March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 1
…;be Uof 94. P)ath4, VOL. X. ANN ARB3OR,1I,1CR.., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. No. 130. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. "We havc just rceivcd our lhoc of spingi iwoolens for mcn's wear. It incluiles evcerytlhing in staiplcs that irc su itablicanoldce siraiblc for the seao.War also shoing full ranges in nor- elties, in dilit t1noilstylec to1 sit ite most cxactingi taste, consisting if 'I'op ("oiatsSuii- igs, FancyrVesis ar oilfo I 'roll...…