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July 22, 1928 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… WEATHER Probably showers; cooler. ( , P im ummrr t . tt FiOtt :43 a ilij MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS$ VOL. IX, No. 25. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUI&Y 22, 1928 0 PLAYERS TO PRESENTI "THE VIKINGS" HERE' TOMORRO, TUESDAY ALL SETS WILL BE PAINTED IN LIVING LIGHT BY COLOR ORGAN MOORE TO BE AT ORGAN 'iss Kelly As Hjordis, Henderson As Sig'urd, And Bohnena As Guninar To Play Three Leads In salutation to the centennial of ...…

July 22, 1928 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- ofFice, as second class, matter. Subscription by carrier, $r.5o; by mail, $1.75...…

July 22, 1928 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Ti4RER PAG.T.R_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ i FOOTBALL CANDIDATES ARE TALL AND HEAVY Unusual Height And Weight And Lack Of Experience Is Noted On 1928 Michigan Grid Team EIGHT LETTERMEN LISTED Unusual height, more beef than has been seen on a Michigan team in years, and a lack of experienced men and letter men are the first facts gleaned of the 1928 Wolverine foot- ball t...…

July 22, 1928 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1928 :, 28. At Detroit the party will take the regular Put-in-Bay boat. Four hours fl AI I l F ~ AI P I wTiIl be spent on the island. The chief attractions on the island are the U FlI LU [ ib L V L I fl caves and the monument to Commodore Perry. Those who wish_ to go please _________________________________________________________ leave their names with Prof. Hussey, room 3051, Natural Science bui...…

July 22, 1927 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…I' ~Ijr ~'umm~r TODAY'S EVENTS S :1.-Opening performance of "F z e' i rst Play w hue ~Iait~ MEMBER ASSOC LTE D I rOL. VIII, No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927 PRICE FIVE~ CENTS NATIOAL FORESTR STATES THAT GOOD MANAUGEMEN DERIVES YEILD EQUTALING YEAR'S GROWTH s FIRE GREATEST HAZARI Trac'es History Of Forest Legislatio And Creation Of Depar~tinent In The Un ivest The United States has -158,000,00 acres of land devot...…

July 22, 1927 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 04t Oumwr therefore, is a life given in the cause of patriotism. j t Thitbands of 300 brave patriots, then, who fell before the combined Published every morning except Monday forces of entrenched coercion, and uring the University Summer Session by de navi tep osv hi e :Board in Control of Student Publica .ded in a vain attempt to save their ons. nation from the tentacles of a foreign The Associated Press is...…

July 22, 1927 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SPEAKERS FOR ANNUAL NCE AT MACKINAC ISLAND 'kindergarten Workers Tour Europe To Establish And Gain New Ideas (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON.-Although the kin- dergarten was originated in Germany 90 years ago by Frederich Froebel, it has flourished on a broader scale in the United States than in Europe, and America has been able to "ex-t port" ideas on this branch of educa- tion for a number of years. Nevertheles...…

July 22, 1927 (vol. 8, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY u 0 A !Ll tYeFFICIAl BULLET IN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume VIII FRID)AY, JULY 22, 1927 Number 23 Excursion No. 6: Inspection tours under special guides through the Hotel Statler and, the General Motors Building. This gives an unusual opportunity to ...…

July 22, 1926 • Page Image 1

… (fit r # u mutr ESTABLISHED 1922 I0i t~k Y 4:1Iaitu ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT W1118 SERVICE 4 X7,Tr YrTV .. 0____________ A VUL. XVU. NO. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 vnir nw\r\ New French Premierh SR ~ LuAGUE GIVES TEAmLurnsden Gives Third Lecture uL1uh ll IIII U lVLU ILLUSTRATED TALK ON USESOF AMBER ROUXAMA, SICILY, RURM A AN PRUSSIA ARE CHIEF SOURCES OF FOSSIL HAS SPECIMANS Jewel Cuses~!, Clgaret te ...…

July 22, 1926 • Page Image 2

…PAGE rrWO THE SUMMER MICI AN DlAILY THU1RSDlAY. JULY22.1926 a -Wol 7.1 \ ;/ -' 1L l 111V 1Y :7LL11, J Vlli Ida, 1JNU NowmMmm V u 'unut r OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN { SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session byl the board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news disatr,-hes credited to...…

July 22, 1926 • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY .. .... SupplementaryDirectory List Following is a list containing the names, addresses, home towns and telephoue numbers bf all those students who enrolled in the Uiversity of Michigan Summer session after the regular Summer Directory was com- piled White, Ruth Ann Grad. 1302 Volland Lafayette, Ind. 6870 Whittle, John D. 1331 11111 St. Chicago, Ill. 5517 Wiggins, Casey C. 1220 Prospect Ma...…

July 22, 1926 • Page Image 4

…PAGE VOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY Doumcrguc Calls Herriot To Post - ~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Make immediate arrangements for work to be completed during this period. Miss Reading will be in attendance to answer phone calls and receive orders to be completed on the resumption of work. W. C. Ilollands. There will be a social evening for faculty and students of the Summer Session in Barbour Gymnasium Friday from 8:30 to 11:30. Informa...…

July 22, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

… *'lmmr r . it: I9fl 4:Iaitg ASSOCIATED PRESS DIAY AND NIGHT WIRE BERT WCE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1925 PRICE FIVE o NEL CURTIS OF Values Michigan's O ~ L CURT1 UF Athletic Training XFORD LECTURES [PARES RULE OF HEBREWS TO: THAT OF TRIBE RULE INx PRIMITIVE SOCIETY UTLINES GROWTH s. s That National States Should be Based. Upon Principles of Commonwealth r. Lionel Curtis of Oxford, Eng., :e last night upon "Civitas Dei...…

July 22, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY U Oi ~umer OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor,...…

July 22, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY psey As He Looks Today C~U CLOSES AS a a~ LASSIFIE ADVE~RTISING A PM. Us saA CRIP] 219 South Main St. PEN'S DRUG STORES 723 Northi University Ave. 217 North Main St. LOST LOST-A pair of bone-rimmed glass- es in black case. Name Inside. Finder please call Helen Loomis at 3718 or return to Secretary's office. FOR RENT FOR RENT- House, 6 rooms and bath, modern. Furnished or unfur- nished. 1030 Church St. Call ...…

July 22, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY Mum. +." Drives Timid Ones To Live On Beaches ,, r ti ': . BOOKS...* r New and Second-Hand Text Bo A complete line of school supp -**, / Nrkw~i 7...-, WAHR S ?IVERS] XV17LJR9 ~p OK STC 'IT' p- j 0 Former Student Draws Cartoons James House, Jr, ex-'24L, is now drawing cartoons of the stage and } motion picture world for the New York Evening Post. I While at the University Mr. House was art editor of the ...…

July 22, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…j THE WEATHER COOLER; PROBABLY RAIN TODAY T 4 P 'umrr it tYi BUY A TAG VOL. XV. No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ,TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1924 PRICE FIVE CNTS Fr OYS WILL SELL TAGS FR C ON CAMPUS TODA NEED $300 TO HELP- SUPPORT S. C. A. FRESH AIR INSTITUTE GIVES 500 YOUNGSTERS+ AN ANNUAL VACATION Indian Chief and Squaw Will Offer for Sale Samples of Their Basket Weaving Boys from the University Fresh Air Camp conducted by the Students Christian a...…

July 22, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…PAGE2 TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1924 J OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at the postoffice, ...…

July 22, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH8E Where Brazilian Revolutionists Hold Ground Ilb Mt . CGA R R I CK Pop. Mat. Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 25c & 50c Nights 25c - 50c " 75c and $1.00 91h Week i~th Season TE BONSTELLE COMPANY in the A merican Historical Romance "The Awful Mrs. Eaton" 2nd Week Owing th his Big Demand FRANK McGLYNN, Creator of Role of Abraham Lincoln, PlaX s Andew Jackson NEXT WEEK-LEAH KLFESCIINA I IRVIN...…

July 22, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY "TUESDAY, JULY 22,_1921 Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Office of the Summer Ses- sion until 3:-30 p. m. (11:30 a. n. Saturday). Volume 4 TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1924 Number 207 Students of Public Health: Mr. Newell Edson, of the American Social Hygiene Association, will give three lectures on Social Hygiene, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, J...…

July 22, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…I ( l4Polummrr I!3&I AND WARMER T!ODAY AIV' ~i aill ASSOCIATED I PRESS DAY AM) NIGHT' WI SERVICE e..:_ I ','r, "" ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1923 PRICE FIVE OSTON PROFESSOR. Ni UNIE~TE British Control In India And The Reforms Of 1919 Mustapha Syed is a student in tie Summer esicon, a native of India and a former student in Patna univer-isty, Patna, India, and the University of Illinots. , In the following article e...…

July 22, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…EWSPAPER OF THE Y OF MICHIGAN ER SESSION morning except Monday r session. Associated Press. The As- exclusively entitled to the on of all news dispatches not otherwise credited in local news published here- at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,] as second class matter. *ion by carrier or mail, $t-so. Ann Arbor Press Building. iication3, if :signed as evidence of , will be published in The Suntner the djcre ion of thee ditor. Un- nn13 ii loons -will r...…

July 22, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… ALS IN NEXT TITLE BOUT II AT THE THEATERS Screen-Today Majestic-Jack Holt in "A Gen- tleman of Leisure." Orpheum-Nazimova in Ibsen's "A Doll's House." Wuerth - Barbara LaMarr in "Poor Men's Wives" DALTON-LABORATORY TO BE SUBJECT OF LECTURE Miss Helen Parkhurst of \the Chil- dren's University school of New York City will speak M'onday afternoon in room 208, Tappan hall, on the Dalton Laboratory Plan. The lecture prom- ises to.. be of grea...…

July 22, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…,M E R. MFA_-R ~i1IAN DAILY j Kcal Professor To Speak On POI7LIGHTSTFIKEE WAF1922 British General Election f ' hIOO NW C 4:00-Open how.',e at,1 H11? rN:rI E-T BIN 4 to 6 o'clock. TiUtRSI)AY )LOINDXV U <, spir two dlays, the niaur,6ers 10:00a.mi.-l1xiii.t tiQ i l ihesotlight yesterda~y declared pices of the National Chid \ 11(1tai 'Apet lokd xeeinl associq.tion. Continues 4th>roughout is*loke'exeedngl the e~ek Se~nd loor Aluni Mrn-aced by...…

July 22, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…Ci4r O'ummtr I" AND COOLER TODAY lii :43 ,a t PRESS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ? No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MTCHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1022 :.. 'r WHERE MIN 'Ai UCATIO\N WOUL MLE NEAR EAST 'RDBLEMELSEY JLTY MAN REVIEWS PLIGHT -. OF ASIA MINOR IN - - LErCTUJRE -. ERICANS ARE ACTIVE-- _RELIEF EXPEDITIONS Religion and Low Mentality - Have Hindered Settlement. of Problem - te. hope for future of the prob- in the Near East lies in educa- -in the a...…

July 22, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…11 III u D -11 il AL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ished every morning except Monday duiing the Summer y the Board in Control of Student Publications.: MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively ehtitled to the use for re >n of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise in this paper and the local news published therein red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ier. cri...…

July 22, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…W'W L " A" U* '.Iy# egard Advantages ARFIELD ARRIVES TO ASSUME DUTIES z America do not atages," said Asha d., in an interview r is the only wom- She d Master of Arts from the Univer- y of Calcutta and is now working! a degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I believe in co'education. In In- , colleges for both men and wpm- are under one administrative de- rtment but their classes are , en- ely separate.," "Social Aspect Overemphasized" .. Miss H...…

July 22, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…1 p. m.; arrive at 2:35. Trip -about 4:30-5 p. m. 5 p. m.-"Bridge Construction. lustrated). Prof. L. M. Gram. ends University Geologists In Kansas Secure Skulls Of Extinct Rhinos L 3 QU11U UO lurday, July 22 ursion No. eight-Detroit uing, and Michigan State' company, Detroit. Arrive Lunch there, followed by ough the telephone con- uts. - Presbyterian students cl for picnic at Wlitmore' u1nday, July 23 George E. Meyers ad- uild class, Baptis...…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…I oetw Ulnhrrizw AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES I A WEEK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920 PRICE VIVE Cl PRIE FVE MICHIGAN OBSERVATORY IS ONE OF OLDEST AND BEST EQUIPPED IN WORLD, i T FOR LE T AM iN BRINVINQ The second night for allowing vis- itors to see the observatory is sched- uled. for this evening. As previOu.3y announced, persons will be taken through in three squads of 50 persons, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, weather...…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

… Editorial Comment ENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. t [ iblished Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. Offices: Ann Arbor Press. Building, Maynard Street. - Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 244.' OFFICE .HOURS: 30 to 12:oo Daily; 1:30 to 5:oo Daily, except Saturday. munications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures cessarily to be published in print, but as an evidence of and notices of events wi...…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…La V L \ 1L .1 lie ne became a naturaized citizen of Switzerland, and for several years was E connected with Swiss universities. -U Just before the world war broke out he became research professor in, a ter- ES lin university, and it was there that the theory was given to the world. ' ion in the NaturalI m by W. F. Colby, sics, before a large y members and stu- ner session interest- scientific principle. liscussed the theory ssible without ...…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…Ā£3U licly owned hospitals," Dr. Parnall' said. "These centerĀ§ should be oper- ated on reasonable terms to every citizen. "Every provision for the education of the public in health protection, to- gether with all facilities for the treat- ment of diseases should be available. The private physician should be en- couraged to bring his patients to the center and should be given every opportunity to keep abreast of modern developments in medicine....…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 5

…'ALL IDMEN'S EDUCATIONAL CLUB PLANSMUCH. WORK n width and 1 boulders. >uth and ha table to sp e picnics. will be bui d West hall will not be torn down dur- ing the present Summer session, al- open though its demolition may be started e the in the fall. The Betsy Barbour dormi- corn- tory will be open for use when the in. fall semester begins, and according to' 11 be the agreement made when funds for con- The the dormitory were donated to th...…

July 22, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…- ~- - ~, "ALL COMES TO HIM WHO..- MILLENr ABUSY STO Now for Another W/1hirl1 of v Busy Selling .. .t N 0, NOTwho waits," but who obeys that impulse to purchase a musical instrument of quality. To him comes pleasure and, if he so wills it, pecuniary profit. The'pleasure is a natural result of his ability to create some- thing worth while - in this case, music. The profit arises from his competency to become a member of one of the orch...…

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