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November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III1-No. 41. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1892. PRIocE TRiES;F CENTS. VICO on ola (difficutlt kick aganst THOMAS, TONIGHT, O wi Bray was ruledl oif by I- sI A worth fit . o r deeug t i ti t o ok hIi T ie Program to be Renderno by the Saturday, 26 to 24, Jesnotd w tto ori IIhe (Cticao ' ais of (Ot. 2,I 1P tO - - donbefore time wsal~sIled, i sr ,onn ag ntefis oneto Oberl in Comromnsed H erselt by c an sat, bbll over li...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. "'AC.0cof W.j T"t :.. red to the various literary societies. ?FINE AND ELEGANT p 'fiItThey are sot ouly worthy of the sup- port of students but offer training SITOES Pubatthedt taily (~Sndays exepted) during that can ill be missed by the consci- Of all hinds for Ladies and Gentle- he Csseeare. by cntious studlent. ment of course. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION le...t vaureics It ttri FTnTLEi1g0\A R& MILLER --- - annua...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. T7TQAVE GiENTLEMtEN:-I HOIDGEMIAN 'S MACKIN TOSHFS We wisi to call your particular attention to the fact that our4 Stock, as usual , includes a general and complete line of high class Are the hincst in the Nvorild. ;vinline our new line of clothling. Young Metre WtJ'1FULL O RE SS SH1I IRT S. ~JITS~IT~ O~~~O~TSSOiLEAG1-:NTS 11 made up with all tlho detail, care and skill which characterizes the .a oYO1JMA'NS...…

November 21, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…TSHE U. OF M. DAI y A Frsh $ock 0001 ~J1VIN$ iDiscount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's. L OW1'1 P Stringed Instrument, This includes even our fine tailor made -- ='hocolatep T .1 11y4- recived. ( T1 111hev ice t cie ictl ill nic~ic~tVV!LEYS, garments. CA LKIN S'. ; Iatt(' Ieswvo 34 S. State Street. r .ORE &WET ORE, BOOK. STORPE, <NO-,I[J.6 SOUTH MAIN STREET tcll ll ii '1 - Ic ic lI s - 911 c i; cci I n strumei s . oi, Iiiil Ilck, Pc 110 (c~I...…

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