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November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890. V -Ald 41v t iit I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I -- .+ A IIMgI1N I r Ilr r n I ... . ......... ................ ... .. .... . .................. VOL XL NO. 48. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 23, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS OL ,ES ELT , : tay g ,t: ro ;F h;;. E Y E!, q Raw TODj EL~mOG NAME mdli ?~yh~uEI~rnrr~ u-Iai New York Banker Place for Stock Marke s Share of Blame ' French Statesma...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. NOVEMBER. 23, 1:x20 .. } .. « ......... «.....y .. ... ... wr+.., . _.. x . ___ V B ICOD~I N Victor Clarence Vaughan, 1851-1929 Profec FAMOUS SCIENTIST. y Wpogrds DIESINRICHMOND9' Received First Ph. D. Degree,',t ;"y 4?sxr lie is di Given by Universty ~~ excavati in1876.' 'ootu PIONEERED IN HYGIENE ( =' y eg Was Dean of University Medical -, School Until Retirement.i LA in 1921.; (Continued from...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…S TLTRDAV, N O°S EMBER, 23,192 9 THE MICHICA . DAILY A c TtipUDY NOEBR 23,199-HE MIHIAN -A Y- - a.. f ",J I -~zw /w " q7 . f'. ' 'a 4 r; - , .. o rI s 0 , 1 , . '. a Y L r 1 I 'II A N 0 9 of 929 r 0 Bovard Truskowski Gem bris ~Poormanx Driveling Hudson AIuer Dahlem Heston I. It t 0 Morrison, :Y Wheeler 0 VAN BOVEN, INC. S. State St. SWIFT DRUG C04 3405. State. The 3. MURPHY BOOT SHOP Nickel's Arcad...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…Ti-r MC iiT T4 JP 2-1t, iang tasy for an individual to assume is e.enerally dropped at this time ani Published every morning except Mondaythe real man stands 011 for ,hatI during the University year by the Board in Control of Student PLblications. . he is worth. VICTOR CLARENCE VAUGhIAN Member of Western Conference Editorial This should not be interpreted, Association. however, to mean that hell-weeks When death claims a man so in- The Assoc...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…h'LlA t lil 1AY. C,'P fd.Iits_ . T H F 1 V CfI .I14'. J l j MAL ' > - ANUL~A-EfNC ALppp ~~OPEN RECEPTION H QI1({y BAOU[ERPON9LDIfCUfSE~F TO BEDISTflIBUTED IN IHiUNIVERSITY HLL DSORORITY1 HdOauSE CH LMIIIIMIflJI tIi N :thleMain Librar thb'Pct~nb~au _LnL ,e1)fAt Dcte OLtra C fD-MaryDelmiltenta Holds House- wivP. in New Home rRt-IIIIIJ1997,flf tlild flo lslII § IC RE T PH S[IAI!- on Tap;pan oad C.Mi N UI1L FBJI3t~u-Hi 0Ii sf ",i Th e Wonde...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

…P PA S01-. T-IF MIC1IGAN I A T 1 SATURDAY, NOVuAMD9U, 23;. 1920- ,.. '-"' _ _. _ WESTER CONt l RENCmw'o GRID, C E DULE ENDS TODAY ||CRSSCOUNTRY TEAM WILL RUN TE TITL AT OHIO TODAY, With little chance of beittem n their performance in the Confer-I Wildcats Are Determined to e n c e c r o s s country m e t Win From Notre Dame 1 ; lastyear in which they tied for Tilt fourth place with Iowa, the Wol-s in Feature t. verine harriers wil...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEN YEARLINGS Undefeated Elevens WIN NUMERALS Take on Foes Today; IN FINAL RACE ideline i Hampered by the bitter cold and. {Continued From Page 6) ice covered course the final meet of very successful team this year, but By Joe Russell the freshman cross country squad an idea of their strength can bceg g was held yesteday afternoon. In gicaned from the fact that they de-' Eleven fighting Hawks, bi st ng spite of the ...…

November 23, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 48) • Page Image 8

…-7 rMWTT H 1 THE MICHIGAN f) A I L. Y ILY[OFFICIA L BULLETI }/-(y , i 1 c S _ .. - j r - -Y - , _.. d 4 ..._ f J , _.i Universty Wo i-d Cruise rop- Ili. tory Research , Offers F ellowslh wore to jMichigall S el JR. GRAY N-,AME4 S ';1111''II,U I I L I e I ~ullebill I CC ,'i Lr ,bk V('. 11M/IF C. UbV U 1 IA, I A I W *A' I 4( f'iIIn t I 4'4 4 feiiii iFIi of. tlheU,1iversity. Copy received by the _Assitant to t 1- ,theP 1. 1iiy ib Pi p...…

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