VOL. VII. No. 109. ANN ARBOR, MIChIGAN, TUD @ LDJD,@ Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER. FULL OHESS SUITS A SPECI ATY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.- NEAR MAIN, ~ 4 WHEN YOU BUY A TOOTH BRUSH $ you want one tha twontall go to pieces in a short timte.$ S We sell the hind we can war- rant to hold their bristles. They cost 15 cents. tf you don't find them ...…

February 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P l ev. Tedrow on Lutheranism. U " f Sundaymonis ,Fe.21, 0'. L. 'ubllslbed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collect cear, at Lutheran Ob'ureb, addreosed a body of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, studets'ini Nes~heivy Hall upon the P-rowF Timeos building, 79 S. Main St. be- subjec't of "Lotlieranis-in." Dr. Ted- tween Liberty and William Sts. row first stateil that liesdid not stpeak 31 U1fAG[Ntl EDITORI in the...…

February 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…l THE UNtV EISiTY oIAI IGAN ).\ ILY. MICHIGAN GENTIAI~~ EAY. Sedr f I " y o 5w l I l Aol MtoP0 .~ j al anExe :, 47 OoN Seil-- : Easer Ex---- vl\ . imteoo, A.. P.t&TM.g\ } vccok q_0Y ImoA- TS RtanicEx LRO aficodo anti-o12mbo too 11:25-..-.-. f, o l o. Y Th10F10 DrawingIRoom Oar Line hetwoe tt' tl x~~i.So tI 0 . a ....TO N Y IE h4 ma oo y 4 Cw 50 LENE- . .5 .doI . . C"oof oo40oor o sn 'oloolo°o. olooolooe. s x ol'ic o'1ondC. lb us.;Toeo d ooohn...…

February 23, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…YTIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DALY. D W HY raoa ~aeawtr e XSi.11 D ON 'T r YOU TR Y HA 1 t L L ER S! -1 eveloping a A box of that delicios Peanut Brittle at TEWELRY 00 AMID + BROWN'S DRUG STORE. STrORE Half pounds and wound, 10 and 20 cents. A few boxes of 46 S. Miain Street. Veltin vetN Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. __________________ Prnig __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Mr. Berryman ihavingi dis- PATRONIZE OLES' LIVERY posed of his ga...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. "100. ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1898. -SIX PAGE--5 OENqTQ. __ __ r WASHINGTON HONORED. Appropriate Exercises Conducted by the Laws. The thirty-eighth annual celebration of Washington's birthday by Michi- gan's . law department yesterday brought out an audience'that entirely filled University Hall. . The celebration was one of the most successful in the department's history as the enthusias- tic applause whi...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…I THE UNIVEi&TY.OF MIQHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the olege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICEISAN. OrinE: Times building. .2 g :St. be- tween Liberty and Willi)s ; MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER - O. H. HANs, '0 aL. EDITORtS H. B. SKILLMAN, '9L ., Athletics. E. L. Gxsnun, '9 L. G. D. HnUTT. '00. BUTLER LAMB, '00. T. R. WOODROW, '98 1. A. CAMPBELL, '00. A. OAMPBELL,'99. F. EGELHARD, '98. The sub...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

….ig uNIVERSPY 0MICHIGAN DAILY. , M 1i-t r l.n mre siarked degree than my forms _ >. JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA In University Hall on Saturday Night. Undoubtedly the most notable and most popular engagement of the year in Ann Arbor will be that ofSousa and His Band, on the Students' Lecture As- siociation course, Saturday evening, Feb. 26. Mr. Sousa's organization is known throughout the entire country and wherever it appears standing room is at a pr...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…I 4 'Tl;IE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Not only the music did he write, butli lng near us will sooner or later tempt the book of his last and best opera is hither the old world's powers. when we' from the Marh King's pen. Every shall be forced either to abandon the line and every lyric, every verse of the Monroe doctrine, or else fight to uP- comedy songs, ond every scene and sit- hold it. Alliances will then be wel- uation, and th plot, ...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 5

…..r... . .r THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCH IGAN DAILY. Men's Furnishings That Sell' Themslves! OUR STOCK COMPRISES Or THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. .. . Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters .i4n all the Combinations of Shirts .. Colors. 'The best from $3.00 to $4.50i, Unlaundered, _pure Wam- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply smooth garment void of Linien Bosom Soc. The U nderwear best shirt in the market to- any scratc...…

February 23, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

…''H , UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store A Token, of Spring! We have just received a rg -I pment of WRIGHT, PETERS & co. CELEBRATED OR SP RI FOR SPRING- Those New TOP COAT HATS! SBB SOUTH WINDOW. QOOD SPESED'S, 17SOUTH MAIN STREET. !T University School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. ,. I I HOLMEas LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phone...…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 105.. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1899. FIVE CENTS. LESTWET FORGET.',, sport of it."1 adopt this course te ij~i~ ~ fJ J~jJmore freely today inasruh as the main question has not yet become a partisan issue and thus rendered, as T I A Powterful Address on Imperial- oestnyeirandunapochptle of g G. H. WILD CO., H anprejudiced consideration; albeit, as I have observed with infinite re- E THE TAILORS E ism by Charles A. Toi...…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…2 TI RE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 9 " f l. { +' q llU. _i Cettaed Foaa Page 1.] Islands of the Blet, and about wlich, Pabliahed Daily (Saadaysexecepted) daig the evena aow, many of thema have aotiona Clege yea, at very little more definite than is their THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. knowleige of Swat oa Timbctoo. Oseam: The laned Press, eing Bleck. A few, indeei, there aro among tie Bth aPhone 17 that ot long ago, cnsidering the multiply...…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 than those N"isei con the hill of San try to determine the ultimate fate of the ability of the United States to do of the foreign relations committee in Juan, and that th naval battles of Mla- those islands by negotiation. Such, as what she pleases." ie adds: "I believe the senate recently said in a speech, re- nila and Santiago will s iitnp oilr- a matter of fact, is the manner in that we should adopt the En...…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…4 4 TUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. To set up a colonial system is to be wealth; of the administration of natural carie of life is both ane ecoomic ab- westward along wich he knew the ready to trade peace for sar, to srrenlfmonoolies and the control of artifcasudtan an rai metoortde fcvlztonwsuetoe; der serenity and secrity for a state of comsbintions of caiita in trsts and srlt n narineto o td fcvlzto essr ost armed anxiety aod weakenin...…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 QFYOUR MONEY'S WORTH- . 45 I Those Swell Kid Lined Bluchers. ... . Goodspeed'S, 119 Main Street. M16fIGRN GENTRIL " The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking EftecNt Ag. 14, 1898. Mall and Expres ...3 47 P. m. N. Y.& Boston Special .........s 5 Fast Easte "... .....9 43 Atlantic Expres...........7 45 A. X. Detroit Night Epress.... Grand Rapids Express.....11 10" Mail & Express..... 9 18 A. M....…

February 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

… 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER GO To I WILL GIVE . Stabler's Art Store 20 per cent Reduction L AWI to all Students FRArt Novelties and of the U. of M. oo goods purchased BOOKIS 0 Fine Frame Mouldings. at nay store. 27S. 4th Ave. Phou-- 173. Salsur' rg IItorGolleouato Bureau of flwaniG Costume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBNYn, N. Y. Cooley's Taxation5 2 Cape, Gowns, aod Hoods made to order sod reoted. Also Class Csoes, Class Ha...…

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