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November 21, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…of Anil A'or.. ZT. No. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. PRICE,--'r III{II ', CEIN I'4. Vox.. V. No. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MtCUTGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. PIiI('l.1-PiIRI'H'1 CENtS. THE GYMNASIUM 4 About Comnpeted.--Hours for Clas- ses Have Been Fixed.--Will Open Tomorrow. 111, "lliiliisillil willxx iii I xiicxix1 &"i '411"'' ixss worki. 'II six' xix x:L fix' tfill el i( ' i'irxixxiixx t1 lor I - w ill. lix'ii...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…V . [V.--No. 100. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY- length, involving as it does the pos- WASHINGTON'S WRINKLE sible loss to the United States ofTo GiVe Afa The Law Students will Celebrate Will be out Tomorrow.-The Laws the Thirty-fourth An- one hundred and twenty-five million are in it again, and are Hon- Wehavesomefine lead pencils and niversary' dollars. The subject matter is or...…

March 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

… 8 3, Voi,. IV.-No. 124. SUMMiARY OF STUD! The Total Enrollment of th Deoartments Class, to Date. Thle following classificati dents of alld tepartmlenl University will be nlateria as the forth-coming vale lhe summary l 515is sfolio .\N ) TIll. IIIS '1 loleti of the ilush''J( Clas51sial. 'llwship.. i-esidenlt Gradnates... I Snlidtes for 11ai) Neval IDereI Eroled 10 (1 D~epartments..... GrIadunates Studying in sentia....... 1ndergraduates: Ca...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…c . a , . ai n, VOL. IV.-No. 16T. OBERLIN'S OUTRAGE. She Faces Us to Play in the Rain ana Jeers Us on the Field,-A Mob at the Train. It was a very solemn crowd that stood around the DAILY office Satur- day afternoon and watched the re- turns come in. From the very first inning things looked blue, and by the end of the fourth all hopes of victory had fled. As a rule excuses are sought, but the score of 17 to 3 could not be accounted for, an...…

November 21, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Pub lish'iedii illy (Sundays. eepte)'iinn t he (oliege year-, by THE 0 OE M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION~ OFICE 'dirie udn . Si a scirroi opposit u'h iilei s lil is-ic-lie l' Y M',iii hrby in advanc. singe ii iis es sbscip d. ay beiiri"'atthetiiieo h ) zy THE GYMNASIUM. (CONTINU'El) 9R1. I lIST [AGEC. ii' sirieily 'ni-iiri-e , 11i, Irrrllc lo ill . 1. 1' l~sil Illsh.Nlie' 10(57 i FlP- coi ns.t isitor a1(57will notIi .llei 5 ...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publishedt Daisy (8Straays excepted) daring 'itt,t'tt ft, by THlE U. OF i. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ?ttbecrtptien p'iee **150 petr year', ittt'riabiy itt atlvan er tit-' epiec I 'ents. Siebertp- Mnsat may Db efatat he 01N te tf the 1) A LY, l at Stottieft,e'ith ty oft the editors o authorized soliito~rs. t'ttmttnictiottt o uldeteitrtettchttthe totfi'e by 7 no'ltkP.nti. it thley tee to appear the' text day. Atddteess al...…

March 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. ^J 4. O to strike the nam-es from our list. It ^JL requcires mosey and considerable of it to support THE DAsIsY in these Published] Daily (Sndays eacepted) durin ; hard times when advertising is un- ct~ltllege srar, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION usually hard to obtain, to keep ___things moving. WIe hope all our 1 Suscription price $2.50 per year, iacariably tdelinq~uent subscrihers wiii apprefi- iv a...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -J ..c S of j" Trb(. control will meet and decide to seve " all athletic connection with a col lege whose students have shownvo s Publshed Daily (Sndays exeepted during few gentlemanly instincts and whc ua{Cll liew) ar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION reward hospitality y personal at- tack. 'Varsity Field Day -- Entries for the 'Varsity springl OwixoG to the crowded cosdition feld (ay to be held next Saturday of ou...…

November 21, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…T1E U. OFIA. DAILY. y Inland League At the Grand Opera House of ((01118nt. alIl11'eil11008tie et a MIGHT IANCENgL(121'obfal tdatlbih1881'. Ai.Chpn 11181. 11S"'1ilel(,'I.l)aTa01 (11001011 tas111o11'll ('8., ' l'(e latoe l and ro1 e ho 1(1110 Cee (v elecnd 018ltr le II ('a. N. Y. Spo ile ..-5 1 N. 0 1 1101111 'I - 8) ,A11res 1v s:utn o , tih rt 11'ha llc t i IOarserlxJ .. .1225 N.48 limitedl. 10 73> Ill1a 11118 '780 7 1'. . ; (sm d l ((((f 1 rAA...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THs~zEQU[AIVEGQ On nRCHESTRvoRroAs. 6T AR TE TAM f>Ii tD T is51itSt~ F~~iE~~ sc' ~ N ew Slpring Styles ini Negligee Shrls and Neek«weor Hat NO ISIR k il U.. roieotrs 37 80:__MAIN_6T,__________H___________________it _111nt11(E See 'lhloi. ii -itil EXCELSIOR LAUNDRlY D0. A. TIN KER , I WREN you 1.xsYOU G od r il(irt 1 tliii ' i sltI d ,rNo.9 SouthS Main streetti nt te ttly oto'iipid 1>_y'tt ttu'~e utAreir Gtl A F tOVAiT, rop....…

March 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. 4 r a 7 O EVH L:IN. Soac. 310 zST. , H T ilND AN 01 W A irector Old 3Manooe er. EXCELSIOR LAUNIDRY 0._ A.1T INJK ERE'S V 1 20 EAST HURLON STREET. A Good ork Garaneed. oadscalle forNo. 9 South Main street, Stae e cntly oc o 0pie T'oStain. and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. _______________________________--AI'M oo eA CpE~aa aoEonErreTHE FISK TEAC HERS' AGENCIES.' Official Photographel'3 ;__________...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 5196 1AS. MlST. irector and Manager. MIGHIGAN GCiNTF Time Table (Revised) Feb. 1 th, 1894. EAST. WEST. AM. A. M. Atlantic Express. 1110SMail & Exp...80 D. & J. Express.. 7335 Chc. Stil.....7 05 G.R. Exp...1105 N. S. Limite.i.. 1030 P. M. Y. . Mail and Ep..418 Fast Xest'a Ep. 155 Fast Eas's Hp.. 928 G. R. E........ 5a N. S. Limited..1 33 Paciic Express... 55 OW. RUGGL.ES, H. W. HAe...…

November 21, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…T1lE U. OF M. l)AILY. BITE F. THE ~ chalIrs Bookstore! P~ AI M~IiDMMIFormerly with G eorge Walir, 19 H~i l IA8U11 L VRUDIMVI1 E . Washinton of. Headquarters for - "~"'Y1'SJLANTI, RIICh, everything a Student tteedls in the I -irClti l llj tilli l tool s iniline of Text-Books, Stationery atic for ,,,, for $?.:>O. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. Milscellaneous Stock in general. /ieiiit tii' inilti MARTIN SCHALLER, { p S~~~ATISFACTION GUTARANTEED thi...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…____ THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1-h EBIA NPFOR rfECOES IG A S \ All ourii >f an ,',-,l4.0)1 Soets for $23 5. \ll~ 2a, 0 X.02 R AWYliw$1. 9,5. lThesearegenine Bgitn1 lidhsb s elareclosing out all LaiestSioes AT THE OWUTTT&ERSSN'- MQOI.TEJ & 7E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR THES SECOND SEMESTER NEW AND) SECOND IRANT). INOTE-Il(ORS A s4PEClINUIX. Ann Arbor Savings Bank An Abor-. iuch. Ct-~tl Stockh, 01...…

March 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…TPHE U. OF M. DAILY. A 25 CENT -,) cuybov lwhohas boght front ns full I its Luitles. THI IS 1 A STANDING0 OFFER-~ Calkins' Pharmacy < 1.14 s IN oiJ AN At the OIJTF~iT rTS. lieof $300 und $4.00 HATS is the lutest Sprngy Shupes. Ti e flittes Line of R.eck-w ear in the C.ity. IMMINER OQEBl & ~ QI 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. M~iA Ittins seiis:J520 per cent. IDiouo...…

May 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Don't Ca/Il Your Lad y iiia 5Gac iilos es S\he t doo f ouroo tesyo A Ftine Hat for $2.0 . At the Potulr Outitter, Calkins' Pharmacy. WD S 3 & AW E ON EOOIEJ=? -'EJ6ZWM&r j= NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. - 1-4-7E A FiTi JZ AB~SORTMET TT OF' --- TENNIS, BSASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS WV~nclo the}- offer at prices Guaiainteed to be as Low-,- s caii Ile O...…

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