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February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…- -j -V . C, C wrn 74latl]g ' r GERMAN REARMAMENT See Page 4 y Latest Deadline in the State WINDY, RAIN VOL. LXI, No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21, 1951 SIX PAGES Shiel toHead 1U Service Department Seven Units Join In 'Enterprises' The University lias organized seven of its service units under a new administrative department, Service Enterprises, a n d has named' Francis C. Shiel to the position of manager. Shiel, th...…

February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…Tr- -------------- THE MTCHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY,.FEBRUARY 21, 1951 ..v+. . .r s. .n asv a. frig iV Vi 'ederal Authority Reveals teel Cut for Civilian Use The Morning A fter .WASHINGTON-(1)--The' Na- onal Production Authority yes- erday announced a cutback on eel that may lead to smaller utos and dwindling supplies of idio and television sets, refrigera- sargoyle Tryouts ro Meet Today Tryouts for the Gargoyle edi- orial and business st...…

February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… WE.ADNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1951 THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR&E rio Arrested as l. Y. Cage Expose Con tinues ON THE SPOT By GEORGE FLINT Daily Sports Editor A SCANDAL as dangerous to sports as was the 1919 Black Sox affair has exploded in New York-and from this corner it looks like there may be further similar revelations at any time. When the attempt to bribe Manhattan College center Junius Kellogg was bared earlier this winter, there wa...…

February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

… Font THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1951 -- German Rearmament GERMAN REARMAMENT is the biggest stumbling block in the path to fortifying western Europe against the threat of Com- munist aggression. Opposition to rearming Germany comes from three different sources. Here at home liberals, fearing German imperialism of the last decade more than imminent Russian aggression, vigorously oppose the mobilization of German indus- try...…

February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…I I I I . . - . T"M" WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIV Ni ghtclub Opens on Campus; No 'ID' Needed for Entrance 'Little Club' To Provide New Entertainment For Students on Friday Nights at League GAMMA PHI BETA: Coeds' Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. George A. Par- menter of North Muskegon, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth L. Parmen- * * * I The engagement of Peggy Law- will to John S. Ballma...…

February 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

… SUX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1951 Historic Old Landmark Given To 'U' A century-old county landmark has been turned over to the Uni- versity to be used as a faculty residence, President Ruthven an- nounced yesterday. The historic relic, built between 1841 and 1843, was donated by Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCor- mick, of Chicago, to be remodeled into four separate apartments for faculty use. Mrs. McCormick is a granddaughter...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… Y 46F t gan 41P :43 t I ''y NEW ZONING See Page 4 4 CLOUDY, COLA Latest Deadline in the State VOL LXI, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 SIX PAC I SIX PA( Costello Still Balks Crime Questioning Racketeer Linked With Tammany NEW YORK - ()-Racketeer Frank Costello, stubborn from first to last, refused again yester- nday to tell Senatehcrime probers "how much money he's worth. He first balked at the question last...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

… TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21,19A YR Meeting' To Be Held At Wisconsin When Young Republicans meet in Sen. McCarthy's bailiwick April 6 they will take no chances-even the delegates' dates will be loyalty- oath-certified Republicans. This assurance was offered last week by University of Wisconsin GOPers, hosts of the annual Big Ten YR Conference. The Badger state's YR's, in a major effort to out-do last year's conference on th...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…sL X QI xiTITHE MICHIGAN DAILY PA E THREE Fl-II Open House Decides Campus Titles Tonight aculty-Student Exhibitions ighlight Sports Carnival * *. * * IlliniCagers Whip Lions In Tourney Nine Gymnasts Awarded Varsity Letters By JERRY BALBUS Faculty-Student team competi- on will be the feature activity wring the 20th annual I-M Open :ouse tonight, from 6:30 to 10 p. ., at the Intramural Sports Build- ig, which will also crown 16 new im...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wl New Zoning Ordinance ___Z___ __*___ __ * * it' ' Vote unequal Compromise AFTERTWO YEARS of petitions, propos- als, arguments and amendments,_ the By JIM BROWN city council has finally taken action on the LG UP its new A-1 zoning ordi- question of zoning University group dwell- restricting the construction (orqi En oftoni sityngoup imeh- leling) of student residences to ings. Even after this length of time, how- narrow r...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY JGP Opening Set for Tomorrow * * t: :i :F * Senior Women, WIll Discover Plot ofShow Juniors To Present Four Performan ces Of 'It's The Payoff' Junior women will present the result of nearly a year's work in A the form of a three, act play en- titled "It's The Payoff" at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Friday and Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn thea- tre in the League. The performance given tomor- row nigh...…

March 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… r !, I, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 195Y Recruit Tramps Through Army Routine Newest 'U' Professor Formerly on UNESCO would do that, until he's in so much misery that he'll try any- thing to prevent it. And it usually works, though there is always some kind of reaction. * * * JUST BEFORE we left for training assignment, we were giv- en a partial payment of $10, just enough to keep us in cigarettes and out of trouble. And whe...…

April 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

… REACTIONS TO MACARTHUR See Page 4 Y tr Dzinz Latest Deadline in the State :43 agt CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1951 FOUR PAGES Millions of Library Cuts Operating Time General Library officials have decided to keep the building closed every Sunday this month and next, as part of an experiment in money-saving measures. The move was made in anticipation of a slash in the library's operati...…

April 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

… TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1951 tl ",I! Japanese Rearmament (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of three editorials dealing with the forth- coming peace treaty between this country and Japan.) PROBABLY THE hottest issue that will come out of talks over a Japanese peace treaty will be whether or not Japan should be rearmed. As the problem will finally have to be settled by the Japanese them- selves-at present ...…

April 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…IL 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN TIAHY Illini Nine TopsMichigan,3-2, , .. ' j \ 1I t~. I As Maier Pitches Five -Hitter .4 * * * * "T (. 4. i By JIM PARKER To Pete Palmer, a fellow who has played some great baseball for Michigan in days past, ;goes the undistinguished title of "goat" of a 3-2 Wolverine loss to Illi- nois at Ferry Field yesterday. With Gerry Dorr batting with one out in the last half of the ninth inning...…

April 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

… r' I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1951 ______________________ U I ........... and Pupils. Vill Invade J Campus pproximately 6,000 high school icians will flood the campus iy when the Michigan School d and Orchestra Festival gets der way. n annual affair since 1939, the ival is sponsored by the Michi- School Band and Orchestra ciation. Current chairman of Association is Prof. William ,elli, of the music school. * * * &RTICIPATIN...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…EXTRA - No& jg ZrI Dai4b EXTRA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,_ SL PAGES * * * * * * Ruthven. Era Distinguished ByExpansion To End 22 Years: Retires June 30 By PAUL BRETLINGER Daily City Editor President Alexander G. Ruth- Yen will retire from his duties or June 30 this year, after a 22 yea period of leadership during a ser- les of world crises. His administration , has bee marked by tremendous physica expansion of the University, ac- companie...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…4Wr it z rnx 411 a t EXTRA PRICE FIVE CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1951 SIX PAGES --I * r * * * 4> Ruthven Era Distinguished By Expansion 1 To End 22 Years: Retires June 30 By PAUL -BRETLINGER Daily City Editor President Alexander G. Ruth- ven will retire from his duties on June 30 this year, after a 22 year period of leadership during a ser- ies of world crises. His administration has been marked by tremendous...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

… rAGE Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY From Stagecoach to Tea, Ruthven a Busy Man ENROLLMENT DOUBLES: 'U' Expands, Changes Under Ruthven * - * * * * * * * * * * (Continued from Page 1) system without interfering other types of housing." with STUDENT HONORS PRESIDENT WITH HAWAIIAN LEI HIGH TURNOVER: American Colleges Pick lNew Chiefs in Droves PRESIDENT AND MRS. RUTHVEN GET WESTERN WELCOME ON STAGECOACH IN CHEYENNE LESS NOTICEABLE than...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

… 4' 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY From Stagecoach to Tea, Ruthven a Busy Man ENROLLMENT DOUBLES: 'U' Expands, Changes Under Ruthven " * * * * * * * * * (Continued from Page 1) system without interfering other types of housing." with STUDENT HONORS PRESIDENT WITH HAWAIIAN LEI IGH TURNOVER: American Colleges Pick New Chiefs in Droves PRESIDENT AND MRS. RUTHVEN GET WESTERN WELCOME ON STAGECOACH IN CHEYENNE LESS NOTICEABLE than the growth o...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Tongue-in-Cheek President Retirement Activities: Riding and Needlepoint Educational diplomacy often dic- tates that a university president suppress his sense of humor, Pres- ident Ruthven has discovered over the years. Every so often, however, Presi- dent Ruthven has allowed himself a few moments of levity on educa- tional subjects. In an article dealing with the uses which universities should make of publicit...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tongue-in-Cheek President Retirement Activities: Riding and Needlepoint .x Rdueational diplomacy often die- tatea that a university president suppress his sense of humor, Pres- ident Ruthven has discovered over the years. very so often, however, Presi- dent R Ithven has allowed himself a faw moments of levity on educa- ) tional subjects. In an article dealing with the uses Which universities should make of publicity mediu...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

… THlE!MICHIG~AN DAILY .ii. rxy_ a ,ari f / lv V a ara.u aura v+ryvza . Y.C1.1L 1 ' RELICH)7V CA TT.qF.q.qrpirF. .E AL [.,I 1.1 r l l U 1.. L . U Presidents Buck Tough Opposition Air Views Show Rapid University Growth 'I (Continued from Page 1) ate independently and face the new penalties. for classroom tar- diness without the bell, he was willing to go along with their plan. Six weeks later they pe- titioned for a new bell. The belo...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

… 9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGION CAUSES STRIFE: ^ "; Air Views Show Rapid University Growth U Presidents Buck Tough Opposition At'- (Continued from Page 1) ndependently and face the penalties for classroom tar- :s without the bell, he was ig to go along with their Six weeks later they pe- ied for a new bell. beloved president was not it anger, however. When ish students stole the chapel and threw it into the vault water closet,.President T...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 5

…TIE MICHIGAN DATTY PAGE FIVE W Rutven Retirement Closes Busy Era in Michigan E ducation Genial President Leaves Weighty Post * * (Continued from Page 1) tion as a whole. Many able ad- ministrators, facultymen, alumni and private citizens aided the Uni- versity with skill and funds. Yet when some University his- torian gets around to writing the history of the thirties and forties at the University, the period will be known as the Ru...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 5

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY Ruthven Retirement Closes sy E in Michigan E PAGE F" ducatioi Genial Presiden Leaves eigh Pst *i:. : of sensational or unfavorable sacrifices," he said, "but you are disheartening conditions, howeve news, for he called for the es- preparing to make them.... You .Iurge you with allsincerity to lo< tablishment of a news service will detect, if you have not already to your own resnonsibilities I t (Continued from Page 1) ...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

… RAGE m THE MICHIGAN DAILY \ , , r ll-rT T U f I., , : I Congratulations to PRESIDENT ILJTH E on completion of his of Twenty-Two. Successfu tenure l Years as of Michigan President of the University I 0 We, the merchants of Ann Arbor, wish to thank President Ruthven for the many contributions he has made to the University and the community during his twenty-two years in office. His services will be greatly missed, b...…

May 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 162) • Page Image 6

… NX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -= w / ,.j 0 Congratulations to PRESIDENT IJTIVEN on completion of his tenure 4 of Twenty-Two Successful Years as, President of the University of Michigan it f- k r F . W r". - A A J+ A'- A, A *4 We, the merchants of Ann Arbor, wish to thank President Ruthven for the many contributions he has made to the University and the community during his twenty-two years in office. His services wil...…

July 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… icl: r SPANISH ALLIANCE See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State DaitiF j 12 PARTLY CLOUDY & WARMER PARTLY CLOUDY & WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 18-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1951 FOUR PAGES FOVT.iR PAGES.i~ihi Abdullah Killed EnteringMosque Assassination of King of Jordan Brings About New Eastern Crisis JERUSALEM-(o)-King Abdullah of Jordan, a power in the war and peace councils of the Arab world, was shot yesterday by an...…

July 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1951 Spanish Ailiance THE recent request for naval and air bases made by Adm. Forrest P. Sherman to Generalissimo Francisco Franco portends the completion of another chapter in the fantastic and sometimes incredible story of Spanish-United States relations. Sherman and the nation's defense experts want the bases as a part of the Mediterran- ean defense line, vital to the protection of Suez a...…

July 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

… SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Tigers, Stuart Shackle Bosox CLELREFIE END OF A CHAMPION-Ezzard Charles lies pro stands over him after Jersey Joe Walcott (standi In the seventh round of their title fight at Forbe Penn Finally ToNC PHILADELPHIA - W ) - The University of Pennsylvania has agreed to a "changed" NCAA tele- vision plan, but still hopes to tele- cast five games, athletic director Francis T. Murray sa...…

July 21, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1951 PAGIIMIIE FOURmmmII IIIIIIIIIAIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIRDAYI JULY 21, 1951 Il DDT TO ICE CREAM: Local Dramatists Beset By Unusual Problems DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN leader, 8:00 p.m. All meetings held at for piano, violin, viola, cello and bass. Michigan Union, third floor. The general public is invited. By MIKE BOOM Such things as DDT bombs, ice- cream bars, and low-flying air- planes hold no...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Y Sfr C~ ~ 14Ia itii STUDY GROUP See Page 4 CLOUDY AND WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 24, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 EIGHT PAC EIGHT PM S Truce Talk Delay Seen Near Finsh Tanks Raid Kumsong Hub as Allied Infantrymen Assault Nearby Peaks Harem Scarem There were three indignant young coeds for every self- satisfied and smug male at a Harem party given by Univer- sity students yesterday. Arr...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 I I NEW CAMPUS GROUP: Mrs. Osborne Organizes Atlantic Union Chapter, LOOK and LISTEN With PAULA EDELMAN All1 lE si By IARRY LUNNj A student chapter of the Atlan- tic Union has been organized here by Mrs. Chase S. Osborne, widow of the former governor of Michi- gan, with the help of Donald De- Vries, '52 lead of the'new student group, A faculty group of the Atlantic Union headed by ...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE i i What's U p in the Dorms|I (Any items of interest concerning any dormitory, cooperative or leaguej house may be submitted to arriet Tepperman at the Daily, 2-3241, or at 447 Mosher Hall, 3-1561.) Alexander G. Ruthven, recently retired president of the Univer- sity, will be installed as the Fa- culty Associatie of Allen Rumsey House, West Quad, at an informal Band To Go To Cornel...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FO SUNDAY; OCTOBER 2I, 2951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FOUR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 II Study Group IT WAS SUGGESTED on this page Friday that "a strong and immediate program of pressure is needed on the chapters of the Interfraternity Council" to force removal of fraternity bias clauses. However at this time,rpressure is just what should be avoided. -Last November the Student Legislature and the campus forced the IFC to act hastily on t...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY P :FIVE I I _. _ _ Sophomo Victorious sophomores headed back to campus after winning the tug-o-war across the Huron yes- terday afternoon. The shouting started shortly s after 1 a.m.' when the Fiji band and Duncan Early on his unicycle led a parade around campus. A FEW MORE enthusiasts were picked up on the Mall and started the march to the island, escorted by local police. This year the tug was held on what the commit...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…,,i _., PAGE SEX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Wolverines Capitalize on Breaks To Stop Hawkeyes I * * ? Illinois Defeats Huskies On Last Period Touchdown Peterson Scores Twice To Pace Michigan A tack SEATTLE - - Sophomore Tommy O'Connell, cool as a fall frost when the going was tough- est, pitched Illinois to a fourth- quarter, tie-cracking touchdown and a 27-20 football victory yes- terday over the ever-challengin...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Michigan State 32 Wisconsin . 31 Minnesota . Purdue . . . 7 Nebraska * 39 ! Northwestern 16 Notre Dame . 20 Navy .... 7 Pittsburgh . . 33 Arkansas 0 Texas . . . . 16 Tex. Christian 20 Cornell . .14 Texas A&M . 14 Yale Penn State. 0.21 1 . . . Hoosiers Deflate OSUBowl Hopes in 32-16 SUp"set Indiana Takes Advantage Of Buckeye Misplays toWin D'Achille Passes for Pair of Touchdowns; Robertson, Gedman L...…

October 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 24) • Page Image 8

… PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Y S I - . EXTENSION SERVICE EXTENDED: ArtClasses, TVOffered in 40th Year COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Football, Religion Top College Controversies 1 * * *. * ~. * , * * Telecourses Begin Today On WWJ-TV A relaxed classroom where stu- dents may smoke, whisper, eat a six course dinner and make their, own choice of attire-from paja- mas to an apron-is one of the advantages offered by Univer...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…lk Y L KOREAN ATROCITIES See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 4Ia itlg 7. PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER TARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER IT VOL. LX-, No.50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1951 SIX P AGES S+.a.IXv#.PAGESi u Democratic Party Will Fhigt in 52 Says Truman v * * * * * * SL Asks Regents For More Money Legislature Presents Three Point Plan to Raise Requested $10,000 By CRAWFORD YOUNG Student Legislature moved fo...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1951 . I I CELL PHOTOGRAPHY: 'U' Professor Develops Aid to Cancer Research DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Y 9^"s.F n 'd. . 411 A significant new discovery in the cancer research field has been made by a University Phoenix Project director. Prof. Henry J. Gomberg. of the electrical engineering department, has developed a unique process which permits scientists to photo- graph an individual ce...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1951 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE) Tennessee Replaces MSC as Nation's To TALKING... WHEN ATO KNOCKED OFF Sigma Chi the other night it marked the first time that a fraternity has won the football title more than once. Of course, it should be pointed out that touch football is a comparatively new sport in Greek circles, being inaugurated as recently as 1947. Up until that time speedball provided the means by whic...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 21, 195]. Korean Atrocities Two More Bans A New Threat AS IF THE trouble and confusion of the world was not already overbearing, an ill-timed press release by a minor U.S. Army official has added another stimulant to the already unstable condition of world affairs. The reference applies to the report of Col. James M. Hanley, Judge Advocate General of the Eighth Army, concerning the alleged atrocit...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE _____________________I I I Club To Offer Combo Music To Stress Relaxation After Holiday Hustle After the hustle of the Thanks- giving holiday, couples will be able to relax in the nightclub atmos- phere of the "Little Club" to be open from 9 p.m. to midnight Fri- day in the Michigan Room of the League. The Association of Independent Men, sponsor of the cib, would like to encourage ...…

November 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

… PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1951 PAGE SIX WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 195! I RAMA TALENT SOUGHT: Wson-son T t WUMOffers Training in Radio Work Men To Get HASTENS RECOVERY: Therapy Gives Convalescents Hope il I * * * * * * By MIKE SCHERER High above State Street, in the ultra-modern studios of Univer- sity Radio Station WUOM, more than 100 students and Ann Arbor residents are receiving training and experience in ...…

December 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…F f Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year LIIL Sir DaitAp Q 0 CHRISTMAS SPIRIT See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State OCCASIONAL SNOW VOL. LXII, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 FOUR PAGES i 'M' Cagers Lose; Icers Top Denver Northern IL .S. of Shivers Snow, Under Sleet, Ice * * * <"> * * * Wolverines Take Early Game Lead By BOB LANDOWNE Neil Celley's return to the Ann Arbor hockey scene was not su...…

December 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…r TWO :1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRItDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 _ _ _ _ Christmas Spirit I MATER OJF FA CT By STEWART ALSOP THE DEFINITION of Christmas has be- come so twisted and warped in our mod- ern day concept that few people even bother to remember what the celebration is about. Perhaps the biggest reason for this loss of identity with true Chrismas spirit is the mass commercialism that invades the pre-Christmas season. Merchants hav...…

December 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE TME! ueksters Defeat Denver, 7-5 C CIREINE185 Wolverines Take Early (Continued from Page 1) out by Denver goaltender George Mooney. At the start of the second period the Wolverines extended their lead to 4-0 as Ron Martin- son converted a rebound of Bob Heathcott's shot. The goal was the termination of a three man Michigan attack that caught the Pioneers with only onedefenge- man back. Denver soon broke the ice w...…

December 21, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ MARTHA COOK TRADITION: Bugles Herald Christmas Breakfast Reveille blew at 6:30 a.m. yes- terday for coeds in Martha Cook residence. Nqt a military maneuver, the call heralded the advent of one of the dorm's oldest traditions, the Christmas breakfast. Shortly after the bugler, Ellen Dodge, '53SM, w e n t parading through the halls all lights went off and a chorus of lead c...…

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