May 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 1
…e 4& 1,44k . of , nl. Wa Ip. ViO..-N i; i2. The Eastern Trip. The base-ball team will leave Ann Arbor in their special car, for the ]'ast, on Frisday eveiningp. Their car will be alttallced to the 9 :30 P. Inl. North Shore limitedl. flier reachli Eticas-.Vat1 'lc Saturdlayosorii.i In thle atr noon they wsill plassti II sHaiistoin Collegetins. sevsoon swillI psoba- (lii Mlsiiasyisthe 2tlithels iils isill Ilay15ths.ttam5o11tsitlt-ns 1 iiiy of c ...…