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February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigaxn Dail V"X\'. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUTARY 22, 1905. No. 98 JANE ADDAMS SPEAKS. \NyI:L RtNDC 0 .NASITSINCAC G ,SPEED TRIALS ARE ON. th i!t o t i rilctofeat tet an- Iar nadditionit" in g pactce, Iiih Faou ocial Settlement Worker; tt! i , h nutitntof Ini I theRcy ttit 1,1,t aCt he u il irnain tb.a 1th e Director Keene Fitzpatrick Sends Addresses, Consumers' League on ;c h w ich in iipland for- the 24111 instunitint i in i f ...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…%TTC1IGAN D )AIJ Y, "r r o # IT H El11ZlCH IlGA N 1)A I LIV . *^rtr" as see mid-ciasi.2 ,. t.t~r ;a th Ann ;t. ye r. t 1 i Washi.2.2 o n .treet. a * Mnagng Editor,2J. ST ANLEY IBALEY. BusinessM aage, CLAUDEii A. 22THOM2PSON. a 02.2.1 alA111 I'1L N I N\ S 1)RlNi 1 r: e Hry 222 Andrews r* } ( . Nv F' r224a.. .: I) t A.Wit . Sanord And1the22cr 'tre E. .31 sd ~tto .3 I *~~'tttE. A-* ddress:C L 1Al 1)11A. 'I lO1ll'SON, Busines Ii. It. ~ 'ILanag...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…TI~ MICnII~AN' DAXLV. ________________________________ 4 4 4 I 4444- a...s. .i..s 404 nl"'oJ '.. 44,' ~i~44 4 ' ','"'" } TradeI You the illO wVeaie. F~ .Wei and can +P'r'i'+! t IV V s" v'v I zeld's Fine Tailoring Guarantees... st. skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. earry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ave the agency for Beach . Newel's Custom Shirto. tyou a larve, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-« feet ittin...…

February 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…I-T MTCIIIGAN DAILY. ~j ne Night Out to *I + ___VIA 4:Big Four Route , *From Detroit dTld (UNION 010 N0 II, 11. -: Foledo anid Cincinn tia ti =*No disagreeable T ransfers t+Wrie Big4.Four Agen o I 1sta L. W. LANDMAN, G;eneralAgt). TOLED)O0.,. Collegemen find a ' grateful degree of comfort and service Ia} in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near- ly two million Men. t i1sr+t rr,!itul'lli. Rowe's L au ndry 326 N. 1ifth Ave. S TENO4GRA...…

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