November 22, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 43) • Page Image 1
…Vol. XXI.ANN ARBOR, MICi II(;:AN, TLu SI.) 12, NO12YN ooo 2, [(po.1 Vol. XXT. PROMINENT MEN WILL TALK AT UNION SMOKER TONIGHTI Prga fInitial Michigan Union Smoker Points r Prg fto Successful and Genial Social Function in Gymnasiums I r MUSIC, SMOKING, AND EATING FOR ALL 3 CL ASS PRESIDENT APPOIlNTS FOURTEEN TO GET Committeships of Senior Engineers are Announced CO VETED INS~IGI~A ~>il Ialt 1121 a Six Old Players and Eight New SC)W 11 'I-r 1...…