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November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…_Th __ htgan Daily ANNARBOR,\II C1II[GA \\ I LM)Y\ NOVEMBIER 22, 1907. v-oL. XVIII. No. S. NATIONAL COLLEGE SEEMS PROBABLE Congress will be Asked for Funds to Establish Institution as Planned by Washington. The National Association of State univ ersities. at anteeting hel last aCtes ay in Washingoi, adopted a ee rttnendatioii mate by a joittcemmit- tee of the association anti of the Na tion at'dncational associaioni that a n- tionauniversi...…

November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…A A TP l'v t. A .. s 0. IL WaId Comlpally Exclusive Styles in Fo Gentlffle's Wear THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maiiaging ditor,-P-UtL SCOTTMOWRR Business Manager-C. r.. WNX'TEsscAD EDITORSh News..... .. .. F. Ritchie tletics..... N-; ilianiF. Cradoiph Sporting....Clarence E. Eldridge Cxclhange ...... II John Wambsold Pin'sice and Drama...Rov D. Wech NN o~enls Rditor .... lontise rYin Voorhils EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Jotin F. W...…

November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl & Co. EAST HURON ST. for $1-'-Q otrit'ngreat in io.ffer c 120 E. Liberty St. ALAP7n CLOCKS $1.00) $1,50) $1.75 Al the best males and fully--arn ,l MICIGAN PINS ANDI)7013S 25c up to $5.00 FiINEO WATCHI REpAIRINUi A SPECIALTY. Watch lIpector for the Ann Ar-hort'alrohad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN Sr. Btrach: 304 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY cf SmoersieArticles. Faorte nee ten ...…

November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…AtICHICAN bAfLit No%_22-" iil dIii ~iii e Conern- Wiher xvwil )on I il e atist-ot in; hetnSbyRabi uci Ol4 A Ierc1Hih Cadse pitchl tn the real t iclslite, to be tre 7*L. F RNIHE Hig erh ass Th l,,, e youthl ow fashiin astie - FURNISE S j jPopular Prices 1jam )1- 01 oxiIill I It listanoriiii ii the 4n n (hauerniLatest Styles--Regal Shoes-See Otir $5 Boot C olege Clothes"is2aphrae xwhich fals field. LiDirectly North of Law Btdldingt rippinigtyf...…

October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…TheMichIgan Daily ANN .ARBOR, IMICHIG'AN, WESDA ).Y CTIy)Ii]"R 22, 1q07.N.25 VOr.. XVI.. r0. 2 5. BOARD OF REGENTS MAKES A SWEEPING CHANGE IN ATHLETICS Board Votes Unanimously to Reorganize Present Board of Control and Create New Governing Body With Two Student Members Chosen by Faculty and Alumni Representatives. ei aut o t ttlnifabot i ml ri lieit nih 'ilo ll t ii s l rng a Ian Chanttge ill the personelft he f Athletic t rack teamn was ...…

October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…MIC1416AN DJAT G. H. Wild Companly The Largest Stock to the City of Exclusive Stylesi WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Sui, Overcoats, Fancy e. tin s andI Trouserings and of high clss fabrics and speciat styes. Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. IH. Wild Company 31 i South State Street If You Play Class Football this year we want to remind you gently that you can find the best line of football pants, jerseys, guards, shoes a...…

October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…ThR MIC tfCANIDAIL5Y We havejust neeied a filneof SQUIBB'S SPICES In Oiginal Packages Squibb's name on anyartiscle means ABSOLUTE PURITY satifactory than or'dinarysssslss gosods, ohich even sethuhthley are not adultera"ted are'so'd0to los their siresit. Tr'teman b QUARRY'S Coe- S aft. i ,t S.Ae Money Loaned On WatchesDiamons. i rBoks orsothseperonalipr ory Watches and TJewelry repainred. Bargains in atelcs .kDiamionds Office at residence3'1E....…

October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…T149 fl MiIGAR DAME_____ . Special Offer Ten full size packages of For Only $1.00 This is heAsormet Santol Tooth Pow~der 25C Sanitol Face Crea..m 25e Sanitol Toth Paste 25a Santtol Liquid Antiseptic 2t5 S.anl Bath Powder 25c Santol Tooth Brush .35c Sanitol Shaving Creme. . 25c Re~gularoetail prie . $270 Ifx^ icl o urtoets o daywewl e l o u W .oaalyoref he SitolCopoanysra ir oc ftns tadr oie rpaain In using Sanitol coupons cut from magazines...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…71 M Jet -+ V v y i 4' ", ^, ..i u V t j 1. : .. v U - ., 4 . t7, 'J 1: -1; 7- --- -.- A , _ : "- Ste - J. f 7( I "'t " ,_, ,"+ r .may r .1 vJ, ',+ ' if ""' . l ' f r^ ""' 'J '-. ... V , '' ! - '- _ _ . V Y , -! ., r r, J. n r ; J' r., , !^ M ," r; ., V 1 1 l~" , t. 4 u C: , n n ;, y s Y J n r r,. n J. '", y l ~' f;, y ,. W . r. v." :-n c ^. 7w n ^: a:. r~ r. K .. ^z "' ^ n" J .. . J ' u ys 7° ' 4- :i ,, _. i r " .,+ i '+" k C I .. v I i...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…New S prilig 6. illB Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors Our work is doue by oief the leaditg metropolitan en- gravers, assuring you the latest stles as well as care- ful attetion to the smallest detail, which constit les ele- gance in engravedl work. Price per 100 Cards, and Plate: Script . . . $ 1.25 Roman . $2.00 and $2.50 Old English $2.50 and $3.00 Additoal arC.d at 7c pr 100 Leave orders now ant have vouer work (on...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…TE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorillg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CDN' 106 EAST HVRON STREET i AT MACK'S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN ARBOR Every one is made of the $1.50 raI of od.ill OAf T T U,1, at- v, ached or detaehed ia lain a wideasotmre f iii vI e:4.I " vr ize ade. M.ACK en Co.* TUC FARMERS AND MICHAICS DANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, SurpiuandaaProfits, $611,"0 lioes a uiivserali B...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…THE MICYIT AN DAILY Alarml Clocks Break o' Day ~~ 75 c Signal, ....89C Persian Lawn -29c 151w. hig 1Lr<,,'h -t -l ate 29C Shandon Bells Toilet Soap Il,.4-<k,. - owoi 19c a Box i .. . PEANUT- ]Fresh Koasted, b.r - 1 Oc' We buzy In oar-load lots and roast dally. DEAN e(a CO.. Ltd.. 214 S. Mall" St. i :AFND AR. 722 111- \\ii II i J. P17ii t15 I. 'Nil 17'7170i1II ,S _ 1l i,1 l ;1 1}j llI,11tal .c ti ?f fa l i 111105 II t ( }Iil I 4 1 i...…

March 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN \kl lft kH( IaIi \\ \\, f' II 2 AR H 2, (,) VOL.. XVII. No. 1 6. SPIDERS AND FLIES AIM TO BE SPECTACULAR G~arrels-Coe Meet will be Bitterly Contested-Many New and Unique Features. In Potinltattttt o 7tt t ad irecord-atta t- th nor ic t ofthtttIis taand -cyta-i t exe t it estiona ti erGaret meto iatya.Theecteeti athltic it cl:t gat ing te tt i th sirt tf ig t i tttir at ttttt Roth attcre iclined tibelieveithatlth m rce...…

March 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…... t to rn "-= ;r. r. r .-.. ."'+ .-+ J C f"D .r r :5.. fD .o /°* w . fG r* + .' .+. .:+ r-h Polk. y x a 0 ro /V fie J r; 3 tC ' 'JY .r n 'r, = ra w ' _ Y7 VMi ('v r AM O0MM) G - -.. _ ' . Z r. - , ; .,, cn ,. e, low. Poh f L~ -o m r s a T - i = _ _' _ _ w .. .- - - z P _ ,^,, w (" i '"S t G I n. V f V _". p! ' r ' ; ,. _. . __ ~ a ' . . 7. . ,. v A y "'t ..j r "^ _ +.+ 4R f 77, .y 'n _".' ' ri' « . S . , ... " Q ' ... y 'I- ...…

March 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THlE NTHrll tEADNILYE i. Ir Samf BrcfldsFine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CD. 106 EAST HURON STREET i C I i HAVE YOU SEEN4 THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (t CO. THlE FARME[RS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STRF...…

March 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…T1 %THENC'HIH\ N DAILY Eastei Coods bteautiful Eiaster Post Card; at 1 cent each. A large assortmntt of Chick- ens, Eggs, Rabbits and Novelties at little prices. Candy Easter E.ggs, 10c per pounld 50001 Copies Sheet nlusic on Sale= at 10c per copy. iIOG'S Iloin1c Supply Store. Occidental Hotel VWe Ceer to Btanquets, Etc. HIixsol nuchi - Ypsilanti D.. Y.. A. A. Ca J. RAILWAY i G F i Walnut tchocolate Candy The 40c Kind for 20c per lb. DEANM...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…(77 r ' 7v .' !i _ 41 r v G m ca T 4 _ 'n (^ - J C _ ,y r J 74 J n r r' _ _ S C) x > Oa r, - "+, t' r (: .4 ." ... r' i tom'. " . . . J "l f. ' .t .. ." 1., O 2 7. r -" "" ., . r 7 N N r. bR _ _ JC r Ji - . - - " hh Z f^ - J /^ 7 _ n 1 - % - / .. lam: u.. n. . ... . .... -" _ _ - .r - - _ 071 !, t7l r° mm G7 ''CJ M CO r r mom; m ,-- c _ . f ^: s, v s. '_ ;' ", W - r v 74 - . r: " "®= e . P r _+ a+ _ " , u ..Y ..m ... _.. . -- ;,,, ,, ', ,-,...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…NIew S prillg Woolells 1907 6. U. Wild Co. 311 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, you'll find the largest s to ck and the best selec- tion at SHEEHAN & CO.' The Students Bookstore Money Loaned On Watchs1)i mod"sL. os, or othr persoao prty c. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains ia Watches.& Diamonds Office at residence 3m Et. Liberty St An Arbor...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1? Samu Burchfield's FEne Tailorillg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHEIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET HAVE YOV SEEN THE NEW SPRCING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is niow displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in wvhite and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50e, $1.009, $1.50 M ACK eRL CO. i ii I FOR- Ammunition and Fire Arms CALL AT MEUHLIG &...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLOSING THEM OU l Schloodo's Note Books To do this we offer there at 25(1 IDiscount, at HOAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. I Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts lOc per lb. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 3 l bs for 25c 214 S. Main St. ii L 11 I tTNIIVP[.rctTV NOTICFA_ A 1) Sv !) I1tLI VhS 1 1. -N, ~0 1 1r a o P1 ^ ti . Iii e II I, iwn On Q. IM Nis I I ji alnd r.Mai,(_iir tot)cti~~i io1a ,l lIntr ~tr Ar tF ~ ~~ ~iI c r r~l() Pict O ...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…0 The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '\ilf 1,il '1\\ '['~f)\\ \\ jA \s' t 122,1907. \VOT. XVII. t, 4 "J" HOP PLANS ARE NEARLY COMPLETED Novel Features in Decorations Are Vtomsd-List of Patronesses to be Announced Soon. \, thi t'elii~'t ffirrhe J ititl i f) Hog tits s eff ts aketh is rsbl iii" hert ion rcord. tirtig'sr'being I hutee Is yiist tirig te tor ~f cring for fithneitfsmaldtis Of ifie iritigriltnIwhttf icar inti'ssars for :ttid itiii i...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fancy Vestinlg and Trollseringf Win~dow Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. 6. IH. WILD CO. 3 11 S. State St. Our 1-4 Off Sale of Sweater Vests is rapidly clearing up the the stock. If you need one you'd best come in before the line of sizes is broken. $6.oo Ones $4.50 $5.00 Ones $.75 SHEE...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…T lE MI ( LI \ Nb, iDA1I,Y Great Inventoryx-l All Clothing -) -(%ITf SUITS', O]VERCOA TS AND KAINCOTS $25.00, Now $18.75 $22.150, Now $16.90 $20.0-0, Now $15.00 $18.00, Now $13.50 $16.00, Now $12.00 $1.)), NONNv5,1.25 $13.50, Now $10.00 $12.50, Now $ 9.50 $10.00, Now $ 7.5 30t) suits of Btroken Lois, formrir, sold from $10) to $2250, choice at ' w intl f Oiff. .Aii Itrousers at 20(fiDiscount. Xll.utiderax ear t2 ~~oo TH'IS SALE WILL CLOSIE JA...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THEMI HIrGAN 13AILY ANOTHER LOT OF Michigan Stationery at 25c aBox Steel Embossed in blue ink on extra good stock. Every student who sees it buys it. E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET ALARM CLOCKS.. HACIK AND CARRIAGE HIRE is etgrto anti Chapman's Jewelry Store for o 20 S [1-MINt1ot ,lr each trunk 25 Srn haboe the second Its to' t as's ts'jstets~t s' I r si t It )-t'eacitcotuple to and ttl'tti t1 a, 'ts tI t's'ts ,tI,. ,1 A A...…

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