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January 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Diy ANN\.\RIIO R,'I~iIGII N, \\ It IS DAY*,\JIN\U'ARYN .x qo8. \"xi- XVIIl. 'Yo. 8.. MICHIGAN'S ACTION REGRETTED IN WEST Badgers Hoped for Games-Rec- ord-Herald Editorial Deplores Loss of Wolverine .Teams. 'tC cago Re fxcolcxi'l ci indsixi suf-ii ii impoxxrtill i i -ai n's, xxithdralr'' xii Ixxix. xxxernzc .rix lxix I? pclxx xii' o ixixixi 'alix xxs 1 x'xiiiiiiiii tx bexx' xxxiit 11) 1 xtxl'°x113 S lxxi xx xx lxx rexsuiltxxf...…

January 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC141CA14 DAYL~r fl TITI71JTHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ii. t WlQ U~ll~ll~ Managing editor-PAUL SCOTT MOWRERs. I Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. The Largest Stock illthse City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, (Overcoats, t ascy\ e stinse and Trioisserings, ad ot high etas fabrics anatlotpecial stytes.. Full Dress Suits al Specialty G. H. Wild Comupanly 311I South State Street A Few 50Ci Miochiga...…

January 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE MIL1J>:N DAILY Y.\,tt i\VRI)S SioothIli' A L L ~ ~~~Intercollegiate Notes.FO N' COi G, scDRIK . K __________________________ Af__4 ter seer it~ yeai's of ttiti effot to LIKE A CAMEL grg is 't an originta 'itonalg at( cirv ito'ri lad a Cokiontan Pen jstdipit in any Vassaruggisollegte halixt6giris regiserei the Omiitiriminc faad tihe TeJoleeohknii. Otit.i itItuattat5Ittatiny this ('at.iii, pes ite Criscint -it lleriaid Iee it fil its owl Su ...…

January 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE MTCHle--,AI4 bAILY Souvenir Post Cards See the large dislay in otir rear room opposite the s tamip departmnt. Local View Cards Birthday Cards College Pennant Cards " Num=Skull" Cards Folding Cards F. IE.CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. A~ 5MNT ALt WAYS L(OK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT Foar the Enutre Week COMMENCING .° 4, t ' . ,^ , ,.r m ,,:. Janiza'ry 20 the following Atractions will be Presented: r 1.-(Overtr . 2,-Muit5c IFo...…

February 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The MYichigan Daily \VOL XVIII. SOPHOMORE MEDICS DEFEAT FRESHMEN Clever Basketball Being Played -Two Gaes Are Scheduled for Tonight. In a ganmc characterized by ceat, coc- sitent work of both teamis tie so~lt m cedics tdefeatedi the freht medics iby a core of 27 to 24. at the Watermnacgmit last eveninag before a itrge crowd. The contest was the cleaest gaae played so far it the prelimiinaries. Tie rough work soi evident in tie ast tar or thre...…

February 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE MITCM16AN 19TtVO _. G. H. Wild Companly Our Spring eg0s line of fine Imported and Domestic WONES Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. IH. Wild Copally 31 South State Street Track Shoes Gymn jerseys andti exerything that a track man needs in his equipment can e had here. Our goods all...…

February 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…rfTV MICHIGAN DAIIA SamnJBurchfield's Fine Tailoring t Trade Cant Deliver The Goods Sam Burcilfieki 106 &X Co. EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. EiEZI \T kNCOMPARES lFREdNCII 'P11 Tid SPA5NISH 1C JD iProf. Andre licial (de 1hordes, in his talk of ye sterday afternoon Onl "The Cid il 1 I store 0a(1 in literatulre,''lnave sev- eral scenes trom Corneille's 'Le Cid." The rendiition iias highly appreciated hy the audience. Pr...…

February 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…T~HE MICHIGSANDATLY - r-- . v _.. T . _ _ _ Cut Right Made Right pi yta ts ci e it S jee That's why OUR_ Made to Order Suits at $15.00 and up attract so much favorable attention. Priced Right C.ALEND7AR. xR A C rke.21-lKattn'at5state clubi ii ittli IN Y o Febt. 12t Lecture bttEl.U. I)Rtttt T IL Mrcani chtaplaini ottJackson state trison, tTapapait FURNISHE&RS I VMercadss Halt, 7:30. HATTERS ATo AE. ci Popular Prices Felt tT-"Texas;' -New ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The. MIichigan Da-ily VOL. VIII.ANNARBOR,. TCfITGAN. SA 'IRDAY. MARCH :r, 190. No. 128. FOUR MEN HOLD p HOPE OF MICHIGAN N Tonight's Meet May Go to Strong1 First Regiment Team-Varsity Outclassed in Field Events.r Mieligan's hope tonight is practically1 in the hands of four men-Cse, Dull, Bebrook and Honer. Several of the younger athletic stars will le asert from the meet and of "M" men only Coe and Dull will compete. The FirstI Regiment is ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…T{Z MICHIG~AN DA L . :.... - ; G. HI. Wild Colipally Our Spring 19oil line of fine Imported and Domestic /WOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street First Shipmerit of 'Mchist o' ( the new game craze 1 was quickly sold and we have just received a ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…_ THE MICHI A.,N DALYI UNION OFFERS F CII.1R1t)7 L\T' If your hair is aPOTR PIE i:i r1cii clfrkerein bother, or you have F faitntnet'tAit ro oShl any trouble with it, JdesSletd n Trs f citi ii- otni -cilirti Ann Arbior Judgs Seecte an Ters of. "The College. buy. aIgood Contest Announced-Cmpt C itizenso calii lccu rf iin.Sadr ilc ci d lideliartiieitoticici ators FMust Submit Drawings in lie iroiecitxilhich haslicen lyiig lot- i r M1 Brush Two ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE~l MICHIGAN DAILY - -~ CALENDAR. OOK a s 'l ar .--First Regiment of Illinois TAKE A LOO a ter'meetopa.snsTAILORS T CI High Class Co ar,'021--B en ee om erany i HaJll" H 4 T T SE R S MerJi 1 Pop lar ries Moqem :5..I nyfurwesof ete l 2i-Webstes soc ety banquet aat H T i SPplrPie \ s ny ou ees f. ete Mcign nonclboue Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $3 Bot yMar. 23-Ben Greet company in 'Ro- Directly North of Law Buidng \ look at the half thous...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Mchign Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTCHIG'j\, THURSDAY, NIAkY 21, 190 8. Nozt. U7T CORNELL WINS IN SIXTEEN INNINGS, Ithacans Defeat Varsity 3 to 2 in Pitchers' Battle--Michigan In- vited to 'Intercollegiate Shoot. After battlinsg for sixteen consecuttive insings in the hardest fought collegiate game of tlhe seasono, Sicock, thte snetw nmembier of the varsity pitchingf staff, lost tis first game to Corstell by a score of ,3 to 2. Fr...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THI =MICHIGAN DAILY m,.,..... . .. __.._ - G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic 1WOOLENSI Is now rtall. It includes all the laiest N ovelties Shades and-.Up-to'.Date Ptters in Mose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade (irays and Fancry Blue. Your lpatroniage rtspetfully slictetd. G. . Wild Comfpany 3it South Stat Stet New ar d Distimetive Styles of Ca1i . art- hi in iour latest litf iesitns. When you buy of is y...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…-- THTE .MICHIGAN ,DAJILY , i Buy Your Packing ,Boxes EARLY Before the best ones 'ire gone D RUVG BOXES Are Strongest and Best. FI te Asmortmernt - AT - QUARRY' S Money Loaned On Watebies, Diame Cds :ii Book. oter plerp sonal pisiiiLy. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargais in Watches & Diamoinds Office at residence X31.P. Libielty St Ann Arbior Heurs: 8 teii:30 a. m:.itoi4:30ind iit J0SEPH1 C.WATT'S -Spring Hats spoolms Post Ca rds Darling & ...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY --- I T"S EASY TO CL I MB CALENDAR.- SPECIAL SALE- \lay 22-l'Uf. Victor C. Vaughan will ON TWO PIECE addiless Sigia t i on "The Chemistry of the 1LivingCell," wit anphithatra P IN V T N Medical bRINGngSVITI.NG May 23- "eap Year" party, auspice of Womn's League in Barour ymn- HENR.Y /t ' C O0 nasto, ot.. f~lfl May 23-Omega Pit open meeting 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE May 23-Junior lit banqet at Union. OPEN EVENINGS Xay 2q...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN .ARBOR,'ssICtllCkNI.'sWF"DNESDAIY, CTB(,1908. I Vol- MIX. 0o 20, VARSITY SHOULD MASSACRE SCRUBS Regulars Face Reserves Today in Weekly Clash-Varsity Trav- ling at Top Speed. 1f the varsity can keep uip the pace they trav eled lalst night in today's clash witih thieisrusetthe ist really respecta- le score ofiithise'osihoutlu result. \With telin eats otthifrst teami prac- iattiuntact fo the first time since the tr at Wh...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…'r ICI It AN I-)A I LY__________ G. H. Wild Comlpany 'the Largest Stick n the (,itt Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Saits Ovsercoaso.Fancy ctings, and Tioscriogs, and of high clss labicsit and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpanly 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQU ART ERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits ai-d all kinds of Athletic ansI Sporting Goods Tenn...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY DAM 'I'P P I.Jl ]itirtl ,to 0suppolrt:this kind of tling l~lilflhU Iui~l Iiud w0011(1 be a working ]tais quite - Sam Burchfield's cessary to 'this (lratatic renaissance. FieT ioig IS NEW 1PROPOSAL 'r.F.P frslatedrmtcric Flg1 Ta lor ngif the \\a-hington TPost, swho u-as in ______the city the first of the week, said; Tgrade No-Ahetcuord-VhPob ata food omanipulateti to meet aity NonAtheti Bord ill Pr -cottditiotts thattwotild...…

October 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…TIt F,101 EAI G A N DAlLY ®1 We are Gettig There rapidly in the public estimation as artistic r 7Tailoi s and fitters. We make only the faultless fitting kind of garments, that fit the figure per- .,, .,elf fectly, are carefully made in the latest style, and ____________________________ are finished in a high class wray throughout. We guarantee satisfaction with every garmtent btut becaure we do this we do not charge exorbitant J. K. MALCOLM...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… i ! l CAM " 1 1 i GZ"7 G:1a C C.D .,.r 'r. : r v .. 4? _" fir, J -' ,_ --' T.. ; > ._ V o h o , ._ , "- ._ cn w -r. v: L' .- .. . . j f t .. . C r ® - - . . e- .., r. 4) ,. , '_' f. .,r. - -t ,., - - .. ° . ,J :-- - r . ^. .- i ...' _; r te. «+ J r ..-. J. .I - . " . f . y +--' -. .J' . v,.,, .' J ., ^- .-- . .. i! { w I 'I f X i I L' n^w {r i ; 1 i n I b4 I >, t ~7 i 4)_ 04 f C? f r. f J f - f. .- J ^' '_". J . -+ .-. 'f. "I: f: r...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…1Htt MICIITGAii$ P \f Y G, I. Wild Comfpany P i,-agest *Stock in the Pity of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I iiiXrvthing required for Suits, Overcoats. Fancy Vestings, and Pirouscrings, and of high (loss alicis and special Stylesv. Fuil Drens Suits a Specialty THE M~ICIGAN DAILY.: "\'~o i~Mf1 ff H IL tooging J divr---ARCv-itoF. RTCivr. Bui cit ,fliiiagir-JoiiTN F. \VoZ. pitifibi Preidet r~lt i i h Newes..........Let A V...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MTHIG 6IAI'$ AILY ______ Sweeten Up With NUNN[[Y'S Chocolates AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamionds.ILaw Books. or other person]oapltierty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargaino in Watches& Diamonds Offce at resid ece311E. Liherty St Ann Arbor. Flous: 8 toii:30as .Ito4:30ad'to 9 i JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S t)O' e. STiA'T'i. S OYSTERS, STEAKS, Pepulriesite CHOPS Toa~st anrd Coffee 10c "oleli' bios Iit--1 i pes iiBB 'eilh4i'i lpo". ...…

November 21, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…i _. __.. rPREi MICHIGAN DAILY C. H.MAJOReaCo THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, kalsoinining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee onr work....…

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