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January 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…MichiganDal VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1904. No. 2 CFIICA6O NEIWS [[TT[R. MICHIGAN MEN IN CONGRESS RI N N W INFORMAL SOCIAL. -_'_e_ II.he Irensession511of(t Conges RAIN _NDSNOW Fratrniy Bolin Leaueerganzedihformner titiento Tonight the 'Young Me's Christian Fraerit Bolig eage rgnizd f icAttilgait IThey are Seator' r- Sudents Inconvenienced by Weather Association will entertain the men of -Chicago Beaten in Debate- itrI ti'...…

January 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ---- _ , ..n, ___. r tvNfNN NNi +P N i. r I 4 Reduction Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINGS AND T ROUSERIN GS on hand we will sell them at reduced prices to make room for our Spring and S u m m e r Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place your order.A t A t , G. II, WILD & GO., 108 f. WASHINGTON STREET. THE GREAT GAME SEXCITING I'U N FOR E VIERYONI SHEEHAN'S DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue ANN ARBOR, 3...…

January 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. dbdeie +.b++~++a .+4,044+..4+ ~:CLOTHING frntx INVEN'TORY SALE xa MARX GOODS f A ; tznd $".5 Suits and Oerceoats it....$20 00 ~ JI I'Alt 1 anud --0Sits ad overcoasts at....1500 The Clothier . A11 $15 is and Overcoats at........ 12 50 + Bt*h sibesiiat Cost '5)Ssssth(Main tre'. tto4 '-ct4~ ~ pj'' t* t . S+.+t~sr*s~ sr~n rI * ' REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS *Dress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress, and Fancy Shirts...…

January 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +Cluett, Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight . Watkins,]- Crown Brand 1 5c Collars for Z rop s ar o 2 S aSt.t -L rndbaveus ca11foryour work. - : Yuswon' istoe"ih 'lcs SDollar Alarm Clocks 4/o L.H. ut'"z, Jeweler, 10 S. Mai St. - -- -AT {Cl1.ies h~ American & Luropean Hotel CO L R CUTTING, RE ER & O riul lolo looo ollo o5 tIol and:1: Uany. i CO L R Trour AARS-AT"HF r13 Eiiei ad-UFS BakrsCollars are Stamped "Linen" S rains and P...…

March 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1904. No. 123 CORNELL MEET. I PROF. WiAILJSN' L[CTURE. WORK IN BARBOIJR GYM. (GR[AT D[BAT. Event of the Year Saturday Evening- In Tappan Hall Today-Expert in Cor- Series of Basket Ball Games-Class Michigan Versus Wisconsin at Ann Ar Mile Run the Great Feature- poration Law Will Discuss Su- Enthusiasm High-Two Meets bor, Friday Evening. Preparations Made for I- preme Court's Decisi...…

March 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Arbor inst U01lc. 25Pullhed duily (oseds y xcped) dug the cos~llge y a i 17.IWsinSgto stee, le (ba se t i;flor, side c este s) lho e 92- r kMANAGIN EDITOR: As we have too large a - EDITORS stock of fancy 1 Athleis, - ItlIEiUTs K. WAT O News, -i - - - J. . BAEYV A.S.~ ASSOCIATES: SUITINOS AND tOliord Seensonss.,]Coy Peetles, TROUSERIN6S A CiPonsd. A. 1. Ortoeye. osieeilsY Kerr, Stsdard S. Mre. Id M.IBrosn...…

March 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ 'I State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHIOFF) WWhere are Wm h Tno. V.Sheehan P~LT W.Arnl Dr V. C. Vaughan N. Jo.gin Kyer Cohn Haarer Yo gin, 1 o.Ko~i Profade. S. CarhartCICC c t. bteeur on St. n& 1leAv. My purettv brank 11.tilaier Christian Marton Poneei 8sat9. Mle IAe maid?'' * I' mu goingI to PENNYCOOK'S, sail. May I go with yon, * My pretty maid?" "If you FbupY slit'sail. For informa tion relative to dancing, or ...…

March 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ruritan Oxt ords See New - Spad Styles Last Arriv- illg Win- Daily dow Ann Arbor Store, 1 I I S. Mrain. [actory-Brockto,2 Mass. CIGARLTIT.S 1rok'n in Turkey. Perfected in ,Egypt. Enjoyed in America. grO0COL SMOSCL IAKLS LCYTTAN SMOKLAS CorkTio. Ploa. Savethe Coupons. COLLEGEIZ BASEIBALL and( all other college sport is folly covered ini text and illtistr-a- tion by5 THR ILLUSTRATVD SrORIvisoN( Nws, which is the+ ONLY public...…

May 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICI., SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1904. WISCONSIN DEFEATED COf"EDY CLUB STAGG HAD IT RIGHT 'Varsity Takes Badgers Into Camp- Produces "Miss Hobbs" Tomorrow Guessed Correctly That Michigan 3 to 1-Pitchers' Battle Between Night at Athens Theater-Many Would Win by About 71 to 55- Wendell and Young-Bril- New Names in Cast Along Three Western intercollegiate liant Playing by With Old Stars. Records Were Smashed Both T...…

May 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. IH. Wild Compay $ = Loading Merchat Tailors Z SPRINGi WOO[ENS 2 For Suits Top Coats and Tosr.Full dress suits *specialty. Let us show you' Iour London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, F dinurghs, Drum - tochty's, McGugors, Londonj and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Ame r-t ican Serges. Please call and see: G. H. 'Wild Comlpally lo0l . WAtlINOTON STRET. SENIOR STUDENTS...…

May 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…HB MICHIGAN DAILY r~UtIn*o ie I~§ DRESS SUIT CASES ____________The nobbiest aud most exclusive p)at- THE LOW-PRICED, ME DIUM AND F INEST MADE ii terns o h h seasou. Cl n see them.Yomafidjs HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES what you've beeu looking for. Ask about - TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES our uew sailor waist trousers-$4 Imud $5' ALL MODERATELY PRICED>_ tihe ouiy perfect, itn peg top paultiuade. JI7 fitn The Clothier,.. M CK rr The Nw sto...…

May 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DlAILY P TYPIOWXnTING J 4 Made to your measure and I Dropsa card to 323 S. Mfins St.rj A FIT GUARANTEED1j -- ___ -0'/ai ATCOQOK IROUMLBL0, .OD ALL [l mdr i n n' ii ! n1 (( Unde r N ew frnagem e 1 . ljI11Ill,, it~/lit (Y IIISChjos givn god for anwhere is.7 7 the house. [ree Luncb.w ., CLOTHIERS, .L~ri[ Hatters and Furnishers. Frost Avaliu Meat MlkCt, Linen, and CUFF 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and Fish in Seasn ...…

October 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michi VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1904. No. 23 WEST VIRGINIA TODAY "rICfIGAN "ENN EN POLITICS REV. CONWLL SPE[AkS Yost's Old School Will Attack His Recent Primaries Brought Forth Four Large Audience Attends Openin Pupils - Lively Contest As- U. of M. Men as Nominees For Number of Students' Le- sured-Weeks Displaces Congressman and Mayor tre Asocia- Garrels at End, of Detroit.j tion. Todisay is1tho'lasl a peaatter of te ...…

October 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY1 .............. "**"**!THIIE 11ICHiIGAN DAILY. SOCIAL SETTLEM ENT WORK *@g~ 4o ~~C E O L -IV tEteediias setetttti -et"tmttet it the Ann Wediesday evening tRithaird Bolt- St d wI -I anrmr1s~mo eivrdt address in Nihewberryfl TO NOT- all an -The Cicaga Cammans"In y t ied t ttde.-it ri-t t c eater)ttiiie ont-he p IrsM heBotaie d t hi nn ,jiat~t ( ( eisliiitids ttn at daY n" i tart "I-l e1i i d:cd ftenn- S a i n r That we are doi...…

October 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…T HEMICHIGAN DAILY Dgo You Know the Game? AT titan can excel int it-i he plays tt rightt. D~rop into otur store. Othei Colees We'll tell vou all about it-pot you text, as it vere: get you ottn the inside -of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there SP[CIAL PRIC[S T11115 W[EK isto 1 it, except tite lalbel-smtall thing to look for, hi ; thing to fittt. htmatad+ttt too oeaet+eda + Vitit u aet adDrpr Dpltip r orevrhing;nedu ~LUTZ, the Cloth...…

October 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 4


November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Th e Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICA., '1 '1'J, DAY, N'OYTEM IOR 22, 1904. No. 49 ESCANBA i". PLtASANI ! PMSS 6ILL SPARS TeStrongest High School Teams in Dean of Barnard oCle ge in Acdres Mri~.n ~ l Btle fr te at Sarah asweli Angell Ha it, State Ch arpionship Here on Refers Indirectly to "Room- Turkey Day. toig House Problem.' 1 t I fotballriihad litlettloileco frttil, n tier tiltis te r Ilt'ii ri. tttrt Insualy 'I I Er te c m ium e ts...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGILN bA IL? E W EWOULDIHAxVE -..i f(, L i+Anl()~ II~ i h (llr~ YOU TO70KNxOW the lxiix.iibrr ulxiitiiix o . xx ''it 11 V 4 t i xi.iii i ilytxxtil (x(xi lrxlt I e std n d li ldsxxiiiI- Lx ( *t.> * (r. u( 112 I.. \:ii t1 ii e . (' Iz(S II('i ' 1 1(''1 (r tW1 I f 31:ttx t i-lit if)+)r.,i, x eiiii( 'E t))xi .1 lor Tha wtxtxe .are Ging ii x ll0xi "i t xi f r in-lbooks..3.1iIS'AnowlIl)tto *~~~~~~ : Busxiess Manager, CLAUDElixA. ITnoMPON.N l...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILT ++++++++++ OVEWCOATS a 0 Tlhtrt u z s e made a better, nor a moure liiterx edis olo artitOVRC AT than HART'iSCiiAset- d".x E& IMAC N-*rs o- ;long, loose, comnfortable, with a st}-Is of its owni and a quoality look about it that niakes a man think owell of hinmself every time he pots it on. See tlheni before buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. a+ w Is I OF "+.Money Loaned,,,. COs Vidli t ley )i i oshJew( iiry W. J. L...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…,.41 THE MlcH bOAN AILY ~4,***~***,****,****.* ~*,,***************4** WAN, BALL P H 0 T'O"GR.APH EF. I. Study with a Uood Light 'MIE~WIS'I lA I] H READINGi LA MPI ALL 51 01.115Al AL i l'l CI:.l 'i'Ii IInnArbor G(I I CAnptjj S aldn's Official let olol~, lo S 1Usd byAll .Leig {olo'l10 FootBallians r01' r A. .SPALMSN6 &IIOSInc, 'IN EVERY HOI New Yok Cicaoo Denver 1111 1 HA L, BATTI Apalding 0 fficial Football hGuide iA 9,Uand Points East Fr1904 ,...…

December 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily vol.. ~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904. No. 70) SONNENSCHEIN LAST. PLANS ARE COMPLETE. HISTORICAL RECITAL. UNION PROSPECTS BRIGHT. 'gan Draws Last Place in Order Various State Organizations An=! Mr. Albert Lockwood Gave Firstj Enthusiasm is Everywhere Shown of Speaking-Good Prospects nounce Final Arrangements- I Historical Recital Yesterday- for the Proposed Michigan Club for Another 1lichigan Special Trains a...…

December 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…114XMICHIGAN DfAILY ".. THE M1CHIGAN DAILY. W E WOULD HAVE:f Fiter aseconid-classimattr atthe Ann " YOU TO KNOW *I yei-aitI.nuhoge t ~ Publshed d iaily (Monday excepted) durn te * :*told nPhone 592:;nw P'hoe i6. That we are doing business at : Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. OU"NWSTRE Business Manager,CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Street Athletic------------ CLYDE L. DE Exchangs........... Joeph Y. er- Wo men ..... Ida M. Brownrig Tha...…

December 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…*, 4 ,; THE MICHIGAN DAILY l'w'iti'4+N}'p}1".3^Y*'1tiyf°i Ttl Y. IBC 1 f i'T 1^ Op q. ol- .1 01 .< 0 utof t1, lattesaon you ti' 1%.11PI12011T 1 Of' - all UVlItit;AlTS. 'This includ(1s Hart, Schaffner .00-1ar ke11. lone, lo3ose11. s1tylish g armons. All $24.00 as~d $25.00 OVERCOATS ro $20.00 All $20.00 a e~d $22.00 OVERCOATS now. $17.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS now'. $15.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS now.. $12.00 All $12.00 OVERKCOATSno $10.00 OOPN"T WAI...…

December 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THIS MICH IlUA N DAILY . , w .r 3i+ .. 'l S. 'n 3/. 1C J, 71' . J, .r %t S. %l \ )[ 'jylAj [ " T' yl C. THEHWELTBACHRADINGHLAMP Th hAnernbtr lgs Company. :L Walk-O-v Shoe Compan' 111 South New Shipment of Dress Shoes iand oxfords Call and see our new But- ton Oxfords, all patent kid, very light sole, four S button, very fine for danc- ing, and the new ske-toe. Ter: ZMain St. o t Spalding's Official Iotercollegiate FOOTBIALL toed hy All Leading...…

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