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January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…1 %" FsTYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MC., '1UE SMALL POX AGAIN. Senior Class Memorials. T ONo.atoni egr 1t5 .ls nw1 'io Iaversity Students Down With i w his:is 'iiyetIbeen -l nI t}i he sni or ii. lss. Tit,' iiimoriial I -sisllm iii's the Dread Disease, Many Literary, hasisn W nitse o:t(isi-sdcisin Dental, and Law Students ara til prohsil dlls ils i intingi the Eximoed. csbr y liii'sof l m s msteiisr. of th + ~rct o o. 5t,1 ,11 fi omi h liii, 'i Uan 4 5the...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…LEADING MERCHANT TFILOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD0. io8 E. Washington St ONE OF OUR HOT WATER BOTTLES would prove a blcssing worth its weight in gold during this feason ot COLDS & GRIPPE 750. to $ I-5O CA.MPU5 DRUG STORE. THlE MICIGAN DAILY-NEWS I...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THlE IGIIIGAN DAiLY-NEWS AH, BU r THEY A ED"N IS IOur new assoitnien-: of 13tth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking jackets. + iiciiAll that yo'i could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and+ it illbe oyurardeaista -e to look them through bofore buying sour hooi-+ lay presents. 200-202 S. Main Street. 1 LI1ItM, IFN&+LL OHJ- SOHANIZ CHAS.CDI(E T A SEX LSO LN R T55 q j iOR DR~Y WORK sPECIMLTY: HANDWORK 601 EAST WILUAMS STREET 117 WEST ...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

….- _ .ys.+t THEJ MIiCHIGAN DAILY -NEWVS CAN DIES wtiitttiii.KOIDIAKS\etolitei II i its'packe;i o f l t il sil:o. We Winiter sc"en(ixy land winiter' 5aitis lmaike IEi dakiexat i)U'k f<>t.lsh ipm n it hot l~c. ine e rtho tullidixys. W aalte c atterns-Q, + Se tiem in l r Nindaiiw. per cent. discount on kldilks. SCALKINS' PHARMACY 3 24 SO. STATE STI? riGkwiGK Billiard Frlors dod Bowlingu 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I lba r0 ...…

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…_. __ t ; _ _ j 'I, ,.: '. " I J "" r t' i i ~1 _ ...2 e Y a .. \" v .r r a , 1, r . ,..5 . r .- i L- i. - - C CA xa m «.; r ; t A" i 77 '" - -. , r . -; ., ' cn -_ m y o' f. T I ?: _ _... -- - 1. "r: - f- r. i. J. _. ! , . - is 'J r- p. t "". I _ "" . "1', - y -J _ . -._ tRt .- J / 1. ..1 ... J. . J - f "' f ; _ - 1 -r _.t zE z 0 r r s :e r. . t f. . r 1^. l f' u 77- G_ r7l r° r t "1. ' J. ° l + .o r-r ; f . m !. l '' …

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…4 W X 'I_;: - -LI .- r5 _.._ :{. d ... .._. .. ..... _ __. ._.,.. .. " .,e . s .T,, ,, , - = Q ._., . F : . ': _: , _. r. ~ ,: YtY Yff^ + .. r I -t \A~d it. N.- I 'lii \'r'. . rf 2'; ' t"ti t t't ;!)1 - i E I llit- Ia;'.ki lt , . : ;,t1 :j t P tie Price is 2and $2.5° c store' HF EK +.:i ier it1 .n .tlC' / '// V-YU. v + -: IY ri ... r 'S lV ' Ot' ++iY1 1111M1' a. r rw u-....-.ev ..-T. p.'Y lry. tu'nav Lam. . il .."wP yt reOe ! Y, . ti st I : >z...…

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…4Y QrI+ 4", _, %" .:+t ' 4 0 A T iL I 7 --- j 4-, 1 k.tL i/ COHN U. SC~fAN J.OALSMEND!NTAS .:I)1{.111,;1 lN .... V f A[LOnS EGYeterTIAN:~ ON r5 jc' L1A rk tppt ..INU IUg, o sp Framng a .Specialt,., S UDENTS!- [It I) S ,1.S rm S es r "sV I M STOLLI Prf Fit _t*V ul, instructor. ,r, A P ,** - OLSBILLUARD P 3t2 S. S-1TATE -STRE 4 FOR STYE It AN'1) 1. STLLDI 4 ALWA 4 PATP( +44 IV VER K IY WTE fK rort iunu" Isale{l:I I, i:.e tf r I j;. :I ^ r Hot k ...…

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…12 =123,i f r ai ft hF166tWG(( i1Iidrd rdrilr H1 O 0iing 707 { Pe f t " N IV 'iSi . 4\ THE HC C iNG VALLEY RYJ 1 OLEDO TO COLUMBUS ' Lct", -ANI AN, (Generalt ravei -A, rot, O~TTER THAN EVER The SGHLEED ylTEMPORARY BINOE ~~iiz 1 1 State~ tI' .P.11'411.7,f of Il,,' - rxl t is .0, (i 111l. 1J,' ' FIRST A! ONL AN ; ccI' 0 .01 ('I 0 KAUl0 Ii "i,,iri rt .t , 1 1A,.c 1 )}L Dk A ) ~ 1ii11 jig ICE' VERY * 71 t16 and $2 10~ J'FAZIER > Merchanlt rail 11;...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…T= . - 1 _ r ,-, _ _ _ / ,,,, ,,,, 7; 1 _ . 7_ "' _ _J :! . W _ e 77 r °5 ^b w, ° _.. r. tc7 C! cI _ _ _ J r ._ ' , , . r' :_ r = . ' t; ,.. c "I, r .-. ' . w i . '.- -- t i. l: . -^ _ - - -- _ - -r. " f' -- ~ r _ I' ~ ./ R ~ r ._. I / . - :.. ; _ . - _. i .__ __ " ,. _ -- .r. t- " ' -_ -' _ . 7: / ' r 1- r ;> _, a.: - ' 1 y' 4- Fi .ti , , , ,: .. ' : . :,_ i C, 0 z r r .. - .- 't J= . j :! Cr . CJ Cr. 0 O cr zz Cm J. _ I)- fl: -4 m C, 0 z -I ...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…' CH11- 1i'JG A N )AILY-.NEWS '1 E.9 O (5 LLJ z"7 C1L DAIL EWS ~ Fn SAll'I S ISMN tMhe ,ustiA IYNEWSP :: C ! Is . ,; II INI 5" 1',)i V . Ill!Oil Demol tI}CluelElection. I ,iS+i ? !t1] ' tt'i lf i 7 Private Corporations $4.50 At t 1. ~P FRESH STRAWBERRIES Served at the Fountain Today. CRUSHES and SUNDAYS 20c QVARRY' Ptt WL U". (t;I URpU"15 ' { } 1<RAIUNS Itt '' ill 1-s Ci. ll 1l r c~~a. ^i4~1i _ti~ t o 11t olj)ald Lt l)i.11i1I ,,;-1:it illl {)L...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…T ' r Ia'A\ DAILY--NEW .Y.L~ hy're ANXi1mere Spi _Hts SRain Coats Fevatceo esapaei apoe fSprfi,,ig7Neckwear JONdSHAN7-HAS. DIETAS FYCFI S1AI UI~ i To iTA t ORS +Ia 1.a is; L, .s 1 1a :ar J-s ,.. 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET DFY V1CRK F. SP ST,.LTHMnDWO013 This space belongs to Giood G4 EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better T urkish Cigarettes can bemade," EGYPTIAN EMOBLEMS (rk Tipped.) Lcii dof tfoin I.13a. o e z?.4 's BURCHFIELDS=FnT Trau 1 1106 E. Huron, ...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THLE AlCUIGAN DAIL'i NEWS -11'//N IM/IM TAILOR~S, 123 South Clain Street. - - - °i'' PIGKWIGK Billiard Parl101s and bOW1iIIU BETTER THAN AVE TEMPORARY +.111 THE HOCKING VALLEY RYA !; "rtiI'~- r>-rTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS IL WriteJ. WLANDrIAN, (leneral Travaeling Agent, 1t. ' SC it )EiTR~OIT, MtiCHAN. O e way to ywa Ma^ke. . v-.. .. ,,R , . -- , . ... .. e _____ CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Woolen 5uitings sr ,..,,The Tailor.a.. 1 ade to 11t) S. M at...…

October 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…C is. MIItUXN DADILI .NEWF' Ii. H, WLDCCO.PDIING Leading The U, of M. DAILY, t The 'VARSITY NEWS, M~erchant Entter I t n et'ebi~c: neettt2 itAn Tailors.... the colittuiiyeat te niersityof just MANAGING EDITOR, have js receiv- EARLE I. HOUSTON, '03. BUSINESS IlANAGER, ed a new line of ROSCOE B. IlUSTON, '04- EDITORS, W oolens for fallAtlic adwne. The GENERAL NEWS largest assort- I (ris 0.;*11' llt 11m mentU in the city,1~~;E~ 1:;. 108 ~ ~ ~ Rb ...…

October 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE MI flG N DAILY- NEWb If you want to know This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION what smartly dressed menwil werftis ea- i lak a tLbor trseiii son ask to see BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, Stein==T HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY 'instruments &Supplies Smart Clothes I use in ftee fiboraitories EBERACII& SOIMPORTERS AND Linn1enschitf & ApfelNFATRR PALACE AND PARISIAN(Aw y Faho bl llf 0.Acl wyFsioal "I GLAI%,A ~l.Vi V Vl1 4..7 L4.;«. *..T L. -------------------------...…

October 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY-.NEWS ^,Mf., -wL .-.r ,7 f :i. 4-.r^:. .. -a - r-a!t§ t": "., .,' ; _ Q 2, ~ rr~ W a F. . fean y' O ds illthe cull finlis h IC>~ 'xc a Vt-s a. IO Ur stock of 1hea- , Shos:istHk r' l ~'t~e X A lr krubber ems R&r C' I F, ii =AN i P x?,AA W.C s. ...,D rP P o f Zahiai .sf'lrkelLt. _ ei Lockreurigky itg WM. J. WENUR, 11:3 tE [ilcrty Strete Every Student Shoul[n= vest Icy Cents And!t th ), otFo ' AV ti 1111111 ald t e 22 ' I h e l...…

November 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…rGA. Communicatbon I ' Y) ' t ' ATr 1t0 t 13. ,\\7as o l~ion :5 t ~~~~ UOVtiO} SAC} r1 '}rF!t~ICE} x (f DAIL:-EWS [ e re Are oiets or The N1, ( M. AIL , Te'VI 5>11 IslNs, J, :!t ;ilo i ;1 [ 1 1.It' t. 'f: ; C " 7771> Its ), it ,Illi, . IIII:Itt 41 t1IM llit t iri tllt I),tia} :?i.t ,"c n + ict , 1rtt..,l0 ti ttttit i I fl+t11'2l tt 11 ,. 1 tI' i'1I1 ASCII" ttt , . \I:tit1 1 1' tlc I I I \'t'1(. \ I t tt' li) l I Iv III;' ;'.IIII 11 1'.t1i...…

November 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…THE AMIGAiIGANDAILY--NEWs Extract from the Laws of the FURN S S I A Srate of New York. 1; 1t A 11 -- +I So i or o -i \" ,/ i I 10 N IC ; zC(), i+ t(Ijcfll 11 I1^,le t I1'ltlrdl.II'nCI pio < rtci-t IMS;c tu t 1r~ th mtt i I t w ic l - 1- \ 2 1 its 33315ae r[7t c > c / /111SI1IE;s n «( r I h c a t" Ol S- I"2 t' }f3- I1 t.'Il h !i l19 Suits,()vercoats,Hats, Cap.Sa.1 i -t i- ; iii tub u ii- ti l WADHA S!5RYA N&'R EUE 4 4tblsed18. 1064I.. 44.4. tre...…

November 21, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…TElE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS >pial tra X fid [rin11,and less Cress n n isswo _ ns he I Ntl~t, th xcy tte-iin he-I-LIit ur A LII~? XXe~i x 4 -il h I c a s; Ii . is Lo- 28-A . 215uSiMaiStr I, IT T. 1 Nl d J. IlC.t il l ii /rlts I I'- ;,I i'I'3)'I Ai iPI IL 1C 1' l ii+. -l1i .,,. 1.1rNLSC 1aIIe- Sack 5o~s as~d Overco~its... I 1' 'I Cistern l~a di Cor ii I I- iiir o o . is; iiil 2>r . olo 1 1rlI i 1 ii ii 11 I tri'l. (;11: I a1t t I f pell ltsi , St o...…

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