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April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…COOLER IO 11 loi.toi§&n 4br a' ASc P )AY AN 136. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1921. :.., ' ; :, . BALL TEAM E|( 'ALL ACOLYTES DO HT6CENT OFSTUDENI BILL T W 51 'S NOT AGREE WITHCODBMTEY CHIMES ARTICLE Some misunderstanding resulted oar from the comment on the Acolyte ar- -°-- OHI0, NEW YORK, AND ILLINOIS ticle in the review of the current is- Ratification of Pact Now Rests with HAVE NEXT IAROEST s0 no 'Cimspubihe nyst...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…a a a.J lava la £4%!° l I L~l1 9I U - E UNI very morning except Monday during the Unive - Board in Control of Student Publications. -BER OF.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ill news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. :he postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second by carrier or mail, $3.50. n Arbor Press building, Maynard Strree siness, 96o; Editor...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

… '''''' Imi Kamm , . r r "' r a ,a. , , .a " _ r-Y ilido 0 ' .. .. ... r .. ,, . . t a .. .. FARRE1LL. WORKS' FOR 'OHIO MEET Team Will Have Sufficient Outdoor Drill Before Contest with Ohio Runners May 7 MILE RELAY TEAM WILL NOT COMPETE IN PENN RELAYS Ohio State University, at Columbus May 7, will be the next opponent for the Varsity track and field team. Coach Farrell does not expect to send any men to the Penn relay gams April 29 a...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…managing editor in 1904. As a mem- ber of the class of '04 he served as{ annual meeting of directors ibune company which was Monday, S. Emory Thoma- usiness manager of the Chi- up, was elected to the board rs. mason began his newspaper e in the University. He was of the Michigan Daily staff 3 four years in college, and chairman of several important com- mittees and was elected class treas- urer in his senior year. He was a member of Quadrang...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…I TO START BONUS YMENTSB AU 9GUST It ADJUTANT HOPES TO OF APPLICATIONS RECORD TIME DISPOSE IN Lansing, April 2.-If tentative plans in connection with the payment of bonuses to ex-service men and women of Michigan are carried out, the work of receiving, filing and classifying ap- plications for compensation will be completed before Aug. 1. Payments may be started shortly after the mid- dle of July, at the earliest, or by the middle of Augus...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- ,. ____ z . ported golf hose. i & Co., State St.-] 1921 Crop Brazil Nuts, 23c per pound. Three jars Prune Fruit Jam, $1.00. Schultz Grocery, State St.-Adv. Eastman Kodaks - Films Amateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and Outside Groups- - minuw ~ - .uau.~r j~9N~& QO- A~$TBLLVEA~DI9O- W1omen Masques' rehearsals for this week are: At 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Algernon, Jack, and Lane; at 4 o'clock Thursday ...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 7

…TE IGA RRICK 1 4 H0 R SE ME N OF TH.E APOCALYPSIE AT TILE THEATERS TODAY I I Im E Screen .ahjestic-faire Binney in "Ma- donnas .and Men," with a not- able supporting cast. rA COMING HERE FRIDAY' CORRINE GRIFFITH -} "IT IS'NT BEING DONE TIlS SEASON" LAST' TIMES TODAY' r' I ii 1 i .Arcade- 'Man, WAoman xriage," with Doroth' Wuertli - Willi7am1 "The Scuttlers.", Orpheum - "Partner, Night," from the fan by Leroy Scott, THIS WEEl n,...…

April 21, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 136) • Page Image 8

…AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN me 1. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1921. Number 136.'° the members of the Choral Union: Attendance at the following rehearsals is imperative-Tuesdays, Thurs- s, at 7 p. m., Sundays at 3 p. m., School of Music. Thursday, April 21, m., Ladies, School of Music. Men, Music Room, Hill Auditorium, Rear rance, East Side. ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director.- nance Club: The regular monthly meeting of the Romance Club will take place at Unio...…

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