March 22, 1924

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March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…r t a ai 11 MEMBIIER WESTERN CONFE EDITORIAL ASSOC ..________________________ U-- EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, _ _._. ;.: o Junior Girls' Play Better, Than Opera, Says Mr. Cowles The Junior Girls' play, whatever else may be said about it, was certain- ly much better than the Opera. The scenes which were merely intended to be beautiful were no miore so than EXPECTS those in the Ope...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

… 4 _., rl Ambassador To U. S. Capitol _ 1113113 RJerone(ntiol in Present X19lA I awing a recent visit Lo the U~ni-j of Illinois in which he investi- heir physical education system, Tad Weiman has prepared a ro- of the present curriculum of hletic coaching courlses here. e ,ised curriculum will be pre- to the faculty of the physical [on school at their next meet- Mich~ will probably be held somec ext~ week, revisedl outline of the athleti...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ....r ... ... .. .W... .... . - ~ - - _ _ __... _, ., .' C ..C"" ' .. ... r /. THNTRHOUSE . GNIEN L.EAGUE PRIZE' Pleasure Loving Shah Is Facing Loss Of Throne, Westin aster house has been award-1 dthe rize of.$140 offered by the Wo- men's League to the organization con- tributing the best .idea for 'a plan in- ." ng, the whole' campus to1 make mWonsy forthe beneftof the Unvesity dfl chlgan League building fund. Th...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…APER OF F MICHIGA ing except ear by the 1( cations. Conference 1 j at Dartmouth by an dents themselves, a make good reading THE dergraduates and th A N gan. According to Monday ever, most of the oard iii hieved in buildingI tude on moral quest Editorial were brought about' . tic and friendly att ely en. uty, which he prais all news of the article quote Ethel ie THEN appeal to the stu-.- 11 of which would!R L for both the un- O s A CA e facul...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . Y mosymom 1A- rt C)c 1 XK. 'N r 111111111111 i ._. y - ---- --- rr r" i i This Week End-~ Brandied Fruit Brick Another w eek end special brick - -- one that is sure to Pure Candies are like; good deeds-they make their mark in the world. This is what our candies have done for many years. They plead their own case in every ocj;upation. Each package proves their pur- ity. Why not see that oi ...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i . .N."r aWWl . 1 ""...,. wF . iiCWl u nJ -Is- T TRACL kM GETS REST INDIANA MAT SQUAD EASILY TAKES T lfAP1 CONFERENCE WRESTLING HONORSULI ___ _ ~ - __ __ I APUR S TITL Beta Theta . Pi's victory was the re-0 u aio f t e othernH U .u ftue elimination of the other GC5 teams tha t were entered. Lawrenlce S. Roth «was high man of the gamxe, scoring five field goals, and one foul for a total of 11 points. Kerr, of ...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

…I ri r, . ;, F'YI i1t ICOLUMN! CLOSES AT 3 .M. W WANTED' FROLIC ticket. Address Boa~ are of Daily. SPEIAIL FOR 2 weks only, Ladies orGet Riding boats made to ord-f der for $15. Get your order in at one.rAn Arb~or Custom Shoe Fac- tory. 534 For est Ave. Phone 3043. ONE FRO S1I FROLICj ticket. Call 3277-J. Ask ford "Al".k BE A ~ NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the UeacockPlan and, earn a good. income while learning; we show you how; begin ac...…

March 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 128) • Page Image 8

…I. .A.i l83!"41V bAiL -. .... -.. wM AlLY OFFI CIAL BULLETIN ication in the Bulletin is constructive notico tq all ne'nbers of University. Copy received by t*b* As0.%tn-t( the '?'° (erlt ur~til ) p, m. (11:34 a. w. Saturrlair- ume 4 SATITRI),AY, -MARtC1 22, -1321 Nut in. rI2-4 'mentary Reports: ie time for removing Incompletes andl Absences gromn 'Fin-ation, A.3 s reporting the resulting grade, has now terminated, exce9pt in cases icit ext...…

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