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April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…A F I lit3f !oat it PRESS DAT AND NIGHT s SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920. PRICE I LOSE BIGHTS ANTELL University Gets 200 Seats For "Intercollegiate Day" Ball Game STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPORTS Wf- LTER TO Two hundred reserved seats for, the Detroit-Chicago ball game Saturday afternoon at Navin field will be sent' out to Ann Arbor today by the com- mittee in charge of "Intercollegiate Day" for sale among students...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…it those who are taking unfair y conditions in marking their of or [CHIGAN icept Monday during the Univer- ol of Student Publications. ASSOCIATED PRESS xclusively entitled to the use for hes credited to it or not otherwise local news published therein. t Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second mail, $3.50. building, Maynard street. litorial, 2414. :eed 300 words, if signed, the sig- r in print,ebut as an evidenceof 1be published in The Daily at the ...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…- - A t ... p b ' - f., ,. °_ .-' . ~1 ..' A I " ..r... TPN EL TI GAME BASKETBALL NOTICE FOR TENNIS TEAM ed to at Open DAME FOR WEEK ed the plans for Michigan State duled for Wednes- h the diamond in weather threaten- s cancelled early ,d arrangements coach of the Ypsi the game at 4:05 oons if conditions 'future mid-vleek ed at 4:05 o'clock is given. nent of this game will ean that Captain Parks pear on the mound against . s...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…I LIILU The selection of fellows from Amier- ica was made by a jury of univer- rith a sti- sity professors and technical experts. in some Successful candidates will sail from d lately New York in early summer so that nd wom- they may have time to familiarize d human- themselves with the languag and life s of Swe- of-the Scandinavian people before. the according opening of the universities. by the The fellowships for American stu- dation in den...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…I News From The Other Colleges/ iI - I of the meeting at Le two I Lunches Confectionery ,ream, Delicious Sodas lake our own Ice Cream licited from Fraternities and 218 S. Main Phone 166 Notice to Students Desir- iter Professional Schools. /. , Princeton.-Next year's Princeton t fellowship at Harvard has been awarded to Sidney D. Sherrerd, '18. The award was made by the Harvard corporation on the recommendation of the committee on genera...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…do not necessarily need to be held on the athletic field, but as many informal practices as possible should be held in back yards and front yards. - 1 r W. G A. UNNUN PASSES AMENDUEN' Women' IT!L '3to e AI ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:380 a. m. to midnIght Steaks and Chops $14 . State II JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST 113 SOUTH MAIN STREE manager of the to enter a team. have their teams Those that are e asked to elect ately. The...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 7

…rnrecrs nan "arty For fMay 7 0111ill1 III I liI IIaIIIvIII SGaric Detroit "TEA.FOR THREE" WUNERTH THEATRE HALL '1 1 April 23 ORAGIF" T F S 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 . igh; your last ned and re- eason's shape, will look like u five or ten ly high class at Store, 617 1792. Fantastical lanterns are to b4 fea- tured decorations at the first annual May party of the Architectural college to be given May 7 at the Union. Ar- rangements have...…

April 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 142) • Page Image 8

…w nthe Tallring Dr. Butler ,Canvasses Middle West C1 es New York, April 21.-Nicholas Mur-C ii ]O L im ray Butler, president of Columbia uni- gg $1' rNaic versity, and a candidate for the Re publican presidential nomination, left' today witha .party Of supporters for a In an effort to combat the H. C. L. speaking tour of the Middle West. The in general, and the clothing profiteers first stop will be in Chicago tomor- in particular, thousands ...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…RS AND C TODAY I lit4k 4E]ai1e do DAY AND NIGHT i1 SERVICE . L. XXXI. No. 137. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, '1921. PRICE FIVE IRDING REFUsEs- TO MEDDLE WITH GERMAN AFFRS Senior Societies DanceTonight D neBarton Hills Country club will be al SPOTLIGHT OFFERS VARIED PROGRAM )WN URGENT SET AMOUNT REPARATION RE UEST OF U. S. WOULD AID IN OTIATIONS THOUGH1 in Appeal, Agrees to Abide' by atever Decision President May Make...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…bed every morning except Monday during the Univer- y the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS kssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for on of all news dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise this paper and the local news published therein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second :r. iption by carrier or mail, $3.50. : Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. : Business, 96o; ...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…lCl .4- 1 a 'Cf ._.r.r. will , .....' . 3' ! ... . . . r, .; f , . , pI .. , ; C ",' "'i". DRA L HELP RUN S~UM MER CAMPI Joins Coach Mann, of D. A. C., Starting Outing Place for Boys Under New Plans in ence diamond champions for the past three years. In selecting and purchasing the site for the camp great care was taken to have it perfect in every respect. Ah- mic lake is in the famed Muskoka [ lakes region, known as the Highl...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…" " ,. ti 1 11VA ..- -- y - + 1 A rbo r et Iva Stanley's Twenty-Eighth and Last Festival IARECIA BORI Soprano (Metropolitan Opera Company) )SA PONSELLE Soprano. (Metropolitan Opera Company) ALIEN BLOOD- REVIES DYINGHAIIA RACE AMERICANS, PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH, AID (By Associated Press) Honolulu, T. H., April 21.-The Hawaiian race, which with the Poly- nesians in general, has been regarded as a dying people, is being re-born and r...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

…I LI IHT IN (By Associated Press) rlington, Vt., April 21.-Smug- of whiskey across the Canadian r into Vermont will be virtually icted after May 1 to the small y that may trickle in through els, boot-legs, and hip-pockets, in pinion of prohibition agentsehere.- that date a Dominion Vaw limit- ach purchase of whiskey to a e quart becomes effective. While{ and wines, flow freely north of ine, United States officers do not pate any flood on th...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

… 'man women will be enter- a tea dance from 2 to 5 turday afternoon at Martha ing. The affair is in charge ihman women's social com- he Women's league. nents will be served in the nd the S. A. E. orchestra h the music. perons will be: Dean Myra Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Miss Marguerite Chapin, Miss Marion Wood, Miss Marion Dawley, Miss Hel- en Bishop, and Miss Eleanor Sheldon. Alpha Nu Neets Tonight in Club Rooms Short speeches by several of th...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

…U UULLLUL. INUIWILIV fellowships in 36 educa- are open to women in the universities of the Unitedl irding to a statement re- he Graduate school from 's Educational and Indus- TODAY Screen Majestic-"The Call of Youth," a Hugh Ford production with a cast of well known stars. Oreadc--"Man, Woman, and Mar- ri'age," with Dorothy Phillips. Wuerth-Cor'rine Griffith in "It Isn't Being Done This Season." Orpheum-Mack Sennett's com- edy, "Love, Honor, ...…

April 22, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

…ra aaV'!a LC'1 m lL 1 OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAYG APRIL 22, 1921. Number 137. rvice .len and Women: 1 students who were in Military, Naval, or other Federal servicedur- e European War and who have not sent in a detailed and complete tt of their service, are asked to call at once at the Alumni Catalogue basement of the Alumni Memorial Hall, and fill out a blank. This s'to all University students, including th'ose who saw service before ng i...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…I 11 itr4h Jut LY IDAY IN4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATtTRDAY, APRIL 22, 1922 ,.. .... _ IICHI6N ILIS ChOPERATORS FAIL SOUCITORS NAMED oSeMT u # ~ ~Nelvberry Movie NgtPorm ; H H E TODAY All plans are complete for the chi TO OFFER Inexpensive souvenir programs movie, "A Girl Named Mary will be sold Cap night by the Veter- T N starring Marguerite Clark, which Is to '-----anS' Memorial association to aid tn be given at 10:30 o'clock this m...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…TO FRESHMEN Y 1%; ning except Monday during the University ontrol 'ofStudent Publications. $ THE ASSOCIATED PRESg s is exclusively entitled tos the asrnter i dispatches Creted i r netOherwise ad the lical news yublished th...ia. oge a A Arebor cMia a seo"i Jer or mall $3.5o" Press Building, Maynard Street. iba ; Editsrisl, 2414. to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sign- 11pear in print but as an evidence of faith. 1 be publisheA in The Daily...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…TIVAL NOTES ;, OL to. 1e I I T Illlli I r 1 , i produce enough great dra- our own use. ett said that he thought the hool should not only train r the dramatic work, but uild also train them to ap- d to understand the great so doing it would not only idents trained in this work, d also stimulate all classes .. In the s e Points to Harvardf g "Harvard university and Carnegie i Institute of Technology," he said, f "seem far to surpass al...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…py 1 And Captain Of 1922 w nine Nine TE Ni2 tii up] erion by th. New nines. ck man, rry Kip-, Paper, who are e game .ottger, lly a d a who bag Hell- y his sport Wol- le to pla a three gainst a time. he rival s after- g in ew has been position mn moved rner, the Wimbles basemen fternoon. have a d record) c' .s quad. '11, 6e op- ied a first with most iompar s Favorably With Those of Leading Eastern Collegiate Net Teams WOLVERIN...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

…4 at. 7Ivania TAKE NOTICE Garbage cans must not be larger than 20 gollon capacity and all free' from water. Glass and rubbish must be kept out of such garbage cans. This is a provision of the City Ordin- ance regulating the collection of gar- bage, The collector is not required to take any garbage from any residence where the above provision is violated. Garbage cans must b accessible at all times. Such cans in the basement or on the secon...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

… r ,... -_- :. . YOU WILL DO BETTERI AT-I To Satisfy Popular f Menu LEMBLE'S 530 FOREST. AVE. U ARE IN NEED O- rD SERVICE THIS ISf BREAKFAST Prunes Cdrn Flakes" and Cream Pork'Sausage Coffee Buttered Toast LUNCH Vegetable Soup hamburg ,Loaf German "Fried Potatoes Waxed °Beans Bread and Butter Apple Sauce Cake do Ck Cooa Milk We are putting out a new product. You will now be able to get delicious Cream Chee In small cartons that will...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 7

….w.... ..... .....w.. . .. NO INTEREST IN SPORTS- .1 .1, F"1' A disappointing number of upper- class girls, particularly seniors, ap- peared Thursday afternoon for the first meeting of the year to consider class baseball practice. This is look- ed upon by the department of physical education as being exceedingly un- fortunate, and as an evidence of lack of class spirit. The small showing may be due to the fact that interest in the interho...…

April 22, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 144) • Page Image 8

…L 001E111 011:SO a. a. Saturday..) IN1 Y, APRIL 22, 1922" Number 144 - and the Arts: >f the Literary Faculty erry Hall. Monday afternoon, JOHN R. EFFINGER, MOTHER OF SECRETARY SMITH DIES IN HASTINGS, MICH. Mrs. Frances M. Smith, mother of Shirley. W. Smith, secretary of . the University, died at her home in Hast- ings on Monday night, April 10, as the result of an attack of heart fail- ure. Although Mrs. Smith had had heart trouble for...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 1


April 22, 1923 • Page Image 1

…I ir4iga* :&datI SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA~N, SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 SubIime Expression of Despair In 'Wallace Smith's Drawings A survey of Mlodern Art invariably; ROBERT LOCKE ht c ofutneny ptun;cines the rib -results itn moch consternation on the ;jaeeasiy ttutberc. arraws of part of those of no whose time has wore01osco oelty crt ot ott heen taken hy things other than ttte treatmentof the utually glrifiedt haitds and feet are sight...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…___ ___THE MICH1-TGAN DAILY d V P1611W 'to VG'i'Iniversiy Jeetres Tomorrow and Tuesday VyOJH(ERIS ADVOCATE t1' CLEANUP i IN LITICS litician, lawyer, and jo rnlist among the varied vcations of y H. Curran,who will deliver two ersity lectures tomorrow and sday. lie has occupied many po- lI offices in New York city, taught he New York Law school, and ten numerous articles for publi- a. present his articles on "ohn Cit- s Job" are running in The ...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 19235 Mr. Kreymborg, The Broom, and Baseball Mr. Kreymborg haa been lauded and' cursed and pitied by his audiences. They have unhesitatingly pronounced' him a charlatan, a lunatic or a genius. His work as an editor and writer nt modern literature, fauous ott twc. contineitts, was sufficient herldry. Io prepare me for anything and every- thing in personal eccentricities. But Mr. Kreymbhorg is ju...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…TSHE' MICHIGAN DAILY ~E$ IN 'INN FAI Elections for officers of thle Wom,-,en's league, tho Athletic association, and the Y. W,1 C. A. will take place from1 8 'to 5 o'clock, Tuesday, in University' hall. All University women may vote fop league officers, no registration be- ing necessary. 'Votes for Athletic as- sociation c-ucers are restricted to muembers having more than 100 lion- or points, and only members who have registered may vote...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUN DAY, AP'i.RIL 22, 1923, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRER 'MUSIC AND Orchestration of Poetry MUSICIANS NORMAND LOCKWOOD ifr In the teaching of poetry the pro- merely say, "tonezix your attenton ,- SCtIABIKE fessor experiences difficlties that p po the 'cello"; or should the de- Because of the novelty of his idiom to thin time have not lent themselves moure woman stdet confess her III- it is a difficult matter to assess Scra- to concrete ex...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE MICI UGAN DAYY , ... ,; ..... [AL AEWS'PAPER OF THE ERSVLY OF MICHIGAN d every morning except Monday University year by the Board in Student Publications the ones who were selected. They, too, are worthy, and yet were outdis- tanced in fair and worthwhile con petition. These men must carry on, for it is only through their aid thn; the new managing editors and busi- ness managers can hope for success. To the men who have gained appoint...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 4

…G ir Omr aH FIMICHIGAN -DAILY,' SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 A Poet Writes A Novel T7T. A i'tT1'(rT? A 1771 her 141F.,<-..,,,t r .,a,... ZbAU1ittA1UIt 1)bySUMaxwell Bo 1. ROBERT LOCKE Finally they strike upon a propo- helm. CokI-McGee, Chicago. $2.00 sition which Carl states, "I have a There has heen quite a lot of dis- ing good, so far as I can see, is just through the city and into the country, prosltlition to take to you,' ch ig cussion, i...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…THE MiCHIGAN DAILY_______________ Bra) hms-Roses Threce. original plates. of the Metropolitan committee is still making reservations M USCVA lBrahms-Gypsy Song. m1useum by John Zwerkoff, Detroit at its office in Detroit, Cherry 7204. 71/ 1 I7fTA~c" Dralims-Serenade,.i ar~;st. Mrs. F. Youngblood, a. re- i_________ -----Y-LL.L L ~-- nownedi theatrical costumer of Cfi-' A3[PBELCII SPEAKS BEFO)RE sago has designed the gowns for the l IDETROIT' ...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 5

…S NDAY, APRI . 2,1,THE'MICHICAN DAILY Two Weeks of Campus Dramatics Before Easter I had a friend from A REVIEW BY ROBERT BARTON snorted-or a satirist and a genius, the north visiting me for several who although he plays in a quiet weeks. Being from a lonely frozen to a Tarkingtmn comedy. Somehow interpretation can ho pardoned as Long minor key, nevertheless has a distinct village at the end of nowhere it was tIhere has grown up on the campus a...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .° , r u -'-- ................... . : .. , .. v.. .. ,: II I BETS I F IRS rt American R H E Detroit ..:.....16 16 0 St Louis '........1 14 5 Dauss, Moore aid Bassler and Man- ion; Wright, Bayne, Elliot and Sev- Sered. Washington..............6 9 2 Philadelphia..............4 16 1 Zachary and Gharrity; Remmol, Og- den, Harris and Perkins.I Isbell, Bowien. DavFi an#1 Rc-aricli Four _-1ile Toa-f' t o o ~ Dralie Mee...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGER SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY ', UNIIAY, APRIL 22 1923 tary of labor Davis:-the Democrats, not seem to be cognizant of the tact. one realty constructive idea contained lie assumes that anyone Can rise if he between 111e covers is that of the works hard and doesn't listen to re- Mr Mooseheart School of which Mr. Davis fornmers. Mental testers will hardly the originator and fond supporter, agree at this point. There are limits X T M_ I Somet...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 7

…THE MICMtGAN' I LY . .._. SIFIE TH IS COLUMNI CLOSES AT 3 P.M. A DVERTI SING . :._ NOTICEs Thle followig Box Replies are at the Daily. Office': 12, 18, 10, DM, .PDU, BA, BC, Jak~e. "YOU TELL H ER, I STUTTER" and "W'AY DOWN YONDR IN NEW ORLEANS"., by the Cottn Pickers. STOFFLET~ PHONO SHOPS, Nickels Arcade and~ 110 'E. Washington. T ~ OR SAlA* -3. FOR, SALE-Large beatiful lots on Woodside in Buell's subdivision. 85 x140. $3,000. Among ...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNIDAY, APRIL 22, 192'3 THIS MICHIGAN DAILY PACSE SEVEN of Labor. It is possible that he is an excellent man at settling labor dis- putes. But it he is, it msust isv a fortoitous circumtalnce, totrisulging fion: Iis hook;, it is hsardl to conceive a osan in Ihis position who shosws lesa comprehiension of tse omental social says ofthIis hook: "Not for a long While has a single volume .ot hiso- gr' phy or ot history appeared svhich is so s...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 8

…7.39.-Freshrnan band meets In a'- IPH tRMACI .S J y I i R ° ¢ semly allofthe Union. p ( [4 TA T nn1 I 1' %W .91 " I ot7'mAA. nll-.tpI ACU1,T YM MB __ E MIC__GAN__A.. i±ingzer will Ie the guest of Strati Don 1)roo'ks, '96, president of thf nvrsity. H;e expects to return about Nam W H A I ~iU I'4 ~jUIN meets in room 302 of the Union. __________________7.30-X-lpba Kappa Psi meets in room -Copy for this column should 7 :30--Adelphl -meets ...…

April 22, 1923 • Page Image 8

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 ._._S.DAY APRL_22r192 "ARISE BOURGEOSIE!" As the inertina, dissolves in hyster- icaI ensthusasmiC,,eitmagina ry'scene Consiiened frtrs's??1 anovertalkedl by ihercsin-, iroit'a--hotThe stikie baa been overwvorke=.ifades aaym. Thi:eravings; ware bhi c5 _ ofclasses, so we inut be thes rat; the lotk-ou net diibioriklistbave Think of the tiay,,Alen the heea of t a imindl driven to revolt lass ,...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 9

…40 Ai Atop att. Sec Two 0l sl o gli a m iln I 1 1 " " .. _ ,. _ ... . - . - , , - , . . . . 0 . , , n a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 PRICE FIVE OL. XXXIII. No. 145 Dramatics And Emotions Play - DAYTIME STUDY IS BSTI Important Part In Classroom BUTSTUDENTS DISAGREE Perhaps one of the most interesting "Dramatics and the lesser emotions and understanding to the teacher topics to a college student is the one play an im...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 10

…0f Mr FUND R U ,4 P I '01 u1S iPAWN" THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as> well a,5 in Canada, Hawaii, Italy,]---profit of 110. Tis 'is the !Conltll V l AITILES TO iBE .ipIndia, Japan, China, Korea, Mexico, !NHAY 21ff Nyear the soplhomorewoem en 11av( epi-I) 1 t I I EA111001 Bc',g ni flfUNe eaad tePhlppnsI 1fed money fon- the TLeague in th1i nway i h g n L a uPuto eRico and ,C nsth Piolp e Is r w r r tr irai n s e , onu seariln z e C hl...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 11

… II; cfa t ::- t ti - _' ,; N 1i z. a 0 0 0 * v '.4 wJ C) Cl-' i54-.' C"W C C) 444C , CCC')4 C7 C) C)v; r C) . CC C ry -~ *~44 c3. 0 i 5~)C) r 3o SG t 45 N -cb 4 .. fS Y y ;d . Hi ')-C ~~C4O )C)-C -a y4 *r. .I - J C) 4- toC) rCC 0 ~o ca oo0 a3 S;4 ~C)W)C) ) I ~fl~C"CC-4x C" d3 '-- C)a' f-4 0 4 ., 0 0cd Cf C" v0 .' c ., -i N .., C) : u m 4 2 .o o "-'.moo-' 4-4 p ) c ODC) d v r 0 tia ui O M4 .3 ' J J ti 7 2 . G7 4-3 Q) z, CO" 0Cs 5.4 'C...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 Mr- Kreymborg, The Broom, and Baseball 777 of Labor. It is.possible that. he is an says of this book: "Not for a long excellent man at settling labor dis- while has a single volume of bio- putes. But if he is, it must be a graphy or of history appeared which fortuitous circumstance, for, judging is so attractive as Prefessor Stephen- from his b...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 13

… SUNDAY, APRIL -22, 1920 THE MICHIGAN- DAILY PAGE THRE - --" !~~~~~~~the sbatniecncosesw Oirchesratio~n o ,roetry enhance the wisdom of the: philosc NIUSICD A NK D for the contemplation of prosodist IUSI CIAN 5N RM N OC W O rhetoricians, and for the slaves -_________ literary criticism. In the, teaching of poetry the pro- merely say, "Jones, fig Your attention SCRIA 31 E fessor experiences difficulties that up uipon the 'cello"; or should t...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 14

… ~* '. " -'~ - r.. JUGI:FOUVR:M, TM I . D LY SU~hbAY, APRI~L 22, 1923 SVN DAY,, AltAIL, -2 2'Y"I 9 TI-lE MIC-141 RN DAJEY A Poet Writes A' Novel BLACKGUARD, by Maxwell Boden- ROBERT LOCKE . Finally they strike upon a propo- helmCovll~.M~eeUbicge. 2.0 sition which Carl. states, " i have a A !propae, hiag. 2.0osition to make to you,' he said. There has been quite a lot of dis- ing good, so far as I can see, is just through the city a...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 15

…THE MICIGAN DiAILY i «. p~J IN RI CHUROHEI pan ese Paper 4 Has staff Man MACK'STO SHO SUMMER STYLES' Classifies Persons f fi igh brows j hur'crs that arec round and sloping.I muscles. The trunk is~ incl "' ElongaiTh flub s are not long but stocky long and full, not constricte( a r qt-ty ^otb a ws' 1, rlJ 1 hones "and(lthick, short in: at the waist." (CoQntinued from Page One)~ everlasting" (From the Daughtero ~Jarus), Mr. Wheeler;...…

April 22, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 145) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r T____ , AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ilicatlonkin the. Bulleatn ts construetive notice to all members at Unikversity. Cody re% elved until 3:.10 (11:30 a, . ai rdy mine 3 S8t-NDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 xu be r 1451 rsItyr Leasure: r'ofessor Antonio 0. Solalinde, of Madrid, and for the year a membe staff of the Department of Romance Languages, will deliver a let n Spanish on the subject, "Las obras menores de Cervantes" in ti r...…

April 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 146) • Page Image 1


April 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY nlri rriare the onl on s w o c n sop uch iff ren al mni mag zin s. r. haw Cherbourg, April ?l.-Russian rnii- I W HO arethe rjactionsho aandopifchtheyffrarealuloyalazito. MicSa- atios aldio. apypoeinted.tochairman1 oflo aapginedntsirfleeing ganBolshevismh hei whohohltie i~ignand to what Michigan stands for committe of five on advertising and been employed as :tevedoes "hile 1f i ith out investigation." New York it t atnda...…

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