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October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Weather Yl r e 4A~rigan Somewhat cooler and possibly showers , VOL. XLIX. No. 25 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, O(T. 23, 1938 Non-Party Control' Of Senate Is Final Election Outcome Six Of Sixteen Successful Candidates Have Party Affiliations;_2,106 Vote Perlman Is First To Win Position' Unaffiliated candidates again won the balance of power in the Student Senate as the proportional represen- tation elections Friday drew 210...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fi DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I' 11 lion-tr JI ary tm.irw een SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1938 should report the names, titles and As Election Outcome VOL. XLIX. No. 25 classes of all officers to the Dean of (Continued from Page 1) Not.sStudents, Room 2...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Japanese Tell Of New Hopes To Crush China Generals Predicts Capture Of Hankow, Chinese Capital, In Two Weeks Scoffs At Russia WITH THE JAPANESE ARMY BE- FORE HANKOW, Oct. 22.-(YP)-The commander of the forces pressing on Hankow, General Shunroku Hata, de- clared today that Japan would con-; tinue her war until all anti-Japanese resistance ended. He said the Japanese would chase Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek into Szechwan or ...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY - ''i \ /- .I ,m-s fA}mtrmI NG'AIR! ! c1 + I and managed by students of the University of n under the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republi...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mary Honecker, '40, To Be Chairman Of Assembly anqu -----l> yesterday. Ticket sales starter Bands Feature Thursday, and willcontinue every dad from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Union Travel desk. Ticket sale will be limited to t Gil S~ngrS 800. Robert A. Reid, '39, presideiit of Over Half Of Tickets Sold the Interfraternity Council, and Rob- For Interfraternity Ball ert Canning, '39, secretary, are co- chairmen of the dance. Benj...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

… 13 Penn......... ..14 Pittsburgh.......34 7 Columbia...... .13 So. Methodist . . . . 7 Notre Dame .... Carnegie Tech. .7 .0 Northwestern . . . 13 Michigan State °. . 19 Colgate Illinois......... 0 Syracuse...... ..12 Iowa . . . . . . . . 14 .. . . 0 13-0; O.S.U. Routs Chicago, 42-7 Blocks Yale's Hopes Ohio Out ained But Posts Win Over Maroons Three Sophs Supply Most Of Scoring Punch As 63,000 Watch Game COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 22-(W)-Chi-...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVI Purdue.. ....13 Kansas State Wisconsin..... .7 Indiana . . .. 13 Oklahoma ..... 14 Baylor .... 6 Nebraska_..........Texas A&M . ....6 .. ..6 Rice ........ Texas ....... .. 13 California . .. 6 Washington . ... 14 Santa Clara . . ... 7 Arkansas . ...'. 21 ii Ohio State ... Chicago..... . . 42 Last Period Score Gives Michigan 15-13 Victory Over Yale Harmon Paces 81-Yard Drive To Touchdown Purucker ...…

October 23, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 25) • Page Image 8

…League Posts hamberanFaced With Problem, Are Awarded Committee Assignments Are Published By Heads (Continued from Page 5) Of Pushing Armament Program Prime Minister Forced To to deal with Soviet Russia. But when u u Re-arm While Continuing war seemed inevitable, an authorita- For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241 tive announcement said that if Ger- ___ __ Amany invaded Czechoslovakia, France would go to the aid of her ally and HELLO EVE...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Mostly cloudy and continued cold today, possibly local snows, tomorrow, warmer. LL Lit igan tit Editorials What's All The Shooting About?.,, VOL XLVIII. No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 23, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Black Friday s Spirit Revived As Class Of '41 Vaunts Victory De-Panting Squads Roam Streets With Yearlings Forcing Issue Of Attack Sophomores Are Outnumbered, 2-1 Pants were at a premium last night as the ...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 23. 1931 NI i I New Marriage Law Becomes Effective Today United States Crusaders In The Cause Of World Peace \ Radio Students Air Their Play On WJR Today EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS Pre-Marital Examination By Physicians Required Under Michigan Statute LANSING, Oct. 22.- (P) -The State's new premarital examination law becomes operative tomorrow, al- though it does not go on the statute books u...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…A, O 23, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Weakened Wolverines To Face Hawkeyes At Iowa City Today 4 Injury-Ridden Michigan Team Se eks Victory, Rinaldi, Nicholson, Smith, Barclay, Valpey To Start Against Iowa Eleven{ 20,000 To Watch Fray (Continued from Page 1) picked Iowa to win their first Con- ference game in two years at the expense of the Wolverines. The Hawks, smarting from their set- back at the hands of the Wisconsin Badgers last week, w...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 23 ;1937 REPRESINTEO FOR NATIONAL At, National Advertising Service College Publish-s Itepresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors wIANAGING EDITOR...........JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR...................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS :Haro...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, OCT. 23, 193'7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEa r. MIawC.. a a i .tA" vL-A. 1lY Committeemen For Assembly Dinner Named Will Announce Recipients Of Scholarship Awards At Annual Banquet The committee members for the Assembly Banquet, which will be held at 6 p.m., Nov. 8, in the League Ball- room, were announced yesterday by Barbara McIntyre, '38, general chair- man. Barbara Lovell, '38, will have Nor- ma Curtis, '39, Virginia Krieghof, '38 ...…

October 23, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…SAX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. Zt, 1937 six: THE MICUIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 2~, 1931 Prof. McClusky Indicts 'Snobs' In Fraternities Arkansas' Choice Gov. Murphy's Speech To Open University List Press Club's Convention Nov. 4 Accredits 618 Social Groups Have Shifted From Original Objectives Of Founders, He Claims (Continued from Page 1) place in the educational scheme ofj things, he said. The tutorial plan used at Harvard, Ox...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Fair today; tomorrow becom- ing unsettled. Possibly light rain, slightly warmer. LY , tr [t g an Ar Editorials James Couzens.. . Special Delivery ... VOL. XLVII -No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Senator Couzens' Career Of Service ~Ended By Death He Succumbs To A Kidney Ailment After Illness Of Seven Days Final Desperate Operation Failure Family Of Colorful Figure At His Bedside During...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TiI~ hAI~A IAIL NEWS of Tie DAY A I (By the Associated Press) Blum Accused Of Selling Fraudulent Bonds PARIS, Oct. 22.-(P)-Premier Le- on Blum and Finance Minister Vin- cent Auriol were charged today with fraudulently pressing the sale of gov- ernment bonds, knowing secret de- valuation negotiations were being conducted. The suit was brought by the tax- payers' federation and was filed by its president, J. L. Dubreuil, under a...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Probable Lineup For Columbia Takes Form In Hard Drill Capt. Patanelli And Smick Will Start At Ends Siegel Works At Janke's Tackle Post; Marzonie Is In Uniform Indications of a probable starting lineup took a more tangible form yesterday afternoon as the Wolver- ine gridders went through their last hard workout. Only a light drill is scheduled for today, dummy scrimmage on both the offense and defense b...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FFiTDAY, OCT. 23,19-356 FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1936 Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR . ...... MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenande...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Name Central Committee For Union Formal r Supper To Be Innovation Of Seventh Annual Ball; Bob Steinle To Play The central committee for the Union Formal to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Nov. 6, was an-, nounced yesterday by Herbert Wolf, '37, president of the Union. The committee will be headed by Samuel Charm, '38. Other members of the committee are Hugh Rader, #'38, Jack McLeod, Jr., '38...…

October 23, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1936 ______________ Skits Bro wder Loses TIerre Ha~ute Suit Return Of Private Enterprise nui n"...r oe tR Weu-s Alumni Of Hospital To Convene Oct. 30 L l t .u u u CL l r c .. G/ G.1 It is a very rare occasion when an outsider-an uninitiate-comes to l Soviet Trying To Regain the decision that he ought to visitl a broadcast studio to watch a re- Prestige It Once Held On hearsal. If, however, he not o...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cloudy, cooler southeast por- tion teday, tomorrow partly cloudy. C, 41V SiAr ijattu Editorials Mayor Kelly's Censorship ... Journalists Still The Fourth Estate . . . VOL. XLVI. No. 21. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4 Changes) Are Made In Rushing) Student Finds Europe Doesn t See African Waar As A Danger Interfraternity Council To Support Restoration 01 Michigan Traditions New Definition...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 193 Classified Directory -Associated Press Photo. This picture, sent by radio from London to New York after being transmitted by telephone from Rome London, shows Gen. Emilio de Bono (on horseback), commander of Italian forces in northern Ethiopia, he and other leaders dedicated a monument at Aduwa to Italian soldiers who were slain in the first battle Aduwa in 1896. The dedication followed formal occupation of the cit...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

… >ach KipkeDrills Varsity Against ColambiaPlays Friendly Price Tickets On Kipke Eleven Record - Breakik g-Dtsh"1nAre -the kind you'll I Renner May Be In Kicking Role NextSaturday Frosh Succeed Against The Varsity Using Tricky Lion Formations1 Aerial Attack Clicksa Viergever, Sobsey, Valpey; Still Remain On 'Slightly Injured' List Coach Harry Kipe sent the Mich- igan Varsity through an intensive drill yesterday against a reserve team and a ...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…I- -w. -),- 4 , b0 v f TRbSn /arom , r m1lfEO 1e r ,.... Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- rol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association nd the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER sotittted (01tainte *re 0.bUI~tIP1S 0M a 1934 lie ge 1935'e MADSOe WISCOS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…,1s T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE# Af 7E Chairmen For, Ball Committees Are Announced Annual Panhellenic Dance To Be Held Last Week In November Committee chairmen for the annual Panhellenic Ball, to be held in the League Nov. 29, were announced yes- terday by Sue Thomas, '36, general chairman. These chairmen, who will head the various divisions of the Ball plans, will hold their first meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Undergraduate Office of the...…

October 23, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER2,1935 Conservation Is Urged For Waste Lands Suggests Turning Poor Acres Into Hunting And Fishing Grounds Emphasizing that thousands of acres of Michigan land, including many that are now under cultivation, are not fit for agriculture, Ernest L. Anthony, dean of agriculture of Michigan State College, advised that this acreage be used for conservation purposes in his address yesterday afternoon before the S...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair today; tomorrow increas- ing cloudiness; slowly rising temperatures. L 'tigan ~Iaitr Edito rials Trends In Tuitions. Book Trus$ In Action .. VOL. XLV. No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fitzgerald Speaks At RallyHere Says Members Of Faculty Here Might 'Play Part' In Determining Policy Attacks Sales Tax On All Necessities Lacy, Democrat Nominee, Talks At Party Meeting; Picard Stops Her...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE SDAY, OCTOBER, 23, 1934 Many Students Take Courses I screen R'clo' 52 Graduates CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY In Music Land I n Journalism ATaTHE a c, m I University Broadcasting: 9:15-9:45 s Marian the Institut Catho- a.m. A Class in the Playing of lique de Paris: "Knowledge and Wis-I Stringed Instruments, Joseph E. dom." Maddy. 2:00-2:30 p.m. A Class in Friday, Oct. 26, 4:15 p.m., Chemis- Playing of Wind In...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…23, 1934 T IE MICHIGAN DAILY #12 Varsity Concentrates On Defense Against Illini Aerial1 attack Gridders Suffer Minor Injuries In Tech Battle Hildebrand Told To 'Take It Easy'; Austin, Arm Better, Back In Line-Up Savage And Patanelli Will Probably Remain At End Posts AgainstIllinois Coming through the Georgia Tech game with no serious casualties, al- though several gridders received minor bruises, the Wolverines began preparation yesterday...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH-IGAN -DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY "'? ,+ 1 ! ;y Published every morning except Monday during the Universityy yearand Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service, - t.1EM 8ER - . Asts* t o M Igiatt rc5s KAOW .- WSCOSIN /IEMBER OF. THE ASSOCTED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to. the use for republication of all ne...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…',QOTOER 23, 134 HK MICHIGAN DAILYPAGE Fy! N-ew Penalties For Latlenesses Are Announced By Judiciary 1 Council Senior Privilege Is Limited To Saturday Niger New Set Of Regulations Make All Penalties Of Time Reduction Equal A new scale of penalties for infrac- tiop of lateness rules in dormitories, sororities and League houses, has been announced by Judiciary Council, according to Kathleen Carpenter, '35, chairman. These penalties will appl...…

October 23, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…six THEI MICHMAN IIAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 23, I9 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 23, 11 mono* Students Keep Library Exhibit Has Signatures Health Service Of Presidents And Statesmen Doctors Buy sThe autographs on display in the Tappan, Angell, Haven, and Burton. corridor cases of the main library Several professors' names are shown constituting the latest exhibit, have here as well. Increase In Enrollment attracted more than the ...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Rain Sunday, ending Mon- day. Sic iauF Iaitii Editorials Coaches Should Not Meddle With Studies; "Roosevelt Makes A Bad Blunder. VOL. XLI - No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hoover Tell Detroit Crow Panic Is Over Asks Suppori Lists Ten Evidences O Better Times; Outline His Program For Nex 4 Years If Elected Executive Greeted By Boos at Depo Receives Applause F o Attacks On Statement Made By G...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…TWO T H E MIC H IG AN DAIL Y SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatio in the Bulletin is constructive notice $o all members of the University. COPY rec ivg at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 11:30.a, M. Saturdav. VkTh;XLIII SICINDAY, OCTOBER23, 1932 No. 25 NOTICES Faculty Directory, i9-198: The Editorial Department of the Regis- trar's Offiee wishes to announce that copies of the Faculty Directory f...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DATT.V lmaolm onvr*imvmwb 1UNDAY,/CT. 23, 932 - 1 . fP . LS 11 Lgf A j .]I j PAGE. THREE t Varsity Cross Country Team Beats Detroit Y.M.C.A. In Dual Meet Ostrander Sets Pace; Finishes 40 Yards Ahead Veteran Covers Stretch iI 15:35; Hill Follows fHi With Time of 15:48 Rod Howell Fourtl Michigan Team Captures Sixth And Seventh Also Wurben Leads Invaders By ART CARSTENS The Varsity cross country tean ye...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932 . .... . ........ ... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 ,- , and subsidies; and something under 800 million on the government proper. Economics totalling the promised 800 million dollars might conceivably be effected by pruning in each of these categories, exceptingg the first, the public debt, which cannot be touched. Gov. Roosevelt can save his face by saying that this was what he meant. It is ...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…SAY, OCT. 23, 193? THE MI T E ILL AY, OT. 2, 192 THEMTCITGANDAIL I CAMPUS SOCIETY &06 ,, I __ _ S EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. ,-(Big Ten) Northwestern University maicls will have their annual pa- jama race this week. Four pledges were chosen to represent each fra- ternity in the event, which is }pon"ored by the Northwestern chapter of Delta Tau Delta. Fol- lowing the race all fraternity men and women 'will, go to the Delt House~ for rcide...…

October 23, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…THF. MICHIGAN DAYIN SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932 hP L 3AG SIXN..15.4i T..A .4L. L'3 1 Z -~ Vr T T 1 ' ANl LL'AKiT. UDAOT 2,ll Play.ByJPlay Account Of Michigan 'sSweigVcoyO r Illinois '0 e2~, time out. Froschauer replaced Cra-. Hoeft replaced Schustek for Illi- nois. Newman hit left tackle for one yard. Bloom made the tackle. Petos- key took the ball around Illinois' left end for nine yards and then threw laterally to Newman who continued to Ill...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Mieligan 4ati4h MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRES PRICE FIVE C ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, '1931 PRICE FIVE C: IS WOODCOC PLE JAPANESE R E FUSE TO SET LIMIT FOR R~TEALIN TOP Yoshizawa Says Nation Intends to Remove Army as Soon as Possible. Skinta, Legendre Selected to Lead Grand March of Annual Formal REFUSES BRIAND IDEA Chinese Spokesman Also Attacks French Resolution on Evacuation. GENEVA, Oct. 22.-(1P)-Japan refused toda...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , , , .. THE= tMe -, CA-:.:IY HOSPITAL INSTALLS NEW MACHINES FOR TRE'ATMENT OF TUBERCULOSISj REPORTS OFFILE[S AKED9 BY SOCIET Y Today's Radio Programs (Ei..tern Standard Time) The preference for radio enter- Twenty Journalism Departments tainment tonight switches to the And Schools Will Send Columbia Broadcasting system. The Research Data. usual Friday night chain broad- casts as well as various local feat- Reports of ...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE M!CHlCAN D-A-ILY'- fid UUIVILLIlV IERENCE HERE UNTER-FOREMAN, ALUMNI BUREAU, 1ILST fIllP finh REGENTS MEET FEATURE 'ALUMNUS' r Who Knew Eight University alumni. Of these lists, 150 have been I Presidents Interviewed in pub]ished in book form. "V W IL I II L III Man 1200 Delegates Expected Here During Thanksgiving Vacation. DR. RUTHVEN TO SPEAK Visitors to Be Guests of Ann Arbor Citizens at Their Homes. Plans for the Older Boys' confer...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICI-TIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of' all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second rl...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…r INWoQrorE23~ 1931 -THE MICHIGANDAILY__ First League Party Will Be Held From 4 to 6 o'Clock CATHERINE HEESON, To Head First Party M GE JA E T YT SOCIAL CHIRMAN, PLAN CARf ARTY SIX COMITTES SMEI IT RProceeds of Affair to Be Used Mosher Jordan Gives Names Alpha Chi Omega. glis, Mrs. Kreg, Mrs. Bunting, Mrs. Outd PBJAlpha Chi Omega had a tea last Underdown. Of the Detroit alum- ,for a Student Loan Fund of Committee Heads and Saturday in honor of...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY >rmal Outclasses Michigan Harriers, 22 to NELL SETS NEWN 1ORD__OF 108 ns Place Five Men in First Seven to Beat Michigan for Third Time. By John Thomas. racing the State Champion- Michigan Normal team, Roger I lowered his own record and ed into first place with a 100- ead while his Michigan team- were bowing in defeat to the s for the third consecutive resterday afternoon over the mile cross country course, 22 nping hi...…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHICAN DATLJY_ JIR T TEACHERS FAULT, PROBABLY By Lichty ..,. RUMPUSI At'J' -/U our -SIT E 4Yark' 6LL TONCuevS CG .-NAp E swpRPe -YFP2S9p ,d uEW -4 0, 7 l601' AM'9 tt~oP T*p IANG.36OUT .x r -1h,--- INTtj 3-1'o IT AVLt . - (IV , GT1 o ' o 5LobJ.S_ 1 E t/O CHWrtz,7 THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. Lu'S I TIS ' fjC Lii 'uLOSE2 IAT 3P.M. AJDVERTISING NOTICE trip PRINCETON GAME-Round1 $2C. Driving Lincoln, will take 4-5 passengers....…

October 23, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…THE ICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIGAN DAILY I DAILY OFFICIAL 'BULLETIN ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to le President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. THIRD CLAIMANT( BEN (IIN1 F0RME Ln Uil -~ON HuInnm The 'Alumnus' Features 7 TOL. XLII. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 No. 23 Soviet Situation Is Discussed by Thomas Kerl in University Lecture. "Russia ...…

October 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 22) • Page Image 1


October 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

… p a (;r TWO A-cl 'rQV WAIt' t-I TP-A XT t--. A T't %.P PAGE WO ____ * 1711. II nr I c t1 liAIN lUIA 1L Yv'Lr i?'~r'AN -. l . W!GHT SEES NEEOS"CO AS NEW t DUjSTRY. Predicts Increasing PopularityI of Hunting Will Bring New Farm Revenue. TELLS OF CONSERVATION Shows How Farmers Can Raise' Game Birds to Add i to Supply. ...... 'I i 4 } t t ,. "p i 1 : {j{i 9i w "If small game hunting continues to increase in popularity, it will be but a fe...…

October 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…x f, RSDAY, OC'.LOBER 23, 1930THEMICHIGAN DAILY aAGE:... _.. PAGE THRE BilfiPST YEf Alvinni Association Completes Seventeen Major Projects, Secretary States. HURLEY RECEIVES HONORARY LAW 3- i 'JKLAHOMA COLLEGE 1 x i E . LISTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS x Promotion of Alumni Ten-Year Program Considered Most Important Activity. Seventeen major projects have been carried out and have met with success through the efforts of the Alumni association during...…

October 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 - - - -- Published every morning except Monday Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patehes credited to it or not otherwise credited to thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the post...…

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