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March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 1


March 21, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

… t "win t at 00 DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1918. PRICE T] J. [TINUE COURSE DAYLIGHT SAVING DESIRED IN CITY GEMASOPE Whether or not the army stores course here will be discontinued be- cause of the action of the government in closing the ordnance corps to vol- unteers is still unknown. Past course classes have been composed entirely of volunteer men. It is possible that draft men may be sent here, although nothi...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

… T BE DAILY EWSOFTHEWORLDANDj THE CAMIPUJS rdEMr .t .r > 2 ° ''i 4 L,:j V 7 I l x ' k: p! +efi. Phones.:-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGitAPH SERVICE 'M '-H NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVI. No. 118. - ---------- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS ANN A'RBOR VOTEflS CONSIDR OCT S IN CITY'S CHRTEF Reach Agreement ~r N on. Tax ,Measures -UJ LI-UIfhIUL , Committee Wants to Raise Income Tax PROPOSALS WITH ate nd to L...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…a =- I THE WEATHER FAIR AND SLIGHTLY COLDER All-ago 40 A!a Amw t iIaiI ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE I - VOL. XXIX. No. 120. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919. PRICE THREE CENTS CONORDT WTH PROFESSOR FROM ONCORDIT WITH ROME TO LECTURE Thirty thousand miles in 13 months UNof lecturing were covered recently by Dr. Charles T. Baylis, who will de- liver his war travelogue, "With the CROWICTORY Doughboys from Paris...…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…1 '11C igan Daily Li . . i ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1915. PRICE I it On, ''' Diocesan Head to Administer Rite BISHOP CHAS. D. WILLIAMS TO PREACH AT MORNING SERVICE TALCOTT WILLIAMS TALKS T NEWSPAPER CLASS TOMOR Director of Pulitzer School Lee on "The Press and the Nation" of Confirmation to Class of Candidates Bishop Charles D. Williams of the Episcopal diocese of Michigan will be i Mr. Willard H. Beehan speaks{...…

March 21, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…I I 1L ,, j w Mi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914. EVENTS FOR TODAY Michigan Union opera, Whitney thea- ter, matinee, 2:30 o'clock; evening, 8:15 o'clock. Weekly membership dance, Michigan' Union, 9:00 o'clock. Varsity track meet, Waterman gym, 7:30 o'clock. Finals in wrestling tournament for championshsip, Waterman gym, 2:00 o'clock. A MODEL DAUGHTER. I ' yyp { 1+ t i /, .. : : " F 7 1: . i 1. JI 14 f Opera -e EVENTS...…

March 21, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 f142 ML ThE Michigan Daily LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 Vol. XXIII, No. 120. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS VARSITY READY TO CLASH WITH CORNELL STARS Athletes Are Trained1 to Tip Top of Condition in Preparation for Meet T1 omorrow Evening MEN TAKE LIGHT WORKOUT FOR LAST INDOOR PRACTICE. Personnel of Relay Team to Depend on Showing of Men in First Events Trainer Farrel will have his men k...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…Vol.XXI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.'Il i UFO DA 'x-i \R( Hi1,IfIl)[ Vol. xxi. I ft). VASITY HAS FIRST IELXBORAT E POTERS f LD.\ WOUNDED STUDENT OUTDOOR PRACTICE tlhrae asare bo teini itdx For IMPROVES RAPIDLY _________ xclss dance- to he held at harbi ou yneptt_____ tientx tt turday. Posters that arx i rs Initial Game on Ferry Field toxattract :teattixlt aitd arc siip c h Howard R, Hartman's Condition Gives Players Chance To year<fo a soc lfxir,....…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Vol XXI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\It)NI SIAY,\MARCHl igs Vol. XXI. VARSITY PREPARES' TO MEET CORNELL Reports of Ithacans' Strength Keep Track learn on Edge For Contest RECORD CROWD IS EXPECTED 'Tie Wolitserine track mns are wo srking aosilyti.\the-se (tays witnt s'e ee on the east and stisiltier on the west swatchinig their prspuietiv e oppn- eits at Co"eand C iis hicaigo. As lie .Itt- AI~t T NI AMN s I .,I BRA l' II1A NQUF .I'I' lVT N Ztil N...…

March 21, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1912. ES TO NEYIMO N" Fashion, .R. CERCLE FRANCAIS PLAY PROGRESSES Transfer Rehersals to Whitney When Work Will Be Continued SOPH ENGINEERS CAPTURE HONORS In Fast Clean Basketball, J Lits Lose Championship By Score 12-28 e date of the production only away the rehearsal of "The on" held last evening at Sar- ell Angell Hall was a decided Tobin's comedy is full of s situations through...…

March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…1AI L. AVl.-....A V LHtIL I Apri 8th Prepare Now your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G. H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET Rackets Restrmng THR.EE from $1.75 to $3.75 DAYS TIME. ALL WORK GUARANTEED lie Slator Book Shop e 430 336 S. State St. m Grade TOOLS for WOOD and FORGE SHOPS H L. SWITZ E R C O. ARE 301 State St. SPORTING GOODS 0 ANNOUNCEMENT SAM BURCHFIELD & CO...…

March 21, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…Y. Office GREGG 9 n 9-12 and 2-5 daily Gymnasium made to feel that she indispensible service, will have justified it- n teach the women of work together for its ave a permanent unify- m all future attempts to ment or bring about re- Do you want a Job or Do you want some work done 9 SHORTHAND BEGINNING CLASS SHIRT SHOES Consisting of PANTS SUPPORTER TO-DAY Call Mr. Hursman 823 ad How valuable, or, perhaps, invalu- rhe able, the re...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…THE M ~ICH{IGAN DAILY - ,. JSTOM MADE CLOTHES have an air of distinction, a richness of finis a"d pan assurance of correct style tat stamp thse wearer as a man of good taste and dignity. G. H. WILD COMPANY EADING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE ST. Second Semester. TEXT S NEW and SECOND HAND Drawing Instruments and Supplies I. P. Loose Leaf Note Books STUDENTS BOOKSTORE t 75Sm-rs.m -een Detroit, Ai nx Arbor anld Jackson. .an on; Eastern ti'ne, ...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…:IAI. NEWSPAPER AT THE IVERSITYOF MICHIGAN d every morning except Monday universityyear by the Board in Student Publications. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ociated Press is exclusively entitled e for republication of all news, dis- edited to it or not otherwisecredited per and also the local news pub- ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. tions by carrier or mail, $3.50. Ann Arbor Press Building. Busines, 960; Lditorial, 2414....…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…Tu MICHIGAN DAILY From the First Measuring to the Finished Suit every detail of our tailoring will be found pleasant and satisfactory. Wide choice of exclusive fabrics will be yours---perfect fit and m)- dish style guaranteed. The world of well dressed men are regular visitors here. Why not become one of the members? THE MIC"IG -N DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the univers...…

March 21, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

… 'HIE SIIGAN DAILY uispiay E LATEST STYLES D COLORINGS FOR 'RING 1914 est Line vft Woolens oity to select from Golf The Season is Here Again We are in a better position than ever to supply your wants in Golf We are the sole agents for the Crawford Me Gregor Clubs Come in and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than last year. You can buy Balls now at 50 and 65e and save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE Official newspaper at the Universi...…

March 21, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Complete Line of Spring Woolens! Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, THIE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor--: to 3 p. m.;...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HIe WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 5. STATE STEET lypcw ~itcrs LL PRICES The Studets Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press Buldig. Oppsie Majestic J. P. LEATHER Note Boos no isl 11 ill1a- f c I 1501 51 ~i i /'O pi c S,; ); ur iot okcn lain aleterpki .. k We sell the filler for...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…HE - I C HIJGA N DAY Go H. WILD CO. 311 .SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS THlE MICHIGAN DAIILY. ph ofiiii the liii iMcti -li 1 ________ -~ terc( 4 itiilt ailsieli. Managing Editor-b ExA WHITE, toIwletha enta111111 Ii siioyl Business Manager-NORsMAN H. ILL. ecits a uirvrsillisa ma ctte S t deterinilon, ifit is it i . ,ia l EDIrRoS. It has been claimed hsl Ne...…

March 21, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…MICHIGAN DfAILY /t THE E1ICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert B. Dilley r>t r w I Editors. News Editor........Harry Z. FoIs Assistant ............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor......Karl Matth...…

March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…1 MrI. A1VRII £lk-l.CUV LHALji. Ufl U UL AL FOR TOURNAMENT NEARLY 300 BOYS FROM HIGlHl SCHOOLS ARE HEADED FOR ANN ARBOR PLAYERS AND AT CLUBS FRATERNITIES Michigan State Championship Will Be Settled by Play Here Next Few Days Thirty-six basketball teams from high schools of the state will arrive today or tomorrow 'to begin play in Waterman gyrA for the state cham- pionship in the first annual basketball interscholastic, held by the Universi...…

March 21, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…E TTIN G TEFOR signed articles. He came to a decis- ion Tuesday and Manager Mitchell got his signature on a contract immedi- INTO a'tely. The big pitcher has been this spring's most famous holdout. He de- sired more money than Preisdent Lugen- Weegham of the Cubs, was willing to base- pay and although he has accompani- c Summer Session To Have Food Course A one hour course in food and food values, corresponding to Military Food s 1, will be ...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE NMICIIIGANDAL DAILY IPLOYS SQUJAD DS WITH INFIELD,( ... _- _.. r -" ...._ : FRESH DENTS BEAT LITS BY FIVE POINTS, 23 TO 18i 1, WHEN YOU EXPECT COMPANY Three ilfferent Groups Arc, Chance to Show AblI1 ty onl Inner Defense Given I Sellio tr Eii *Twnrs Forf'eit Gamine to IE'or- esiers; But Two Tillts .P."Ined Coach ,Lundgren lined up sci-c lji In an extremely closely contested temorary infields yesterdayM after - game, thou £resh...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…MICHIGAN DAIL v 5 +.,. . .. MIR I The Voice of, tie Young flen I 1 FI [e HERE is a greater awakening for America in the return of the young man than there was in his going to war. He comes back the same boy perhaps, but a different man. His ideas are changed. He has reached heights and sounded depths unknown to the rest of us. He is old in tragic experience, but young in spirit and daring; and with a strangle-hold on a few f...…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY p in Theatrical Circl MAJESTIC REVIVES IT CUTRY TO DIPHTHERIA'S ATTACK DOESN'T KEEP DOWN SPIRIT OF GENIUS, ---0 Theater Management Has Decided; Offer Feature Affair n Wednesday to l Tuesday, Wednesday, March 22-23-24. 'TOO MANY COOKS' COMINGMAR'CH 26 ATE Telegram Received Friday Tells Booking Big Comedy Success for Early Date of I 'URTHER ANNOUNCEMENT LATER "Too Many Cooks," proclaimed the iggest and funniest...…

March 21, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…0 Iii :az [4 I, I1 i, HATS, IISHINGS SPECIAL SALE I rs to have more at Wadhams & sfaction with ev- Durham Duplex Demonstrator With Blades - 35c Shaving Stick= 25c BOTH FOR 35c While they last Calkins Pharmacy 324 South State Street -the Edsoco man with 500 suit patterns for Spring. Come in today and inspect his line and get your measurement taken for a new Spring suit at a price to suit yourself. Prices from $15 io 45. We guaran...…

March 21, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

….THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ter ult Things Different Amateur Photographers I CHARLES H. BUNNELL Notice ! and Has Men's Clothes BRITISH WOOLENS, $55.00 AND UPWARD We have our entire line of STEIN BLOCH Suits and Overcoats on display and would be pleased to show you ring Models prices $8.oo to $35.00. 69 West Fort Street Detroit For some time past the amateur prints made by one of my assistants have been very poor at times. This feature h...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…HE MIHIGAN DAILY __ .Y rI, 1 BE AMONG THE FIRST fahoni caNwSuit $20.00 a md uip F. W. GROSS Liberty Street. c()r. PFourth Ave. A.G SPA t DING & BROS. I fhn cr re s itte aorl h.e SaMar tofOFFICIAL EQUIP- MENTiuorallathlntlc QQt,'G spurts and pastinmes. H n Atletic tiposto .r ° logite. It's actcplete enuclop itofs s knc lda s ahrorn itWhat'u Newi pr te world as ~ e i Su Gunar.nrnaao f andtisttsen'freconre- Q'sarttuy . tGet. A. Gi. SPALDING ot'...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…___________ ______-~ H Mt~~j1~p. This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclified ::. & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.0, Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 0200,000 Surplus $00000 Resources $2,800,000° A General 1Bankinsg Business Transacted tUrrCEs: Chas. E. Hiscock, Preo.; W. 0. Hdarritane, Vice ...…

March 21, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…* * * * *. *-* JUNE 24.1 CLASSIFIED ADS. -0- * * night, June 24 is the date een set for the annual sen- >lay. This is the Monday of ty-Fifth Anniversary week. y to be given this year is by Euripides. The books ordered and the class in technic, which all wishing arts in the play are requir- e, will meet shortly before ation to commence rehears- Advertising matter for these columns may be left at the DAILY office, opposite the Ma- jestic fr...…

March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…1 FJl .1V1A'.1I.riPi11V .... . "PE AJ'9'D a ~ ?ar In 1 Playl similies ox Old Fashioned Missives Will be Used in Production of "Iphigenla" I you ever wonder what kind of awl a Greek youth sent home to r when he needed ready cash? vhat sort of thing was the love r penned by the heart-smitten n of Athens to the fair one of his e? Something of the kind figures ie coming performance of Eurip- "Iphigenia." iom a modern point of view, the r which...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -. n Interview With Retired Ann Ar- o Merchant- Save tfioney, sirs, by real econ- y. Don't be stingy. Don't 'be gardly. But run your personal ing as you would that of a n. Never fail to take advan- ,e of the opportunity of a real -gain when you are sure of li ty." Chis was the nut of the advice en by a retired merchant to Ann Arbor man, last Wednes-. in the matter of clothing, for Lance, I would advise you to fit by buy...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FIY * * * * * T THE THEATERS ,* ." s s s Sa s s to be a notable feature of the produc- tion in its reality. Anita Stewart in "A Midnight Rom- ance," will be the attraction at this theater for three days beginning Sun- day. UCAPTAIN EXPECTS TEAM TO, WIN BIG TEN MEET PRICTICE TO BE HELD ON FERRY FIELD SOON _ __ Students May Vote by Mail Denying the rumor that University! students who are citizens of other towns or cit...…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ) r -- - a 3 t .1 ,, . 5 i Jf y 0 t U me ST. PRACHT 330 South State Street %m Gd HENRY MAKIERS. OF HIGH GRADE .; -t r ; 9 k s v ,y ', °'r., ' I t Ci S ol AT POPULAR PRICES We have just received a late shipment-of sprig an Ltsummer novelties. Let us show themtyo OUR=. PRICES RANGE FR , f r ' r v ;;-- , y yY' t is r a 5 w, n x. r , r P, r " m Now. lom >z ..+ . - rl '" 1'3 OR A~D OTHER FLAYS ...…

March 21, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…+1 You won't have any use for a Spring Overcoat in July and August, but you'll find a light- weight coat will come in very h audyduring C. MARCH, APRIL.,MAY I Let us make one up for you NOW. Take your pick from our new and complete line. -a : r . ' , x i Don't Fail to Hea THE WONDERFUL NEW Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph Edison's Latest Triumph a' ONE NIGHT Thursday, Mar. 26 Charles Frobman presents Cohan I THE Many decided advanta...…

March 21, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THE "ICHIGAN DAILY I 4 WE KNOW iT IS EARLY FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND STATIONERS Jewelers, Stationers, Opticians and Fraternity Jewelers 207-211 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT D I NEW WHITNEY THEATRE ALL THIS WEEK-Mat. and Eve. Daily PRICES-Daily Matinee at 2:15 400 Best Seats on Lower Floor, . . 250 Evenings. .. . .... 250, 350, 50c Direct from One Solid Year in New York City, the Thrilling, Beautiful, duca- tional Travel and Natural His- tory M...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAiLY CHECKS On the Bank of ,Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his "face value." May we not show you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as well as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to wxhich D~ame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.00 -EFashions latest whispers-do lend an ear to then - - -- J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Libe...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…rTHE MICHIGANDiL $4.00 and $500 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00) shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe F'- i y.RY ;'ti' 3 A 4 r i if Y t k t C+ . right # } ROCHESTER 5 r Don't Buy That New Spring Suit until you have examined our fine line of Adler Bro's. Clothing. Ally style you may desire to wear UNIVERSITY NEWS Junior lits s...…

March 21, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

… THA MICHIG~AN bAIL! s fiery, have been signal corps at shington. LOUD TALK Block viI ANE S AND STATIONERS ESTABLISHED 1872 MUSIC AND D.RAMA Recital. On Friday of this week a complimen- tary violin and piano recital will be given at the University School of Mu- sic by Miss Cecelia Ray Berry, pianist,; and Mr. Samuel Pierson Lockwood, violinist. Miss Berry appeared in a sim- ilar recital some weeks ago and made a splendid impression upon...…

March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

… _____ I SOCIETY BRAND SUIT NOTICE and Top Coats for Spring Senior Dents Get your Canes N 0 W from Come in and see our new line of Spring Hats and Furnishings. We make Suits to your measure from $16.50 up. NEXT TO ORPHEUM Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine Warm Costs very little to @perate Washtenaw Electric Shop The Shop @A Quality It its not Rig rt we make it Right Phone 273 200 Easy Washington St. Wadhams & Co. State Street...…

March 21, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 121) • Page Image 5

…1t f i J 77 _ i . I. L .__- - )J --' Early Spring re g Society Brand and Hickey-Freeman Suits Also just received a line of Spring Hats and destiny of d the qual- youth, the nent of ex- value-best A TYPICAL WAR SERVICE LIBRARY CAMP SHERIDAN JEf uertkGC & c O. LAW SCHOOL REPORTS ON FOOD CONSERVATION BOARDING HOUSE MENUS FOR WEEK ISSUED BY SANITARIAN Seventy - five per cent of the Law school students have signed the food con- servati...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rr c. 1= .. 11 -- - t -m WON=" HATS TS \. } t HATS HATS HATS HATS WHAT ABOUT A Gratlex Camera for this Spring? I A-5780 A-57865 "Underneath the Stars," Fox Trot. "Hello Hawaii, How Are You?" Fox Trot. Heie Comes Tootsie," One Step. "Are You From Dixie?" One Step. New April Records Now on Sa All Double-Disc 12-inch Dance Records $1.00 HATS HATS Talk with us about it CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. Hawaii...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…-A H N DAILN --_.r.A :1 . -.. .NITA In aLoisWeber PIroductio F YOni &e StR" Ubi.Mation rth 11 II !1111] a% --:m- Better Noble A amen Shot V"yLocal Villain Are Bolsevik agents at work in Ann Arbor? Nicholai Atmen of Perchina, scion of a nobel house and former personal guard of the Czar of all the Russias, was shot and seriously wounded early Thursday morning on Catherine street. The crime was reported to the police department at on...…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN 1LAILY N. pring Showing of :N BLOCH SUITS IMPERIAL HAT'S SPRING SHOWING OF CROF'UT & KNAPP SOFT and STIFF HATS and The Largest Assortment of Golf Caps We Have Ever Shown WE ARE NOT KEEPING' THEM, WE ARE SELLING THEM LET US SELL YOU YOUR HEAD-WEAR Tinker & Co p my CUR. S.. STATE and WILLIAM STS. REAWY AT YOR SERVICE ,FigelCo. ttr forMen and all the new shapes and colors in .CAPS Suits . Ialmacans -opoat ainot $15 to $3...…

March 21, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

… TAKE YOUR wnmm r a 4 ssed ,accomodations for group photographs MAIN STUDIOS 546-48 Broadway New York, N.Y Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. L Y N D 0 N ' S 719 N. University Ave Established 1905, and Growing bigger and better every day. 'I Get your Racket Perfect Portraitures SRestrung Now "Amateur Work Handled in a P...…

March 21, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

…MILITARY NEWS ii Pictorial Review 3 ,y A u' ot Shop. Cadets in the R. O. T. C. were ad- vised by the military authorities yes- terday afternoon to wear the collars of their shirts inside the uniform. They were also instructed to keep their coats buttoned, not to wear campaign hats, and to use the regula- tion puttees and insignia. The R. 0. T. C. insignia is to be worn one inch from the end of the collar, and the U. M. insignia, one-half...…

March 21, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY h j - I! It's Here- The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 L N'S 19 NO. UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films t J J ILs Fun Cohen ou n cc ThirstY There athe fun of quenching the thirst and the deliciousness of the thirst Squencher to give you double pleasure. But you don't even have to be thirsty to enjoy Coca-Cola-it's a treat,what- ever your reason for d...…

March 21, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I a i i 1111111 IIIlillbilliimilillillainniliiMIllillillillilliolliilliniillililillInlinIhMlilliihllliinillillinllillillidilisililillllillN'Illiillill HAT'S GOING ON TODAY -The editorial staff of the In- der meets in Its office in the Press ilding. All interested in work on Inlander are invited to attend. -A banquet for the Michigan chnic staff and tryouts will be d at the Delta cafe. -Meeting 9gl the Cosmopolitan b in the...…

March 21, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…MIC D Ii D A A, CE the l trade you One of the new Model Kodaks for your old one and a reasonable "boot" We Do Repairi AND Altering I want 50 more End hand KODAKS to rent and sell. C. I. KIDD---Sopho 1530-J 1112 S. Univ. A LYN DON 719 N. University tion Sale and Women's uding Spring A below cost IN STREET Y s HKONERV in Stceet 1i 'IVAL garding the proceedings is usually ob- tained, was equally reticent. He. ,as- serted that ...…

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