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February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…V . [V.--No. 100. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY- length, involving as it does the pos- WASHINGTON'S WRINKLE sible loss to the United States ofTo GiVe Afa The Law Students will Celebrate Will be out Tomorrow.-The Laws the Thirty-fourth An- one hundred and twenty-five million are in it again, and are Hon- Wehavesomefine lead pencils and niversary' dollars. The subject matter is or...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publishedt Daisy (8Straays excepted) daring 'itt,t'tt ft, by THlE U. OF i. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ?ttbecrtptien p'iee **150 petr year', ittt'riabiy itt atlvan er tit-' epiec I 'ents. Siebertp- Mnsat may Db efatat he 01N te tf the 1) A LY, l at Stottieft,e'ith ty oft the editors o authorized soliito~rs. t'ttmttnictiottt o uldeteitrtettchttthe totfi'e by 7 no'ltkP.nti. it thley tee to appear the' text day. Atddteess al...…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THs~zEQU[AIVEGQ On nRCHESTRvoRroAs. 6T AR TE TAM f>Ii tD T is51itSt~ F~~iE~~ sc' ~ N ew Slpring Styles ini Negligee Shrls and Neek«weor Hat NO ISIR k il U.. roieotrs 37 80:__MAIN_6T,__________H___________________it _111nt11(E See 'lhloi. ii -itil EXCELSIOR LAUNDRlY D0. A. TIN KER , I WREN you 1.xsYOU G od r il(irt 1 tliii ' i sltI d ,rNo.9 SouthS Main streetti nt te ttly oto'iipid 1>_y'tt ttu'~e utAreir Gtl A F tOVAiT, rop....…

February 21, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…____ THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1-h EBIA NPFOR rfECOES IG A S \ All ourii >f an ,',-,l4.0)1 Soets for $23 5. \ll~ 2a, 0 X.02 R AWYliw$1. 9,5. lThesearegenine Bgitn1 lidhsb s elareclosing out all LaiestSioes AT THE OWUTTT&ERSSN'- MQOI.TEJ & 7E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR THES SECOND SEMESTER NEW AND) SECOND IRANT). INOTE-Il(ORS A s4PEClINUIX. Ann Arbor Savings Bank An Abor-. iuch. Ct-~tl Stockh, 01...…

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