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January 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…Ije I . of Ifl. fltai p. VOc,. I I-Nio. 77i. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGA~N, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1892. P RICE, THREE CENTS. Dedicatory Ceremony. Ioxver the hospital, "For tihe Glory olf On L iterary lDepartoent-Reg~entsI Giod."ll Whl'ceelol ViitmniallCocker and Howarsd. tilddcaor e oyof tile r.tilto, Medical hDirector (If 'Ofn La epwrlleit Rget fomal opening o tenewx hospil I t.S.Naythen delivered tile ad- (lButtelfheldX 1111hillananti D1aper....…

January 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. .-Jr -; eloqient temperance leaders in the U Initedl States.2 , Be u iu Mr. Small svas born in lIbSi5, in Pahbiiohe niiy (Siundays exepl ted) (turing -Ierseanhshdamotw - the Collsee year, bynnsee ndsha1 ms wn NI) THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION derful career tip to the present time -a rareer fitll of adsventutres, t hil- Subscr-iptions price $V1.15t er rear, invreiabty rtge episodles antI seriouis lessons in it))d tnt...…

January 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. _ _ x.x : x. ..: s.: -s: NOTICE onl all kuits. (hOc oni al, pataloAiu. il 0 ll Ulster s e }io-'othe Eatoni Caps ti e o ilE t'( A . - p. IILIT GREA T CL EA RING 8AL E Of Overcoats and Uisters. We hiaveimaide a tremendous cut ini prices all along the l ine of MenL s aiid Boys' Overcoats and Fisters, which Still enable us to lie hits tin Overcoat on. Last veair we ilosedl oiirOvercoats ftown tiotthe smnall numberi()r {THiIT...…

January 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE -THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. N~ess- \\sirsrooii ("o nle ri of .laid aidLibecrits Streets. I ii"Openthlei'Ball'' by placinig a line stock of Guitars, li"sijo etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. 2 south F(Airth Avenue,.City. ~1Z 1 ~~ WSCOl$10.0for 1 Overcoat. ~FOR ONI (Garmients worsth $1 2.00 1 6( i S .00. Pure : G 'sA.Li Z T T 's ItSTI 1I,1 +H1;ii 0t51. Fresh (BOURlSE, one ('ar. These ftill terms ( requir...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…e . a AX; Wailjj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1'2) Athletic Board Meeting. The Athletic Btoard met Saturdayj mrrning inl AlphainNi. lall. The trreaurer reporteil 53g73-43 oiihand. commliunicatioin friiin1 the 792'S lrISe-ball maunager uwns referred to tIconcseihallicommittee, wiho wiill ((Isdwiithie rMairiers ofithlie cllsta sillregiri t Iiithe sciedli . She Adv lisrt oard wa s tll senl(! iwl.aun thei things,-lthatI rlittiilte shioildibetic 1imeiniitto rvs...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. res Zr'of ^t'" rV ioughtt to mieet with theheartiest sup Co l e FO T E S CND E S E por. Eeryusas i ttis nivrsiy ~Greek, Latin, french, German, and Mathenaicijat riiie Dahn ity (Sndatys exceptedt) tiring oughit to tinfy a ticket to thisns Nitt 1+ fBunks. New yea, by(1 Secondhand0at THE . OFM. IDEPNDEN ASSCIATON heteter lie visies to atteind or io. TELOFMINEEDNASOITO 'the Isisersity iii Sichi-iaiiis + aboit the ionsly violleg...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. T !\E~OI 2NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! w1 F N 011 1 'yF of Our SPTING adl SI'M-NIER S~IITING(S are arriving dalI . WeV claimiitoi)hae the best seletedI lie in the market, at the lowest pries. IDo otba a Sit, Single I'nt, or Spring Overoat unie pop have seen our hute. A1 large line of Trunlks and( Bags always on hand (1at toiyor ii1~etoi. sets (oinilie ad iolrinlails.The J. T. Jacobs Company, -e--=T'HE TVVO SAMSC--= - ANN AtfBli. ...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New l Warerooooos, Corner1 of Alain and Liberty Streets. I Will ''OPen the Ball" by placing a line stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- he ar o it .5 South Furtth Avenute, City. W~I aCT~~CI uent§ YOUR GIRL, Wl'ouol 01a1preciate o x o f toseli Fine ChocalafeS Calkin p'-*harm acy l'TRY It. SEJLL 6. ANN) ALL ATH.~LET110 + GOODS. TYPE' IYH/1 Iot Ith . jr ,...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…uf ltl* vo. 1.-Na. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, TMAY 21, 18S92. THE PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Forty Michigan College Men in At- tendance. U. of M. Annual Field Day. University Minstrels. Th'le following are the 'Warsity FieldIl Mlay a2l. ... I ''hle _11 ihalum Inter -(Colleg iteo ,~s~ P'rahilsitiin cnvntonbenits ses ic ioowrillash. sions at Newhoiry Iliii, yesteriayiv 20 afternoonan't 330, wtiii'inad rss j_1.t of welcis yA V.A...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. c , L .. Iiiighanm, a guest of H. D. Je- 01 sell for a few dlays, represents tbe enterprise in Ann Arbsir. pablislied Daily (Sundays excepted) during Thbe valuable collection of books, she Collect t-ear, by preseintedl some- time ago by Mri. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI Duffieldl, of D~etroit, to the Presby- Oa~cejtltsipeceP255lie ca, ~taea~~'terian rtiurcb of Ann ;Arbor, is nosy iads-ant','singicocpica a.3rcnts. ...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. STIFF)- HAT -. SALE. Spring Suitings. Choice of any Stiff Hti the house (Yonmans and Knox excepted in Sx.O0 and $5.00 quality) forI LARG CE LINE Latest Styles of Hats. ±OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. This includes all Hlats that sol for ;;2.50, 'S,3.00 indtl$'5. ( 3 Days Only. Friday, Saturday and Monday. May 20, 21 and 2:3. Coot early iand~ get your size. NOliltSLINiEtFNE CEWEAR, EW. ETc ., AT THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ~EI~ ~...…

May 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAIL Y. WE. ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. New WarerPO 0110s,(Co111r1of Alain , 111(1 Liberty'vStreets. I \aill -obel i fle 1Ba111''1)y3pacig1 afiee soc1f5uiar11s l~ 1 0111, lilI joy, et. RRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- Find 7 =zs ' Mv27c nwonm 2,5 Sou~th FourtlhAN-ell e, City. YOUR GIRL 'Albany Law School requliredl. '11111) , 1 epteniber, 1111111000 111111Marcel. Fin C hacolateS ENTRANC:E AT ANY TERM. 51 Ful ors f Ins...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III1-No. 41. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1892. PRIocE TRiES;F CENTS. VICO on ola (difficutlt kick aganst THOMAS, TONIGHT, O wi Bray was ruledl oif by I- sI A worth fit . o r deeug t i ti t o ok hIi T ie Program to be Renderno by the Saturday, 26 to 24, Jesnotd w tto ori IIhe (Cticao ' ais of (Ot. 2,I 1P tO - - donbefore time wsal~sIled, i sr ,onn ag ntefis oneto Oberl in Comromnsed H erselt by c an sat, bbll over li...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. "'AC.0cof W.j T"t :.. red to the various literary societies. ?FINE AND ELEGANT p 'fiItThey are sot ouly worthy of the sup- port of students but offer training SITOES Pubatthedt taily (~Sndays exepted) during that can ill be missed by the consci- Of all hinds for Ladies and Gentle- he Csseeare. by cntious studlent. ment of course. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION le...t vaureics It ttri FTnTLEi1g0\A R& MILLER --- - annua...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. T7TQAVE GiENTLEMtEN:-I HOIDGEMIAN 'S MACKIN TOSHFS We wisi to call your particular attention to the fact that our4 Stock, as usual , includes a general and complete line of high class Are the hincst in the Nvorild. ;vinline our new line of clothling. Young Metre WtJ'1FULL O RE SS SH1I IRT S. ~JITS~IT~ O~~~O~TSSOiLEAG1-:NTS 11 made up with all tlho detail, care and skill which characterizes the .a oYO1JMA'NS...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…TSHE U. OF M. DAI y A Frsh $ock 0001 ~J1VIN$ iDiscount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's. L OW1'1 P Stringed Instrument, This includes even our fine tailor made -- ='hocolatep T .1 11y4- recived. ( T1 111hev ice t cie ictl ill nic~ic~tVV!LEYS, garments. CA LKIN S'. ; Iatt(' Ieswvo 34 S. State Street. r .ORE &WET ORE, BOOK. STORPE, <NO-,I[J.6 SOUTH MAIN STREET tcll ll ii '1 - Ic ic lI s - 911 c i; cci I n strumei s . oi, Iiiil Ilck, Pc 110 (c~I...…

December 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…c j e . of *1.6 VOL. III.-No. ():3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1892. PRiuis :THREE :CENTS THE ORACLE OF NINETY-FIVE. ing of the Green" is well calculated THE JEFFERSONIAN SOCIETY. to stir sip the wratih of I'The Board- Volume Twenty-six on Sale Today.j Gave a Public ilEntertainment Last - . -Sophomores Speak in Prose, ing House Gang." 'Ihe usual num- Night Which Was a Great Sue- Poetry, and Grinds. her of personal "d...…

December 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. JCo f 'W.1J c 'ljf BUSINESS LOCALS. WVOE BOLDLY ANNOUNCE _________A single IBathi, liot or cold, Ior 10 cnts, at the leostohijie Barber Sop. That we sell cheaper thon the cheapest in MEN'S SHIOES, It 13 Published Daily (ndn~ays excepted) during 8c-2t BElRS, PU'MPS, E'r.: LAWIES' SHIOES, RUBBERS, hi'clege year, ly A very derable suite of riooms, withll SLI PPERS, Er. bth h ieati'il with hot saer. Sti ian THE U, OF Mi. INDEPE...…

December 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE.,!AT THE _TWO SAMS. ALL ()VEIZ&COATS ATI'-j-OFF". AL!FS UITS AT O'' ALL SINGLE IV,\TSAT ?OF!" SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSE ROBES Aus' article boug ht A'T'THlE 'TWO(SAMAS this week will be sent freCe to 'In. lart of the Unit('d Stalt c. eitheot'yho mail O exporesa, See these bargains before buying. PItI'RCI.'7i SE OU II PRESENTS WADA/AMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. ir WI-E W~O SAJiS_ Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRON...…

December 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE U. ,OF M. DILY TAKE A v.KODAK I1 F2OqQI5&nAA I &C \I EM~i WIH OUmmai -~-IS SELLIN\G_ MahoganyCllutoid bound odgr', CHKRISTMAS. ONLY $14.00. D F3 A SA k7 D on't forget that box of (JI)Ot.LATES a sro ELLOWS r x Pv,,oi'trr. - -o:. ' CALKIN '7, - 34 S. State. Isc;r t a t tet , ct Every Une W ortn X2.50 to 64.00. UtP STAiIS. MI.OORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ADCORNO S Ti ATE AND tI[Ai 1iiMSTtREETS. I301.,=DAY G-OQ:DS....…

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